
来源:管理学 发布时间:2016-05-30 点击:


Research Proposal访学研究计划模板


Research Proposal





Research Plan for CSC Scholarship Program University of Vienna Title: Synthesis, Separation, and Properties of Different Nano-carbon Materials Applicant: Institution: Address: E-mail: Tel: Date of Application: Supervisor: (signature) February 10, 2011 Personal profiles Name of Applicant: Sex: Date of Birth: Marital Status: Degree: Nationality: Telephone: Fax: Institution of Applicant: Institution to Which the Applicant is Applying: Descriptions of the research plan Title: Synthesis, Separation, and Properties of Different Nano-carbon Materials Keywords: Laser ablation, chemical vapor deposition, arc discharge, high-temperature annealing, density gradient ultracentrifugation, single-walled carbon nanotubes, double-walled carbon nanotubes, carbon chains, metal nanowires, chirality, Raman spectroscopy, IR, UV/Vis, luminescence spectroscopy Objectives: Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) can be synthesized by laser ablation, chemical vapor deposition or arc discharge methods. CNTs synthesized by different methods always have different diameter and chirality ...等等 State-of-the-art The discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) heralded the beginning of the boom of nanoscience and nanotechnology [1]. Nowadays, single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) can be produced in large quantities by three dominant techniques: arc discharge [1], laser ablation [2], and chemical vapor deposition (CVD, including high-pressure carbon monoxide (HiPco) process) [3]. SWCNTs synthesized by different methods always have different diameter and chirality. Using density gradient ultracentrifugation, we can obtain CNT samples with the similar diameter or the same chirality [4-7]. Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs), consisting of two concentric graphene cylinders, are the simplest member of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and have more excellent electronic, thermal and mechanical properties than SWCNTs. Many attempts have been made for synthesizing high pure DWCNTs, such as conventional arc discharge [8], high-temperature pulsed arc discharge [9], high-temperature annealing of peapods [10], and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [11]. Furthermore, the density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) has been also used to separate DWCNTs from SWCNTs [12]...此处还有三段话,省略 A multidisciplinary approach and the planned activities 总述 1. Synthesis of XXX by three different methods (a) XXX 三大段话 (b) 一段话 (c) 一段话 2. Separation of XXX 总述 (a) XXX (b) XXX 3. Synthesis of XXX (a) XXX (b)XXX (c) XXX. 4. Properties of different XXX The nanomaterials can be characterized by SEM, HRTEM, AFM, XPS, Raman spectrometer, UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrometer, and luminescence spectroscopy etc.. The major purpose of this research plan is to XXX References [1] Iijima S. Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon. Nature 1991, 354, 56. [2] Thess A.; Lee R.; Nikolaev P.; Dai H. J.; Petit P.; Robert J. et al. Crystalline ropes of metallic carbon nanotubes. Science 1996, 273, 483.

[3] Fan S. S.; Chapline M. G.; Franklin N. R.; Tombler T. W.; Cassell A. M.; Dai H. J. Self-Oriented regular arrays of carbon nanotubes and their field emission properties. Science, 1999, 283, 512. 等等十几篇参考文献 Time schedule for the plan September 1, 2011-October 31, 2011 1. Discussion on the detailed research plan with Prof. Thomas Pichler, and confirm the research topic. 2. Adapting a new environment in life and study. November 1, 2011- May 31, 2013

1. Synthesis XXX. 2. Synthesis and characterization of XXX. 3. Separation and characterization of XXX. 4. Publishing 1 or more paper. June 1, 2012- October 31, 2013 1. Synthesis and characterization of XXX 2. Separation of XXX 3. XXX 4. Publishing 2 or more paper. 5. Attending one or more international convention on nanostructures and applications. November 1, 2013- May 31, 2014 Preparing the data and writing the Ph.D. thesis.


Research plan

Research plan

Research Project Title

Current Challenges in Campus Recruitment

The research background

Economic and demographic trends continue to affect the job market and how employers develop and manage their campus recruitment programs. Along with on-campus recruiting tools, such as career fairs and interviews, employers can work experimental education programs into their college recruitment efforts. These include internships and co-op programs. Employers have long since rated these as some of the most effective college recruitment methods. However, some results come out to be low-efficient. Many graduates fail to stay for more than one year after joining one company.{researchplan范文}.

The aim of the research

Except for the high-risk turnover of graduates, key concerns for employers also include branding and integrating college recruitment and retention into overall work force planning. In order to reach above goals, what have to be figured out first is the challenges facing campus recruiting. This report is aiming to work out current challenges in campus recruiting.

The research method

The study of this research will be mainly based on the methods of live observation, interview and literature review method.



research plan

Research Plan


Research Plan

Research Plan

1.Present research related to research plan

My present research mainly focuses on the late transition metal catalysts for olefin polymerization and coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers. A family of new cationic Pd(II) and Ni(II) complex catalysts reported shows good activity for polymerization of polar vinyl monomers and olefins. The easily varied steric and electronic properties of ligands are an important feature of the late transition metal complex catalysts. The samples include [bis(2-biphenylylimino) acenaphthene]dichloronickel; [bis(1-naphthylimino)acenaphthene] dichloronickel;[(N-1-naphthy- limino-N’-2,6-isopropylphenylimino)acenaph-thene]dichloronickel; bis-[(N-2,6-diisopropyl phenylimino)-2-oxy-1-naphthylmethylene]nickel;bis[(N-2-methylphenylimino)-2-oxy-1-naphthyl-methylene] nickel, etc. The relationship between the structure of ligands and the activity of catalysts is the most important part in my present research. Using the high quality equipment and facility in Colorado State University to study the coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers is a wonderful dream in my research career.

2.Purpose of proposed research

Significant advances have been achieved in the coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers by discrete lanthanide and early and late metal catalysts for the past years, especially in the area of stereochemical control of polymerization, producing a large body of publications on this important topic. However, coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers is still an open question for chemists. It is well known that O or N atom in polar vinyl monomers can deactivate the activity of catalysts due to their coordinating to the central metal atom. Some work will be done in order to improve performance of late metal complexes catalysts which needs to be used for polymerization of polar vinyl monomers or copolymerization with olefine.

My proposed research should mainly focus on preparing some new late metal complexes with high catalytic activity, revealing the relationship between the structure and the activity of them, as well as the microstructure of polymers obtained by these catalysts.Using the high quality facility at CSU to study the polymeric mechanism is also our purpose.

3. Proposed plan

The project will involve the use of the most advanced facilities available in CSU, such as X-ray diffractometers facility, high resolution photoluminescence spectrometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)spectrometers, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrometer, Scanning Electron Microscopy, etc. Prof. Eugene Chen’s group has studied polymerization catalysis of olefins and polars for many years and achieved many exciting results. I think that we can make big success in CSU by carrying out the research topics listed below.

The proposed projects described below are examples of interesting problems within this general area of catalytic organometallic and polymer chemistry. With the good match to the research interests of Prof. Eugene Chen’s group I expect to able to work with all of them.

Part 1: Preparation and characterization of nickel complexes with the chiral ligands.

A large number of divalent metal complexes of groups 8 (Fe), 9 (Co), 10 (Ni, Pd), and 11 (Cu) have been reported to polymerize (meth)acrylates when combined with a large excess of

methylaluminoxane (MAO) as activator, including the following: nickel dibromide complexes bearing α-diimine [N,N] ligands, bis-(indanone-iminato) [O,N] nickel complexes, nickel phenyl complexes supported by β-ketoiminato [(O,N)-] ligands, bis(β-ketoamino) [(O,N)-] nickel

-complexes, nickel complexes bearing bis(8-hydroxylnitroquinoline) [O,N]ligands,

bis(3,5-dinitro-salicylaldiminate) [O-,N] nickel complexes, mono(salicylaldiminate) [O-,N] nickel (COD) complexes (also for copolymerization of ethylene with ethylene with MMA). The PMMAs produced by these systems typically exhibit broad MWDs (>2) and are syndio-rich, and the mechanism of polymerization of acrylic monomers mediated by such late metal complexes, vis-a-vis coordination-insertion vs free-radical polymerization, was often not clearly demonstrated. We plan to prepare some chiral ligands, such as 2-Amino-2'-hydroxy-1, 1'-binaphthyl and its derivatives, and get chiral metal complexes(Ni,Pd with these ligands) with catalytic activity, and then characterize these complexes.

Part 2: Activity of catalysts and its influence factor. -{researchplan范文}.

It is well known that the structure of ligand has great effect on the activity of catalyst. Performance of catalyst can be changed and controlled by varying temperature, cocatalysts, substitutes on the aromatic ring, and steric bulkiness of the auxiliary ligand. . We will study the effects of different reaction condition, cocatalysts on the activity of the complexes above and find out the best catalytic system for polar vinyl monomers, such as methyl methacrylate methyl methacrylate(MMA), acrylonitrile and vinyl ketone, etc. We are going to

Part 3: Microstructure of polymers and reaction mechanism

It is desired that asymmetric coordination polymerization of such polar vinyl monomers be developed so that the reaction proceeds in a manner such that each enchaining monomer must coordinate to the chiral catalyst center before enchainment and thus the enchaining event is regulated by the same asymmetric catalyst center and insensitive to the degree of polymerization, thereby producing chiral polymers of uniform asymmetric induction. It is also advantageous that such polymerization be living/controlled and achievable at ambient or higher temperature, in terms of degree of control over polymerization and stereochemistry.We are going to carry out polymerization of polar vinyl monomers using these enantiomeric chiral catalyst prepared above and investigate the polymer chain-length effects on the chiroptical activity of the chiral polymers. The study of the structure of catalysts and polymers will contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of catalytic reaction. Based on these studies, we can clarify the relationship between the structure of complex and polymer property.

4.Expected results and impacts

Coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers is attracting much attention of scientists and industry. The proposed research topics in CSU mainly focus on preparation of complexes and the effect of structure of catalysts on the catalytic activity and strcture of polymers. Our studies will lead to some experimental results on coordination polymerization of polar vinyl monomers and to some new methods of polymerization. It maybe play an important role in understanding the mechanism of polymerization reactions. Based on the above mentioned research plan,the results will lead to publications in major scientific journals and speeches in conferences in both fields of organometallic chemistry and coordination polymerization. It is our expectation that we can publish many high quality scientific papers.


研究计划 Research Proposal 模板



How to write a research proposal?

能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。但形式也很重要。英文的Research Proposal自有一套―八股‖。程式化和结构化的好处就在于,可以让读者直接集中注意到最本质的内容上,而不是为形式分神。对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。[点击这里,查看更多关于RESEARCH PROPOSAL以及GRANT PROPOSAL、PROJECT PROPOSAL写作的网上资源]

文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下:

Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher. A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study. Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it. The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound. Research{researchplan范文}.

The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling. This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas. TITLE: It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, ―An investigation of . . .‖ could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader’s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal. ABSTRACT: It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used. INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing. If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas. However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current ―hot‖ area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify ―key players‖ and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance. The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements:

1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study. 2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance. 3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing. 4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research. 5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study. 6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)

7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus. 8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.) LITERATURE REVIEW: Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review of the literature. The literature review serves several important functions: 1. Ensures that you are not ―reinventing the wheel‖. 2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.

3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem. 4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question. 5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information. 6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature. 7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research. 8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature). Most students’ literature reviews suffer from the following problems: * Lacking organization and structure * Lacking focus, unity and coherence * Being repetitive and verbose * Failing to cite influential papers * Failing to keep up with recent developments * Failing to critically evaluate cited papers * Citing irrelevant or trivial references * Depending too much on secondary sources Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.

There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc. It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.) METHODS:

The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project. The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question. Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method. Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.) For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections: 1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose? 2. Subjects or participants – Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use? 3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable? 4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?


Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis. DISCUSSION: It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area. Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing 1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question. 2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research. 3. Failure to cite landmark studies. 4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers. 5. Failure to stay focused on the research question. 6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research. 7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues. 8. Too much rambling — going ―all over the map‖ without a clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.) 9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references. 10. Too long or too short. 11. Failing to follow the APA style. 12. Slopping writing.




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