来源:经典幽默语句 发布时间:2018-07-25 点击:
11 中英文个人简历模板 Standard resumé template 标准简历模板 Note: Please complete section 1 and 2 in both English and Chinese and the rest 项内容需用中英填写,其它部分需英文填写。) in English。请注意:第 1 和 2 项内容需用中英填写,其它部分需英文填写。) 。请注意: 1. Heading 表头 Current position: 职务: 职务 Employer: 工作单位: 工作单位 2. Personal details 个人详细信息 Full name: 姓名: 姓名 Date of birth: 出生日期: 出生日期 Nationality: 国籍: 国籍 Telephone (office): 办公电话: 办公电话 Telephone (home): 宅电: 宅电 Mobile: 手机: 手机 Email: 电子邮件 Address: 通讯地址(邮政编码) 通讯地址(邮政编码): 3. Education: (please list all academic qualification(s)) 以下部分用英文填写 教育背景: 教育背景 (请列出学校颁发的所有资格证书) University/institution 大学名称 Courses Studied 专业名称 Degree/diploma name 所获取证书 Type of study 学习类型 Date started 开始时间 Date completed 结束时间 □全日制 □半脱产 □在职 □全日制 □半脱产 □在职 □全日制 □半脱产 □在职 How many years’ relevant surveying experience do you have since attainment of your bachelor degree or master □不足 5 年 □5-10 年 □10 年或以上 degree? 相关专业本科或硕士毕业后, 相关专业本科或硕士毕业后, 您有多少年相关工作经
验? 4. Member of any other professional organisation(s): (if it applies) 是否是其他相关专业组织的成员: (适用时) 是否是其他相关专业组织的成员: Name of organization 组织名称 Grade 等级 How membership was achieved (eg examination) 成员资格如何获得?(如通过考试) 成员资格如何获得?(如通过考试) ?(如通过考试 Year gained 加入组织的时间 5. Professional experience: (Please list all employer details to date, starting with the most recent, going back at least 10 years if needed.) 专业经历: (请从最近的时间开始,列出至少十年以内的工作单位的详细信息.) Period 时间 Job title 职务 Employer 工作单位 Type and scope of responsibilities (in detail) 职责类别和权限范围 (详细情况 详细情况) 详细情况 请选择其一 6. APC pathway 专业方向 (请选择其一 请选择其一) Arts and Antiques 文物与艺术精品 Building Surveying 建筑测量 Building control 建筑 监管 Management Consultancy 管理咨询 Minerals and Waste Management 矿业与废物管理 Planning and Development 规划和开发 Machinery and Business Assets 机械及商业资产 Project Management 项目管理 Residential Property Practice 住宅物业 Commercial Property Practice 商用物业 Quantity Surveying and Construction 工料测量与建造 Residential survey and valuation 住宅测量与评估
Environment 环境 Facilities Management 设施管理 Geomatics(including hydrographic) 测绘(包括水文测绘) Property finance and investment 房地产金融与投资 Taxation allowances 税务估算/策划 Rural 农村物业 Valuation 估价 Housing management and development 住宅管理与开发 Research 研究 Description of CURRENT job profile, leadership & managerial experience( give a more detailed description in appendix 1) 目前工作概况,领导力和管理方面的经历.(请在附件一中做较详细的阐述) Major Achievement / Assignments 主要成绩/任务 Other Supporting Experiences 其他辅助经历
Note: Please attach the following to support your resume: 1.The structure chart of your current organisation and clearly mark your position and the number of the staff under your leadership. 2.A brief introduction of your current organization. 请附上以下文件: 1、 当前服务机构的组织结构图 组织结构图,并在图上清晰标记所处位置及所领导的员工数 清晰标记所处位置及所领导的员工数。 组织结构图 清晰标记所处位置及所领导的员工数 2、当前所服务机构的简要背景介绍 当前所服务机构的简要背景介绍。 当前所服务机构的简要背景介绍 6. Senior professional route to membership 成为会员的资深专业人员途径 The senior professional route to membership was introduced by RICS to encourage greater diversity of membership by offering a route to senior professionals in the industry. A ‘senior professional’ is someone who formulates strategy and policy within a senior position of their organisation, exercising extensive leadership and management skills. 为使其会员更具多样性,RICS 向该行业的资深专业人士提供了入会的“资深专业人员途径”“资 。 深专业人员”是指在组织中占据高级职位,负责制定战略和政策性决策,拥有很强的领导力和管理技能 的人。 Please forward your completed resumé and the attachments to: EMAIL: rd ADDRESS:3 Floor, the Yejin Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084, PRC 请将完成的简历及附件发送到: 电子邮件: 地址:清华大学液晶大楼 3 层 清华大学国际工程项目管理研究院 100084 appendix 1 附件 1: : Please note that your responses will be evaluated by a senior RICS member vetting team for assessment to proceed to final interview. If successful your responses can be expanded and used in case studies put forward for final assessment interview. 审核小组会根据你的回复进行资历审核, 面试。 请注意 RICS 审核小组会根据你的回复进行资历审核,进而确定你是否能够进入 APC 面试。如 果成功的话, 可以将其加以扩展作为终审提交材料中案例报告的内容。 果成功的话,你可以将其加以扩展作为终审提交材料中案例报告的内容。 Leadership: Please in 150 words or less practically outline how you perform and justify the role of a leader in your company 领导力: 左右陈述你在工作中是如何应用和展现领导能力的 (请中英文对照) 你在工作中是如何应用和展现领导能力的。 领导力: 请用 150 字左右陈述你在工作中是如何应用和展现领导能力的。 请中英文对照)
Managing People: Please in 150 words or less practically outline how you apply the skills required to manage people on a project and/or within the company 人员管理: 左右陈述在某个项目或公司中你是如何运用管理人员的技能的。 述在某个项目或公司中你是如何运用管理人员的技能的 ( 人员管理:请用 150 字左右陈述在某个项目或公司中你是如何运用管理人员的技能的。 请中英 管理 文对照) 文对照) Managing Resources: Please in 150 words or less practically outline how you allocate resources (other than human resources) in an appropriate and cost effective manner on a project and/or within the company 资源管理: 左右陈述在某个项目或公司中你是如何恰当有效的分配使用资源的 述在某个项目或公司中你是如何恰当有效的分配使用资源的( 资源管理: 请用 150 字左右陈述在某个项目或公司中你是如何恰当有效的分配使用资源的(人 管理 员管理除外) 请中英文对照) 员管理除外) 请中英文对照) 除外 (
th17 February 2014
M.S Alice Wang
Contact address: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.
Permanent home address:
Telephone No (M):
Curriculum Vitae
To be an independent international trade sale engineer with self motivation, multiply skill abilities
working under a dynamic environment, to coordinate and share the vision in every project undertaken. As an approach person with a passion for life, I am motivated by challenges whilst adopting a logical and creative approach to Business Development. Able to negotiate and relate to people at all levels with different ethnic backgrounds.
1 The Graduation Certificate of CITY COLLEGE ENZHOU UNIVERSITY
4 CERTIFICATE OF CET4 AND CET6 (CET4 in June 2009, and CET6 in June 2010) 5 Cambridge ESOL Level Certificate in ESOL International (Business English) Council of Europe Level B1 (In May2011)
6 Outstanding Graduate Certificate of WENZHOU UNIVERSITY
7. Honorary Certificate for High Quality Courses (In November 2009)
8. Certificate of Pioneers Business Class (In November 2010){中英文简历范文}.
Scholarship (2008~2009):
Social work outstanding scholarship 2 times
Academic merit scholarship
Miyoshi student
Moral education scholarship
Outstanding students’ leader scholarship Scholarship (2009~2010):
Academic merit scholarships
Social work outstanding scholarship
Country pursuing scholarship
Scholarship (2010~2011):
Social work outstanding scholarship{中英文简历范文}.
Country pursuing scholarship
Scholarship (2011~2012): Academic merit scholarships
Country pursuing scholarship
Medal: 2008~2009: WENZHOU UNIVERRSITY 4th track and field games work activist. Even though I am
not very good at sports, joining them and helping them is also a very cool thing.
Public performance:
2009~2010: Be a leader of the Center for Developing Student's Quality. From here, I learning how
to grow up as an excellent university student and with good spirits.
2010~2011: Be an instructor of International Trade Branch of Grade 2010 freshmen. I learn that
when I grow up with help so I need to share the experience to others and help others. Guide them the right way.
2009~2011: Be monitor of our class for 3 years, which shows I am a very independent girl. And get
much experience as a students’ leader.
2009~2011: Be a tutor for 3years during all my free time to pay the university tuition fees. I learning
form this experience, work hard during this time, try to communicate with persons and try to solve
problems. The most important thing is when you have a dream you need make plan and try to reach the goal. How much you pay, how mach you gain.
Sales Engineer
November 2013– Present (4 months) Moganshan 1418-5 Rd, Shangcheng Industrical Zone, Hangzhou,China Position Responsibility:
1、Act as overseas project managers to communicate with the clients on general demands, make project plan and ensure the process of the project;
2、Coordinate with partners and team members to allocate the project tasks;
3、Responsible for the architecture design and technology of product oriented project system.
4、Good communication skills, cheerful, hard working;
5、Familiar with the power system related knowledge;
6、Have the ability to solve problems independently, adapt to the medium to long term overseas business trip;
6、Have the good skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Currently working as a international trade Sales engineer and technical translator for Hangzhou Qinghua Industrial Co., Ltd. (From February, 2012 till November ,2013)
Track customers signing contracts, shipping and production coordination, translation of Quality Manuals and technical documents, with proof-reading, printing. Skilled of operating B2B platform, such as made- in -china. Experience of preparing everything for Canton Fair and Shanghai 7 International Petroleum
petrochemical Natural Gas Technology Equipment Exhibition, including the booth reservation and
material preparation.
Working as an international trade sales, I have knowledge of Oilfield& Industrial supplies division. Product advisor for principle products such as Piping, mechanical seals and pumps and compress. Worked with independent customers & project of petrochemical and oil & gas industries with multi-
national EPC’S, Steel Fabricators & other potential clients. Such as, cooperated with ZEWELINE
INDUSTRIES LTD, built good business relationship with FLOWSERVE, we are trying to finish a large project.
Persuading clients that a product or service best satisfies their needs and to improve quality and delivery, Also analysis of competitors and their products/ services. Obtain the ability of establish and maintain strong relationships throughout the sales cycle, apart from the Identification for business Development and all technical issues of assigned. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill, committed to excellent. Strong analytical skills with a creative knack for solving/simplifying problems. Proficient in using computer Microsoft. Skills include setting up mission, objectives, budgeting, purchasing, building up energetic atmosphere, th
estimates preparation and progress reporting.
ththWorked as intern for Wenzhou Chenguang Trade Co., Ltd (From Sep 10. 2011 to Feb 20 2012)
I am self-motivated, respond well in high-press atmosphere and cooperate with clients, check the details
of the project well.

My work output is positively influenced by my strength in communication and task-orientation. During my
working period, I am a self –motivated, sincerely dedicated employee with professional attitude and a highly committed team player.
Organization : 1. Member of Student Union UNIVERSITY ACTIVITY
2. Member of English-lover Organization
Job Profile for above: 1.Worked as a translator of Chinese into English/English into Chinese for
Organization of English-lover.
2. Organize several activities to add student’s social contact and experience.
3. Deal with the daily affairs of the union.
1. M.S Office.
2. Internet tools
3. Windows 98 and XP operating systems.
4. National Computer Rank Examination 2
HOBBIES: Reading: Literature, Political and social, Cultural studies, Operation, Research studies, Art, Poem;
Writing: poems, thoughts and essay; Sports: dancing, Table tennis, yoga; Specific interest in Chinese- English technical translation.
Date of Birth : Sex : Female Nationality : Chinese Languages Known : English, Chinese Place : Hangzhou City References can be furnished on demand.
第一大类、按年月順序编排的简历: 这是一种最常见的写简历的方式。它从最近的工作经历讲起﹐列举每一份工作的成绩,然后再列举教育背景,以时间为主线。
ANNA KING Address: 15 Sample Rd Melbourne VIC 3000 Email: a.king@jxue.com Home phone: (123) 9999-1234 Work phone: (123) 9999-5678
Marketing Manager (Melbourne) 1995-present time The Wine and Food Emporium
-Manage a staff of 18 people
-Liaise with advertising agencies (above and below the line) and brief in all campaigns
-Responsible for $15 million dollar advertising budget and $80 million turnover
-Launched two new brands onto national market gaining 15 per cent and 22 per cent market share respectively within two years, earning the MIA’s 1998 Award for Best New Product.
-Generated over $200,000 of free trade-journal publicity Marketing Research Manager 1990-1996
Di Pastio Pasta Products (Queensland)
-Merchandise products in supermarkets - 78 stores -Build in-store promotional displays (12 product lines)
-Liaise with store managers and advise on re-ordering quantities (increased average store buy by 28 per cent in six months)
个人简历 姓名 生日 籍贯 曲嘉华 1991.11.17 太原 性别 身高 民族 男 180cm 汉 照片 政治面貌 团员 毕业院校 天津商务职业学院 学历 专科 专业 酒店管理 联系电话 邮编 13642094036 030000 电子邮件 地址 1282129478@qq.com 山西省太原市 在大学期间学习酒店管理专业,对学习酒店管理有着积极地态度。外向性格,善于交际,与人交往沟通 个人简介 能力强。团结友爱同学,尊敬师长。 爱好特长 阅读;足球;篮球 相关证书 天津市计算机一级证书;天津市志愿者证书; 社会实践 天津市迎宾馆书画拍卖会志愿者;天津梅江会展中心志愿者;外滩风尚工作人员 工作经历
My Resume Name birthday native place membership curriculum vitae Tel Postal Code Qujiahua 1991.11.17 Taiyuan member Professional training 13642094036 030000 Sex Height nationality School Major Email Address man 180cm 照片 The Han nationality Tianjin Vocational Institute of Commerce Hotel management 1282129478@qq.com Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province self intro I’am studing hotel management at university.Academic excellence. I am a cheerful and confident sunshine boy. . hobbies Read;Football;Basketball; A certificate of Tianjin City computer; demonstrate Tianjin city volunteers certificate Tianjin city Yingbin Hotel painting auction volunteers; work experience Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center volunteers; The Bund customs staff
民族 :
政治面貌: 团员
专业: 商务英语本科
·2011、9至今 台州市台州学院,商务英语专业。{中英文简历范文}.
·主修课程 现代大学英语精读 英语泛读 商务英语写作 国际贸易实务 英语听力
高级听力 英语语法 英语国家概况 英国文学史 语言学 管理学 等. 学生工作
·2011-2012 担任共青团台州学院委员会 外联部 干事,副部长
·2013-2014 担任共青团台州学院委员会 书记助理
主要负责管理,领导,协助和开展团委各项活动 所获荣誉
·2012 9 暑期社会实践先进个人
·2013、4 校级优秀共青团员 个人信息
·英语 CET-4,CET-6
·计算机 浙江省计算机一级证书
·个人爱好 羽毛球,篮球
·自我评价 经过多年紧张激烈的学习生活,心理抗压能力与稳定性较好,具备较强的逻辑思维和判断能力,个性坦诚、乐观、冷静,有较强的团队合作精神与一定的创新意识,比较欣赏把语言变为行动的人。自己一路走来,坚持内心信仰,踏踏实实做人,实实在在做事。
Taizhou University of China, LinHai 317000
Gender: Male Birthplace:
Date of Birth: Political status: Youth League
Tell: E-mail: September,2011–presentTaizhou University of China LinHai
Dept.of Business Administration.
· Academic Main Courses:
The modern university English Intensive Reading, Extensive Reading, Business Writing, International Trade Affairs, English Listening Comprehension, Advanced Listening, English Grammars, A Survey of English-speaking Countries, A History of English Literature, Linguistics, Management, etc.
· 2011-2012 As the member and vice minister of Communist Youth League
Committee of Taizhou University
· 2013-2014 Be the Minister of Communist Youth League Committee of Taizhou
University · Sep. 2012 Advanced individual in summer social practice
· Apr 2013 Colonel-level excellent Youth League,
· A good command of both spoken and written English.,
· CET-4, CET-6
· Master user of Microsoft Office software, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint; ·A certificate of Zhejiang province computer
·Basketball, Badminton . ·Self-Evaluation
After many years of intense studying and life, I have a good capability to endure the pressure from life and a calm mind, meanwhile I have better logic thinking and judgment; I am honest to
others, optimistic to life, and calm; I have better group cooperation spirit and some consciousness of creation; I admire those people who will change his words into actions. Just like this, I have come through those days, I stick to my belief, try my best to be a practical man and do my work effectively.