来源:管理学 发布时间:2012-03-09 点击:
一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)
V 1. Jk’s thr kpt tlling him tht h shoul work hr, ut_____ in’t hlp.
. h.
. it.
. sh.
. whih.
2. W shoul lwys kp _____ wll-inform of th hnging informtion.
. us
. ours
. ourslvs
. w
3. Th offiil m_____lr tht h woul o vrything possil to solv th prolm.
. it.
. this.
. tht.
. him.
4. Thy hv invit m to th prty_____is vry kin of thm.
. s.
. whih.
. it.
. tht.
5. Th nws of th prsint’s oming to our shool for visit ws_____on th rio ystry. . turn out.
. foun out.
. givn out.
. rri out.
6. _____smoking, h woul not hv got lung nr.
. Ws h givn up.
. H h givn up.
. i h giv.
. If h gv up.
7. ws usul with him, h rviw ll th fts of th s ftr h h m th ision.
. s
. Suh
. So
. Wht
8. s your spokn Jpns gts ttr, so_____your writtn Jpns.
. will.
. os.
. is.
. hs.
9. I’ prfr_____if I in’t hv to gt up rly on Sturys.
. tht.
. suh.
. it.
. whih.
10. It ws whn sh ws out to go to ______ th tlphon rng.
. . sin.
. s.
. tht.
. thn.
11. H knows th rul ut os not know how to _______ it.
. ontrol
. irt
. pply
. run
12. —Why os th strm smll trril? —us lrg quntitis of wtr_____.
. hv pollut
. is ing pollut
. hs n pollut
. hv n pollut
13. If you wnt to hng for oul room you’ll hv to py _____$15.
. nothr
. othr
. mor
. h
14. "Thnk you for your prft ontrol. Without you, ______" si th host.
. w woul ttk y th or
. w shoul ttk y th or
. w hv n ttk y th or
. w woul hv n ttk y th or
15. I work in usinss_____lmost vryon is witing for th goo hn.
. how.
. whih.
. whr.
. tht
16. It is us h ws too onit _______ h fil in th intrviw.
. tht
. so tht
. so
. thrfor
17. It is si tht th mting_____for four hours. Why shoul I rgrt missing it?! . hs lst
. hs n lsting.
. lst
. h lst
18. —You look rthr tir toy. —_____not to miss th 5:20 flight, I in’t r to los my ys.
. Rmining.
. Rmin
. ing rmin
. Hving rmin
19. —Mry osn’t sm to wht sh ws. —No._____so muh in th wr hs m hr mor thoughtful. . Sn.
. Hr sing.
. Hving sn.
. To hv sn.
20. Hving hr of th ir int, sh_____ pln gin
. ws fri of tking.
. ws fri to tk.
. r tk.
. h not ourg to tk.
21. It ws lry pst minight n only four young mn_____in th room.
. lft.
. rmin
. ly
. srt
22. Th ompny is strting nw vrtising mpign to_____nw ustomrs to its stors. . ttn
. ttrt.
. stik.
. trnsfr.
23. Th shop ssistnt ws fir s h ws_____of ting ustomrs.
. us
. hrg
. lm
. ught.
24. _____oms to s m, tll him I’m out.
. nyon.
. Who.
. Whovr.
. vryon.
25. Now lot of nw thnology vlop y sintists will _____improving th qulity of ri n wht.
. us to.
. ppli to.
. suit to.
. ustom to.
二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。)
V 1.
goo 1 is ttr thn fortun, for fortun nnot 2 thos lmnts of hrtr whih mk ompnionship lssing. Th st ompnion is on who is 3 n ttr thn ourslvs, for w r inspir 4 his wisom n virtu(美德)to nolr s.
“5 goo ompny, n you shll on of th numr,” si Gorg Hrrt. “ mn is known y th ompny h kps.” hrtr mks hrtr in th ssoitions of lif fstr thn nything 6. This ft mks th 7 of ompnions in rly lif mor importnt vn thn tht of thrs n gurins
ompnionship is ution, goo or ; it vlops mnhoo or womnhoo, high or 8; it lifts th soul upwr or rgs it ownwr; it ministrs to virtu or vi(恶行).Sow virtu, n th 9 will virtu. Sow vi, n th hrvst will vi. Goo ompnionships hlp us to sow virtu;10 ompnionships hlp us to sow vi.
. ompny
. ompny
. ompnion
. ompnionship.
. purhs
. hs
. mrhnt
. pursuit
. wors
. wir
. wisr
. lvr
. of
. for
. with
. y
. Tk
. Gt
. Kp
. Form{17作业网英语}.
. othr
. ls
. rthr
. srh
. gol
. pth
. hoi
. tll
试卷总分:100 测试时间:--
一、单选题(共 28 道试题,共 56 分。)
1. It's no good _______ here. Let's go home.
A. to wait
B. waited
C. waiting
D. being waited
满分:2 分
2. All these dictionaries are a great help to you,______?
A. are they
B. aren't they
C. are all these dictionaries
D. aren't all these dictionaries
满分:2 分
3. In the new program 3+X if your dream to be a doctor _______, you must take chemistry as elective course.
A. realizes
B. comes true
C. comes off
D. comes out
满分:2 分
4. — Let’s go and have a good drink tonight. — ________ Have you got the first prize in the competition?
A. Thanks a lot.
B. What for?
C. Yes, I’d like to.
D. Why not?
满分:2 分
5. — I can’t get on well with some of my classmates. They just leave me in the cold. —
________. But what’s the reason?
A. Sorry to hear that.
B. How about that?
C. Don’t mention it.
D. Never give up!
满分:2 分
6. Had it not been for the haze(雾霾) weather phenomenon, there _____ fewer car accidents in Beijing then.
A. were
B. would be
C. may be
D. would have been
满分:2 分
7. — Have a nice weekend. — Thank you. _____.
A. See you later
B. What about you
C. The same to you
D. It’s my pleasure
满分:2 分
8. The open-air celebration has been put off _______ the bad weather.
A. in case of
B. in spite of
C. instead of
D. because of
满分:2 分
9. — It is reported that it will rain hard next Sunday. — ______. We’re planning to go boating that day.
A. I don’t think so.
B. I hope not.
C. I’m afraid not.
D. I hope so.
满分:2 分
10. — Have you been wasting time on computer games again? — ________. I’ve been studying a lot and I need a break.
A. No way
B. I don’t agree
C. Not really
D. I couldn’t agree more
满分:2 分
11. Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t turn up.
A. should have arrived
B. should arrive
C. should have had arrived
D. should be arriving
满分:2 分
12. I am tired and I don't feel like _____ any further.
A. to walk
B. to be walking
C. walking
D. walk
满分:2 分
13. He’s determined to finish the job __________long it takes.
A. no matter
B. however
C. wherever
D. whatever
满分:2 分
14. There isn't anything wrong with the radio, ______?
A. is there
B. is it
C. does it
D. does there
满分:2 分
15. I ________ my handbag stolen last week.
A. had
B. let
C. lost
D. left
满分:2 分
16. —I would never come to the restaurant again. The food is terrible!—________.
A. Nor am I
B. Neither would I
C. Same with me
D. So do I
满分:2 分
17. Jack has coffee with breakfast, ______?
A. hasn't Jack
B. hasn't he
C. doesn't Jack
D. doesn't he
满分:2 分
18. I came into the classroom, ______ my seat and sat down to read.
A. finding
B. to find
C. found
D. founded
满分:2 分
19. The guide was enthusiastic and knowledgeable and we spent a lovely evening wandering into places which we ________ straight past otherwise.
A. had walked
B. were walking
C. would have walked
D. must have walked
满分:2 分
20. Mrs.Green is out. I have to _____her baby.
A. look around
B. look up
C. look after
D. look for
满分:2 分
21. Don't ______ your hope no matter what happens.
A. write down
B. look for
C. go over
D. give up
满分:2 分
22. — I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night. — ______, I know you’re busy these days.{17作业网英语}.
A. Of course
B. No kidding
C. That’s all right
D. Don’t mention it
满分:2 分
23. — What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. — ______. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
A. It just depends
B. It’s up to you
C. All right
D. Glad to hear that
满分:2 分
24. At the foot of the mountain________ .
A. a village lie
B. lies a village
C. does a village
D. lying a village
满分:2 分
25. Never before_____in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.
A. has this city been
B. this city has been
C. was this city
D. this city was
满分:2 分
26. Dad, I won first place in the speech contest.______! I’m proud of you, my daughter.
A. Congratulations
B. Good luck

C. My pleasure
D. Good idea
满分:2 分
27. — How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? — ______. But the conductor was perfect.
A. I couldn’t agree more
B. I don’t think much of it
C. I was crazy about it
D. I really like it
满分:2 分
28. Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?
A. does he
B. doesn't he
C. need he
D. needn't he
满分:2 分
试卷总分:100 测试时间:--
二、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 16 分。)
1. " Dyslexia is a problem that restricts the ability to recognize words and connect sounds with letters when people read. People with this learning disorder may also have problems when they write. Dyslexia is not related to eyesight or intelligence. The problem involves areas of the brain
一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. If popl fl hoplss, thy on't othr to () th skills thy n to su##
. opt
. umult
. quir
. ssml
2. uring th tourist sson, thr r mny popl wnring in this ity to s th ol stls () in th sixtnth ntury.
. to uilt
. ing uilt
. hving n uilt
. uilt
3. Th profssor oul hrly fin suffiint grouns ()his rgumnts in fvor of th nw thory. . to s on
. to s on
. whih to s on
. on whih to s
4. () th ssy son tim, th hin mning will om lrr to you.
. Whil ring
. ftr ring
. Your hving r
. Whn you r
5. vryon hops tht w n o somthing to mk things ttr, so w n’t hlp () unr th strss. . ut working
. ut to work
. work
. ut work
6. Unr no irumstn () to tll lis to prnts.
. hilrn r llow
. r hilrn llow
. hilrn will llow
. will hilrn llow
7. stronuts r () ll kins of tsts for thy r tully snt up in sprft.
. inlin to
. sujt to
. pron to
. oun to
8. “() your mting is!” h offr thm his sinr ongrtultions.
. How grt suss
. Wht grt suss
. How grt suss
. Wht grt suss
9. In this kin of hotl, thr r no () rooms.
. luxury
. mrvlous
. osionl
. sulphur
10. Th profssor si h oul tlk on () intrst th uin.
. ny topi
. whih topi
. whihvr topi
. th topi h thought it
11. Th lturs, () th urrnt intrntionl issus, r wll riv.
. r ovr
. ovr
. ovring
. to ovr
12. “() th frinship twn our two popl lst forvr!”, n with this sinr hop, th prsint onlu his sph.
. oul
. My
. Woul
. Must
13. On hring grt nois, Mik look forwr through th winow () wht hppn outsi th room. . to sing
. to s
. sing
. to hv sn
14. Our () tlks promis goo futur for our ooprtion.
. intrior
. insurn
. initil
. invisil
15. Th () of loo lwys mks him fl sik.
. form
. viw
. look
. sight
16. () th xpns, I () roun-th-worl tour.
. Wr it not „ woul tk
. If it wr not„ tk
. Wrn’t it for„ will tk
. If it hn’t n for„ woul hv tkn
17. This root is suppos to sv lot of lor, ut it rmins prolm if it (). . is
. svs
. os
. hs
18. It is no longr prolm () th poor hilrn in this istrit n go to shool. . tht
. whthr
. so
. us
19. Tomorrow w will () our y of inpnn.
. fvor
. xpos
. ror
. lrt
20. Sh sk for () lsss t hom us sh thought sh woul lrn nglish mor quikly. . pulir
. privt
. prsonl
. prtiulr
21. Th tnny of oy to om () his mothr n to rsnt his fthr is rfrr to s th “Oipus omplx” (恋母情结).
. tth to
. rlt to
. nm ftr
. inspir to
22. () no n to tk ny miin () you r ill.
. It is„unlss
. Thr is„unlss
. It is„unlss
. Thr is„until{17作业网英语}.
23. I hr tht you rlly h wonrful tim t John’s irthy prty, ()?
. in’t I
. in’t you
. hn’t you
. will you
24. Oviously h ws () y th shop ownr whn sh ws shopping in tht stor.
. suppos
. supplmnt
. swpt
. ht
25. stronuts r () ll kins of tsts for thy r tully snt up in sprft.
. inlin to
. sujt to
. pron to
. oun to
26. In spit of ll his fforts, his ts ontinu to () up.
. mount
. sn
. lim
. ris
27. vry oy n vry girl () to th musum this ftrnoon.
. is to go
. r to go
. wr to go
. is gon
28. () you islik nint uilings, Wrrik stl is worth visit.
. s{17作业网英语}.
. If
. vn if
. Now tht
29. () mor informtion, thy oul mk th pln ttr thn it is now.
. Hving givn
. If giving
. Givn
. To givn
30. You will not () out your foo in tim of grt hungr.
. spil
. prtiulr
. pulir
. spifi
31. Profssor llington sks his stunts to r th nwspprs to kp () of urrnt vnts. . wth
. osrvtion
. trk
. informtion
32. H osn’t know wht to sy, for it is th first tim tht h () with girl. . wnt out
. gos out
. hs gon out
. h gon out
33. It () quit fw yrs () th us ws lr innont n st fr.
. ws; sin
. is; tht
. will ; whn
. ws; for
34. You shouln't hv writtn in th () sin th ook longs to th lirry.
. intrvl
. orr
. mrgin
. g
35. ()vin tht lngug quiring ility must stimult.
. If ing
. It is
. Thr is
. Thr ing
36. H’s n intllignt oy. H () m suh foolish mistk.
1.【第17单元】The hero’s story ______ differently in the newspapers.
A was reported B was reporting C reports D reported
2.【第17单元】—The window is dirty.
— I know. It ______ for weeks.
A hasn’t cleaned B didn’t clean C wasn’t cleaned D hasn’t been cleaned
3.【第17单元】 — This cloth _____well and _____ long. — Ok. I'll take it. "
A washes/lasts B is washed/lasted C washes/is lasted D is washing/lasting
4.【第17单元】The bridge which ______ last year looks really beautiful.
A was built B built C was set up D had been built
5.【第17单元】—Why did you leave that position?
— I ______ a better position at IBM.
A offer B offered C am offered D was offered
单选题 6.【第17单元】More than a dozen students in that school ______ abroad to study medicine last year.
A sent B were sent C had sent D had been sent
7.【第17单元】 The policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small box which ______ placed under the Minister’s car.
A has been B was being C had been D would be
8.【第17单元】—I saw Dave in lift this morning.
— Really? He ______ around here for a long time.
A won’t be seen B wasn’t see C hasn’t been seen D hadn’t been seen
9.【第17单元】 Millions of pounds’ worth damage ______ by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.
A has been caused B had been caused C will be caused D will have been caused
单选题 10.【第17单元】The new dictionaries are very useful.They ____ well and ____ already.
A sell; have been sold out B sold; had sold out C sell, sell out D are sold; have been sold out
11.【第18单元】— Do you enjoy your present job?
— _______. I just do it for a living.
A Of course B Not really C Not likely D Not a little
12.【第18单元】She said she would go and she ________ go. {17作业网英语}.
A didn’t B did C really D would
13.【第18单元】It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer.
Unit17 Laughter作业一
Warm up & What's So Funny?
1.I wanted to ________(提取)$40 from our bank account.
2.His character has been greatly ________(成熟的)in recent years.
3.Please be quick,otherwise we'll ________(耽误)our plane.
4.The water must be ________(净化)and sterilized.
5.He ________ (喊叫)at the young girl so that she could hear.
6.We could not afford to ________(忽视)such a serious thing.
7.It's the most ________(可笑的)thing I've ever heard in my life.
8.His first ________(回答)was to say no.Later,however,he changed his mind.
9.They work with an _____(难以置