
来源:小学作文 发布时间:2012-03-13 点击:




Model Test 1


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should We Celebrate Western Festivals? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

现在越来越多的中国人开始庆祝西方的节日, 如圣诞节日、情人节等。

有人认为这有利于文化交流;有人则担心这会导致传统文化的丧失。 在我看来………….

Should We Celebrate Western Festivals?

Nowadays, Western festivals such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day are gaining increasing popularity in China, especially among college students. But whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion.

Some believe celebrating Western festivals is a sign of globalization. They argue that China needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to blend into the mtures. Modern world. And celebrating Western festivals is a good opportunity for the Chinese to know more about other cultures. However, others believe that the Western festivals threaten a kind of cultureal aggresstion. Therefore, we should drive them out lest they should undermine our traditional culture.

In my opinion, as college students, we should preserve the traditional Chinese culture as well as stay open to Western ones. Therefore, while laying emphasis on Chinese festivals, we could also absorb foreign elements.

Model Test 2


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On College Students’ Career Planning. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

近年来, 各地高校日益重视大学生职业生涯规划教育。



On College Students’ Career Planning.

Recently, more emphasis has been laid on college students’ career planning. Not only courses on career planning are given, but students are increasingly interested in the topic as well.

But why is there such a phenomenon? For one thing, the labor force market is increasingly competitive, and college students need to learn more about it in order to survive in the cut-throat competition. For another, students are now aware that what they learn in college may become outdated soon after they leave school, so they need career

planning to prepare them for new situations in the future.

Students should plan their career based on social needs, their own interest, their specialty, and all the resources that are at hand. They are most likely to have a successful career if they can combine their ideals with the reality.

Model Test 3


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Fire Prevention on Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

大学校园里, 火灾事故时有发生,严重威胁大学生的生命安全 分析高校发生火灾的原因


Fire Prevention on Campus

Occasionally news is heard that a fire disaster broke out in some university. Sometimes such disasters casue heavy losses. Not only buildings and other property aer destroyed, but many students have lost their health or even lives because of the fire. Therefore, it is vital to prevent fire disasters on campus.

Though most fires on campus can well be regarded as accidents, several factors can be distinguished as contributing to them. On the one

hand, the student who is responsible for the fire may have been too careless; on the other, the school is also to blame for not paying enough attention to fire prevention.

In order to prevent fire disasters on campus, from my point of view, students shuld strictly abide by the fire regulations of the school. Universities, too, should make an effort to keep the campus a safe place for students to live in.{17年四级作文范文}.

Model Test 4


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Behave Poitely in Public. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.




Behave Poitely in Public.

Many people do not behave themselves in public places. They talk loudly, little freely, jump queues, and ignore traffic regulations. Some even scratch in tourist attractions, leaving marks on scenic spots.

It is important to behave politely in public. On the one hand, uncivilized behavior in public places causes trouble. It brings

inconveniences to others, pollutes the environment and makes one unpopular or even disgustful. On the other hand, when one behaves well in public, he can always win friendship and respect from others. Therefore, he is more likely to succeed in the fierce competition.

In order to create a harmonious society, we all should behave ourselves in public. As the Chinese saying goes, “Don’t do to others what you do not want to be done to you.” If we were all considerate and behave well in public places, this world would be a better place to live in.

Model Test 5


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students’ Booklist . You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.





GRE写作7 8



Argument 逻辑分析


 Argument的题目中设置了一些推论或论据方面的漏洞,使其 “有懈可击”. 一般而言, 每篇argument里都有3-4个明显的论证或论据的错误.

 Argument的结构比较固定(五段论),易于掌握. 作文细则

 第一屏(总体指示和建议):

 你的答题时间是30分钟

 你需要针对提出的论点评论它的逻辑周全性{17年四级作文范文}.

 不可以对其它任何论点进行评论{17年四级作文范文}.

 在你开始书写之前,最好花几分钟思考一下如何并组织你的文章  你需要完全展开你的观点并将它们串联起来,保持连贯性  你应该留出富裕的时间, 检查自己的文章,做必要的修改. 第二屏(对论点进行评论的具体指导)

 这里没有要求你同意或反对论点中的任何一条陈述  你应该对论点的推理过程提出自己的分析

 你应该考虑论点所隐含的某些可疑的假设

 你应该考虑为支持结论而提出的论据的范围

 你可以讨论哪些额外的论据可以有助于加强或反驳论点  你可以讨论哪些额外的信息会帮助你对论点的结论进行评估



 错误因果(混淆简单的相互关系或时间顺序关系) 无理假设(前提站不住脚) 以偏概全或草率概括 错误类比 调查或数据统计有误

 非此即彼(either-or fallacy)

 经验论(误以为所有事情都会永远保持一致)

 偷换概念


 对于高分argument文章来说, 没有规定的或者所谓的 “正确”长度.文章长度仅仅受限于30分钟的考试时间以及可供讨论的逻辑错误的数量. 300-400字是一个比较可行的长度. Argument写作流程

 1. 审题: 2分钟

 在段首寻找错误的主张(claim)或在段末寻找错误的结论(conclusion)速记在草稿纸上.

 寻找3-4个相对独立的论据(facts事实/examples例证/statistics数据)

 Sample: 课本53页第4题

 前提:Adams更优秀

 Evidence 1: 工作人数

 Evidence 2: 收入多, 平均房价高

 Evidence 4: 十年与去年的销售差别


 结论: 选择Adams

2. 写简洁的开头段: 3分钟


1.复述原文的主张或结论:In this argument, the arguer

claims/concludes that____.

2. 复述主要论据: To support this claim/conclusion, the arguer points out that_______. In addition, the arguer reasons


3. 指出原文存在缺陷: This argument is flawed in three major aspects.

 开门见山式:{17年四级作文范文}.

 1. 复述原文错误的主张或结论The speaker

asserts/claims/concludes) that_____. And three major reasons are offered in support of this


 2. 指出原文存在缺陷: At first glance, this argument seems to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection tells me that I cannot agree with it for the following reasons.{17年四级作文范文}.

 或: The argrment is unconvincing because it relies on a variety of dubious assumptions.

3. 组织你的正文段: 3分钟

 要求:

 Unity一致性: 一段只批一个主要的错误, 小错误可以综合为一段.

 Coherence连贯性: 段落连接要有关联词+主题句(TS)

 根据审题中寻找到的论点,结论以及论据来归纳其推理之间的不必然或不合理. 用主题句(TS)的形式直接写在机考屏幕上.

 The main problem with this argument is that________.  The second problem with the argument is that_________.  Moreover, the arguer ignores some other factors, such as________


 1.首先寻找前提与结论之间的不必然

 2.其次寻找前提与论据或结论与论据之间的不必然  3. 最后寻找论据自身的缺陷或不可信.

 Sample: 课本52页第2题

 前提: 7年前临近社区实施房屋涂色规定.

 结论: 我们DA也要仿效其做法.

 论据: 涂色后平均房价翻番了. (平均值没有意义, 掩盖了个体差异, 可能该地区房价一直偏低, 翻番后从全国水平比较仍旧不高)


 正文段1:fallacy为错误类比

 One problem why I disagree with the argument is that the arguer assumes that there are no relevant

differences between B and DA.

 正文段2:fallacy为相关性不是必然的因果性

 The second problem with this argument is that there might be correlation rather than a cause-and-effect relationship between the adoption of restrictions and the going-up of property values. There are so many factors contributing to the latter.

 正文段3:fallacy为数据自身的不可信

 Moreover, average property values cannot lend strong support to the argument.


 1. 首先按照论据出现的自然顺序依次寻找论据自身的缺陷或不可信.

 2. 其次说明论据与前提以及结论之间的不必然.

 Sample: 课本52页第1题

 前提: 居民关注健康的地区销售见好.

 结论: 在P开连锁店, 因为此类居民多.

 论据1: 销售处于历史高点(数据模糊vague; 不一定意味着人们喜欢运动, 可能因为此服饰流行, 与其它服装比价格便宜)

正文段1: 论据自身不可信

 First, strong sales of exercise apparel do not necessarily indicate that P residents would be interested in exercising. Perhaps exercise apparel happens to be fashionable at the moment, or inexpensive compared to other types of clothing.

 论据2: 健康俱乐部满员(数据模糊;不能说明健康产品流行, 不能证明其成员都是潜在消费者)

 正文段2: 论据自身的不可信

 Secondly, even if club has more members than ever, the argument contains no evidence to support the

assumption that people who exercise regularly are also interested in buying health food(tend to be potential customers)

 论据3: 预见到新生代顾客(没有考虑到学生可能有自己的判断与选择)

 正文段3: 论据自身的不可信

 Thirdly, the fact that a certain fitness program is mandatory for P’s schoolchildren accomplishes nothing toward bolstering the recommendation. Mandatory participation is no indication of genuine interest in health or fitness.

 论据无法支持前提与结论: 论据不能充分论证该地区的居民高度关注健康,同时前提 的中previous experience犯了经


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