
来源:经典语录大全 发布时间:2012-05-30 点击:


【创新设计】2017年高中英语必修五人教版课时作业大全:Unit 2 Period One

Unit 2 The United Kingdom

Period One Warming Up & Reading


1.How many countries does the UK consist ________?

2.Wales was linked ________ it in the thirteenth century.

3.Next England and Wales were joined ________ Scotland ________ the seventeenth century

and the name was changed ________ “Great Britain”.

4.________ their credit the four countries do work together ________ some areas, but they still

have very different institutions.

5.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United

Kingdom ________ getting Ireland connected ________ the same peaceful way.

6.________ example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and

legal systems as well as different football teams ________ competitions ________ the World Cup!

7.England is the largest ________ the four countries, and ______ convenience it is divided

roughly ________ three zones.

8.________ historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built ________

the Romans.

9.The greatest historical treasure ________ all is London ________ its museums, art

collections, theatres, parks and buildings.

10.If you look ________ the British countryside you will find evidence ________ all these



1.Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.

翻译 __________________________________________________________________


仿写 他发现这个地方发生了巨变。


2.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and

international relations), but they still have very different institutions.

翻译 ____________________________________________________________________



仿写 他觉得她救他是应该的——她也确实救了他。



3.Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have

world-famous football teams and some of them even have two!




仿写 我虽然有车,但因为交通堵塞很少使用。



4.It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.



仿写 你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。


5.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom

enjoyable and worthwhile.

翻译 ___________________________________________________________________


仿写 (1)请保持地面干净。





1.People may wonder why different words are used ________ these four countries:England,

Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

A.to describe B.to describingC.describe D.for describe

2.Now when people ________ England you find Wales included as well.

A.stick to B.keep toC.refer to D.point to

3.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United

Kingdom by getting Ireland ________ in the same peaceful way.

A.to connect B.connectedC.connect D.connecting

4.However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and ________ to form its own


A.broke down B.broke awayC.broke up D.broke out

5.The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the

Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known ________ the North.

A.to B.asC.for D.of

6.Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as ________ in China, they have

world-famous football teams and some of them even have two!

A.it B.oneC.that D.those

7.It is a pity that the industrial cities ________ in the nineteenth century do not ________


A.building;attack B.built;attack

C.to build;attract D.built;attract

8.What geographical factors make ________ difficult to invade England successfully?

A.so B.much C.that D.it


To the west and off the European Continent, there are several thousands of islands on the

Continental shelf(大陆架). They are generally called the British Isles. Of all these isles, the largest

one is called Great Britain. For convenience, it is often shortened to Britain. Still to the west of Great

Britain is the second largest island known as Ireland. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland(UK) is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and a number of smaller islands

around them. The total area of the country is some 240,000 square kilometers with a population of

about 57 million.

Great Britain runs nearly 1,000 kilometers from south to north and extends, at the widest part,

about 500 kilometers from west to east. Its area is some 230,000 square kilometers. Great Britain is

traditionally divided into three parts, or countries:England in the south, Scotland in the north, and

Wales in the southwest. There are discernible(可辨别的) differences between them even now.

England is the largest and most developed of all the three. Its area, about 130,000 square

kilometers, takes up nearly 60% of the whole island. Its population is more than 46 million which

makes up 85% of the country’s whole population. The importance of England is so great in Britain

that some foreigners just say“England” when they mean Britain. The same is true of the custom of

speaking of the British people as the English who are the majority in the United Kingdom.

Scotland is the second largest both in area and population. It has an area of about 78,760 square

kilometers, less than 30% of the whole island, with a population of 5 million, less than one-tenth of

the whole population.

Wales is the smallest of the three both in area and population. In area, 20,700 square kilometers,

makes up less than 9% while its population, 2.7 million, does not exceed(超过)5% of the whole.

1.The British Isles is made up of ________.

A.the European Continent and Great Britain

B.the U.K. and the Republic of Ireland

C.England, Scotland and Wales

D.several thousands of islands to the west and off the European Continent


Which of the following figures shows the correct position of Great Britain?

3.From the third paragraph we can infer that Great Britain has a population of about ________


A.54 B.46C.60 D.57

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.England is six times larger than Wales in area.

B.England is six times larger than Scotland in area.

C.Scotland is six times larger than Wales in area.


Great Britain is six times larger than Wales in area.

1.divide v.分割,分开


(1)30 divided by 6 is 5.


(2)5 divides into 30 6 times.


2.capital n.首都,首府



(1)You’ll need more capital if you want to open your own business.


(2)Please write in capitals/in capital letters.



Ⅰ.1.of 2.to 3.to;in;to 4.by;in 5.To;in 6.For;for;like 7.of;for;into 8.For;by 9.of;with10.around;of

Ⅱ.1.如今只要人们提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。 He found the place much changed.

2.值得称赞的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作(例如在货币和国际关系方面),但是有些制度仍然区别很大。 He found it quite natural that she should save him—she did save him.

3.尽管英国任何一个城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是它们都有着自己享有威名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队! Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams.

4.很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。 It’s a pity that you can’t stay longer.

5.如果你想要使你的英国之旅不虚此行,你就必须把眼睛睁得大大的。 (1)Please keep the floor clean.

(2)What he said made me very angry.

Ⅲ.1.A [be used to do sth.相当于be used for doing sth.“被用于做某事”;be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”。]

2.C [句意为:如今只要人们提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。refer to“论及,谈到”,符合题意。stick to坚持,固守;keep to不偏离道路等,坚守;point to指向,表明。]

3.B [此处考查get sth. done相当于have sth. done。]

4.B [此处break away表示“脱离”。break down坏掉,分解;break up(关系等)破裂,驱散;break out(战争、火灾、疫病等)突然爆发。]

5.B [be known as“作为……而出名,被称作”;be known to“为……所熟知”;be known for“因……而出名”。]

6.D [those用来替代前面的特指的复数名词,若是单数可数名词或不可数名词则用that,此处those替代前面的cities。it通常指代前文中提到的同一个事物或对象;one泛指同类中的一个。]

7.D [因the industrial cities与build之间是动宾关系,故第一空用过去分词短语作后置定语;attract吸引,attack攻击,进攻。]

8.D [句中it作形式宾语,代替真正的宾语——不定式短语to invade England successfully。difficult为宾语补足语,so、much和that均不用作形式宾语,故选D。]

Ⅳ.1.D [细节考查题。文章第一段的第一、二句是解题的关键。]

2.B [推理判断题。从第二段的第三句可推断出答案。]

3.A [推理判断和计算题。由总数的85%是46 million,可推算出答案。]

4.A [数字计算题。England的面积是130,000 square kilometers,而Wales的面积是20,700 square kilometers。由此可知应该选A项。]


2016-2017学年人教版必修二 DNA的复制作业











1.下表中的科学发现、科学家、科学思想或方法对应有误的一项是 ( ) 15



同样的方法进行离心分离,则结果可用下列哪一图表示( )

2.科学家用15NH4Cl培养液来培养大肠杆菌,让大肠杆菌繁殖两代,然后收集并提取DNA,再将提取的DNA进行密度梯度离心。离心后试管中DNA的位置是( ) A.全部位于下层 B.一半居中,一半位于上层 C.全部居中 D.一半居中,一半位于下层

3.下图表示早期科学家对DNA复制方式的几种推测。据图不能作出的推断是( )


B.弥散复制是指子代DNA的每条链均由母链片段和新生的子链片段拼接而成 C.半保留复制是指新合成的每个DNA分子中,都保留了原来DNA分子中的一条链 D.DNA每复制一次,会使子代DNA的数目增加两倍

生物 第1页 共12页

5.用15N标记的细菌DNA,在14N的培养基上连续分裂两次后,其后代中含有14N标记的新个体与含有15N标记的新个体的比值为( )

A.3:1 B.2:1 C.1:1 D.7:1

6.有关下列实验的说法正确的( )

①检测生物组织中的油脂 ②噬菌体侵染细菌实验 ③探究DNA的复制过程 ④光合色素的提取和分离

A.①②均使用光学显微镜 B.①④均使用无水乙醇

C.②③均使用同位素标记法 D.③④均使用离心技术

生物 第2页 共12页

7.如图为DNA分子(片段)平面结构模式图。下列叙述中不正确的是( )

A.图中1、2、3结合在一起的结构叫脱氧核苷酸 B.若3表示胸腺嘧啶,则4表示鸟嘌呤 C.DNA分子中3与4是通过氢键连接起来的 D.DNA分子复制的方式是半保留复制

8.科学家在研究DNA分子复制方式时进行了如图所示的实验研究(已知培养用的细菌大约每20min分裂一次): 实验一:


生物 第3页 共12页


的是( ) A.实验一和实验二的作用是对照作用

B.从实验三的结果C、D可以看出DNA分子复制的方式是半保留复制 C.如果实验三的结果都为F,则可判断DNA分子的复制方式不是半保留复制 D.用15N标记的DNA作为模板,用含14N的培养基培养,第三次复制后50%的DNA分子一条链含15N另一条链含14N,50%的DNA分子全部含14N

9.下列科学研究过程中应用假说—演绎法的有( ) ①孟德尔“一对相对性状杂交的实验”的研究过程 ②萨顿提出基因与染色体关系的研究历程 ③摩尔根证明了基因位于染色体上

④沃森、克里克关于DNA复制方式的提出与证实过程 A.①③ B.①②③ C.①②④ D.①③④

10 .如图所示是研究DNA复制方式的实验,根据这些实验结果进行的推论,正确的是( )

生物 第4页 共12页

基上再繁殖一代(Ⅱ),请分析:如果其DNA分布的位置是一半在轻带。一半在中带,则是半保留复制;如果其DNA分布的位置是 ,则是全保留复制。

①丙是转入14N培养基中复制一代的结果 ②乙是转入14N培养基中复制二代的结果 12.在氮源为14N的培养基上生长的大肠杆菌,其DNA分子均为14N/14N-DNA(对照);在氮源为15N的培养基上生长的大肠杆菌,其DNA分子均为15N/15N-DNA(亲代)。将亲代大肠杆菌转移到含14N的培养基上,再连续繁殖两代(Ⅰ和Ⅱ),用某种离心方法分离得



N标记的DNA A.①④ B.①③ C.②③ D.①②③




第一步:在氮源为14N的培养基上生长的大肠杆菌,其DNA分子均为14N/14N-DNA 分子;在氮源为15N的培养基生长的大肠杆菌,其DNA分子均为15N/15N-DNA。用某种离心方法分离得到的结果如图所示,其DNA分别分布在轻带和重带上。

第二步:将亲代大肠杆菌(含15N )转移到含14N的培养基上繁殖一代(Ⅰ),请分析: 如果其DNA分布的位置是一半在轻带,一半在重带,则DNA的复制方式为 复制;如果DNA分布的位置是 ,则是半保留复制。 第三步:为了进一步验证第二步的推测结果,将子一代大肠杆菌转移到含14N的培养

生物 第5页 共12页到的结果如图所示:


(1)由实验结果可推测第一代(Ⅰ)细菌DNA分子中一条链含 ,另一条链含 。









为 ,在这些子代DNA中,含15N的链与全部子代DNA链的比例为 。

生物 第6页 共12页

人教必修2 第14课时 对DNA分子复制的推测


一、选择题(10小题) 1. 【答案】C

【解析】艾弗里及其同事的肺炎双球菌体外转化实验证明DNA是转化因子,是遗传物【题型】选择题 【难度】一般 5. 【答案】B

【解析】用15N标记的细菌DNA,在14N的培养基上连续分裂两次后,所有子代DNA均含14N,而含15N的 个体只有2个,所以子代中含有14N标记的新个体与含有15N标记的质,其他物质不是遗传物质,肺炎双球菌体外转化实验没有用同位素标记法。 【题型】选择题 【难度】一般 2. 【答案】D




N.因此,收集并提取大肠杆菌的DNA,再将提取的DNA进行密度梯度离心,离心后试管中DNA的位置是一半居中,一半位于下层。 【题型】选择题 【难度】较易 3. 【答案】D

【解析】DNA每复制一次,会使子代DNA的数目增加一倍。 【题型】选择题 【难度】较易 4. 【答案】C




生物 第7页 共12页新个体的比值为4:2=2:1。 6. 【答案】C

【解析】检测生物组织中的油脂需要用显微镜,噬菌体侵染细菌实验不需要使用显微镜,A错误;检测生物组织中的油脂使用的是体积分数为50%的酒精,不是无水乙醇,B错误;噬菌体侵染细菌实验和探究DNA的复制过程均使用同位素标记法,C正确;光合色素的提取和分离不需要使用离心技术,D错误。 【题型】选择题 【难度】较易 7. 【答案】B{2017英语必修二作业本}.

【解析】由题图可知,1是磷酸,2是脱氧核糖,3是碱基,1、2、3结合在一起是脱氧核苷酸,是DNA的基本组成单位;如果3表示胸腺嘧啶,与胸腺嘧啶配对的碱基是腺嘌呤;3和4通过氢键连接形成碱基对;DNA分子的复制方式是半保留复制。 【题型】选择题 【难度】较易 8. 【答案】D

【解析】实验一与实验二是分别获得含14N、15N的DNA分子离心后在试管中的位置,与实验三作对照,A正确;观察题图可知,在实验三中,含15N的DNA分子在含14N的培养基中复制一次后的离心结果C处于结果A与结果B之间,都为中链DNA。 含15N

生物 第8页 共12页

的DNA分子在含14N的培养基中复制两次后的离心结果D中既有中链DNA也有轻链DNA,由结果C、D可以看出DNA分子复制的方式是半保留复制,B正确;结果F出现了重带,说明有的DNA分子两条链都含有15N,因此DNA分子的复制方式不是半保留复制,C正确;15N标记的DNA作为模板,用含14N的培养基培养,第三次复制后形成8个DNA分子,其中一条链含15N,另一条链含14N的DNA分子有2个,占25%,6个DNA分子全部含14N,占75%,D错误。 11. 【答案】

全保留复制 全部位于中带位置 一半在轻带、一半在中带 3/4在轻带、1/4在重带

【解析】亲代大肠杆菌(含15N)转移到含14N的培养基上繁殖一代(Ⅰ)后,如果2个DNA分子中1个DNA分子是14N/14N-DNA、另外1个DNA分子是15N/15N-DNA,则一半【题型】选择题 【难度】困难 9. 【答案】D

【解析】萨顿提出基因与染色体关系的研究历程应用的类比推理法;沃森克里克提出了DNA复制的假说,后来科学家以大肠杆菌为原料,运用15N同位素标记法证实这一观点,本质上也是假说—演绎法;孟德尔“一对相对性状杂交的实验”的研究过程和摩尔根证明基因位于染色体上都应用了假说—演绎法。 【题型】选择题 【难度】一般 10 . 【答案】B


轻,说明DNA已复制2次,而复制一次需要30分钟,所以出现丁的结果至少需要60分钟,③正确;戊中为全轻,表示不具有15N标记的DNA;由于DNA以半保留的方式复制,则15N标记DNA两条链一直存在,④错误。所以正确的有①③。 【题型】选择题 【难度】较难 二、综合题(2小题)

生物 第9页 共12页 在轻带位置,一半在重带位置,DNA的复制方式是全保留复制;如果2个DNA分子中都是一条链含14





带位置,DNA的复制方式是半保留复制。 【题型】综合题 【难度】较易 12. 【答案】 (1)14N 15N (2)

(3)0∶2∶6 2∶16(或1∶8) 【解析】


生物 第10页 共12页


【走向高考】2017版高考英语(外研版)一轮总复习习题 必修2 Module 6 Word版含解析

第一部分 必修二 Module 6

Ⅰ.阅读理解导学号 02280283

Today,I read an interesting article about television viewing. In one experiment, families were paid to stop watching TV for either a week or a month. Many could not complete the task and some families even fought, verbally or physically. It was quite interesting and now I will say something about TV.

After TV became a product most families could afford,people bought and started to watch their new TVs. Both adults and children became less creative in problem solving, less able to persevere (坚持)in tasks, and less tolerant of unstructured time.

In my family, we grew up with the TV on. Every weekend, we watched Gun Smoke and Bonanza together as a family. TV provides us with a comfortable background when we want to learn a foreign language at home, and it entertains us cheaply with live action sports, incomparable performing arts and important events of the world. In addition, it educates us about everything from the cells in our body to the galaxies in the universe.

Perhaps it's not even practical to live without television unless our views change abruptly as we get older. I don't think that TV damages us so much as it robs us of time that could be spent doing other things such as learning new skills, getting some exercise or doing volunteer work. I was lucky to have a family that watched TV together. Today there seems to be a TV in every room of the house and there's no need to agree on a program to watch. To watch TV or not to watch TV is more of a question for adults than for us,and even though we all say we want to cut down the

1.The experiment in Paragraph 1 is intended to show ________.

A.how interesting watching TV is

B.how much people like watching TV

C.whether people like watching TV

D.what people do after giving up watching TV

答案:B 根据第一段第二句“In one experiment, families were paid to stop watching TV for either a week or a month.”可推测“强调不看电视时间的长短”,所以选择表示“人们对电视的喜爱程度”的B项。

2.After most families could afford a TV, they became ________.

A.more active at work

C.less tolerant of TV time B.more crazy in solving problems D.less concentrated on tasks

答案:D 根据第二段“After TV became a product most families could afford,people bought and started to watch their new TVs...less able to persevere in tasks...”可知:A项显然与原文意思相反;B项的more crazy与原文的less creative意思相反;人们越来越喜欢电视,所以不可能


3.According to Paragraph 3, the author and his family ________.

A.spend weekends watching TV in every room

B.get a lot of valuable experience in watching TV

C.want to cut down the time spent in front of TV

D.can afford a TV for each one of the family

答案:B 根据第三段关键词“grew up with the TV”,“provides us with a comfortable background”,“entertains us cheaply”和“educates us about everything...”可以推断,电视给作者及其家人带来了许多宝贵的经历。

4.In the last paragraph the underlined sentence means ________.

A.we are really hooked on our TV

B.we are really proud of our TV

C.TV robs us of available time

D.TV benefits us greatly

答案:A 文章末尾“...even though we all say we want to cut down the time we spend in front of the tube, we never really do...”表示“虽然我们都表示打算削减看电视的时间,但我们从未这么做(因为我们对电视太着迷了)”。

Ⅱ.七选五导学号 02280284



Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.{2017英语必修二作业本}.

Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old.

The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don't mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all.

Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents.

Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films. They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.

A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.

D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music.

E.Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

F.The result is a fun-filled musical.

G.So if you're tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films. 语篇解读:文章讲述了印度的电影业,Bollywood 是印度电影产业的基地,并讲述了印度电影的风格,浪漫,幽默,轻松。所以在好莱坞电影里面充斥的暴力,色情,印度电影里是没有的。所以印度电影在世界舞台也逐渐赢得了他的名声。

1.C 与下文句子的衔接。意思是:也许中国的学生从来没有看过印度电影,然而 Bollywood 才是世界上最大的电影产业基地。

2.F 对上文的总结。浪漫,幽默,伴有着轻音乐和优美的舞姿,里面有一个英雄和美丽的女主角,这完全是一个充满乐趣的音乐片,故答案应为F。

3.B 段落承上启下的理解。Bollywood 电影充满了完美的东西免于日常的烦恼。所以在电影里不会涉及到政治,贫穷和战争。在段末提到电影会带他们到一个神奇的世界,让他们远离烦恼,真爱可以征服一切。

4.E 对总启句的理解。后文提到,在美丽的画面后面,Bollywood 电影强调传统的家庭观念,由此可知,答案应为E,Bollywood 电影更多的关注传统的价值观。

5.G 对上下文的理解。句意为:因此如果你厌倦于好莱坞的动作片时,就找一部 Bollywood 的电影看看吧,它会带你进入一个活泼的多彩的世界,唱着爱情歌曲围着树去跳舞也是很酷的。

Ⅲ.完形填空导学号 02280285


, but to become them entirely. Theater classes are at many high schools and universities in the US. “Theater kids” are quite a

it was only a beginner-level course, my college class was filled with students who 胖的) woman with a permanent smile and gentle behavior,the edges. This allowed everyone in the room to have a(n) of whatever performance or After our first-day introductions,us find our own inner We sang songs, danced to music,and recited from our favorite short stories.

The was eye-opening. I learned that anyone has the to act, and many of us don't think I ever had more fun in a college class.



C.unusual B.unsatisfied D.unfair

答案:A 根据本句中的“With great hesitation和sweating hands”可推知作者很紧张,心中十分忐忑(unsteady),故答案为A项。


C.delivering B.avoiding D.learning

答案:B 根据上文可知作者生性腼腆,故过去一直避免在公共场合演讲


C.preparing B.happening D.hesitating

答案:C 但现在我却在这里准备不仅要学习如何像台上的人一样讲话还要完全变成他们。


C.strike B.campus D.trial

答案:A 根据上句中的public speaking可推知本空为stage(舞台)。on stage“在舞台上”。


C.advanced B.expensive D.popular

答案:D 根据常识及下句可推知:在美国,戏剧课在高中和大学很受欢迎。

6.A.put up

C.light up B.make up D.break up

答案:C 学表演的孩子们与众不同,他们总是能够用自己的个性使整个房间熠熠生辉。light sth. up“即照亮某处”。


C.Unless B.Since D.Once

答案:A 虽然这只是一个初级班,但我们班里具有表演天赋的学生比比皆是。前后两句为转折关系,故设空处为though。


C.common B.natural D.formal

答案:B a natural fit for在本句中表示:天生就适合做„„的人。


C.hardworking B.cautious D.patient

答案:A 根据常识可知,具有表演天赋的人的特点是自信、风趣、性格外向。


C.spoke B.prepared D.fit

答案:D 那个教授很胖,永远面带着微笑且举止优雅,也非常适合表演。


C.greeted B.supplied D.comforted

答案:C 由于是第一节课,因此那位教授和我们每个人握手,用热情友好的眼神迎接我们。



C.lights B.tables D.chairs

答案:D 根据下句及本句中的circular(圆形的)和介词around可推知,这个班的座位布置呈圆形。


C.debate B.opinion D.command

答案:A 将座位摆成圆形是为了使学生们更好地让看到表演及演讲中所发生的一切。have a good view of“很好地看到„„”。



答案:B occur=happen“发生”。


C.shared B.succeeded D.participated B.occurring D.declining

答案:D 由下文可知此处表示我们会参与各种活动。participate in“参加”。


C.professor B.actor D.dancer

答案:B 本文的中心话题是学习表演,故本空答案为actor“演员”。


2017届高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 2 Healthy eating作业手册

Unit 2 Healthy eating



1.Due to ________(curious), he squeezed himself into the crowd to see what had happened.

2.Losing one's temper is often seen as a sign of ________(weak).

3.The team won at last because these players made a very good ________ (combine).

4.Simon drove me to the airport and ________(care) told me to look after myself.

5.At the beginning of a new lesson, it can be ________(benefit) to see what students already know.


6.Many people have come to realize that they should go on ________ balanced diet and make room in their day for exercise.

7.If you don't feel well,remember ________(consult) your doctor before taking any medicine.

8.If you just spend time________(balance) advantages and disadvantages,you may get nothing in the end.

9.—In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.

—I can't agree more.It's great to have the two________(combine).

10.You'd better take into account your own ________(strong) and weaknesses before choosing a major.


11.After the scandal,he faces a hard struggle to ________________ (赢回) public support before the next election.

12.She has been________________(谋生) by teaching since she graduated from college.

13.If you cheat in the exam,you can hardly________________(摆脱惩罚) it.

14.I spent an hour every day taking exercise in order to ________________(减肥).

15.He tried hard to stay awake,but________________(不久) he fell asleep.


16.In my mind, never have I heard ________________ than hers.(voice)


17.The strict teacher can't have the students ____________ in the exam.(get)


18.After reading the novel, he showed a satisfied look, which suggested that he __________ the happy ending of it.(digest)


19.Nowadays more and more children are being overweight, so ________________ is of great importance.(keep)


20.However hard you try, it is difficult ________________ without cutting down the amount you eat.(weight)




Shake Shack is a new kind of restaurant becoming more and more popular in the US. The restaurants' dishes are not “fast food”. They are known as “fast casual”.


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