来源:小学作文 发布时间:2016-08-26 点击:
人与自然和谐相处论文 英文
Harmony between man and nature
Victory in the fight against floods, inspired millions of our compatriots, but also attracted more people thinking. Engels a hundred years ago, then again resounded in the ears:
"We should not revel in the victory of our human nature. For each such victory nature retaliate against us each a victory, at first we did achieve the desired results, but it happened later, and then again completely different, contrary to the expected impact, and often the initial results and eliminated. Mesopotamia, Greece, Asia Minor and other parts of the population, in order to get land, destruction of the forest, but they never occurred, where So today, actually became a barren land ... "This passage, we have read before, but to read even more profound today.
Human beings are the product of long-term development of nature, humanity itself is part of nature. However, people often do not recognize this one, it does not always consciously put themselves in opposition with nature, mankind and nature of the relationship continues to deteriorate. In order to improve the relationship between humans and nature, human beings have to take the initiative to change their way of thinking and activities.
First, the natural world can no longer obtain. In the past, we often have been so taught: Let us not wait for the gift of nature, is to be obtained from our natural mission. In this ideology of domination, such as excessive deforestation, excessive exploitation of underground water, etc. The result is land desertification, soil erosion, drying up rivers and flooding, ground subsidence, etc. Yellow River and Yangtze River floods drying time simultaneously, in fact, for the same reason. This can not but cause us to reflect upon. Now the world's forest coverage rate above 26%, while China's forest coverage rate is only 14% more, China's afforestation, a five-year plan to increase the forest coverage rate by one percentage point. In order to improve the relationship between humans and nature, we must make a determined effort, obtained no longer blindly, but to more dedication. Secondly, we must respect its own laws of nature. There is an inherent nature in itself is a harmonious relationship, such as water conservation forests, lakes, rivers and water regulation. Problems are often unreasonable human activities such as deforestation, land reclamation, reclaiming land from lakes, etc., destroyed the harmony inherent in nature. In order to eliminate adverse effects, it is necessary to take some measures, such as returning farmland to forests, returning farmland to restore the land lake and woodland, rivers and lakes, the balance between. Although some of this land to reduce, but from some other aspects (such as the development of forests, aquaculture, etc.) to be compensated. This should be, is in accord with nature.
Third, to popularize the concept of environmental protection. Protection of the environment, is a universal thing, a few people alone consciousness, a few people to do is not enough. I had to interview in the first line of sand, deep
sand front by those who for many years of hard work in scientific and technical personnel touched the sand for our work and proud of living in the world. However, we also found significant results in the sand outside the areas, as people irrational farming and grazing and desertification caused by the very existence of the phenomenon, overall, the extent of desertification over the sand achievement. People back into the sand and the sand back into the phenomenon of coexistence, forming a strong contrast. Thus deeply in the popular masses in the sense of how important the environment.
Man is a member of the nature, and is a part of the whole ecosystem. However, we use the wisdom of mankind to the endless development of natural, which destroyed the ecological balance and resource allocation.
The exploitation of resources has influenced the living environment of other animals. like the swans. In fact, people can appropriate sacrifice some benefits to the animal a chance of survival. Strictly abide by the moratorium, let the fish can breed. Stop the wanton killing, maintain the ecological balance. We just need to give them a little help, because the wildlife is surprisely resilient. Each year,almost the entire world population of these ciryically endangered birds make a 9000-kilometre roundtrip to spend the winter at Poyang.
Given the right help, even the rarest creatures can return from the brink, which means if we show the will nature will show the way.
初中英语作文:人与自然 Man and Nature
初中英语作文:人与自然 Man and Nature
Weoften say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes from nature. Therefore,I think our society is a part of nature. People should live harmoniously withnature. All the materials we need to live with come from nature, but we shouldalso repay the nature, rather than blindly solicit. For example, we shouldplant more trees and take actions to protect the environment. In addition, wehave to control population. Due to excessive population growth, human beingsrequire much more natural resources than before, which lead to excessivepressure on nature. In order to long-term development, the population growthmust be controlled. We all come from nature which is our homeland, so we musttry best to protect it. 我们常常说地球是我们的家园,人类社会也是从自然界分解出来的。因此,我认为我们的社会是自然界的一部分,人们应该与自然和谐共处。我们所需的所有生活材料都来自于自然,但是我们也要回馈自然,而不是一味地索取。例如,我们应该多种树,要采取有效措施保护好环境。此外,人口数量也应得到控制。由于人口过多,人类需要的生存材料也大大增加,导致了自然界所承受的压力过大。为了更长远地发展,人口的增长速度必须要得到控制。我们都来自自然,把自然界也称为我们的家园,所以我们必须要尽最大的努力去保护它。
人类实践的范围不断扩大,使得更多的天然自然转化为人化自然,人类在征服自然、利用自然取得巨大成果的同时,对自然均衡状态的破坏也达到了相当严重的程度,与自然和谐相处作文。目前全球存在的人与自然的问题:人口问题(人类自身问题)、资源问题(自然问题)、环境问题、生态问题(人与自然的关系问题)相当突出。环境污染、生态失衡已成为世界性公害。据世界卫生组织报告:目前全世界有10亿以上人口生活在污染严重的城市,而在洁净环境中生活的城市人口不到20%。全世界有近三分之一的人口缺少安全用水,每天有数以万计人的死与水污染有关,食品中毒事件经常发生。由于自然资源非正常利用,异生型人工自然物的大量滋生,干扰了自然生态的正常演化,破坏了整体自然生态系统的稳定和平衡,出现了全球性的生态危机。其中:臭氧层的破坏、温室效应、酸雨危害,已成为世界性的生态危机的三大突出问题。人与自然关系严重失衡,造成这一失衡的原因是多方面的,但主要有四个方面不可忽视:一是人类认识自然的水平有限;二是人类对技术的控制能力不够;三是功利主义思想的影响,国家利益、民族利益、地区利益、集体利益以及个人利益代替了人与自然的整体利益和长远利益;四是价值偏见。人们在实践过程中,往往只注意到眼前自然资源的使用价值,而忽略了自然永存的内在价值,为了满足眼前局部的利益,对自然资关键字:谐相处 人与自然源进行掠夺性开采,以至危及人类的持续发展。在唯物辩证法看来,世界上的任何事物都是矛盾的统一体。我们面对的现实世界,就是由人类社会和自然界双方组成的矛盾统一体,两者之间是辩证统一的关系。一方面,人与自然是相互联系、相互依存、相互渗透的:人由自然脱胎而来,其本身就是自然界的一部分。人类的存在和发展,一刻也离不开自然,必然要通过生产劳动同自然进行物质、能量的交换。随着生产力水平的提高,人类认识自然、改造自然的能力不断增强,现在的自然已经不是原来意义上的自然,而是到处都留下了人的意志印记的自然,即人化了的自然,中学生作文《与自然和谐相处作文》。人化自然表明人与自然之间的相互联系、相互渗透越来越密切。人与自然之间客观上形成的依存链、关联链和渗透链,必然要求人类在认识自然、改造自然、推动社会发展的过程中,不仅要自觉地接受社会规律的支配,同样要自觉地接受自然规律的支配,促进自然与社会的稳定和同步进化,推动自然与社会的协调发展。另一方面,人与自然之间又是相互对立的。人类为了更好地生存和发展,总是要不断地否定自然界的自然状态,并改变它;而自然界又竭力地否定人,力求恢复到自然状态。人与自然之间这种否定与反否定,改变与反改变的关系,实际上就是作用与反作用的关系,如果对这两种作用的关系处理得不好,特别是自然对人的反作用在很大程度上存在自发性,这种自发性极易造成人与自然之间失衡。此外,由于人类改造自然的社会实践活动的作澳大利亚为了2000年悉尼奥运会兴建奥林匹克公园时,曾因一群濒临绝种的青蛙,而让工程停了数星期,以修改工程设计,保护这数以百计的青蛙,有关方面本来设想把青蛙迁到别处,后经慎重研究决定还是保留青蛙的栖息地,用布将这块地围起来保护青蛙,并安排了新的设计配合,这样花在保护措施上的费用达到40万澳元。在澳大利亚,严重破坏自然环境的行为会受到国家法令的处罚,违法者得坐牢2年,或罚款10万澳元。有这样一则古老的故事:古时候,在我国江南某地有一个小官吏。一天,他接到一个出差的任务,是到当时的京城去送文件。他骑着一匹马匆匆上了路,傍晚,他歇宿在一个旅馆里。旅馆里有一口水井,井水冬暖夏凉,还有一丝淡淡的甘甜。小官吏喝着井水,感到旅途的辛劳减轻了不少。这口井为南来北往的人增添了许多美好的回忆。但这个小官吏是个自私自利的人,第二天早上他离开旅馆时,顺手便把马吃剩下的残草败根倒在了水井里。过了一个月左右,小官吏从京城办完事回来,又来到这家旅馆。他赶到这里时,天已完全黑了,经过一天的长途奔波,小官吏感到又累又渴,他便从水井里打水上来喝。由于天黑看不清水桶里的水,小官吏又渴得够呛,喝起水来如同牛饮一样,结果喝进去一根草秆。草秆卡在小官吏的喉咙里,
5 Ways To Live In Harmony With People You Don't Like
Article Word Count: 540 []

It can be difficult to be in the same room with people you don't like, let alone live
with them. However, there are many circumstances where we really have no choice in the matter, so we have to do our best get along with them or at least to avoid conflict. Here are five tips to help you live in harmony with people you don't like:
Stay away from topics where you have strongly different views and refuse to argue. If you take the view that you are entitled to your own opinion and do not need to defend it, and equally that the other person is entitled to their opinion, arguments can be
avoided. There's a lot to be said for avoiding discussions on sex, religion and politics. Find areas of agreement or similarity and focus on them. Chances are, if you get to know someone a bit better, you will find areas of commonality. Look for common ground and be willing to notice positive things about another person. Everyone has good aspects to their personality. If you are willing to acknowledge the positive{与自然和谐相处英语作文}.
behaviors and attitudes of another person, they will be more likely to open up to you and respond positively.
Stay out of their way. Sometimes it is just not possible to be positive and keep trying to improve a relationship. Where this is the case the only answer is to be polite and respectful but live as separately as possible. This is particularly the case if the other person is abusive in any way or engaged in activities you don't want to be associated with. The best way to live in harmony with these people is at a distance, smiling politely as you pass by.
Make clear agreements. If you are sharing living space with someone you don't like, it is important to have a clear agreement about expected behaviors and responsibilities. Once the agreement is made and everyone clearly understands their own individual commitments, they need to abide by the agreement made. Doing this will help you to live in harmony with people even if you don't like them.
Establish boundaries. Decide what treatment you are willing to accept from others and what you are not prepared to accept and put your boundaries clearly in place. While
everyone needs to be flexible in this life, you need to clearly define the behaviors that you consider to be deal breakers and you must make sure that other people understand them. For example, someone stealing from you might be a deal breaker as might a person taking drugs in your home. In turn, you need to understand and respect the boundaries of others. The only proviso to this point is that people aren't mind readers. It is unfair to blame others for violating boundaries they didn't know anything about. We teach people how to treat us. So the first step is to respect yourself. Clearly defined boundaries can assist people who do not like one another to live together in harmony.
If you apply some or all of these keys to living in harmony with people you don't like, you will avoid the stress of ongoing conflicts. You may even find yourself liking them after all.
Opinions in this article do not necessarily reflect the view of
Can People Live in Harmony with Nature 点击数:
Can People Live in Harmony with Nature
Man and nature are interactive (相互作用的) for
Looking back along the river of history, we ma
y find that harmony used to exist between people
and nature. At that time nature was pure field to
be ploughed, sown and harvested. Man respected
nature and was one part of nature.{与自然和谐相处英语作文}.
It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into pieces. While we are disrupting(破坏) the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge(报复). Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human beings. We have taken too much from nature, and given back too little.{与自然和谐相处英语作文}.
Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, when citizens of the world work persistently to protect nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new technology.
核心剖析 按照提纲设计,本论述文的表达结构是线性的。引占以公认的哲学原理Man and natureare interactive forces开头,中间穿插了大量有说服力的细节,文章最后连用了三个“when从句”强调人与自然和谐相处的必要条件。整个展开提纲过程是以论据证明观点正确的逻辑推理过程。全文写作基于提纲,但不拘泥于提纲,严谨与灵活的把握使文章 „脉相承、内容丰满。
Live With Harmony
参赛教师:王丹丹 (求知教育培训学校)
Along with the growth of the age, the sense of needing a harmonious environment is more and more urgent for me. I need a harmonious family; I need a harmonious company; I need a harmonious society; I need a harmonious country; even, I need a harmonious nature…… So, to have a harmonious relationship with all things comes to be my lifetime goal.
But how to achieve it ? I‟m going to realize it in two aspects. The former is people, the latter is the nature.
For people, the most important is communication. Language is a special treasure for human beings. We should make full use of it to establish a good relationship. When a couple have a quarrel with each other, there will be no response. They are afraid that if they continue to talk to each other, a battle will happen. And they will keep silent until one starts to open his mouth. I don‟t think it‟s a good thing to keep a good relationship. Nothing can not be spoken between the wife and the husband . If you communicate with each other slowly, I‟m sure that the most difficult thing could be solved.
The second most important is tolerance. The members of a family often have different opinions. Then, there will be conflicts, especially between you and your mother-in-law or father-in-law. In order to avoid conflicts, everyone must forgive others. We should also need love to establish a harmonious atmosphere. As a wife, you should love your husband. As a daughter-in-law, you should love your mother-in-law and father-in-law. As a mother, you should love your children. As a worker, you should love your company. As a Chinese, you should love China.
But as a life on the earth or a member of the nature, have you ever thought what you should love? The earth is also a individuality, so you should keep a good relationship with her. You should love the grass, flowers, rivers , woods, air, energy, and so on.
However, there are still a lot of serious problems in our daily life. We usually come across a factory with the smoke moving up. It is not difficult to find evidence of wasting water, cutting trees, throwing litters. Walking on the street, you can find many kinds of cars, which are releasing waste gas. All of these things show that most people lack the sense of environmental awareness. In my point of view, people should be aware of the importance of the environment. And we can do some small things, for example, turning off the lights in time.
Only when the earth is fresh and clean , can we feel frisky. Then, the earth can pass its inwardness to us . And our body can be harmonious , so you will be healthy.
I know that my goal is very hard to achieve .Difficult as it is, I will try my best to realize it. When you have a harmonious family ,a harmonious company, a harmonious society ,a harmonious nature ,you will be very happy. So , to have a harmonious environment is important indeed.
Can People Live in Harmony with Nature(人与自然和谐相处)
作者: 来源: 日期:9/23/2009 12:05:48 PM 人气:627 标签:人与自然 和谐相处
Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and nature. At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and harvested. Man respected nature and was one part of nature.{与自然和谐相处英语作文}.
It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into pieces. While we are disrupting(破坏) the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge(报复). Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human beings. We have taken too much from nature, and given back too little.
Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, when citizens of the world work persistently to protect nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new technology.
Living in Harmony
Adapted from the essays of Mokichi Okada
Every individual should strive continuously to make progress and to improve in every way, especially a person of faith.
In these modern times we are often considered dull or archaic when we speak of religion or faith. It is true that there is a tendency among followers of existing religions to be very narrow-minded, to be old-fashioned. Observe Nature, which never rests, never stands still. It is constantly
renewing itself, is always progressing. All vegetation, every blade of grass, every tree, is reaching outward, moving toward the sky. Observe the world. All parts of civilization move forward, continually evolving and growing.
When we can clearly see that all things in Nature and in the world are making progress every moment and are growing, we human beings should follow those larger examples and constantly work to improve ourselves. This is living in accord with Truth.
In this sense, I too am doing my best to be alert so I may become better in every way, month after month and year after year. If people were to make progress only on the material side of life, in business, in their profession or social position, they would be like tumbleweeds, without roots and aimless in direction. True progress must include evolvement of their spiritual beings, ennoblement of their character.
Keeping this in mind, build your own life step by step. Never be in too great a hurry and do not be concerned if your development seems slow. It is all right if you make only a little progress at a time, for you will inevitably grow into an individual of noble character. Or rather, your
determination to improve yourself is proof that you have already become a fine person. As you continue to make efforts in this way, you will be trusted and loved by others, everything in your life will become more harmonious, and you will attain true happiness and fulfillment. There is no doubt about that.
If you will follow this program of continuing self-improvement regularly, you will truly become an individual living in harmony with the world.
~October 11, 1950
人与自然 英语作文
Man and the nature
Recently,with the development of the industry,there’re a growing number of natural disasters surrounding us such as the earthquake, flood, hurricane and tsunami. Overall ,the cause behind this phenomenon is related to many aspects.However ,it’s our fault indeed.Putting it in another way,it’s a consequence caused by ourselves to a certain extent. When it comes to the relation between the human and the nature,every individual may hold diverse opinions.For instance,someone argues that men should bring out the resource from the nature ,and what’s more, spare no effort to make the use of the environment.As a contrast,someone emphasizes that we should keep the balance with the ecological system rather than ask for a great deal of benefit from it.Apparently,the merit varies from one to one.
As far as I’m concerned,the human and the nature should complement each other.Provided that we just gain what we need from the nature instead of repaying something valuable to the environment,we couldn’t step far.On the other hand,if we are only engaged in giving our service to nature,the human society wouldn’t make any advancement.Taking everything into consideration,only by striking a balance between demanding the wealth from the nature and dedicating ourselves to it can we make our relationship with nature more harmonious and go further.