来源:快速阅读法 发布时间:2017-12-26 点击:
VAIOBABY法语系列: 已经上传了很多法语语法词汇资料,这些都是本人以前学习法语所累积下来的。其中都一部分是凯育老师强力推荐和分享的。现在开始上传阅读系列。敬请期待。谢谢大家支持VAIOBABY.
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1--个人基本情况:与个人简历不同,这里的个人基本情况是要着重表述个人的学习和工作期间的主要业绩。 2--申请原因:明确阐述申请某某学校以及某某专业的理由,要告诉校方这个学校为什么吸引你,学习这个专业对你有什么帮助。

Motivation Letter{中文的留学动机范文}.
Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering,
Guangdong University of Technology,
No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou
Higher Education Mega Center,
Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006
Dear Mr. /Mrs. :{中文的留学动机范文}.
I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzer- land (SUPSI).
First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yang. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7th July, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.
There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:
First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a job.MPM, in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering and Automation.Exactly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual profess- nal skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledges than I can get inland and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.
Second, SUPSI can offer me good teaching quality. SUPSI is one of the eight Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland.The institution focuses on education based on professional need and on applied research, and , at the same time, it provides a practice-oriented education and offer a wide range of master’s programs. The educational goal of MPM in SUPSI is to shape new professsional figures characterized by reseach and operate skills through an
effective training path constantly merging reseach and education. For my part,I prefer practice-oriented educcation to pure reseach-oriented.
Thirdly, SUPSI can affords me a good environment to study. According to Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Switzerland ranked number one among a total of 131 surveyed countries.It’s a reflection of a world-class capacity for innovation, combined with a highly sophisticated business culture. The country has a well-developed infrastructure for scientific reseach,with close collaboration between the leading research centersand industry. What’s more, the top-notch infrastructure, well-built education and health care systems as well as clean and beautiful environment all provides a safe,conve- nient, comfortable and healthy living environment for me to live and study.
Additional, SUPSI gives a preferential tuition fee. The institution cooperates with our university.Due to the cooperation between the Chinese and Swiss governments on this project,the fees are low.I think choosing to study in SUPSI can lower the financial pressure to my family. Furthermore, after graduating from SUPSI, I will become more competitive and enjoy a more positive prosp- ect in future job market.
Finally, thank you for your reading again. I am seriously interested in studying at your university. What I care most is, whether I can be accepted by you, I wis- h!

Looking forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you!{中文的留学动机范文}.
Yours sincerely, ang
留学法国动机信范文 法语
Objet : Candidature pour le Master «Management de la Culture,des Arts et du Patrimoine»parcours Gastronomie, Vin et Tourisme{中文的留学动机范文}.
Canton, le 17 novembre 2011
Je me permets de vous adresser ma candidature afin de poursuivre mes études au sein de l’ITBS de l’Université d’Angers.
Je suis actuellement en 4ème année de l’IFCT de l’Université de Guangzhou et j’obtiendrai en juin 2012 un diplôme de licence d’ingénierie des services du tourisme, option hôtellerie et restauration.
Ma candidature est le résultat d’une réflexion profonde sur la qualité des disciplines dispensées par L’ITBS d’Angers. Mes centres d’intérêts sont en grande partie liés à cette formation et comme tout le monde le sait, la France possède une longue histoire et une culture brillante dans le domaine de la gastronomie et du vin ce qui me séduit beaucoup. Quand j’étais enfant, j’avais comme vœu le plus cher de déguster toute les cuisines du monde et d’avoir le génie de faire la cuisine. J’espère donc que vous pourrez me donner cette occasion de réaliser ce voeu, et de pouvoir approfondir mes connaissances dans ce domaine.
Lors de mes quatre années passées à l’université, j’ai développé la maîtrise de la langue française mais aussi la connaissance professionnelle du tourisme. Ce sont deux matières où je me sens à l’aise, qui me plaisent vraiment et qui sont indispensables pour le parcours Gastronomie, Vin et Tourisme. Pendant mes stages à canton, j’ai rencontré beaucoup de français, et j’ai participé à de nombreux événements français, qui m’ont permis de me familiariser avec le savoir vivre et la pensée française. Chaque expérience a renforcé ma détermination de partir étudier en France, et j’ai confiance en moi, aussi je compte vraiment sur cette opportunité.
En attendant l’occasion de pouvoir vous détailler les éléments évoqués ci-dessus lors d’un entretien, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.
动 机 信
介绍父母双方工作情况,如工作单位,职位,收入等。后面的内容为参考,不一定要一摸一样。 因此,我们希望能送我们的孩子来法国接受更好的基础教育,在初中或高中基础知识以及语言方面早做准备为今后进法国的大学学习打好基础,通过在法国的学习深造,掌握一些实用的知识与技能,同时具有语言方面的优势,让孩子在未来的激烈的就业竞争中顺利的找到好的工作岗位。

My name is **. I'm 22 years old, a senior student of Hefei University of technology. My major is electrical engineering and automation. I am the only child in my family. My mother is a Chinese teacher and my father owns a company producing textile like linen and cotton. I have many hobbies,such like reading science fiction, swimming, playing table tennis and football.
I prefer Karlsruhe institute of technology.Because it's electrical engineering has a good reputation.I want to learn about new energy .I am interested in new energy .
I have thought of the reasons already.There are four reasons for me to study further in Germany.
First,I want to be an electrical engineer.But,education system in china is not very good ,and China's university education is not recognized in the world .On the contrary ,the German diploma value is very high.As a developed country , Germany has very advanced electrical technologies and concepts and the academic attitude is rigorous in Germany.So,i think German universities can provide me a better and more advanced education .and i can learn to do things with rigorous attitude ,it is very valuable in my life.
Second,studying in German not only can broaden my horizon but also can learn another foreign language.I am interested in learning languages,i think only i have learned the language that can i know the country's culture.And if i have learned German that i could read German original books. I think the version of a book can't convey it's original meanings completely.
I’m fond of football is one of the reasons.The football atmosphere in China is not very good, there is not many people playing football .So,there are not many chances for me to play football.While in Germany ,there is a very good football atmosphere.I want to make a lot of friends who love playing football there.And i have been looking forward to going to the stadium to watch football games.Studying in Germany can make this realized.
The Final reason is that, i hope i can get an opportunity to work in Germany after graduation.In China ,an ordinary person who works very hard for many years can just be able to afford a flat and then settle down to marry.You know, life in China is too stressful,most people live to work. I don't want to live in this way.Working condition in Germany is much better, i think i can live a colorful life if I get an opportunity to work in Germany or in Sino-German joint venture.Because of the high value of German university diploma,my employment prospects after graduation will be fine. That’s all