
来源:智力 发布时间:2017-01-18 点击:









参考答案:孔子到东方去游学,看见两个小孩在争论,询问他们争论的原因。一个小孩子说:“我认为太阳刚刚出来距离人近,而中午时距离人远。” 另一个小孩认为太阳刚刚出来时距离人远,而中午时距离人近。一个小孩子说:“太阳刚刚出来时,大得像车上的篷盖,到了中午就小得像个盘盂,这不是远处的时候小而近处的时候大吗?”另一个小孩说:“太阳刚刚出来时清凉舒服,等到了中午就热得像把手伸进热水里去,这不是近处的时候热而远处的时候凉吗?”孔子不能判断谁是谁非。两个小孩笑着说:“谁说你知道的事情多呢?”(本文写了两个孩子的天真可爱、善于思考大胆质疑,写了孔子的谦虚谨慎,实事求是。) 第四题

参考答案: 读了这两则文言文,我明白了学习态度是十分重要的,只有专心致志,才能学有所得。而且想要真正认识自然,探索客观真理,就要敢于独立思考、大胆质疑。同时也说明了宇宙无限,知识无穷,再博学的人也会有所不知,学习室无止境的。在这两则文言文里,《学弈》这则是与我们的生活联系得更紧。如我们在课堂上时表面上看起来在认真听老师讲课,手里却在玩玩具或者在做小动作,虽然老师是看不出来的,可是无意间被老师提问时只有呆呆的站着,不知道问题是什么,更别说问题的答案了。到这时才后悔莫及。我觉得我们应该向前一人学习,学习他的专心致志,只有认真学习才能取得好成绩呀。 2\匆匆



二、找出含义深刻的或自己特别喜欢的句子,如,“像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音,也没有影子。”联系生活实际,和同学说说自己的理解和感受。 参考答案:作者运用极新奇巧妙的比喻,把自己过去的八千多日子比喻成极小极小的针尖上的水滴,把时间的流比喻成浩瀚的大海。写出日子显得多么的渺小,消逝得那么快,无声无息,无影无踪,表现作者十分无奈的愁绪。















牛津英语上海版四年级上册上海作业练习题module 1



写出下列单词的宾格, 物主代词。

I ____ ______ you____ _______ he ____ ________

She ____ _____ it _____ ________ we ______ ________

They_____ _______

See 同音词____ I 同音词_________


1、 This is ____(I ) classmate . _____(she) name is Sally .

2、 I _____(to have) got two good _____(friend)

3、 --How_____(be) you ? ----I _____( be ) very well .

4、 ____(he) brother is my classmate .

5、 We are____ (go) to the park .


1. 划线提问)

____ ______name ?

2. She‘s

3. This is his brother (否定句)

3. I‘m Peter‘s classmate . (一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

___ _______Peter‘s classmate? Yes , ____ ________.





读句子 ,用适当的单词填空。

1. Jack is my friend . _____sister is Jane .

2. What is Jack‘s sister‘s name ? _____name is Jane .

3.Mr.Li is our teacher . _____has got a red car .

3. Who is ____father ?The tall man is my father .

4. How is Kitty‘s mother ? _____mother is fine .

5.Has your brother got a big ball ? No,_____hasn‘t .


1. My Chinese teacher _____(be) tall and fat .

2. This is my brother Tony . Today is _____(he) birthday.

3. Mary _____(have) got a new bicycle .

4. Danny ____(can) ride a bicycle , but he _____(can) fly .


1. Kitty and I have a dog . _____dog is black .

A. My B . Her C. Our

2. Happy birthday_____your father .

A. for B.from C.to

3.Is that her T-shirt ? _______, It‘s his T-shirt .

A. No B.Yes C.oh

4._____are you ? I am sixteen .

A.How B.How old C.What



1. My sister can____(run) very fast . She is a good ______(run)

2. I have got two big _____(box) of cholocate .

3. –Can you_____(sing) the song ― Little Star‖? ----No, I _____(can)

4. –Have you got _____(some) toy elephants ? –Yes , I have.

5. Please give me _____(a) orange pencil .

6. _____(I ) deskmate is Linda ._____(she) hair is long .

7. Those boys are my good _____(friend).

8. Is this _____(you) bag? Yes , it‘s ____(I ) bag. It‘s new.


Miss Lin is a new teacher . She‘s thin. She likes lemons very much . She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They‘re her students . Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair . Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges . Miss Lin likes oranges,too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, He likes watermelons .

( )1.Miss Lin likes Lemons

( )2.Wang Dong is an English student .

( )3.Miss Lin is a new student. She‘s thin.

( )4.Wang Dong likes oranges,too.

5. Nancy is the girl with____ ____and____ _______.

6. Mike is a _____. He is thin.

7. Lily and Miss Lin like_______.

以my brother 为题,写一篇小短文,不少于5句话。




( )1.A. run B.super C.jump

( )2.A. classmate B. can C.name

( )3.A. good B.school C.room

( )4.A.brother B.glove C.home

( )5.A.blow B.window C.down


1. Where are the _____(mouse)? ---They are over there /

2. Mary ____(can) draw , but she_____(can) sing .

3. ---Do you like ______(giraffe)? ---Yes , I do .

4. –Can her sister ____(dance) ? ---No , she can‘t .

5. These _____(horse) are very big .

6. How many_____(butterfly) are there ? ---Thirteen.

7. Ben _____(have) got a white sheep.

8. Grandma !_____(you) eyes are big .

9. Look at the elephant‘s ______(tooth) .


( )1.—What _____is it? ---It‘s spring.

A. colour B.season C.time

( ) 2.—My friend is Tom._____has a toy plane .

A.I B.He C.She

( )3.That‘s ______dog .

A.my B.I C.he

( )4.Betty _____got a black bicycle .

A.have B.has C.is

( )5._____is she ? She is my sister .

A.What B.How C.Who

( )6.Taste the lemon. It‘s ______.

A.rough B.sour C.soft .

( )7.Listen______the bird .

A.at B.of C.to

( )8. Spring is _____

A.warm B.cool C.cold .

( )9._____your bicycle in the playground ,please .

A.Ride B.Read C.Red

( )10. I like _______.

A. dance B. dancing C.to dancing .



2. Eddie‘s friend‘s name‘s{上海作业英语五年上答案}.

3. His friend can dive in the river (否定句)

4. Do you like to eat pears ? (根据提示回答问题)

No , I ____ ______to eat pears .

5. Peter can sing and dance .(一般疑问句)

_____Peter sing and dance ?

6. Are her eyes big and black ? (肯定句)

Her _____ ____ big and black .


It‘s Saturday morning , The sun is shining . Six boys and seven girls are in the garden .There are beautiful flowers and green trees in the garden. Boys can ride bicycles in the garden. Girls can play with the balls . Look , some bees and butterflies are in the garden too . They are very happy .

( ) 1. It‘s Sunday morning .

( ) 2. There are twelve children in the garden.

( )3. Boys can ride bicycles in the garden.

( )4. Girls can‘t play with the balls .

( )5. They are very happy .





( )1.happy table ( )2. sheep shoe

( (

( ( 选词填空

1. is this ______(you , your )blue T-shirt? --No, ______(my , your ) T-shirt is red .

2. –What is this ? –It‘s ______(a , an) exercise book .

3. –How _____(/ old ) are they?---They are ten.

4. This is my_______(schoolmate , deskmate ). We are in the same class.

5. ---_______(Can , Are ) you make a birthday card ? ---Yes , I can .

6. Wendy and I ______(am are ) good friends.

7. Eddie and Mike ____(are , have) lovely animals .


8. Can_____(you your )pony sing? No , he can‘t .


1. I‘m

2. Can her brother draw well ?(肯定句)

3. Eddie can swim , He can‘t sing (两句并一句)

4. She has got some nice pictures .(一般疑问句)





See _____ for _______ here _________

反义词: tall_____ young______ black __________

同类词: draw _____ ten________ your ________

复数:sheep ______ child _______ mouse _________


1. Here ____(be) some bread for you .

2. How many______(glass) are there on the table ?

3. Where is ______(you) white rubber ?

4. My father can ______(drive ) the car . He ______(to have) got a new car .

5. Who _____(be) that tall lady?{上海作业英语五年上答案}.

6. Supergirl ____(can ) write , but she _____(can) fly high .



2. Her brother has got a big ball .(一般疑问句)


4. Here‘s your coat (复数句子)


Ed die is a boy . he is nine years old . He can swim in the swimming pool . he likes to play basketball. He likes Yaoming very much . He likes to paint . He often paints pictures at home on Sunday morning . His good friend is Peter . He is a fat boy . He likes to play football . His favorite fruit is cherries .

( ) 1.Eddie isn‘t a boy .

( ) 2. Eddie can swim in the river .

( )3.Eddie likes Yaoming very much .

( )4.Peter is Eddie‘s classmate.

( )5.Peter likes to eat chrries .








【2012贵州贵阳】44. It took Janet three hours _______ reading this interesting story.

A. to finish B. finished C. finishing


考查非谓语动词的用法。It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. 这是个固定句型,花费某人多少时间或金钱做某事。根据句意:读完这个有趣的故事花费了珍妮特三个小时的时间。故选A.

【2012广东】44. It took me two weeks reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.

A. finish B. to finish C. finishes D. Finishing


【2012贵州安顺】26.When I went into the room,I found _____ in bed.

A.him lying B.he lying C.he lies D.him was lying


【2012湖北咸宁】32. Drivers shouldn't be allowed _______ after drinking, or they will break the law.

A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. to be driven


【2012江苏宿迁】14. —Which do you prefer, Chinese food or Western food?

— I would rather Chinese food. Let’s have noodles.

A. to have B. having C. had D. have


【2012 内蒙古包头】31. energy, turn off the hot water after you take a shower.

A. Save B. Saving C. Saved D. To save


37._______a book in the library, enter a key word into the computer.

A. To find B. Find C. To write D. Write


39.______your name on the paper and you can get a magazine.

A. Cut down B. Look down C. Turn down D. Put down


【2011河南】( ) 34. ______ out your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in.

A. Speak B. To speak C. Spoke D. Speaking


【2012.山东菏泽】14. Welcome to our school, ladies and gentlemen. ______, I’d like to introduce myself.

A. To be honest B. To my surprise C. To start with D. To tell you the truth [


【2012山东聊城】31. ________ English well, one must have a lot of practice.

A. Speaks B. To speak C. Spoken D. Speak


【2012山东泰安】35. —I’m leaving now.

—______you turn off the lights and the computer.

A. To make sure B. Make sure C. Made sure D. Making sure


【2012绵阳市】16. ________ this rock music, please. I’m afraid some people can’t stand the noise![

A. Stopping B. Stop C. Stops D. Stopped


【2012年广东省】44. It took me two weeks ____ reading the novels written by Guo Jingming. .

A. finish B. to finish C. finishes D. finishing


【2012贵州黔东南州】30. We believe we can _ a way to solve the problem of pollution in the future.

A. catch up with B. come up with

C. put off D. set off







one (复数)


①. —Do you have (some) fruit? —Yes, I do.



①. The apple tastes crunchy.(划线提问) the apple ?

②. Are these purple grapes sweet?(改肯定句) are sweet.


①. He often his bicycle with his sister in the yard.


1、判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同的用”T”,不同的用“F”表示: smooth mouth ( )


①. These oranges are sweet at all.


①. These (cherry) are nice and sweet. I want (they)。



( ) ①. nice cakes!

A. How B. A C. What


①. I have some (fruit).It is nice.

②. Those (sweet) are for my mother.

③. Mark never (go) to school by bicycle.



( )A.glue B.juice C.blue D.pupil



( ) ①.I see watermelon juice on the table.

A.the B.an C./


①. Kitty has three glasses of juice. of juice Kitty ?



juice(同类词) knife(复数)


①. Some (toy) are hard. Some (fruit) is rough.

②. Laura (want) (buy) a new skirt.

③. (this) books are think and hard.


①. The pineapple is hard.(对划线部分提问) the pineapple feel?


①. Feel the (glass).How do they feel?

②. There (be) some apple juice in the bottle.

③. Some (drink) are hot. I like (drink) black tea.


①. We can touch and feel our hands.



①. This hard chair is Ben’s.(划线提问) this hard chair?

②. Miss Wang wants to buy a new purse.(一般疑问) Miss Wang to buy a new purse?



( )①. A.brother B.father C.park D.sharp

( )②. A.smooth B.school C.room D.classroom

( )③. A.think B.thin C.smooth D.thank


①. ---Is this your key?---No,it’s key.


①. These (knife) are Kitty’s. Those (one) are Danny’s. ②. Joe (want) (buy) some fruit.



( )①. A.plum B.blunt C.uniform D.cut


①. These (peach) are sweet and nice. I like (they).

②. Kitty (ride) her bicycle in the park on a (sun) afternoon.



①. Kitty and his parents are walking on the beach.(划线提问) are Kitty and his parents ?



①.What’s in your hand now?



right(同音词) won’t(完整形式)



①. It’s a beautiful (sun) day. The dog (walk) down the road.


①.I like with my shadow. My shadow is my friend.



①. The (tree) shadows grow long again.

②. My shadow often (go) with me. Sometimes it (stay) beside me. ③. “Don’t worry, ” (say) Mr Bee.



1. The white letters are fifty __________ tall and people can see the word “Hollywood” from far away. (foot)

2. In Englishmen’s eyes, Americans are ___________ and helpful. (friend){上海作业英语五年上答案}.

3. She was the leading __________ in this popular film. (act)

4. The ____________ of the restaurant helped the poor girl go to school. (own)

5. Help ____________ to some fruit, boys and girls. (you)

6. The man was so tired that he went to bed ___________ last night. (early)

7. I enclosed a photo of ___________ family in the letter and sent it to the new penfriend.(I)

feet friendly actress owner yourselves early my

8. It's much __________ to go to Pudong International Airport by maglev than by bus. (quick)

9. The ___________ Shanghai Animation and Comics Exhibition(上海动漫展)was held in October, 2006. (eight)


10. These ___________ were taken during my trip to Hong Kong. Don't you think they are beautiful? (photo)

11. He opened his eyes wide and looked at me __________. (angry)

12. Be careful when you cross the street. ___________ is the important. (safe)

13. The computer is too heavy for me to remove. Would you please __________ me? (helpful)

14. It's too __________ here, so what he said was difficult to hear. (noise)

Quicker Eighth photos angrily Safety help noisy

15. If you work hard, you can get great ___________. (successful)

16. ____________, he fell off the bike and broke his leg. (luck)

17. The lady in red over there is the ___________ of a big company. (manage)

18. The things in the supermarket are on ____________ these days. (sell)

19. The ___________ of March is Women's Day. (eight)

20. You can discuss the problem with ___________ parents. (you)

21. We often achieve ___________ marks in English. (well)

Success Unluckily manager sale eighth your good

29. Every day thousands of ___________ come to visit the Great Wall in Beijing. (tour)

30. I ___________ remembered that I didn't bring my key. (sudden)

31. Dogs can help the police to catch ___________ and find lost people. (robbery)

32. People should think carefully before they ___________. (active)

33. We sat ___________ in the moonshine. (quiet)

34. If an accident happens, you should dial 110 and ___________ it to the

police. (reporter)

35. My daughter ___________ to continue practicing playing tennis so as to keep healthy. (decision)

Tourists suddenly robbers act quietly report decided

36. I said no to my mother and we got into a big __________. (argue)

37. Yesterday I saw a bank ___________ in the street with my own eyes. (rob)

38. My aunt does shopping in the biggest supermarket __________ a week. (one)

39. Please look ___________ at the blackboard , children. (care)

40. Let's take the lift up to the restaurant on the __________ floor. (twenty)

41. A crowd ___________ gathered round the speaker. (quick)

42. He kept us ___________ for ages while he packed his luggage. (waiter)

Argument robbery once careful twentieth quickly waiting

43. The car engine is ___________ enough. They can drive at 220 km an hour. (power)

44. She is a very clever girl. She can do the ___________ within seconds. (calculate)

45. The shop assistant gave me some ___________ when I bought a dress from him. (instruct)

46. Light is one of the most important ___________ in the world. (invent)

47. People find it difficult to live without ___________. (electric)

48. As the manager of the company, he has to __________ problems every day. (solution)

49. Modern music was first ___________ in Italy. (development)

Powerful calculation instructions inventions electricity solve developed

50. Edison is one of the most famous __________ in the world. (invent)




1. Listen and fill in the missing letters

1.y_ _d 2.sch_ _l 3.gl_ _4.z_ _ 5.c_ _ 6.m_ _n 7.bl_ _ 8.r_ _ 9.s_ster


2. Listen and choose the words

( )1.A.glass B.class C.grass

( )2.A.smell B.small C.smile

( )3.A.think B.thing C.thin

( )4.A.write B.right C.waht

( )5.A.green B.grape C.gray

3. Listen and fill in the missing words

1. I have three______of juice.

2. ______it.It’s sweet. I like it.

3. ----Do you like red ones____green ones?----I like red ones.

4. How does the red apple_____?

5. ______grapes are very sweet.


1. Listen and fill in the missing letters

1.c_ _d 2.l_ _k 3._ _erry 4._pple 5.sw_ _t 6.m_st 7._ _ree 8. _ _ose

9.p_ _k 10.t_st_

2. Listen and choose the words

( )1.A.those B.these C.they

( )2.A.how B.who C.what

( )3.A.sour B.sweet C.crunchy

( )4.A.green and round B.purple and round C.big and round

( )5.A.in his yard B.in her yard C.in the yard

2. Listen and choose the best answers

( )1.A.Yes,I do. B.Yes, I like. C.I like oranges.

( )2.A. It’s sweet. B. It’s hard. C. It’s sour.

( )3.A.Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. They are sweet.

( )4.A. Here you are. B.Thank you. C. OK.

( )5.A. Yes, it can. B. The bird. C. No, the fox can.


1. Listen and choose the words

( )1.A.green B.grey C.play

( )2.A.round B.ground C.around

( )3.A.count B.can’t C.can

( )4.A.tall B.ball C.hall

( )5.A.yard B.card C.hard

2. Listen and choose the best answers

( )1.A.Yes,she can. B.Yes, he can C.Yes, they can.

( )2.A.It is an apple. B.It is a strawberry C.It is a pineapple.

( )3.A.Yes, we do. B.Yes, I do. C.We like green ones.

( )4.A.Thank you. B.OK. C.Here you are.

( )5.A.It tastes good. B.It smells nice. C.I don’t like it.

3. Listen and complete the passage.

There is a ________.He sees some_________. They are purple and________. He wants________. But the grapes are on a tall_______. He________ eat them. He is sad. He thinks________grapes are sour.


1.Listen and fill in the missing letters

1.g_ _l 2.dr__ss 3.p_ _se4.b_ t5.sh_ _t 6._ _ink 7._ _ell 8.ben_ _

9.sch_ _l 10.c_ _d

2. Listen and choose the words

( )1.A.It’s nice. B.It’s soft C.It’s hard.

( )2.A.It’s Danny’s. B.It’s Kitty’s. C.They’re Peter’s.

( )3.A.It’s rough and hard. B.I’m fine. C.Here you are.

( )4.A.No, it is my key. B.No, it is your key. C.Yes, it is your key.

( )5.A.It’s a ball. B.It’s a pineapple. C.It’s a pencil.

3.Listen and fill in the missing words

1.______pencil is that? It’s my pencil.

2.Touch the knife. Is it _______? Yes, it is.

3.Put_______toy bear in the bag.

4.There______some fruit in the table. It is nice.

5.Here_______a man on an elephant.


1. Listen and choose the words

( )1.A.course B.purse C.peach

( )2.A.who’s B.whose C.those

( )3.A.sand B.and C.hand

( )4.A.off B.of C.or

( )5.A.thin B.thing C.thick

2. Listen and choose the best answers

( )1.A.How does the pineapple feel? B.How do the pineapples feel?

( )2.A. Whose ball is this? B. Whose balls are these?

( )3.A.Touch the pencil. B.Smell the pencil.

( )4.A. They are thick books. B.It is a thick book.

( )5.A. It’s a balloon. B.It’s a desk.

3. Listen and tick


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