
来源:管理学 发布时间:2016-10-24 点击:


15春学期《会计专业英语》在线作业 满分答案


1. A capital expenditure results in a debit to ( )

A. an expense account

B. a capital account

C. a liability account

D. an asset account



2. The debt created by a business when it makes a purchase on account is referred to as an

A. account payable

B. account receivable

C. asset

D. expense payable



3. When the corporation issuing the bonds has the right to repurchase the bonds prior to the maturity date for a specific price, the bonds are

A. convertible bonds

B. unsecured bonds

C. debenture bonds

D. callable bonds



4. Which of the items below is not a business organization form?( )

A. entrepreneurship

B. proprietorship

C. partnership

D. corporation



5. Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the

A. financing activities section

B. investing activities section

C. operating activities section

D. supplemental statement





1)artificial intelligence---人工智能

2)optical computer---光学计算机

3)analogue computer---模拟计算机

4)通用计算机---general purpose computer

5)digital video---数字视频

6)power plug---电源插头

7)开始菜单---start menu

8)dot-matrix printer---点阵打印机

9)激光打印机---laser printer

10)基本输入输出系统---basic input / output system


上海交大网络学院金融学导论 第一次作业


1、观看“走近美联储”视频录像,上网查找资料,了解以下内容。 (1)美联储的发展历史

美联储全称美国联邦储备局,是美国的中央银行。它是一个联邦政府机构,其办公地点位于美国华盛顿特区。美联储是由美国国会在通过欧文-格拉斯法案(Owen-Glass Act,又称联邦储备法案)的基础上建立的,由伍德罗·威尔逊总统于1913年12月23日签字。 (2)美联储的组成、任期、职责、目标


美联储是由一套12家美联储地区银行构成整个系统。美联储领导层由七名成员组成( 其中主席和副主席各一位,委员五名),须由美国总统提名,经美国国会上院之参议院批准方可上任,任期为十四年( 主席和副主席任期为四年,可连任 ) 。



2、对银行机构实行监管,并保护消费者合法的信贷权利; 3、维持金融系统的稳定;

4、向美国政府,公众,金融机构,外国机构等提供可靠的金融服务。 5、发行美元 基本职能:



3、监管美国本土的银行,以及成员银行在海外的活动和外国银行在美国的活动; 4、批准各联邦储备银行的预算及开支;


6、批准各个联邦储备银行董事会提名的储备银行行长人选; 7、行使作为国家支付系统的权利;

8、负责保护消费信贷的相关法律的实施; 9、依照《汉弗莱。霍金斯法案》(Humphrey Hawkins Act)的规定,每年 2月20日及7月20日向国会提交经济与货币政策执行情况的报告(类似于半年报)

10、通过各种出版物向公众公布联邦储备系统及国家经济运行状况的详细的统计资料,如通过每月一期的联邦储备系统公告(Federal Reserve Bulletin);




控制通货与信贷,运用公开市场业务、银行借款贴现率和金融机构法定准备金比率三大杠杆来调节美国经济。调整利率是美联储宏观调控美国经济的主要手段。如果经济过热,它就提高利率,收缩银根,使经济速度放慢,减少通货膨胀压力。如果经济不景气,它就降低利 率,放松银根,促使经济增长。其关键是根据经济形势对利率提高和降低进行调控,并要恰到好处。货币杠杆是美联储多年来对经济实施调控的最有效武器。美联储 调整利率不仅对美国经济举足轻重,对世界经济也有重要影响。 (3)美联储的现任主席和前任主席

美联储的前任主席是艾伦.格林斯潘,现任主席是本.伯南克 (4)美联储主席由谁任命

美国总统提名,由国会通过而任命。 (5)美联储的独立性

作为美国的中央银行,美联储从美国国会获得权利。它被看作是独立的中央银行,因其决议无需获得美国总统或者立法机关的任何高层的批准,它不接受美国国会的拨款,其成员任期也跨越多届总统及国会任期。其财政独立是由其巨大的盈利保证的,主要归功于其对政府公债的所有权。它每年向政府返还几十亿元。当然美联储服从于美国国会的监督,后者定期观察其职务并通过法令来改变其职能。同时,美联储必须在政府建立的经济和金融政策的总体框架下工作 (6)美联储的监管

根据银行的性质不同,美国的金融监管实行的是联邦和州两级管理体制。目前,美国共有8500多家商业银行,其中的2300多家是依美国联邦法注册成立 的银行,其余的都是依据各州法律成立的银行。依联邦法成立的银行都归美联储管理,而依据州法律成立的银行中有1000多家申请成了联储成员,也归美联储监管,其余的归各州金融监管部门管理。 和其他国家的中央银行一样,美联储的监管内容主要也是执照的核发、资本金的按比例存储、提交结算报告等。不过,因为业务量过于庞大,在实际操作中,美联储的监管重点主要是大的商 业银行和金融机构,如花旗集团每两周就要和美联储的调查官员召开一次例行会议。对于众多的小银行,美联储主要监督其清算和资金循环,对其具体业务活动的 监管则一般以抽查为主。另外,美联储采取法人监管原则,即只对银行法人一级的机构进行监管。如花旗银行的总部在纽约,则花旗银行及其分行的直接监管者是联 储纽约分行,而花旗银行设在其他地区的分行就不再单独接受联储及地区分行的监管。 由于美国的金融机构实行的是“混业经营、分业管理”,即银行 可以经营证券、保险等其他金融业务,但保险业务归保险监管署管,证券部分归证券交易委员会管,美联储只是所有监管者的牵头人。对于保险、证券等非银行下属 机构,美联储无法直接对其进行调查、提出资本金比例要求等,除非美联储确定这些机构出现了重大问题,而其他监管者又无法解决时才能全面介入。 (7)美联储的运作

联邦公开市场委员会隶属于美国联邦储备委员会,一年召开8次会议,对全球经济的发展有一定的导向性。其中,年中和年底的两次会议对每半年的经济运作和通货膨胀的走势都要做出总结、评估和预测。联邦公开市场委员会是对美国经济进行经常性宏观调控的主要机构,其中最常用的手段主要是调整利率,也就是调整联邦基金利率和联邦贴现率;另一个办法就是公开市场操作,公开市场委员会做出的任何加息和减息的政策,主要是通过纽约联邦储备银 行来执行,具体的方式是纽约联邦储备银行可以直接进入金融市场买卖政府的债券,达到吸纳或者吐出资金的宏观调控目的。比如联邦储备银行觉得目前的经济过热,经济运作中的货币太多了,联邦储备银行就可以向市场抛售联邦政府的债券,通过各个金融机构购买这批债券,从而把他们的资金吸纳进入联邦储备系统,这样就可以减少经济运作当中的流动资金。






Chapter 2 Accounting Concepts and Principles


Asset 资产

Liability 负债

Equity 所有者权益、股本

Revenue 收入

Expense 费用

Gain 利得

Loss 损失

For each item below, indicate to which category of elements of financial statements

it belongs.


(a) Retained earnings 留存收益 equity

(b) Sales 销售 revenue

(c) Additional paid-in capital 股本溢价 equity

(d) Inventory 存货 asset

(e) Depreciation 折旧费 expense

(f) Dividends 股息 equity

(g) Gain on sale of investment 出售投资收益 gain

(h)Interest payable 应付利息 liability

(i)Loss on sale of equipment 销售设备的亏损 loss

(j) Issuance of common stock 发行普通股 equity

Chapter 3 Financial Statements

Exercise 1. Presented on the next page are the captions of Faulk Company’s balance sheet.


(a) Current assets. (f) Current liabilities.

(b) Investments. (g) Non-current liabilities.

(c) Property, plant, and equipment. (h) Capital stock.

(d) Intangible assets. (i) Additional paid-in capital.

(e) Other assets. (j) Retained earnings.

(a)流动资产 (f)流动负债

(b)投资 (g)非流动负债。

(c固定资产 (h)股本

(d)无形资产 (i)股本溢价

(e)其他资产 (j)留存收益。


Indicate by letter where each of the following items would be classified.

1. Preferred stock. 11. Cash surrender value of life insurance.

2. Goodwill. 12. Notes payable (due next year).

3. Wages payable. 13. Office supplies.

4. Trade accounts payable. 14. Common stock.

5. Buildings. 15. Land.

6. Trading securities. 16. Bond sinking fund.

7. Current portion of long-term debt. 17. Merchandise inventory.

8. Premium on bonds payable. 18. Prepaid insurance.

9. Allowance for doubtful accounts. 19. Bonds payable.

10. Accounts receivable. 20. Taxes payable.

1优先股 11人寿保险现金解约价值

2商誉 12应付票据(明年)

3应付工资 13办公用品

4贸易应付帐款 14普通股

5建筑物 15土地

6证券交易。 16债券偿债基金

7长期债务的当期部分 17商品库存

8应付债券溢价 18预付保险费

9坏账准备 19应付债券

10应收账款 20应付税款

(a)流动资产 (f)流动负债

(b)投资 16 (g)非流动负债 8.19

(c固定资产 5.15 (h)股本 1.14

(d)无形资产 2 (i)股本溢价

(e)其他资产 11 (j)留存收益

Exercise 2. The accounting department supplied the following data in recording the{上海交通大学网络教育学院会计专业英语第一次作业}.

September 30 bank statement for Rytton, Inc.

Closing cash balance per bank statement $15 496.91

Closing cash balance per cash book 14 692.71

Deposits in transit 2 615.23

Bank service charge 25.00

Outstanding checks 3 079.51

Note collected by bank including $45 interest (Rytton not yet 1 045.00


Error by bank-check drawn by Rytten Corp. was charged to 617.08

Rytton’s account

A sale and deposit of $1 729.00 was entered in the sales journal and cash receipts

journal as $1 792.00.

银行:15496.91 企业:14692.71 加 2615.23 617.08 加 1045 减 3232.31 减 25




Prepare the September 30 bank reconciliation.

Exercise 3. A machine is purchased at the beginning of 2002 for $36 000. its

estimated life is 6 years. Freight costs on the machine are $2 000. Installation costs

are $1 200. The machine is estimated to have a residual value of $500 and a useful life

of 40 000 hours. It was used 6 000 hours in 2002. 2002年初采购机器价款36000美





What is the cost of the machine for accounting purposes? 36000+2000+1200=39200

Compute the depreciation charge for 2002 using 计算2002年的折旧费(a) the

straight-line method 直线法and (b) the service-hours method.工作量法







单位….= (39200-500)/40000=0.9675


Exercise 3.

Mick Inc. has outstanding 10,000 shares of $10 par value common stock. On July 1,

2008, Mick reacquired 100 shares at $85 per share. On September 1, Mick reissued 60

shares at $90 per share. On November 1, Mick reissued 40 shares at $83 per share.


Prepare Mick’s journal entries to record these transactions using (a) the cost method, (b) the par value method.


米克的预备日记帐分录记录下这些交易使用的(a)成本法 (b)帐面价值的方法。 (a) 成本法:the cost method

7/1/08 Treasury stock (100*85) 8500

Cash 8500

9/1/08 Cash(60*90) 5400

Treasury stock (60*85) 5100

Paid-in capital from treasury stock 300

11/1/08 Cash(40*83) 3320

Paid-in capital from treasury stock 80

Treasury stock (40*85) 3400

(b) 帐面价值的方法:the par value method

7/1/08 Treasury stock (100*10) 1000

Paid-in capital from treasury stock 7500

Cash (100*85) 8500

9/1/08 Cash (60*90) 5400

Treasury stock (60*10) 600

Paid-in capital from treasury stock 4800


Cash (40*83) 3320

Paid-in capital from treasury stock 2920

Treasury stock (40*10) 400

1. The economic resources of a business are called: B

A. Owner’s Equity B. Assets

C. Accounting equation D. Liabilities

2. DTK Company has a $3500 accounts receivable from GRS Company. On January 20, GRS Company makes a partial payment of $2100 to DTK Company. The journal entry made on January 20 by DTK Company to record this transaction includes: D

A. A debit to the cash receivable account of $2100.

B. A credit to the accounts receivable account of $2100.

C. A debit to the cash account of $1400.

D. A debit to the accounts receivable account of $1400.

3. In general terms, financial assets appear in the balance sheet at: A


A. Face value. 账面价值 B. Current value.现值

C. Market value. 市场价值 D. Estimated future sales value.

4. Each of the following measures strengthens internal control over cash receipts except: D

A. The use of a voucher system.

B. Preparation of a daily listing of all checks received through the mail.

C. The deposit of cash receipts intact in the bank on a daily basis.

D. The use of cash registers.

5. Which of the following items is the greatest in dollar amount? D

A. Beginning inventory 期初存货

B. Cost of goods sold. 销货成本

C. Cost of goods available for sale

D. Ending inventory 期末存货

6. Why do companies prefer the LIFO inventory后进先出法 method during a period of rising prices? B

A. Higher reported income

B. Lower income taxes

C. Lower reported income

D. Higher ending inventory

7. Which of the following characteristics would prevent an item from being included in the classification of plant and equipment? D

A. Intangible

B. Unlimited life

C. Being sold in its useful life

D. Not capable of rendering benefits to the business in the future.

8. Which account is not a contra-asset account? B




一、单选题(每题1分,共 20分)

1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct?

1) The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost.

2) In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept.

3) To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed.

4) To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financial statements.

A 1 and 3

B 1 and 4

C 3 only

D 2 and 3

Johnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010 he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers.

What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010?

$8 500 Dr

$8 500 Cr

$14 000 Dr

$14 000 Cr

Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement?



Not sure


Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highest figure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping?

Weighted Average cost

First in first out (FIFO)

Last in first out (LIFO)

Unit cost

5. Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a company’s the statement of financial position?

(1) plant, equipment, and property

(2) company car

(3) €4000 cash

(4) €1000 cheque

A. (1), (3)

B. (1), (2)

C. (2), (3)

D. (2), (4)

6. Which of the following items may appear as current liabilities in a company’s balance sheet?

(1) investment in subsidiary

(2) Loan matured within one year.

(3) income tax accrued untill year end.

(4) Preference dividend accrued

A (1), (2) and (3)

B (1), (2) and (4)

C (1), (3) and (4)

D (2), (3) and (4)

7. The trial balance totals of Gamma at 30 September 2010 are:

Debit $992,640


Credit $1,026,480

Which TWO of the following possible errors could, when corrected, cause the trial balance to agree?

1. An item in the cash book $6,160 for payment of rent has not been entered in the rent payable account.

2. The balance on the motor expenses account $27,680 has incorrectly been listed in the trial balance as a credit.

3. $6,160 proceeds of sale of a motor vehicle has been posted to the debit of motor vehicles asset account.

4. The balance of $21,520 on the rent receivable account has been omitted from the trial balance.

A 1 and 2

B 2 and 3

C 2 and 4

D 3 and 4

8. Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 April each year. The company pays rent for its premises quarterly in advance on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The annual rent was $84,000 per year until 30 June 2010. It was increased from that date to $96,000 per year. What rent expense and end of year prepayment should be included in the financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2010?

Expense Prepayment

A $93,000 $8,000

B $93,000 $16,000

C $94,000 $8,000

D $94,000 $16,000

9. At 30 September 2010, the following balances existed in the records of Lambda:

Plant and equipment: $860,000

Depreciation for plant and equipment: $397,000

During the year ended 30 September 2010, plant with a written down value of $37,000 was sold for $49,000. The plant had originally cost $80,000. Plant purchased during the year cost $180,000. It is the company.s policy to charge a full year depreciation in the year of acquisition of an asset and none in the year of sale, using a rate of 10% on the straight line basis. What net amount

should appear in Lambda.s balance sheet at 30 September 2010 for plant and equipment?

A $563,000

B $467,000

C $510,000

D $606,000

10. A company’s plant and machinery ledger account for the year ended 30 September 2010 was as follows:

Plant and machinery –cost

2009 $

2010 $

1 October balance b/f 381 200

1 June Disposal 36 000

1 Dec cash 18 000

30 Sept balance c/f 363 200

399 200

399 200

30 Sept balance b/f 363 200

The company’s policy is to charge depreciation at 20% per year on the straight line basis, with proportionate depreciation in years of purchase and disposal. What is the depreciation charge for the year ended 30 September 2010?

A $74,440

B $84,040

C $72,640

D $76,840

11. Listed below are some characteristics of financial information.

(1) True

(2) Prudence

(3) Completeness

(4) Correct

Which of these characteristics contribute to reliability?

A (1), (3) and (4) only

B (1), (2) and (4) only

C (1), (2) and (3) only

D (2), (3) and (4) only

12. The plant and machinery cost account of a company is shown below. The company’s policy is to charge depreciation at 20% on the straight line basis, with proportionate depreciation in years of acquisition and disposal.

Plant and machinery –cost

2009 $

2009 $

1 Jan balance b/f 280 000

30 June disposal 14 000

1Apr cash 48 000

1Sept cash 36 000

31 Dec balance c/f 350 000

364 000

364 000

Balance b/f 350 000

What should be the depreciation charge for the year ended 31 December 2009?





13. In preparing its financial statements for the current year, a company’s closing inventory was understated by $300,000. What will be the effect of this error if it remains uncorrected?

A The current year’s profit will be overstated and next year’s profit will be understated

B The current year’s profit will be understated but there will be no effect on next year’s profit{上海交通大学网络教育学院会计专业英语第一次作业}.

C The current year’s profit will be understated and next year’s profit will be overstated

D The current year’s profit will be overstated but there will be no effect on next year’s profit.

14. In preparing a company’s cash flow statement, which, if any, of the following items could form part of the calculation of cash flow from financing activities?

(1) Proceeds of sale of premises

(2) Dividends received

(3) Issue of shares

A 1 only

B 2 only

C 3 only

D None of them.

15. At 31 March 2009 a company had oil in hand to be used for heating costing $8,200 and an unpaid heating oil bill for $3,600. At 31 March 2010 the heating oil in hand was $9,300 and there was an outstanding heating oil bill of $3,200. Payments made for heating oil during the year ended 31 March 2010 totalled $34,600. Based on these figures, what amount should appear in the company’s income statement for heating oil for the year?

A $23,900

B $36,100

C $45,300

D $33,100

16. In times of inflation In times of rising prices, what effect does the use of the historical cost concept have on a company’s asset values and profit?

Asset values and profit both undervalued


Asset values and profit both overvalued

Asset values undervalued and profit overvalued

Asset values overvalued and profit undervalued

17. Beta purchased some plant and equipment on 01/07/2010 for $60,000. The estimated residual value of the plant in 10 years time is estimated to be $6,000. Beta’s policy is to charge depreciation on the straight line basis, with a proportionate charge in the period of acquisition. What should the depreciation charge for the plant be in Beta’s accounting period of 18 months to 30/09/2010 ?





18. A company’s income statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 showed a net profit of $83,600. It was later found that $18,000 paid for the purchase of a motor van had been debited


会计专业英语期末试题 )


Ⅰ、Translate The Following Terms Into Chinese . 1. entity concept 主题概念 2.depreciation折旧 3. double entry system 4.inventories 5. stable monetary unit 6.opening balance 7.current asset 8.financial report 9.prepaid expense 10.internal control 11.cash flow statement 12.cash basis 13.tangible fixed asset 14.managerial accounting 15. current liability 16.internal control 17.sales return and allowance 18.financial position 19.balance sheet 20.direct write-off method Translate The Following Sentences Into Chinese . 1. Accounting is often described as an information system. It is the system that measures business activities, processes into reports and communicates these findings to decision makers. 2. The primary users of financial information are investors and creditors.

Secondary users include the public, government regulatory agencies, employees, customers, suppliers, industry groups, labor unions, other companies, and academic researchers.

3. There are two sources of assets. One is liabilities and the other is owner’s equity. Liabilities are obligations of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of which may result in the transfer or use of assets or services in the future.


4. Accounting elements are basic classification of accounting practices. They are essential units to present the financial position and operating result of an entity. In China, we have six groups of accounting elements. They are assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue, expense and profit (income).


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5. The general journal (or journal) is a book of original entry that links the debits and credits of individual transactions by providing a complete record of each transaction in one place, in chronological order.


Ⅲ. Please find the best answers to the following questions.

1. a. The partnership form of business organization protects the personal

assets of the owner from creditors of the business

b. A proprietorship has a single owner

c. Accounting is the information system that measures business activities,

processes that information into reports, and communicates the results to decision makers.

d. The FASB determines how accounting is practiced in the United States

2. The principle or concept that holds that an entity will remain in operation for

the foreseeable future is the a. going-concern concept

b. stable-monetary-unit concept

c. reliability principle

d. cost principle

3. Aftin Co. performs services on account when Aftin collects the account

a. assets increase

b. assets do not change

c. owner’s equity decreases

d. liabilities decrease

4. a. the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on a particular date

b. the change in the owner’s capital during the period

c. the cash receipt and cash payment during the period

d. the difference between revenues and expenses during the period

5. The following information about the assets and liabilities at the end of 20 x 1 and 20 x 2 is given below:

Assets $ 75,000 $ 90,000 2 Page 2 of 5- -{上海交通大学网络教育学院会计专业英语第一次作业}.

Liabilities 36,000 45,000

If net income was $ 1,500 and there were no withdrawals, how much did

a. $ 4,500

b. $ 6,000

c. $ 45,000

d. $ 43,000

6. Traylor Company paid $ 2850 on account. The effect of this transaction on the accounting equation is to .

A. Decrease assets and decrease owner’s equity

B. Increase liabilities and decrease owner’s equity

C. Have no effect on total assets

D. Decrease assets and decrease liabilities

7. The journal entry to record the collection of $ 890 from a customer on account is .

A. Accounts Payable 890

Cash 890

B. Cash 890

Accounts Receivable 890

C. Cash 890

Account Payable 890{上海交通大学网络教育学院会计专业英语第一次作业}.

D. Cash 890

Service Revenue 890

8. The ending Cash account balance is $ 57600. During the period, cash receipts equal $ 124,300. If the cash payments during the period total $ 135,100, then the beginning Cash amount must have

A. $ 68,400

B. $ 46,800

C. $ 181,900

D. Cannot be determined from the information given

9. Use the following selected information for the Alecia Company to calculate the correct credit column total for a trial balance .

Accounts receivable $ 7,200

Accounts payable 6,900

Building 179,400

Cash 15,800

Capital 64,000

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Insurance expense 6,500 Salary expense 56,100 Salary payable 3,600 Service revenue 190,500

A. $ 201,000 B $ 137,100 C $ 265,000 D $ 74,500

10. Which of the following statements is correct? A. The chart of accounts is a list of all accounts with their balances

B. The trial balance is a list of all accounts with their balances, divided as debit or credit

C. The ledger is maintained in chart-of-accounts order

D. Both B and C are correct

11. Which of the following items is the greatest in dollar amount?( )

A. beginning inventory B. cost of goods sold

C. cost of goods available for sale D. ending inventory

12. A company performs service on account t, when it collects the accounts receivable ( )

A. assets increase B .assets don’t change

C. owner’s equity decrease D. liabilities decrease

13. The economic resources of a business are called ( )

A. owner’s equity B. assets C. accounting equation D .liabilities

14. Which of the following financial statements shows the financial position of a business entity at a specified date?

A. balance sheet B. income statement

C. statement of retained earnings D. cash flow statement

15. The purchase of office supplies on account will ( )

A. increase an asset and increase owner’s equity


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