
来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2017-09-09 点击:



Unit 1 掌握时间: 检查


Unit 2

掌握时间: 检查



pep人教版五年级英语下册 作业

3月28日 星期五 一、连词组句。

1. best you like season do which (?) 2. hot is in summer it (.) 3. like best I spring (.) 4. wear in skirt summer I my (.) 5. your is favourite what season (?)

二、 根据提示, 完整回答下列问题. 1. What do they do on the weekend? (野餐) 2. What do you do on Sundays? (弹钢琴) 3. What can Mike do? (打扫房间) 4.Do you read books every day? (踢足球)




姓名 班级










3、要求正确、熟练。(先说再默;圈出错误的默写,再订正;默写错误的重新默写至全对。) 附:

读读背背(家长签字至少10次) 四年级上册四会句子

1. A:教室里有什么? A : What’s in the classroom?

B: 有一个门。 B : A door.

2. A: 她叫什么名字? A: What’s her name ?

B: 她叫埃米。 B : Her name is Amy.

3. A: 你有多少本书? A: How many books do you have ?

B: 四本。 B: Four

4. A: 我的书在哪里? A: Where is my book?

B: 在桌子上。 B: It’s on the desk.

5. A: 晚饭你想吃什么? A: What would you like for dinner?

B: 我想吃牛肉。 B: I would like some beef.

6. A: 我可以吃饭吗? A: Can I have some rice, please?{五年级英语pep寒假作业}.

B: 当然可以.给你. B: Sure. Here you are.

7. A:你妈妈是干什么的? A: What’s your mother do?

B: 她是个医生。 B: She is a doctor.

8. 我有一个朋友。 I have a friend.

9. 她有一个书包。 She has a bag.


10. 让我来擦窗户吧。 Let me clean the window.

11. 让我们来擦窗户吧。 Let’s clean the desk.


1、 现在几点钟? What time is it ?

2、现在九点钟。 It’s 9 o’clock.

3、该是上学的时候了。 It’s time to go to school.

4、该是上英语课的时候了。 It’s time for English class.

5、这是我们的教室。 This is our classroom.

6、那是教师办公室。 That is the teacher’s desk.

7、这是一台电脑吗?是的,它是。 Is this a computer ? Yes, it is.

8、那是一匹马吗?不,它不是。 Is that a horse ? No, it isn’t.

9、它是什么颜色?它是绿色。 What colour is it ? It’s green.

10、他们是什么颜色? What colour are they ?

它们是黑白色。 They are black and white.

11、它是多少钱?它是八元。 How much is it ?

12、它们是多少钱? How much are they ?

它们是三十三元。 They are 33 yuan.


14、那些是什么?它们是猪。 What are those ? They are pigs.

15、有多少只小狗? How many dogs are there ?

十五只。 There are 15.

16、它是一只鸭子吗?是的,它是。 Is it a duck ? Yes, it is.




19、今天寒冷吗?是的,它是。 Is it cold today ? Yes, it is.




Carter先生。 Mr Carter.



3. 她很安静吗? Is she quiet ?


4. 她很严格么? Is she strict ?


5.今天星期几? What day is it today ?


6.星期二你们有什么课? What do you have on Tuesdays ?

7.我们有数学和科学课。 We have math and science.

8.星期六你常常干些什么? What do you do on Saturdays ?

9.我看电视做作业。 I watch TV and do homework.

10.你怎么样? What about you ? It’s 8 yuan. What’s this ? It’s an apple. Are they rabbits ? No, they aren’t.It’s sunny today. Let’s play football. Who’s your English teacher ? What’s he like ? He’s tall and strong . No, she isn’t. She’s very active. Yes, she is , but she’s very kind . It’s Tuesday.

我也做作业。 I do my homework, too.

11.星期一你们午饭吃什么? What do you have for lunch on Mondays ?

12.我们吃西红柿,土豆和鱼. We have tomatoes, potatoes and fish .

13.你最喜欢的水果是什么? What’s your favourite fruit ?

14.我喜欢苹果. 它们甜甜的. I like apples . They are sweet.

15.我喜欢水果. 但是我不喜欢葡萄. I like fruits. But I don’t like grapes.

它们酸酸的. They’re sour.

16.星期三你午饭吃什么? What do you have for lunch on Wednesday ?

17.我吃米饭,牛肉和豆腐. I have rice and tofu .

18.你会干什么? What can you do ?

我会做饭。 I can cook the meals.

19.你会铺床吗? Can you make the bed ?


20.你会扫地吗? Can you sweep the floor ?

是的,我会。 Yes, I can.

21.我房间里有一面镜子, There is a mirror,

两把椅子和一个大衣橱。 two chairs and a big closet.

22.我家里有两间卧室, There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. 一间厨房和一间客厅。

23.衣橱在桌子旁边。 The closet is near the table.

24.许多衣服在衣橱里。 Many clothes are in the closet.

25.垃圾箱在门后。 The trash bin is behind the door.

26.公园里面有一个森林吗? Is there a forest in the park?

是的,有。 Yes, there is.

27.有一条河吗? 不,没有。

28.山里有熊猫吗? Are there any pandas in the mountains?


29.河里有鱼吗? 是的,有。

Yes, there are.



(书包) (铅笔) (

(教师) (学生) (

(房间) (学校) (

(椅子) (床) (

(蛋) (水) (

(父亲) (母亲) (No, I can’t. here isn’t. No, there aren’t. 钢笔) (书) (尺子) (铅笔盒) 男孩) (女孩) (朋友) (家) 教室) (窗户) (课桌) (门) 米饭) (牛肉) (面包) (牛奶) 鸡肉) (鱼) (姐妹) (兄弟) 司机) (医生) (农民) (护士) Is there a river? No, t Are there any fish in the river?


(计算机) (写字板) (风扇) (灯) (这;这个)

(是) (我的) (那;那个) (你的) (讲台)

(图画;照片) (墙壁) (地板) (是;是的) (它)

(一) (二) (三) (四) (五)

(六) (七) (八) (九) (十)

(什么) (时间) 它是 (…点钟) (数学)

(语文) (英语) (体育) (音乐) (为;给)

(课程) (夹克衫) (衬衫) (裙子) (连衣裙)

(恤衫) (红色的) (蓝色的) (黄色的) (绿色的)

(白色的) (不;不是) (不;不是的) (颜色) (暖和的)

(寒冷的) (凉爽的) (今天) (牛仔裤) (长裤)

(袜子) (鞋子) 让我们 (玩;踢) (足球)

(下雪的) (晴朗的) (多少钱) (大的) (小的)

(长的) (短的) (苹果) (香蕉) (梨)

(橙子) (西瓜) (是) 它(他、她)们 (马)

不是 (猫) (兔子) (猪) (鸭子)

(狗) (十一) (十二) (十三) (十五)

(二十) (多少) (那儿;那里)


(年轻的) (滑稽可笑的) (高的) (强壮的)

(和蔼的、亲切的) (年老的) (矮的) (瘦的)

(先生) (像、喜欢) (严格的) (聪明的、巧妙的)

(积极的、活跃的) (安静的、文静的) (很、非常) (但是)

(星期一) (星期二) (星期三) (星期四)

(星期五) (星期六) (星期天) (天)

(有、吃) (在…..时候) (做作业) (看电视) (读书) (茄子) (鱼) (青豆) (豆腐)

(土豆) (西红柿) (为) (中餐) (我们) (好吃的) (甜的) (酸的) (新鲜的) (咸的) (最喜欢的) (他们是) (水果) (葡萄) (倒垃圾) (浇花)

(扫地) (打扫卧室) (铺床) (摆饭桌) (洗碗碟) (收拾衣服)

(使用计算机) (窗帘) (垃圾箱) (壁橱) (镜子) (床头柜) (卧室) (厨房) (卫生间) (客厅) (在…里面) (在…上面) (在…下面) (在..旁边) (在…后边) (衣服) (河流) (花) (草) (湖泊) (森林) (路)

(公园) (照片) (房子) (桥) (树) (公路) (建筑物) (干净的)



五上Let’s Spell儿歌

Unit 1 y No candy for the baby. 的发音

No candy for the baby. I am sorry, little baby, But no candy for the baby.

Unit 2

eeI like to read. 和ea 的发音 I like to eat.

I like to drink tea. I like to repeat.

Unit 3

It is winter.

ow的发音 I look out of my window. I can see white snow. Down comes the snow, Slow, slow, slow. It is spring.

I look out of my window. I can see something yellow. Up comes a flower. Slow, slow, slow.

Unit 4 oo II’m going to the zoo. 的发音

I’m going to the zoo.


You can come, too! ’m going to look at the animals. II’m going to the zoo. I’m going to the zoo.

You can come, too! ’m going to play football.

Unit 5

aiI cannot wait. 和ay 的发音 I cannot wait.

My birthday in on Monday.

I cannot wait. I cannot wait.

It ’s going to be a fun day. Unit 6 ou的发音

Sh! Sh!{五年级英语pep寒假作业}.

WhatA little mouse is on the ground. ’s that sound?

A little mouse Is in my house. Sh! Sh! Sh! Sh!

五上Let’s Spell儿歌{五年级英语pep寒假作业}.

Unit 1 y No candy for the baby. 的发音

No candy for the baby. I am sorry, little baby, But no candy for the baby.

Unit 2

eeI like to read. 和ea 的发音 I like to eat.

I like to drink tea. I like to repeat.

Unit 3

It is winter.

ow的发音 I look out of my window. I can see white snow. Down comes the snow, Slow, slow, slow. It is spring.

I look out of my window. I can see something yellow. Up comes a flower. Slow, slow, slow.

Unit 4 oo II’m going to the zoo. 的发音

I’m going to the zoo.

You can come, too! ’m going to look at the animals. II’m going to the zoo. I’m going to the zoo.

You can come, too! ’m going to play football.

Unit 5

aiI cannot wait. 和ay 的发音 I cannot wait.

My birthday in on Monday.

I cannot wait. I cannot wait.

It ’s going to be a fun day. Unit 6 ou的发音

Sh! Sh!

WhatA little mouse is on the ground. ’s that sound?

A little mouse Is in my house. Sh! Sh! Sh! Sh!






第一页:画一幅自画像,并用英语介绍自己和自己的身体各部位。 第二页:为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张英语新年贺卡。





Look! This is me.My name is .I am

a .(boy/girl) I’m years old.My family has ____ people.They are And me. My

father is a mother is I like_______. (填某种颜色).I like (填某一门科目),too. I have a good friend, His/Her name is He/She has hair. He/She is

I believe:I am the best !我相信我是最棒的!

为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张英语新年贺卡吧!下面的句子可能会帮到你哦: Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

May the joy and happiness around you today and always.


Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy new year.


With best wishes for a happy new year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year. 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。{五年级英语pep寒假作业}.






Unit 1 My day

A. Let’s talk.

Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o’clock.

Then we eat lunch at home.

Zhang Peng: Wow!

When do you go back to school after lunch?

Pedro: At 2:30.

Classes start at 3 o’clock.

Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock.

Zhang Peng: Wow! That’s too late!

B. Let’s talk.

Shopkeeper: Why are you shopping today?

Sarah: My mum worked last night.

So I’m shopping today.

Shopkeeper: Good girl!

So what do you do on the weekend?

Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun.

Sarah: Yes, but I’m also hard-working.

I usually wash clothes.

Sometimes I cook dinner.

Shopkeeper: You’re so busy!

You need a robot to help you!

Robin’s play

Robin is in a play.

He is Robinson Crusoe.

Here is a letter from him.

My name is Robinson.

I live on an island.

I always get up early every day.

I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast.

Sometimes I clean my cave, too.

I often go swimming in the water.

In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend.

His name is Friday.

Friday is good at sports.

He often wins.

C. Story time

Zip: It’s Saturday now.


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