
来源:会计审计 发布时间:2017-06-14 点击:


2017年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Art课时作业

Unit 1 Art


体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:关爱 词数:321 时间:18′

The first time I saw Pauline was in a factory restaurant thirty years ago.At that time I was a __1__,shy 18-year-old boy.I had to work in a factory __2__ my family was poor and I had to earn money to __3__ it.I had never had a job before.The __4__ of the factory sounded and you were allowed a __5__.The bell sounded again and you had to be back to go on with your work.

As I entered the __6__ one day after work,I looked around the room.There were so many people there.No one knew me,no one __7__ me,and no one greeted me.Everyone was eating their lunch.There seemed to be no spare __8__ for me.

From across the room,in a corner,a __9__ caught my eye.The lady was about 40 years old,with sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair.She had been smiling __10__ at me since I saw her.And she __11__ me to join her at the table where she was eating her lunch.When I approached the __12__,she introduced herself and the rest of the people sitting at the table __13__.The warmth and __14__ I felt at that moment was a feeling I'd never experienced before and I will __15__ it forever. Her name was Pauline and I often met her later in the __16__ where we were working.She taught me more about __17__ at that moment.I left that factory two years later and __18__ saw her again.Where are you,Pauline? To this day I am always __19__ to welcome a stranger,to smile at a stranger,to comfort a stranger,to show the __20__ and acceptance to a stranger.

Thank you Pauline.I know you are smiling at me every time I remember you and the warmth and acceptance you gave a stranger who was lonely and shy.

1.A.curious B.brave C.proud D.lonely

答案 D [根据短文最后的you gave a stranger who was lonely and shy可知选项D正确。]

2.A.because B.unless C.when D.though

答案 A [前后两个句子的内容是因果关系,故用because连接。作者因为家庭贫寒所 1


3.A.manage B.decorate C.support D.build

答案 C [作者18岁就开始在工厂上班挣钱是因为家庭太穷,要挣钱养家。]

4.A.machine B.bell C.clock D.speaker

答案 B [下面一句The bell sounded again and...提示了答案。]

5.A.break B.meal C.coffee D.sleep

答案 A [根据后面的...you had to be back to go on with your work可知,铃声响起是休息,铃声再次响起是继续工作。]

6.A.office B.workshop C.lab D.restaurant

答案 D [根据短文第一句以及Everyone was eating their lunch可知,作者下班之后去的地方是工厂的食堂。]

7.A.helped B.noticed C.believed D.praised

答案 B [从and no one greeted me以及下文内容可以推测,在餐厅里没有人注意到作者。]

8.A.time B.money C.seat D.food

答案 C [根据There were so many people there.可知,餐厅里面没有多余的座位,作者没有找到座位。]

9.A.man B.child C.lady D.granny

答案 C [下文The lady was about 40 years old提示了答案。]

10.A.sweetly B.silently

C.shyly D.strangely 答案 A [根据下面一句可知,这位夫人让作者坐到她的桌子上吃饭,说明这个夫人很



C.advised B.telephoned D.motioned 答案 D [因为人多嘈杂,这位女士只能向作者打手势。]

C.window D.stage 12.A.door B.table

答案 B [下文she introduced herself and the rest of the people sitting at the



B.smilingly D.impatiently 2 C.quietly

答案 B [从上文这位女士一直微笑地看着作者,到短文最后一句I know you are

smiling at me every time可知,这位女士一直是在微笑着做这一切的。]


C.acceptance B.understanding D.forgiveness 答案 C [根据短文最后一句I know you are smiling at me every time I remember

you and the warmth and acceptance you gave a stranger who was lonely and shy.可知选项C正确。]


C.share B.seek D.consider 答案 A [根据最后一句every time I remember you and the warmth and acceptance

you gave a stranger可知,作者会珍惜这种经历。]


C.hospital B.market D.factory 答案 D [由where we were working可知,作者和这位女士经常在工厂见面。]


D.courage 17.A.care

C.responsibility 答案 A [根据上文可知,这位女士让作者去她桌上吃饭,并将桌上的人介绍给他,说


18.A.usually B.often

C.rarely D.never 答案 D [根据Where are you,Pauline?可知作者再也没有见过这位女士。]

D.poor 19.A.difficult B.familiar C.ready

答案 C [作者在这位女士的感召下,也乐意对陌生人微笑、安慰、关心。]


D.trust 20.A.independence

C.power 答案 B [短文最后一段I remember you and the warmth and acceptance you gave

a stranger提示了答案。]


体裁:说明文 话题:文化娱乐 词数:301 时间:6′

Flamenco(弗拉门科舞) is a typical dance and music in the south of Spain.It was brought to Spain by gypsy(吉卜赛) people coming from Eastern Europe in the 15th 3


The three things needed to do flamenco are a good singer,a Spanish guitar,and a good dancer.Normally,the scene of a flamenco show is a plank floor,and it can be in any theater or bar.But for something different in Granada,you can see Flamenco in typical caves where families of gypsy people lived in ancient times.

Flamenco is divided into two groups,the group of singers and the group of dancers.The group of singers is normally formed of men who sing and play the Spanish guitar.The men usually wear black suits,and the bottoms of their shoes are metal.

The group of dancers is usually formed of women.The most beautiful thing in this part is how fast they can move their feet and the sound you can listen to.The sound of the shoes has the same rhythm as the music.I would like to describe a night in Granada when we decided to go to see a Flamenco show.As I said,in Granada the scene is a cave,and that makes you feel different.The sound of the music with the sounds from the bottoms of the dancers' shoes made me feel happy.The people watching were trying to clap to the rhythm of the music,but it's impossible to do it because this art is just for professional people.

We saw the joy of the gypsy people.They were happy and charming and they transmitted(传达) this to us with their music.Flamenco is definitely a great art!

【语篇解读】 西班牙南部的弗拉门科舞是在15世纪由吉卜赛人带到西班牙的。这种舞蹈有自己的鲜明特点。

21.We know from the passage that Flamenco ________.

A.has been popular in Spain for 15 centuries B.was invented by gypsy people C.came from some countries of Europe D.was from the countryside of Spain 答案 C [细节理解题。本题可用排除法来做。根据第一段内容可以排除A、B、D三个

选项,同时,第一段内容中的coming from Eastern Europe可知C为正确选项。]

22.What do we know about Flamenco's players?

A.Some singers are men and others are women. B.Men play the Spanish guitar while singing. 4

C.Dancers are partly made up of women. D.What singers wear is nothing unusual except black suits. 答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的The group of singers is normally formed

of men who sing and play the Spanish guitar可知B为正确答案。]

23.What makes the writer feel unusual is that ________.

A.the performance he saw was played in a cave B.women had to move their feet as fast as the rhythm of the music C.other people joined singers and dancers to play together D.the people watching couldn't clap to the rhythm of the music 答案 A [细节判断题。根据第二段中的Normally,the scene of a flamenco show is

a plank floor,and it can be in any theater or bar.可知,弗拉门科舞一般在剧院或酒吧表演,因为作者是在山洞里看到的演出,因此感到很新鲜。]

24.From the passage we may infer ________.

A.both the gypsy people and the Spanish are fond of singing and dancing B.it is the Spanish people who made Flamenco more popular C.Flamenco is not popular with gypsy people now D.Flamenco must have been transmitted throughout the world 答案 A [推理判断题。第一句说明弗拉门科舞在西班牙是典型的歌舞,文章最后说明

吉卜赛人用这种歌舞表达幸福,从此可以推断西班牙人和吉卜赛人的共性是能歌善舞。] Ⅲ.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

I have lived with passion and in a hurry,trying to accomplish too many things.I never had time to think __25__ my beliefs until my 28-year-old daughter Paula fell ill.She was paralyzed __26__ (complete) for a year and I took care of her at home,until she died in my arms in December of 1992.

During that year of grieving,everything stopped for me.There __27__ (be) nothing to do—just cry and remember.However,that year also gave an opportunity to reflect upon my journey and the principles __28__ hold me together.

Paralyzed and __29__ (silence) in her bed,my daughter Paula taught me a lesson:You only have what you give.It's by spending yourself that you become rich.Paula led a life of __30__ (serve).She worked as a volunteer __31__ (help) women and 5






第一节 情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


第二节 对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分){书面作业2017函授英语答案}.



()6 .A.Sally. B.Lily. C.Tony.

()7 .A.Hamburgers. B.Cola. C.Potato chips.

()8 .A.Surf the Internet.B.Use mobile phones.C.Chat online.

()9 .A.By shaking hands.B.By bowing. C.By kissing her.

()10.A.The books that tell funny stories.

B .The books that Provide technology information.

C .The books that introduce interesting places.


这一节你将听到一篇短文。请你根据听到的短文内容和提出的5个问题,从每小题所给 的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

()11.Alice was years old.{书面作业2017函授英语答案}.

A .16 B.10 C.15

()12.Alice’s mother got mad because she .

A .kept pets B.argued with Parent s C.had lots of problems

()13.After Alice found tha cat,she .

A .returned it to the owner B.tcok it to the hospital C.asked her mothar for halp ()14.Alice was when she heard the eat was gettiing well.

A .supprised B.worried C.happy

()15.From the stoory,we know




Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


()21. ---Have you read Kobe’s“love letter to basketball”?

---Yes. In the moving letter, he expressed ______ deep love to basketball.

A. he B. his C. him

()22. My parents always encourage me to make a ______ and decide for myself.

A. dialog B. secret C. choice

()23.Soon we will say goodbye to the junior high school life, so we must ______ the rest time we spend together.

A. master B. value C. recall

()24. Some young people spend almost all their ______ time on Internet instead of outdoor activities.

A. silent B. spare C. empty

()25. It’s rude to talk back to your parents. Try to communicate with them ______.

A. politely B. loudly C. exactly

()26. ---I hope Ted will be the winner.

---But it ______ be him, because he has made so many mistakes.

A. must B. might C. can’t

()27. My parents have nothing ______ my hobby. They support me.

A. on B. with C. against

()28. —Have the Apple Watches become popular?

—_______ I know, not many people use them.

A. As far as B. As long as C. As soon as

()29. TF Boys _______ their musical ability and are invited to many programs.

A. are strict with B. are known for C.are full of

()30. Many people like to buy the newest mobile phones, but in fact,some of the new functions(功能) are _______ used.

A. always B. seldom C. usually

()31. As an exchange student, the biggest problem is that I can’t _______ the western food at the host family.

A.payattention to B. look up to C.get used to

()32.The weather report says smog(雾霾)will be heavy outside.________,we’dbetter stay at home.

A. In total B. In person C. In that case

()33. In class we _______ into several groups to have a discussion. That’s quite different fromthe traditional classes.

A. are divided B.divide C. divided

()34. —Sally,could you clean the chalk off the blackboard?

—________. I’ll do it right now,Miss Smith.

A. I agree B. With pleasure C. No way

()35. —Procrastination(拖延症) brings me many problems. I wonder ________.

A. how I can deal with it B. why I was late C. when should I solve it

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


Whenwe talk about Chinese tradition, we will think of the Spring Festival. Without ___36___, it’s the most important festival for Chinesepeople. People welcome it ___37___ cleaning their houses, putting up paper cuttings and couplets(对联). Also,___38___ how far away they are from home, people try to return home before the Spring Festival’s eve and enjoy the family ___39___ together. After that, watching the Spring FestivalGala(春晚)is another ___40___ activity. The next day, people dress up and visit their ___41___and friends, greeting each other with “Happy New Year”and “Good luck”. In many places, dragon dancing ___42___ during the festival. Now, lots of customs are spreading far and wide. “Where there are Chinese, there is theSpring Festival”. It’s ___43___ celebrated all over the world.

However, changes have ___44___ gradually. More people, especially young people, ___45___ travelling somewhere after a year’s hard work instead of staying at home. Some ___46___ to have the family dinner in the restaurant. And some just stay at home because it’s ___47___ to send wishes through Wechat or QQ. People even create more fun ways. For example, “grabbing(抢夺)hongbao” was an exciting game during last year’s Spring Festival. Millions of people took part in it ___48___ they expected to “grab”as much money as possible. For the coming Spring Festival, we ___49___ more creative activities. They will bring ___50___ lots of fun. Do you have any other good ideas?

( )36. A. doubt B. introduction C. advice




一、 寒假来啦,小朋友们一定会到超市里和爸爸妈妈采购



1、动物 2、颜色 3、数字 4、城市、旅行地方(国内外)

5、家人 6、职业 7、食品、饮料 8.交通工具 提示:不要忘记创作出书的封皮和写出作者的姓名哦!






一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult.

A. not making

B. not make

C. nor to make

D. not to make


2. I’ll never forget______ my school headmaster for the first time.

A. to meet

B. meeting

C. meet


D. met


3. The Chinese meaning of the word “disaster” is _______.

A. 飓风

B. 困难

C. 避免

D. 灾难


4. It was an _______ hunt, but the fox escaped.

A. excited

B. exciting

C. excite

D. excites


5. The tourists eventually arrived at their ________.

A. destroy

B. destination

C. destiny

D. determination


6. A teacher’s work is often compared ______ a candle.

A. with

B. on{书面作业2017函授英语答案}.

C. to

D. from


7. The new reporters hurried to the airport, only _____ the film stars had left.

A. to be told

B. to tell

C. telling

D. told



8. The hero’s story ______ in different news-papers.

A. was reported

B. was reporting

C. reports

D. reported


9. The problem _______ at tomorrow’s meeting is a very difficult one.

A. being discussed

B. discussed

C. to be discussed

D. to discuss


10. I am _______ tired of this work.

A. some

B. somewhere

C. somehow

D. somewhat


11. Don’t worry. Everything will ______ in time.

A. be finished

B. finish

C. finished

D. be finishing


12. He and his wife go to the cinema ________.

A. on occasions

B. on duty

C. on sale

D. on average


13. The meeting _____ next week is sure to be a great success.

A. to take place

B. to be taken place

C. to have taken place

D. being taken place


14. All the children were ______ in the school play.

A. involved

B. involving

C. involve

D. involves


15. ---The Chinese people _______ eight years building the Three Gorges Dam (三峡大坝).----How great!

A. spends

B. spend

C. take

D. takes


16. Owing to the snowstorm, the trip to the mountain _______.

A. has been canceling

B. has canceled

C. canceled

D. has been canceled


17. ---__________, could you tell me the way to the bank?---Yes. Go straight and you'll find it.

A. Hello

B. Excuse me

C. Hi

D. Sorry


18. I crossed the street to avoid _______ him, but he saw me and came running towards me.


A. meeting

B. met

C. meet

D. to meet


19. She feels strongly that each of us should have a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live in.

A. to have played

B. to play

C. to be played

D. to be playing


20. His wife told him that the kitchen ________ cleaned by the sweeper.

A. was being

B. was getting

C. has been

D. got




英语人教七年级上综合测评Unit 1

(分数:100分 时间:90分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(15分)


1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.听句子, 选择正确答语(5分)

How are you?

6.A.How do you do?

What is her first name? 7.A.It's Smith.

B.It's Jenny.

C.It's Jim.

B.How are you?

C.Fine, thank you.

What's his number?

8.A.My telephone number is 120897. B.His telephone number is 120897. C.Her telephone number is 120897.


What's his name?




Thank you very much.

10.A.Hello, Kim. B.Goodbye, Kim.

C.You're welcome.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(85分)


16.“I”______ a letter(字母). A.am B.is C.are 17.______ Jenny.______ name is Tom. A.I'm;My B.Her;My C.I'm;His

18.—What's its name? —______.

A.Its Xi Yangyang B.Is Xi Yangyang C.It's Xi Yangyang

19.—______ the jacket? —It's good. A.What is B.How are C.How is

20.This is a boy.His name is ______. A.Zhao Haitao B.Zhao HaiTao C.Zhaohaitao

21.—What ______ four and five? —______ nine.

A.are;They are B.is;It's C.is;Its

22.—______ you Kate Green?

—No, my name ______ Mary Green. A.Is;am B.Are;is C.Are;am

23.—What's her telephone number? —______. A.It's 786-1356 B.It's Jim@163.com C.I'm 88567301

24.My name's Alex Cooper.Alex is my______ name.Cooper is my ______ name. A.first;last B.last;first C.second;family

25.This is ______ ID card.It's not ______ card. A.a;your B.an;you C.an;your


name.Her number is 806-8027 and her ID number 8283928655.Her

26.A.am B.are C.is D.aren't

27.A.she B.She C.He D.I

28.A.Mary B.Smith C.Mary Smith D.Smith Mary

29.A.her B.she

30.A.family B.last

31.A.phone B.ID

32.A.is B.am

33.A.are B.is

34.A.her B.Her

35.A.look B.look at



D.his D.first D.card D.am not D.aren't D.His D.is

C.middle C.bus C.are C.am C.his C.are

A.Dale's B.Eric's C.Kim's D.Linda's

37.What's Dale's telephone number? A.398-5117. B.278-1567. C.281-9176.


38.______ is Linda's last name. A.Brown B.Smith C.Green D.Hand

39.______ boys are in the table(表格). A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

40.Which of the following is NOT true(下列哪项陈述是错误的)? A.Dale's last name is Brown. B.Hand is Eric's last name.

C.Linda's telephone number is 281-9176.

D.535-2375 is Kim's telephone number.


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