
来源:管理学 发布时间:2016-02-17 点击:


2016年漳州市校本作业(七下英语 )


七 下 英 语



漳州正兴学校 郑慧芳 漳州实验中学 许小燕 漳州芗城中学玉兰分校 林祥武 漳州立人学校 沈银娇 芗城区北斗中学 程惠萍


Unit5 Topic1 Section A

Ⅰ.从方框中选出相对应的答语,其中两项是多余的。 ( ) 1.Your room is very nice.

( ) 2. Do you often go to school by bike? ( ) 3. Happy New Year! ( ) 4. Nice to see you again. ( ) 5. How do you often go to school?


1.Ren Han often comes to school __________ __________(步行). 2.Does your father go to work __________ __________(开小车)? 3. How ___________ you usually ___________ (go) to school? 4. Jane often ___________ (come) to school by subway. 就划线部分提问) ___________ __________ she usually __________ to the zoo?

Unit5 Topic1 Section B

Ⅰ.用always, sometimes, seldom, never填空,一词只用一次。 1. Ms. Liu knows only a little Japanese, so she ____________ speaks it. 2. The boy likes riding, so he ____________ goes to school by bike. 3. I get up early every day, so I’m ____________ late (迟到) for school. 4. I usually goes to bed at half past ten, but ____________at eleven. II. 句型转换:根据要求变换句型,每空填一词。

1. Kangkang goes swimming on Sunday afternoons. (改为否定句)

Kangkang ________ _________ swimming on Sunday afternoons.

2. Maria goes to school on foot sometimes. (同义句替换) Maria _________ __________ school sometimes.

3. Mr. Green usually goes to London by subway.(同义句替换) Mr. Green usually __________ a __________ to London. 4. Does your father go to work by bike every day?(同义句替换) Does your father ___________ a ___________ to work every day? 5. My father usually goes home by car. (改为一般疑问句) _________ your father __________ __________home by car?

Unit5 Topic1 Section C

Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. Classes __________ (开始) at 8:00 am.

2. We _________ _________ _________(上四节课) in the morning.

3. Jane usually _________ _________ _________ (上床睡觉) at 10:00 in the evening. 4. Let’s watch TV for __________ _________ __________(一会儿). 5. My father_________ _________(回家) at 5:30 every day.

6. Do you often read books _________ _________ ________(在图书馆). 7. I go to the park _________ _________ _________(一周两次). II. 句型转换:根据要求变换句型,每空填一词。 1. It’s time for school.(同义句替换)

It’s time __________ _________ ________ school. 2. They go home by subway.(同义句替换) They __________ the subway __________.

3. At four forty-five, Jane usually begins to play soccer.(同义句替换) At a _________ __________ __________, Jane usually begins to play soccer. 就划线部分提问) __________ __________ do you play soccer?

Unit5 Topic1 Section D

Ⅰ.根据语境,写出音标所提示的单词的正确形式。 1. The early bird __________ [kætʃ]the worm. 2. I __________[ˈseldəm] walk to school. 3. Does he often play ___________[ˈbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l]? 4. How do you __________ [ˈju:ʒuəli]come to school? 5. Michael, what time do you get up on _________[ˈwi:kdei]? II. 短文写作。

请根据下面日程表,以“My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。

My School Day

I get up at ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________



Module 1 Lost and found Unit1 Whose bag is this?


1. 这是谁的包?

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. 这些蜡笔是你的吗?


Unit2 Are they yours?


1. 每天都有数百人来到这里。

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. 人们经常丢东西,当匆忙的时候。


Unit3 Language in use



1. --_________(谁的)watch is this? --It’s Mike’s. 2. – Is this Helen’s basketball? -- No, it isn’t _________(她的).

3.I’m hungry. I want to have some ____________(香肠). 4. There are five ________(蜡笔) in my schoolbag.

5. I lost my father’s camera. Can you help me _________(找到)it?

6. –Lucy, are these gloves yours? --No, ________(我的) are black, but these are blue. 7.They plan to plant two _____________(千) trees on the hill this year. 8. Betty is a _________(仔细的) girl and we all like her.

9.David often _____________(遗忘) his glasses in the kitchen. 10. I’ve got two ________(橡皮擦).


at the moment, in a hurry, from now on, hundreds of, be careful with 1. This kind old man is not rich but he helps ___________ poor children. 2. Study hard ____________ and you can be a good student. 3. He often goes to school __________ without breakfast. 4. __________ that river. It’s dangerous.

5. The children are playing football on the playground ___________.


一、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词。 1. --________(谁) is Emily? --The girl in yellow over there.

2. I have a new wallet. It’s _________(紫色). 3. _________(欢迎) to our school.

4.Jack,let’s come and meet them at the ____________(飞机场).

5.Carlo is wearing a ______________(奇怪的) T shirt. He looks funny. 6.Lisa wants to go to work by _______________(出租车) because it’s fast. 7.Put on your __________(手套) because it is cold. 8.I can’t find my mobile _______(手机). 9.These are my mother’s _________(钱包). 10. He often _______(丢失) his keys.


first of all, look for, kilos of, get on, here is

1. Many people come to the shop to _______________ the things they want. 2. I’d like five ___________ sausages. 3. ______________ the bus when it stops.

4. ___________, turn on the computer, and then connect the mouse to it. 5. ___________ the glass, be careful with it, please.

Module 2 What can you do? Unit1 I can play the piano.


1. 她跳舞跳得很好。

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. 我们可以教你中文。


Unit2 I can run really fast.{七年级下册英语校本作业}.




_____________________________________________________________________ 2. .我想当体育委员。


Unit3 Language in use


一、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词。 1. Can you play the ___________(钢琴)?

2. My son can ____________(骑) a bike very well. 3. She always _____________(担心) about her parents.

4. -What’s your ____________(成绩) in the Chinese test(测验)? -It’s a secret. 5. Jack teaches us English this ____________(学期).

6. The young man in a black coat looks very ___________(强健). 7. Come to see me _____________(在......之间) the classes. 8. The new __________(俱乐部) for this term are on the board. 9. Do you want to ___________(加入) us to play football? 10. I don’t ___________(选择) any food for lunch.

二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 ride, teach, promise, help, make

1. He often _______ a bike to school in the morning. 2. Everyone in my class wants to _________ others. 3. I __________ to give you a nice birthday present.

4. We are trying to __________ our school clean and beautiful. 5. We’d like __________ you some Chinese.


一、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词。 1.Jack can sing very ________(好).

2.-Can you ____________(演奏) the piano? -No, I can’t. 3.-Do you like playing table tennis?

-Yes. I ___________(甚至) play it every day.

4.Who is your cleaning _______________(班长) in your class? 5.Classes ______________(开始) at half past eight in the morning.

6.Lei Feng is a kind man; he’s always ___________(乐意的) to help others.

7.Tom usually ___________(承诺) to do his homework carefully, but he never does. 8.Shang Hai is one of the ____________(最好的) cities in China. 9.We all like _____________(烧饭) at home.

10.We can play basketball, but we can’t play _____________(网球).


be good at, promise to, would like to, get on well with, be kind to 1. Tom __________________ join the Music Club. 2. Don’t worry! I ______________ do it.

3. I can _______________________ my classmates.

4. He draws very well, that means he __________________ drawing. 5. Lingling ________________ us, so we all like her.

Module 3 Making plans

Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend?



_____________________________________________________________________ 2.Lingling打算去上钢琴课。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3.我们在这里见面吗?


Unit2 We’re going to cheer the players.



_____________________________________________________________________ 2.我打算好好享受劳动节的假期。




I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案。)

( ) 1. It ________ me about 40 minuters to go the airport this morning

A ) takes B ) took C ) spent D ) cost

( )2. A lot of people go to the beach _________ it is summer now.

A ) so B ) and C ) many D ) but

( )3. There isn’t __________ food in fridge.

A )some B ) o lot C ) many D ) much

( ) 4. His father died ___________ he was five.

A ) when B ) while C ) since D ) for

( ) 5. — __________ do you go to the cinema ?

— Once a month.

A ) How long B ) How

C ) How often D ) How many times

( )6. There is going to ___________ a wi=onderful exhibition in Shanghai Museum.

A ) have B ) be C ) show D ) hold

( )7. It is ___________ to have such a good friend as you .

A ) lucky B ) luckily C ) unlucky D ) unluckily

( )8. What a waste of time! Why not go there __________ taxi?

A )on B ) in C ) by D ) for

( )9. All his friends told him _________ there because it’s dangerous.

A ) to go B ) not to go C ) go D ) not go

( )10. Playing computer games is really __________.

A ) excited B ) exticing C ) excitedly D ) excitingly

( )11. Today is my cousin’s ____________________ birthday.

A) twenty –one B) twentieth –one

B) twenty -first D) twentieth - first

( )12. All the students __________ an English test now.

A) have B)having

C) are having D) are going to have

II.Choose the right answers to complete the sentences.(从括号中选择正确的单词,完成句子。)

1. It’s _________ ( peace, peaceful ) to live in the countryside.

2. It is a __________ ( pleasant, pleased ) day today.

3. It _________ ( took , spent ) all of us a long time to find a good restaurant.

4. __________ (How many times , How often ) has he been to Italy before ?

5. Children _________ ( are swimming, are going to swimming) in the swimming pool now. III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中的所给动词的适当形式,完成下列句子。)

1. Can you tell me about the environment of your new _________ (neighbour)

2. Shanghai is a ____________ (finance) centre in China.

3. I can’t stand the __________ (noisy) in this shop.

4. It is ________ ( relaxed, relaxing ) to have a pincnic in the countryside.

5. Spring is ___________ (difference) from Auntumn.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms. (用括号中所给的动词的适当形式填空)

1. My mum _________ ( go ) shopping twice a week.

2. Who likes ___________ (sing) most in your class ?

3. Peter ___________ just __________ ( move ) into a new flat.

4. —Where is Mr Li ?

— He ________ (read) magazines in the school library.

5. There _________ ( be ) lots of old people in our housing eastate.

V. Rewwrite the folloeing sentences as required.(按要求改变句子,每空格限填一词。) 就划线部分提问。)

________ does Ben usually ________ his homework? 就划线部分提问)

_________ _________ does Peter go to visit his grandma? 就划线部分提问)

__________ is Fangfang __________ now ?


英语七下校本作业Unit 3

Unit 3 How do you get to school?


Section A



1.到达学校_____________________________ 2.搭乘火车 __________________________________

3.搭公共汽车___________________________ 4.骑自行车___________________________________

5.仅大约2千米_________________________ 6.花费大约15分钟_____________________________

7.通过公交车的方式_____________________ 8.距离学校大约5公里__________________________

9.骑车到学校go _________________________ 10.需要大约一个小时___________________________



1.Mary如何到学校? 她搭乘地铁。

_________ _________ Mary _________ to _________? She _________ the _________.


_________ _________you get _________ school? I _______________.{七年级下册英语校本作业}.


_________ _________ you, Sally? I _____________ _____________ ______________.


___________ ____________ ___________ it ___________ your home ___________ school?


The ____________ ____________ ___________ about _____________ _____________.


____________ ___________ _________it _________ you to _________ to school?


About _____________ ______________. It’s _____________ ________________.








三、用根据提示句或答句,用how, how long, how far以及助动词do,does填空。


1. ____________________________he go to school?

He takes the train to school.

2. ___________________________ it take you to get to school?

About 15 minutes by bike.

3. _____________________ she walk to school?

No, she___________________________.

4. ______________________________ is it from your home to school?

It is about 8 miles.

5. _____________________ they take the bus to school?

No, they ___________________. They walk.

Section B & Self-check



1.公交车站点 ____________________________ 2.公交车站________________________________

3.火车站_________________________________ 4.地铁站__________________________________

5.他的爷爷奶奶家_________________________ 6.认为____________________________________

7.过河___________________________________ 8.对于许多学生_____________________________

9.在…和…之间___________________________ 10.一个11岁的男孩________________________

11.像一个父亲____________________________ 12.离开村庄_______________________________

13.实现__________________________________ 14.喜欢和…玩_____________________________




_________ you ________ or ________ a bike? ________ you go ________ bus or _______ _______?


_________ _________ ________________ to _______________ to school?


I _________ _________ _________ at about 8:00, and_________ _________ the _________ _________.

4. 我的学校离我家大约20公里。

My school _________ about _____________ _______________ ______________ my home.

5. 公交车程从来不无聊,因为我总是和我的同学说话。

The bus _________ is _________ _________, _________ I _________ _________ to my _________.











A: Where do you live, Nina?

B: New Street.

A: So, (1) ________________ do you get to school?

B: Well, first I (2) _________ to the bus stop. I (3) _________ a bus to the subway station. (4)_________ I take the subway.

A: Wow! (5) _______________ you take the subway to school?

B: Yes, my home is very (6) _________________ from school.

A: How far?

B: About 70 kilometers.

A: Wow. That’s a long (7) _____________________.


It’s the last week of the holidays. Bill wants to take a trip. His uncle at the seashore. Bill wants to visit him.

“It will be chance to go swimming in the ocean(海洋)this year,” Bill says to his “Next month it will be too cold.”

“I don’t know, Bill.” His mother says. “It’” She looks at her husband(丈夫). “What do you , Harry?”

“Oh, let him , Alice,” Mr. White says. “He is fifteen years old. He’s not a baby, you know.” “I he’s not a baby,” says Mrs. White. “ connections(倒车)to make. He has to take a bus and a train and then another bus.”

“on’t worry, Mother,” says Bill. “”

“will be a good experience(经历)for him. He won’t get lost.” says Mr. White again.

( ) 1. A. lives B. stands C. goes

( ) 2. A. good B. last C. first

( ) 3. A. friends B. parents C. teachers

( ) 4. A. new B. long C. easy

( ) 5. A. plan B. say C. think

( ) 6. A. to go B. going C. go

( ) 7. A. think B. see C. know

( ) 8. A. many B. much C. very

( ) 9. A. stations B. way C. bus

( ) 10. A. It B. He C. They



( ) 1. My home is about 10 kilometers _________ our school.

A. to B. from C. /

( ) 2. Many students _________ to school.

A. walk B. by bike C. on foot

( ) 3. It ________ my sister a long time to get to the zoo.

A. gets B. gives C. takes

( ) 4. There are one hundred and sixty-eight _______ in a week.

A. days B. minutes C. hours

( ) 5. It’s _______ to study math. You must study hard.

A. difficult B. easy C. relaxing

( ) 6. If you want to take the subway, you can go to the subway _______.

A. station B. stop C. house

( ) 7. The _______ girl can play the piano well.

A. seven years old B. seven-year-old C. seven-years old

( ) 8. Mary often _______ to school.

A. takes a bike B. by bike C. rides a bike

( ) 9. –Why do you take the bus to school?

–_______ it’s far.

A. So B. Because C. But

( ) 10. –____________ is it from the hotel to the hospital?

–It’s about five kilometers.

A. How long B. How often C. How far


There are forty-eight students in our class. There are twenty-three boys and twenty-five girls. Some students’ homes are near the school, and some students’ homes are very far from the school. About half of the students come to school by bike. They often get to school at a quarter to seven. About ten students often come to school by bus. They often go to school very early too. Another ten students come to school on foot. Their homes are near the school, but they are often late for school, because they get up very late.

( ) 1.About half of the students usually come to school________________________.

A. very late B. very early C. by bus

( ) 2. Some students are often late for school because__________________________.

A. their homes are far from the school B. they go to school on foot

C. they get up very late

( ) 3. About _________________ students go to school by bike.

A. forty-eight B. ten C. twenty-four

( ) 4. About ten students go to school by bus because___________________________.

A. their homes are not near the school B. they don’t have any bikes

C. they can’t ride bikes

( ) 5. How many students’ homes are far away from the school? ________________.

A. About thirty-four. B. About twenty. C. About ten.




班级 姓名 序号

评 价 表


Module 1 Unit 1

I. Write the words for the food.(看图写单词。)

The letters in circles here are

II. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音填表。)


III. Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。)

( ) 1. _______is it? It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.

A. How many B. How much C. How

( ) 2. _______do you want? I want an apple, please. A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 3. Here you are. __________

A. You are welcome. B. Thank you. C. OK. ( ) 4. Can I help you? __________

A. Not at all. B. Yes, I can. C. A cola for me, please.

IV. Read and write T or F.(阅读并判断。)

A hot dog is not really a dog. It is a long sausage in a bread roll (面包卷). It is a favourite food of Americans’. You can buy hot dogs in fast food restaurants everywhere. The hot dog comes from Germany (德国). But why has it got the name “hot dog”? Does it look like a dog? Look at this picture. It’s a German (德国的) dog. What do you think?

( ( ) 2. Americans don’t like hot dogs.

( ) 3. You can buy hot dogs in America. ( ) 4. A hot dog looks like a Dachshund dog. ( ) 5. A sausage is a vegetable.

V. Write.(正确书写,注意大小写和标点。)

what do you want daming i want a hot dog please



Module 1 Unit 2

I. Write the words for the food.(看图写单词。){七年级下册英语校本作业}.

II. Listen and match.(听音连线。)


III. Read and fill in the blanks.(根据菜单记录完成对话。)


Waiter: Can I help you?

Rachel: I want and , please. Waiter: And what do you want to drink?

Rachel: I want , please. How much is it? Waiter: It’s yuan. Rachel: Here you are. Waiter: Thank you very much.

IV. Read and choose.(阅读并选择。)

The first hamburger was not made in the US. It was made in Germany (德国). In Hamburg, a large city in Germany, people made and ate a kind of sandwiches with meat a long time ago. The food got its name “hamburger” from 后来) many Germans moved to America and brought the food along with them. And the food is very popular (受欢迎的) now. People in (亿万) hamburgers every year.

( ) 1. Who made the first hamburger? A. American people. B. English people. C. German people. ( ) 2. Hamburg is the name of ___________.

A. a kind of sandwich B. a city C. a country ( ) 3. Do American people like hamburgers?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We don’t know.

V. Write.(正确书写,注意大小写和标点。) and what do you want to drink milk please





Unit5 Topic1 Section A


Ⅱ.1.on foot 2. by car 3. do; go 4. comes 5. How does; go

Unit5 Topic1 Section B

Ⅰ. 1. seldom 2. always 3. never 4. sometimes

Ⅱ.1. doesn’t go 2. walks to 3. take; subway 4. ride; bike 5. Does; usually go

Unit5 Topic1 Section C

Ⅰ. 1. begin 2. have four classes 3. goes to bed 4. a short time 5. goes home

6. in the library 7. twice a week

Ⅱ.1. to go to 2. take; home 3. quarter to five 4. How often

Unit5 Topic1 Section D

Ⅰ. 1. catches 2. seldom 3. basketball 4. usually 5. weekdays

Ⅱ. One possible version:

My School Day

I get up at six o’clock. I read English for half an hour. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that, I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the morning. At about twelve o’clock, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often have three lessons and we usually have sports from four thirty to five thirty. After supper, I read books or go out for a walk, then I do my homework for about one and a half hours. At about half past nine, I go to bed.

Unit5 Topic2 Section A

Ⅰ. 1. having; dining hall 2. on; playground 3. now 4. swimming; in the swimming pool

5. running; in the gym

Ⅱ.1. Is; dancing What; doing 2. is running 3. is not 4. No; I’m not 5. Where; playing

Unit5 Topic2 Section B

Ⅰ. 1. borrow 2. use 3. keep 4. return 5. wallet 6. must

Ⅱ.1-5. BACBB 6-10. ABBBC

Unit5 Topic2 Section C

Ⅰ. 1-5.CEDAB

Ⅱ.1. is drawing 2. comes 3. are reading 4. Are; studying 5. is writing 6. running

Unit5 Topic2 Section D

Ⅰ. 1. keep 2. Japanese 3. shelf 4. cleans 5. drawing 6. return 7. is sleeping Ⅱ.1. He is teaching in the classroom.

2. They are doing homework now.

3. Lily swims every day.

4. They are talking at the back of the classroom.

Unit5 Topic3 Section A

Ⅰ. 1. Tuesday 2. Wednesday 3. physics 4. geography 5. science

6. politics 7. history 8. biology

Ⅱ.1. Monday; Friday 2. class meeting 3. many art 4. time; over 5. What time; next; begin

Unit5 Topic3 Section B

Ⅰ. 1. How many; does Maria have 2. What; think of 3. Why do 4. Which subject; best

5. What class 6. Why doesn’t 7. Why not go

Ⅱ.1. What’s your favorite subject?

2. We like P.E. best.

Unit5 Topic3 Section C

Ⅰ. 1. activities 2. study 3. night 4. stamps 5. Attention 6. Saturday

Ⅱ.1. from; to 2. are kind to 3. some other 4. tell; about 5. between; and

Unit5 Topic3 Section D

Ⅰ. 1-5. B A C C B

Ⅱ.1. What class 2. What day 3. like best 4. Is; reading; she is

Ⅲ. One possible version

Hello! I’m Li Wei, a student of Class 1, Grade 7. My school life is very interesting. I like it very much.

Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I study Chinese, English, math, biology and some other subjects. My favorite subject is English. It’s interesting.

After school, I often play basketball with my classmates. It’s my favorite outdoor activity. I also go to the school library twice a week.

Do you think my school life is interesting? What about yours? Can you tell me something about it?

Unit6 Topic1 Section A

Ⅰ. A. 1. beautiful 2. second 3. floors 4. garden 5. first

B. 1. kitchen 2. dining room 3. living room 4. bedroom 5. bathroom

Ⅱ.1. There is; in 2. go upstairs; have a look 3. on the second floor 4. and so on

Unit6 Topic1 Section B

Ⅰ. 1. clock 2. guitar 3. table 4. window 5. key 6. chair 7. door 8. near 9. put away

10. look after

Ⅱ.1. behind 2. under 3. in the front of 4. in front of

三、1. Are there any; there 2. What is 3. Where is

Unit6 Topic1 Section C

Ⅰ. 1. house 2. large 3. flowers 4. yard 5. only

Ⅱ.1. on the left of 2. at the back of 3. are singing in 4. model planes

5. How many; are there

Unit6 Topic1 Section D

Ⅰ.1-5. A B C A C

Ⅱ.1. Where is 2. How much, is there 3. in front of 4. What is 5. isn’t any

Unit6 Topic2 Section A

Ⅰ. 1. country 2. months 3. quiet 4. for rent

Ⅱ.1. to, for/under 2. at 3. at 4. on 5. for

Ⅲ. 1. What kind of; do 2. How many; are there 3. Does; live

Unit6 Topic2 Section B

Ⅰ. 1. supermarket 2. neighbor 3. bookstore 4. road 5. bank

Ⅱ.1. train station 2. parking lot 3. post letters 4. on the street corner 5. at the end of

6. no houses

Unit6 Topic2 Section C

Ⅰ. 1. far from 2. close to 3. such as 4. A lot of 5. doing sports

Ⅱ.1. with 2. are 3. children 4. to 5. near 6. area 7. service 8. for 9. buy

10. community

Unit6 Topic2 Section D

Ⅰ. 1. sleep 2. traffic 3. fresh 4. move 5. cost

Ⅱ.1. city 2. countryside 3. after 4. noisy 5. air 6. with 7. help 8. swimming 9. in

10. misses

Unit6 Topic3 Section A

Ⅰ.1.along 2.turn 3.meter 4.across 5. bridge

Ⅱ.1.how can 2.go across 3.Where is

Ⅲ. 1.along; turn 2.meters 3.across from


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