来源:管理学 发布时间:2016-06-17 点击:
Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.
一、 教学目标与要求
1、 知识目标
Words: important , paper , newspaper , invented , pringting , printed
Sentences: Paper is important.
Chinese people invented „„.
Chinese people didn’t invent „„.
Help the students use these words and sentences in
activities and daily life.
Help the students to know some greating inventions.
Help the students to learn the past indefinite tense.
2、 情感态度目标
Inspire the students’ interest.
Inspire the students to love our homeland .
二、 教学重点
To master the basic sentence “Chinese people invented„„.”
To master the past indefinite tense “invent-invented , print-printed”
To talk about what Chinese people invented.
三、 教学难点
To talk about what Chinese people didn’t invent.
To use these words and sentences in the past indenfinite tense correctly.
Radio , cards , small pictures , multimedia
五、 教学过程
Step 1 Warm up
1、Where is my card?It’s very important for me.
2、Are TVs important ?
Say a chant.
3、 What is important for you (in our lives)?
Step 2 Presentation and practice
1、老师通过抢答趣味操练newspaper,并为后面的Chinese/English people 作铺垫。
T: Books are made of paper.
Show some things:paper telephone/boat/plane
T:.Look,some important news on this paper.
Show the newspaper.
T:.猜报纸Game: Chinese or English newspaper.
2.读报纸,运用学生想要了解蔡伦的信息差导入重点句型Chinese people invented paper。 通过对发音的渗透,引导学生归纳以t结尾的词加ed的发音规则。
T: Who is he?What do you know about him?
导入invent发音 in-tent
3.导入:Cailun invented paper.
Chinese people invented paper.
Chinese people are very clever.
People invented „„.
以People invented„„.展开讨论,降低难度,使学生在用中操练重点词句。避免机械操练。
Chinese people invented „„
5.Let me print sth for you.
黄金眼:What did they print?
Step 3 Consolidation and extension
1.Listen and find out the word “invented”
2.Listen and repeat the sentences with “invented”
3.Read and finish the sentences.do some exercises .完成活动手册练习
T:.Who invented bicycles?
导入Chinese people didn’t invent „„.
T: Guess and choose:Which thing was invented by Chinese people?
本环节利用与学生之间的信息差,即操练句型又获取有关发明的知识,拓宽学生知识面。 Step 4 Summary
T: What have you learn today?让学生自己总结今天学到了什么
Step 5 Homework
Listen to the tape and repeat the text
Copy the sentences.
Step 6 Blackboard design
Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper.
Chinese people invented paper.
Chinese people didn’t invent „„.
Module 4 Unit 2 He invented this bicycle in 1839
青岛慧水路小学 张艳艳
一、 教学目标与要求
1、 知识与能力目标
Knowledge target:
Words: bicycle true
Sentences: He invented this bicycle in 1839.
Ability target:
Help the students to know some great inventions.
Help the students to learn the past tense.
2、 情感态度目标
Inspire the students to love our homeland . 通过学习中外的伟大发明,培养学生
二、 教学重点及难点
Main Points:
To master the basic sentence “He invented this bicycle in 1839.”
To talk about what Chinese people invented and what English people invented.
Difficult Points:
To talk about what Chinese\ English \ American people didn’t invent.
To use words and sentences in the past tense correctly.
三、 课前准备(包括教学与学具的准备)
四、 教学过程
Step 1 Warm up
1、 智慧树
2、 Chant
Invent invent invented
Chinese people invented paper.
Print print printed
I printed this newspaper.
Step 2 Presentation and practice
T: What did you do yesterday? S:……
T: I rode my bicycle yesterday. Look, this is my bicycle.课件出示一辆自行车和单词bicycle。学生跟读
T: Look at these two bicycles. Can you find the difficults between them?
T: Yes, one wheel is very big, one is small.
1、listen and answer my questions.
Who invented this bicycle?
Is he a Chinese?
When did he invented this bicycle?
通过让学生带着问题听录音,解决课文的主要问题。同时引出句型He invented this bicycle in 1839.
Who invented this bicycle?
Is he a Chinese?
When did he invented this bicycle?
He invented this bicycle in _______.
呈现重点句型He invented this bicycle in 1839.领读。
2、listen and repeat
3、Read and complete the passage.
_____ _____this picture. It’s a _____. Look at the man _____ the bicycle. He was _____. He _____ this bicycle in _____.
True or isn’t true.(要求学生用手势来表示That’s true. That isn’t true.)理解true的意思
T: An American invented this bicycle, is that true?
S: No, that isn’t true.边说边做手势。
T: You can say American didn’t invented this bicycle.
T: Now ,open you book,page16 read and say, talk to your partner.
Step 3 Consolidation and extension
T: 这些都是很有名的发明家,你们知道他们发明了什么吗?比一比,看谁知道得多,请你把你了解的内容和你组内的成员分享。
Listen to the song.
Read the sentences.
Listen and sing.
Step 4 Summary
各位家长: 目前一年级的所有班级均参加了网上英语学习活动,对于各位家长和学生在使用过程中遇到的问题,现做统一说明。
1、 每名学生的帐号和密码资料单,请家长妥善保管保存,遇有遗失,请联系英语老师协助解决。
2、 学生完成网上作业有两个渠道:电脑和手机。在电脑上直接登录网站 输入用户名和密码,开始完成作业;手机上完成作业需要先在群文件共享中下载安装4月16日上传的手机客户端软件,才可以完成作业(此软件目前仅支持案桌系统手机,苹果手机无法使用)。
3、 在电脑上完成作业的时候,如果电脑没有内置的麦克风,需要准备外置的麦克风,否则一些录音的作业无法完成;在手机上使用时,录音作业的技巧类似于微信上发送语音消息,需要让孩子多次操练,达到熟练使用。不论是使用电脑还是手机答题,均要求网络通畅,否则容易出现卡住等问题;录音时尽量保证周围安静。
4、 家长了解孩子的作业情况,作业检查报告等反馈情况则需要用手机扫描学生带回来的资料单上面的二维码,关注“一起作业家长通”微信公众号,就可以及时了解孩子的作业情况了。
5、 遇有孩子生病,网络故障,手机或者电脑故障等状况,可以之后在作业历史里面进行补做,一样可以得到奖励,只是星星数量稍微少一些。
6、 班级里面排名情况会随着班级中完成作业的学生增加,作业分数改变而有变化,家长可以刷新查看。
7、 以下是部分截屏图,供家长参考: 在电脑上使用------登录进入之后,同的界面。

一目前,一起作业网专注于小学英语和数学教学。一起作业网拥有强大的教研和技术团队,所有教学产品均由一线的英语和数学教研团队设计开发。此外,一起作业网还联合美国加州大学伯克利分校语音实验室,利用世界领先的智能语音纠正技术,帮助改善小学的英语教学,并拥有该技术世界范围内的全部知识产权。 如何使用此平台?
1. 方提供在线互动教学服务;
2. 联合美国加州大学伯克利分校语音实验室,应用世界领先的智能语音纠正技术——发音即时打分技术,并拥有该技术世界范围内的全部知识产权;
3. 整合并利用语音心理学、儿童心理学等先进理念与技术,配合对话机器人等趣味性设计,全面提升学生的学习体验和学习效率;
4. 紧扣国家教育部颁布的英语新课程标准,研究开发了国内第一套完整的、系统的符合英语新课标理念的教学资源。
学科覆盖:覆盖了全国范内的小学英语和小学数学全版本教材; 教材同步:网站所有学习资源均与各学科对应的数十种教材同步,方便老师和学生使用;
作业报告:智能生成班级成绩报告,知识点掌握情况一目了然。 学生学习功能
通过游戏化的学习方式,激发学习主动性,让学与玩相结合,强化学生英语听说读写方面的能力,在潜移默化中提高英语成绩和能力。 家校互动功能
1. 可以与老师轻松在线沟通,了解孩子学习情况;
2. 通过成绩报告,可以详细了解孩子的知识点掌握情况;
3. 与孩子共同学习,见证孩子的进步与成长。

Module 1 Unit 1 Go straight on.
一. 抄写下列单词(用标准手写体书写)。
left right
street live
二. 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。
( )1.go straight on A.对不起,打扰一下
( )2.next to B.向左转
( )3.turn to C.十分,非常
( )4.excuse me D.直着走
( )5.so much E.紧靠„„旁边,贴近
三. 单项选择。
( )1.This cat is _______________.
A. lost B. look C. left{下载四年上册英语一起作业}.
( )2.---_______ is your school? ---It’s beside the supermarket.
A. What B. How C. Where
( )3.I live in _______ 2, Park Street.
A. No B. No. C. no
四. 情景交际。
( )1.当你向别人问路时,应首先有礼貌地说:_________
A. Excuse me. B. How are you. C. Thank you.
( )2.当你给别人指路,告诉说“向右转”时应该怎么说?________________
A. Go straight on. B. Turn right. C. Turn left.
( )3.当你告诉别人“它紧靠着超市旁边”,应怎么说?
A. It’s next to the supermarket. B. It’s in a school.
C. It’s on your left.
( )4.当别人向你表示感谢时,你应该怎么回答?___________________
A. Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. You’re welcome.
( )5.当向别人道别时,应该怎么说?________________________
A. Hello! B. Goodbye! C. Hi!
Module 1 Unit 2 It’s at the station.
一. 读一读,选择恰当的单词完成对话。
up down under near
1、----Look, the car is_____ the house.
----Oh, yes. That’s my car.
2、----Where’s the man?
----He’s ____ the hill.
3、----Look at the panda.
----He’s ____ the cap.
4、----Where are they?
----They are ____ the hill.
1、tfle----left(左边,左边的) 2、stteer----_________ ( )
3、ihll----_____( ) 4、rgthi----_________ ( )
5、nxet----_____( ) 6、rtian----__________( )
Module 2 Unit 1 She’s reading a book.
一. 短语翻译。
1、take pictures__________ 2、play football_________
3、read a book____________ 4、watch TV__________
( )1.A.left B. right C. girl
( )2.A.read B. listening C. watch
( )3.A.cinema B. train C. bike
( )4.A.reading B. talk C. swimming
( )5.A.boy B. girl C. house
( )1. I’m _______ your right .
A. at B. on C. in
( )2. Look the pictures.
A. at B. on C. up
( )3. It’s the cinema.
A. near B. beside C. next to
( )4. It’s _____the park.
A. in B. on C. up
( )5. He playing football.
A. likes B. like C. liking
( )6.I_____ listening to music.
A. are B. am C. is
( )7.She ______ watching TV.
A. am B .is C. are ( )
8. We _______ running .
A. am B .is C. are
9.I’m _______ to my friend
A .talking B .talk C. talks ( )
10. I’m writing a _______ .
A. letters B. letter C. lettering
Module 2 Unit 2 What are you doing?
1.阅读__________ 2.跑步__________ 3.照片___________
4.这些__________ 5.中国__________ 6.孩子们__________
7.和...交谈__________ 8.照相__________ 9.听__________
take __________ watch __________ swim __________
listen __________ read __________ talk __________ run __________ ride __________ fly __________
( )1.What________you doing?
A. are B. is C. do
( ) 2.What________ Sam doing?
A. dose B. is C. are
( ) 3. My litter sister is ________her doll.
A. plays with B. play with C. playing with
( ) 4.My friends are ________in a lake.
A. swim B. swiming C. swimming
( ) 5.Look ________ this picture.
A. to B. at C. up
( ) 6.My mother is ________my grandma now.
A. talking to B. talk to C. talks to
( ) 7.This ________my friend Amy.
A. is B. are C. am
( ) 8. I________reading a book.
A. do B. am C. is
( ) 9. Mr. Li is________.
A. takes picture B. taking pictures C. take pictures
( ) 10. Look! The boys are ________on the snow.
A. walking B. walk C. walks
Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing?
一、 正确书写下列单词
play people drink twelve
( ) 1. A. doing B. people C. drinking
( ) 2. A. dragon B. chess C. under
( ) 3. A. interesting B. watching C. reading
( ) 4. A. in B. on C. do
( ) 5. A. are B. hungry C. am
1. drink soy milk A. 下象棋
2. on the lake B. 许多
3. play chess C. 喝豆奶
4. row a dragon D. 在湖上
5. lots of E. 划龙舟
( )1. Look__the people on the Lake. A. at B. on C. in
( )2. We can see lots__interesting books A. in B. of C. at
( )3. They’re__soya milk. A. doing B. drinking C. rowing
( )4. Let’s get__the bus. A. on B. for C. at
( )5. What__ Daming and Sam doing? A. am B. is C. are
( )6. Look at the men__the big trees. A. in B. at C. between
( )7. We can see___interesting things. A. lot of B. a lots of
C. lots of
( )8. What__Sam and Amy doing? A. is B. are C. am
( )9. Daming and Sam___playing football. A. is B. are C. am
( )10. The horse is___. A. run B. running C. running
( )11. What__the elephant doing? A. is B. are C. am
( ) 12. The panda is___ fruit. A. eat B. eatting C. eating
Module 3 Unit 2 What’s the elephant doing?
名成教育 四年级英语上册Unit1作业 4A Unit1 I like dogs巩固与练习
1. 男孩们和女孩们___________ 2. 喜欢狗_____________ 3. 看这只猴子________________
4. 我的玩具马_______________ 5. 三只小狗_____________ 6. 那只蛋糕_________________
7.how many animals ________8. on the mat________9. in the tree_______10. run with me ________
1. Look ______ these toy animals. 2. Do you like ______ (horse)? No, I ______( do)
3. I like ______ ( elephant). 4. Would you like a ______(pie).
5. There is a litte monkey ______ the tree. 6. How many ______ ( animal) can you name?
7. What______ a cake? 8. ______ you ______ a pie? No, Thank you.
( )1. ______ this cat. A. see B. Look at C. Look
( )2. Look at these toy animals, ______ A. boy and girls B. boys and girls C. boys and girl
( )3. Do you ______? A. like cat B. like monkey C. like lions
( )4.——Do you like pandas?——______. A. Yes, I don’t B. Yes, I do C. No, I do
( )5. ——Would you like a pie? ——______ A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. Yes,a pie
( )6. I ______ a cake here. A. has B. have C. no
( )7. Would you like ______ egg? A. a B. \ C. an
( )8. Look at my T-shirt. A. It’s good B. They are nice C. It’s nice
( )9. ——What______ is my skirt?—— It’s yellow. A. nice B. colour C. cute
( )10.—— This is for you.——______ A. How nice. B .Happy new year. C. Thank you
( )1. Do you like cakes? It’s time for bed
( )2.What would you like? It’s cute.
( )3.Would you like a pie? I’d like a toy panda.
( )4.Look at my dog. No, I don’t
( )5.Is this a monkey? I like minkeys.
( )6.What do you like? Yes,it is.
( )7.It’s nine o’clock. Yes, please.
1. 看这些玩具动物,孩子们。Look ______ ______ ______ ______ , boys and girls.
2. 你想要一个汉堡吗?______ ______ like a hamburger?
3. 你喜欢熊猫吗?______ ______ ______ pandas?
4. 你想要什么? What ______ ______ ______?
5. I like toy tigers?(改一般疑问句) ______ ______ like ______?
1. like you do tigers ________________________________________?
2. would like what you ________________________________________?
3. likes monkeys he ________________________________________.
4. at that look dog toy ________________________________________.
5. cute are fat they and ________________________________________.