
来源:管理学 发布时间:2019-01-22 点击:



二年级(上)作业单 月 日

班级____________ 姓名__________学号________


36 + 28 100-41 45 + 55 -69 27 + 18 + 25


19+27=20+( )=( ) 41-25=( )-30=( )

23+38=( )+( )=( ) 67-48=( )-( )=(


1、33与27的和是多少? 2、45与54相差多少?


1、8与一个数的和是8,这个数是( )。

A、1 B、16 C、0 D、8

2、下列计算结果不是46的算式是( )。

A、18+28 B、50-4 C、66-20 D、24+42


A、○>△ B、○<△ C、○=△







(1) 拿去两根火柴棒,变成两个正方形。

(2) 移动三根火柴棒,变成三个正方形。

。 ))

二年级(上)作业单 月 日

班级____________ 姓名__________学号________


82-48 67+24

估算:_________ 估算:__________

计算:__________ 计算:______________


28+39=( )+( )=( ) 56-18=( )-( )=( )



( )+ ( ) = ( ) 36 57 ( )+ ( ) = ( )

( ) - ( ) = ( ) ( ) ( ) - ( ) = ( )

2、 开走了20辆车 还剩 24辆 算式:_____________( )


3、男生有18人 女生比男生多几人?

算式:______________( )



1、小芳家到学校有2条路,学校到公园有3条路,那么小芳从家经过学校到公园一共有( )种不同的走法。

2、阅览室里有10盏电灯都亮着。休息时,小胖随手关掉了6盏,这时候,阅览室里还有( )盏电灯。

二年级(上)作业单 月 日

班级____________ 姓名__________学号________

一、填( ):

16+( )=23 ( )-16=0 23+( )= 48 ( )-( )=14 ( )+( )+( )=83


1、 48+34=( )+( )=( ) 2、72-14=( )-( ) =( ) 3、25+67即可用( )来巧算,也可用( )来巧算.


1、 57+32= 2、 95-24= 估算: 估算: 计算: 计算:









小朋友围成一个圈做游戏,从小名开始向右数,小玲是第四个人;从小玲开始向右数,小名是第六个人。一共有( )个小朋友在做游戏。

一个电动洋娃娃?元 一共82只

二年级(上)作业单 月 日

班级____________ 姓名__________学号________


63+28 =( )+( )= ( )

72-56 =( )-( )= ( )


37+35 82-45

估算:_______________ 估算:________________

计算:_______________ 计算:__________________


7+7+7+7+7+7 =( )×( )=( )×( ) 8+8+8+8+8 =( )×( )=( )×( )


( )个( )

( )个( )

( )×( )

( )×( )







( )+( )=(

) (2)( )—(

)=( )


、一根木头锯成两段需要5分钟,锯四段需要( )分钟。

二年级(上)作业单 月 日

班级____________ 姓名__________学号________


48 + 27 96-28 48 + 16 -27 93 - 26 - 54



+ + + + = (只) 个 = ( 只) × = ( 只) 有( )堆橘子,每堆有( )只,一共有( )只。


6×2=□×□ 3×7=□×□{二年级上册英语晚上作业}.{二年级上册英语晚上作业}.


1、64比19大多少? 2、62与23的和是多少?





1、军军、明明和强强,军军比明明大2岁,军军比强强小3岁。最大的比最小的大( )岁。

2、军军、伟伟、乐乐三人总共下了三盘棋,没有平局。现在已经知道,军军胜了1盘棋,乐乐胜了2盘棋,伟伟胜了( )盘棋。



二年级上英语有效作业案例分析 李逸宣 一:设计理念:



在本学期第一模块中我设置的有效作业为“粘一粘”,此模块中同学们会学习一首“I like the ABC song”的歌谣,从这首歌中会对26个英文字母有初步的了解和认识,字母的掌握对于二年级学生非常重要,但如何把沉闷的字母抄写添加上“趣味剂”,如何提升和保持学生们对字母的兴趣呢?因此我设计了“粘一粘”的作业。{二年级上册英语晚上作业}.






第十模块unit1:Happy New Year,与UNIT2:Christmas中我设计了动手作业“做一做”,给父母,同学,老师,制作新年或者圣诞贺卡,不同贺卡要有不同的文化展示,比如新年贺卡要有中国年的文化氛围,鞭炮,年画,等。。。并利用“This is for you .”、 “Thank you.”、“You’re welcome.”等进行口语交际应用,学生的动手能力得到了锻炼和发展,亲情、友情得到了融洽,中西方文化意识也在无形中增强了。





本学期第七模块How do you go to school?设计的作业为“画一画”,让同学们把自己来学校的交通方式画出来,在利用“How do you go to school?””I go to school by car.”等语句进行小组合作交流。这样的作业,让学生乐于说,融练习于图画,寓学于乐,学生画得高兴,也积极发挥了创意,何乐而不为呢?



Unit 1 What Can You Do?


一、 教学内容:

Let’s Sing 二、教学目标: (一) 语言知识目标:

能听、说、认读词组:fly a kite, ride a bike。 (二) 语言技能目标:

1. 能理解歌曲的意思并配上动作表演。 2. 能有节奏、有韵味地唱出歌曲。 (三) 学习策略目标:

1. 在学习新歌时要注意观察老师的发音,乐于模仿。

2. 能建立起单词和活动之间的联想,能根据歌曲联想出相应的情境。 (四) 情感态度目标:


2.培养学生用英语与同学交流的兴趣,体会英语学习的乐趣和成就感。 三、教学重点和难点:


教学难点:部分单词的字母发音。例如:merrily, ride中r的发音。 四、教学策略:

1. 在单词教学中渗透phonics教学,为学生掌握基本的语音知识打好基础。 2. 通过游戏、练习,帮助学生认读单词。

3. 在学生输出语言前为他们提供大量的语言输入,为学生输出语言提供坚实的保障。 五、资源准备:

自制课件实物、单词卡、金太阳教学软件。 六、教学过程: (一)复习热身:

1. 复习唱歌:Andy Can Swing (一年级上册第6单元之歌曲)

2. 让学生小组合作替换歌词中的动物和动词,并演唱。注意教师先示范,然后让学


生替换。必要时提示以前学过的fly, swim, jump等动词。 (二)呈现与操练: 1. 学习fly a kite和ride a bike

首先通过Lucy放风筝和骑车的图片和动作呈现新单词fly a kite, ride a bike。 2. 巩固单词

1) 老师说短语,学生做动作,帮助学生建立起单词音义之间的联系。 2) 快速反应。老师快速地指向某个短语或图片,学生说出该单词。 3. 学习歌曲

1) 观看金太阳教学软件或听录音。

2)指图片,配以动作解释so high in the sky 及so fast down the road。 3) 再听录音,让学生做出相应的动作。 4) 跟录音、跟老师有节奏地唱歌。 5) 全班有节奏地齐唱歌曲。 (三)巩固与发展: 1

jump, swim, fly, swing, fly a kite, ride a bike及相应图片的

表格,让学生在自己会的项目下打勾,并说出I can „。 2i

Phonics教学总结:ykite, ride,high

fly, sky


1 2


kite, fly a kite, bike, ride a bike。


一、教学内容: Let’s Learn,Let’s Play 二、教学目标: (一)语言知识目标:

1.能听、说、认读词汇:dance, draw, play the piano, skate, skip rope。 2.听、说,运用句型:I can „Yongxian can „ (二)语言技能目标:

1. 能用连贯的句子向同学描述自己的特长。 2. 能根据他人的描述作出相应的动作。 3. 能唱出教师改编的歌曲Merrily。 (三)学习策略目标:

1. 主动与同学交流,共同完成学习任务。

2. 在任务活动中大胆开口,培养连贯说话的能力,达到复习巩固旧知识的目的。 3. 学会倾听,并能够从中提取相关的信息。 (四)情感态度目标:

1. 通过歌曲、游戏等活动,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2. 通过任务培养学生乐于与同学交流的态度。 3. 在活动中培养学生大胆开口,细心聆听的学习习惯。 三、教学策略:

1. 通过连贯说话的任务设计达到滚动重现旧知识的目的。

2. 通过听力练习为学生提供语言输入,再由老师和同学做示范,使学生把连贯说话的任务做得更好。

3. 通过设置任务,培养学生细心聆听同学发言的良好学习习惯。 四、教学重点和难点:

用连贯的句子向同伴描述自己的活动。 五、资源准备: 自制教学课件或图画。 六、教学过程:



1. 唱歌曲Merrily,回忆动作动词。

2. 游戏: 教师利用计算机或图片向学生逐幅快速呈现动作图片(swing, run, walk,jump, swim, fly,fly a kite, ride a bike等),要求学生说出看到的动作并做相应的动作。 (二)呈现与操练:

1. 首先通过课件创设动物学校里开办兴趣班的情境,不同的动物用I’m a „和I can „自我推荐报名参加兴趣班,出示表示下列内容的图片dance, draw, play the piano, skate, skip rope。


3.老师将dance, draw, play the piano, skate, skip rope,fly a kite, ride a bike 等单词卡随意贴在黑板上,让学生读出单词,然后,让学生将它们贴到相应图片的下方。在这个步骤中可以渗透读音规则,帮学生建立音形之间的对应关系。 4.电脑呈现不同的动物和相应的句子I’m a „ I can „,全班跟说。

5.一个同学扮演一个动物并做出这个动物会做的活动,说出I can„,让班上其他同学猜测You are a „进行两轮后,让同桌或四人小组同时玩这个猜测游戏。 6.告诉学生学校要成立各种课外活动小组,要同学们说出自己的特长,参加相应的小组。引导学生说I can „。 为增加真实性与趣味性,老师可以设计表格,登记学生的特长情况。

7. 以小组为单位,玩课本P3的游戏。 8.完成《活动手册》P1 Ex(三)巩固与发展: 1. 句子认读练习

将课本P2的句子与图片分开,让学生将句子贴到相应的图片下面,并读出句子。 2.小结本课的学习内容。 (四) 布置作业:

1.抄写单词dance, draw, skate,play the piano, skip rope。 2.用英文向父母说出你会些什么。




一、教学内容: Let’s Chant 二、教学目标: (一)语言知识目标:

1.复习单词及词组:cook,dance, draw, ride a bike, play the piano, skate, fly a kite, teach, skip rope。

2. 复习旧句型:I can„ 3. 初步掌握 What can you do? 4.二会掌握新句型:I can’t„ (二)语言技能目标:


2.能理解小诗,有节奏地朗读小诗和配动作表演小诗。 3.尝试替换小诗里面的动词改编小诗。 三、教学重点:

(一)能听、说、认读本课单词。 (二)有节奏地朗读小诗、表演小诗。 (三) 完成《活动手册》P3。 四、教学难点:

can’t的发音;改编小诗。 五、教学策略:{二年级上册英语晚上作业}.

(一)在单词教学中渗透phonics,使学生掌握单词发音的方法。 (二)让学生替换小诗里的动作单词,进行滚动性复习。


六、资源准备:单词图片、金太阳教学软件等。 七、教学过程: (一)复习热身:





一. Let’s read.

space shuttle window backpack suitcase robot computer telephone clock tired scared happy hungry bug ant cat elephant hat dog frog gorilla ink kangaroo jacket lion a refrigerator a

microwave a sofa a sink a desk a closet a

chair a stove brother sister dad mom mouse orange rabbit notebook panda snake

rabbit question snake umbrella fox van

window a school a station a house an airport tall short thin fat bad van fan rat cat dad pan mad a chair a table a sink a

bathtub a bed a lamp a desk a bookshelf a

bedroom a bathroom a living room a kitchen a clock a board a door a window a bat a basket a

net morning afternoon day night sunny a

glove cloudy windy rainy kangaroo kite kitchen question quiz queen hat head hamster umbrella umpire a ruler a pencil sharpener a

notebook an eraser a pen a box tape glue a

stapler paint paper scissors a paintbrush light green white pink brown dark blue orange six fox ox jar juice jacket yo-yo yes yarn

二. Let’s do.

Go inside. Wave good-bye. Fasten your seatbelt.

Sit down. Open the door. Close the door.

Eat breakfast. Go to bed. Get up.

Wash your face. Get dressed. Go to school.

Kick the ball. Ride a unicycle. Climb. Roller-skate.

Hit the ball. Hop. Play baseball. Play soccer

Pass the milk. Read a book. Clean up.

Eat breakfast. Pour the juice. Stand up Raise your

arms Stop Touch your toes. Bend your knees.

Jump 10 times. Go to the bedroom. Study English. Go to bed. Go to the living room. Watch TV. Read a book.

Go to the kitchen. Eat dinner. Have a snack.

Play a game. Play a video game. Play cards. Come in. Open your book to page 11. Go to the board.

Go back to your seat. Raise your hand. Sharpen your pencil.

Turn on the light. Turn off the light.


Turn off the tape recorder. Play basketball Play volleyball. Play dodge ball. Cut it out. Paint it. Fold it like this. Draw a circle. Put on your hat. Let’s make a hat. Cut on the

line. Glue it. Draw a line to the center.

三. Let’s say.

Hurry up! Wait a minute.

May I watch TV? Sure. Go ahead.

I’m finished. Good. Sorry I’m late. That’s all right.

Finished? Not yet. Shhh! Quiet! OK.

Have a good time. Thanks.

Are you ready? Yes, let’s go.

I’m scared. How about you? Me, too.

This is a backpack. This isn’t a suitcase.

Is this a telephone? Yes, it is.

Is this a computer? No, it isn’t. It’s a clock.

How old are you? I’m 10.

Who’s he? He’s my dad.

That’s a sofa. This is a closet.

What’s this in English? It’s a bookshelf.

What’s this in English? It’s a telephone.

They are fat. They thin.

Are they tall? Yes, they are.

Are they short? No, they aren’t.. They’re tall.

Let’s go together! Good idea!

I’m home. I’m glad to see you.

This is my friend, Kim. Nice to meet you. I’m Pluto. Hi, I’m


He’s riding a bike. She’s playing soccer.

What’s he doing? He’s throwing the ball.

What’s she doing? She’s hitting the ball.

It’s hot today. Yeah. Let’s play basketball. OK.

It’s cold tonight. Yeah.

Can I sit here? Sure.

Can I use your scissors? Just a minute.

Good-bye. Have fun.

What are you doing? I’m watching TV.

I have a notebook. I don’t have a pencil

Do you have a book? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

The pen is in the book. The pen is on the book.

The pen is under the book. The glue is under the book.

四. Let’s sing.

A chair and TV, a chair and TV. This is the livingroom.

I’m watching TV.

A lamp and bed, a lamp and bed. This is the bedroom.

I’m going to bed.

1,2,3,4 . Open your book to page 4. 5,6,7,8. Sorry, I’m late. Sorry, I’m late.

Shhh! Shhh! Quiet. Shhh! Shhh! Quiet. Quiet! Quiet !Shhh! Shhh! Quiet.

Sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy. It’s hot today. It’s hot today.

Sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy. It’s cold tonight. It’s cold tonight.

Good-bye! Good-bye! Good-bye! Have fun!

Good-bye! See you later!

Good-bye! Good-bye! SuperKids!

Good-bye! See you later!

A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S, T U V, W X Y Z,. Let’ s sing the ABC song. We can sing from A to Z.

I’m a little teapot

I’m a little teapot, short and stout.

Here is my handle, here is my spout.

When I get all steam up hear me shout.

Tip me over and pour me out.

If you are happy

If you're happy and you know it,clap your hands (clap, clap). If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap, clap).

If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap, clap).

( stomp your feet; shout hurray; )

五. Let’s tell the story.

1.Floppy’s bone.

Flopppy had a bone. A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog. “ Come back!” Said Mum. She ran after Floppy. “ Come back!” Said Dad. He ran after Mum. “Come back!” Said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad. The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone.

2. Hook a Duck

“ Hook a duck,” said Mum. Chip had a go. He got a pen. “ Have a go,” said Mum. Biff had a go. Biff got a cat. “ Go on. Hook a duck,” said Mum. Kipper had a go. He got a dog. It was a big dog. “What a big dog!” said Kipper.

3. Chip’s Robot

Chip had a box. “ This is my robot,” he said. “ Can you see it?” “This is a leg’” said Chip. “Can you see the robot?” “This is an arm,” said Chip. “Can you see my robot?” “Can you see it, yet?” said Chip. “No,” said Biff. “This is the head,” said Chip. “Now can you see my robot?” “We can see it now!” said Biff.

4. The Sandcastle

Chip had a box. He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said. Kipper had a box. He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it. Biff put the bucket on top. “Good,” she said. It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.


2012二年级第三大周英语家庭作业 - 副本



一、 根据所给图片选择正确的单词。(5分)

1.( ) A. spring B. summer

2.( ) A. Music B. Maths

3.( ) A. PE B. fall

4.( ) A. winter B. spring

5.( ) A. Chinese B. English


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、 根据所给句型画出相应的图画并上颜色。(9分)


一. 按顺序排列下列字母,在括号里写上数字1-11.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ){二年级上册英语晚上作业}.

三.连 一 连。





1. The light is red. Let’s ______(stop , go).

2. Look at the light. It’s yellow._____!(wait, Wait) 3. Green light! ____ (Go ,Stop)! 4. Let’s ______( go, going ).


一. 圈出不同类的单词。

1.summer cold warm 2.cloudy winter sunny 3. mouth cool nose 4.red pink light 5.ten stop wait 6.hen bus pig 7.go girl boy 8.ten seven hen 9.light write draw 10.look at listen 5. I like _____(flying ,fly) a kite. 6. Let’s ___(playing, play) together.

7. ______(Stop, stop) by the road. Hello, hello,hello! 8. Cars ____(go, Go)past.All very fast.

9. Look _____(at,to) the light. It’s green. 10.The light is ______(red, green).Let’s go. 11.I _____(have,has) a T-shirt for summer. 12.I have a _____(dress,coat) for winter. 13.Spring is ______(warm, cool) and nice.

14.What do you have ____(for, to)winter,Peter? 15.-_____(be) you tall? -Yes, I ____. 16.We _____(be) eating fruit. 17.My coat ____(be) very nice.

18.Sue _____( is, can )sing and dance. 19.Look ______(at,to )the light.It’s red. 20.Sam ______(have, has) a sweater.

21.I like______(rideing,riding) my bicycke in the park.

22.In _______(spring, summer), I like swimming____(in,on) the water. 23.I _____(can, am) hear a van on the street. 24.May I ______(have,has) a hamburger?

25.______(Look, Listen)!What can you see in spring? 26.This is ______( me, my) blouse. 27.How many ________(dresses, shorts)?

28.-What colour is your dress? -It ____(are,is) red. 29.Put on your coat,Ben. It’s ______(cool,cold) outside.

30.-What’s this?


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