
来源:管理学 发布时间:2015-12-28 点击:



简历是关于自己经历的资料性文件。简历的主要特点是它的附属性,它不单独发文,而只是以附 件(enclosure)的形式出现。它可以帮助接收学校或招聘单位了解申请人的基本情况,因 此写好简历有利于自己很好地抓住到来的各种机会。一 简历的写作格式及主要内容标准的英文简历的写法及内容一般包括以下各项。(一)标题简历的标题即在正文正上方写上“RESUME”字样即可。简历标题的英文写法还有Curriculum 、Vitae等。以“Resume”最为常用。(二)写简历的日期一般在标题下一行,靠右边写上写作简历的具体日期。如“Dec.12,2000”月份可以缩写, 月日同年之间要用逗号。(三)个人的姓名、住址和电话号码个人的姓名、住址写在信纸的左边,从简历写作日期的下一行开始,要分行写出,上下排列 整齐。一般先写姓名,姓名下写自己的门牌号码,所在的路或街道名,再下一行写出所在的 区(州)或城市名。必要时还需写上所在省或国别名。关于姓名的写法,如果是寄到国外的简 介,一般将姓放在名字后面,中间加逗号,如“Shaohua,Zhang.”或把姓放在前面,但姓 和名字之间也需加逗号,如“Zhang,Shaohua”;如果只是寄往国内的则直接写出姓名即可 ,不必加逗号,如“Zhang Shaohua”。电话号码可写在地址下面,也可以写在信纸的右边,同姓名写在一行,或同地址写在一行。 这里需说明的是个人的姓名、住址和电话号码也可全部写在信纸的右边,其位置相当于一般 书信的信头的位置。(四)申请的工作(Position)申请的工作是那些作为应聘的、求职的简历必须有的,一般要写上自己希望做的工作。位置 在左边,同上边地址要排整齐。(五)个人求学的经历(Education)求学的经历,即一般从中学开始,写出自己曾就读的学校名称、地点、在校的年限,大学 的名称、所在的科系、所学的专业,取得学位的情况,以及所学的主要课程内容、年限、成 绩等。参加过在职训练或培训班的也可列出。(六)个人工作的经历(Experience)同求学经历一样,该项要求写出曾经工作过的单位名称、地址,工作的性质、职位、起讫日 期等。(七)个人资料(Personal Data)个人资料包括出生的日期、年龄、出生地点、身高、体重、健康状况、婚姻状况、爱 好、有何特长等。(八)推荐人或证明人的情况(Reference)应将推荐人或证明人的姓名、地址、电话、职位、头衔等写出来,有时也可省掉不写。而写 上“Available on request”(来信即附)字样。以上各项内容要排列整齐,给人一种一目了然的感觉。




-- 关于resume的内容——急


如何进行内容的选择呢?另外,我现在分profile,objective,work experiece,education,qulification,activties几个部分,不知是否合适?



-- 作者:lewis

-- 发布时间:2003-10-9 21:46:00


"profile,work experiece,education,qulification"--Five aspects is, in my opinion, enough. The common practice is finishing your resume in one single page.


-- 作者:tsljz

-- 发布时间:2003-10-9 21:47:00






-- 作者:bloomingtree

-- 发布时间:2003-10-9 21:49:00




-- 作者:joyoni

-- 发布时间:2003-10-10 2:43:00


i don\'t think you should put your profile in your resume. they can pick up that info from your applciation form. don\'t waste the limited words on that.

i don\'t understand what the qualification is?


-- 作者:bloomingtree

-- 发布时间:2003-10-10 9:46:00


Lewis,u just mentioned four,not five any other one?


-- 作者:valentine

-- 发布时间:2003-10-10 12:46:00


The line space is usually single. U can leave one line blank between two sections. V.


-- 作者:joyoni

-- 发布时间:2003-10-10 14:11:00


agree with valentine.

remember make it clear!


-- 作者:bloomingtree

-- 发布时间:2003-10-11 16:58:00


thanks a lot,I will try again:)



Report and Technical Writing--Resume


A resume is a short written account of one’s education and previous job that one sends to an employer when looking for a job. It is an important tool careering as it helps make an initial impression on the potential employer

It is a brief summary of one’s life history or the main events of his/her life, and it gives a brief, factual

summary of your qualification beginning with the writer’s birth and followed by a list of his/her education background, work experience, professional accomplishments and hobbies, while a resume cover letter explains your qualification to show well you can fit in the position.

II. Types (or formats) of resume

Your resume format could make a considerable difference to the information that a reader derives. Keep in mind

 There is no correct or standard resume format

 Your resume format should be appropriate to your position

 Your chosen resume format must not be seen as a method of concealing information

 You must follow a consistent format in all sections of your resume

The following resume types (formats) are provided for the writer to choose

1. Basic format(基本型): It contains the most basic information such as education experience as well as general personal information. It is the ideal format chosen by students who has had no work


2. Chronological format(经历型): It is arranged in the order of time. More appropriately it is arranged in the reverse time order as you list the most recent education attainment and work experience first. This

format is by far the most popular kind of format. Aspiring business majors looking for a job should use

this format, unless they have worked in a wide variety of functional areas.

3. Functional format(功能型): It is based on certain particular skills for a prospective job. It presents a good perspective on what you can do rather than on when you did it. Business students wanting to

show highly diverse work experience should choose this format.

4. Combination format(混合型): Purely functional resume is not popular anymore. Many people prefer to use a combination of functional and chronological formats instead.

5. Targeted format(目标型): If you have a fairly single-tracked career so far and intend to remain on the same track, you can use this format. This means you can use language and key words that are local to

your industry. A targeted format could be in the chronological format or in the functional format or a


Each format has various advantages and disadvantages, depending on the different background

and purpose of the applicant. Applicants can add or delete some sections on the basis of the one

of the above formats to design a very individual and special resume.

III. Tips for writing a good resume

Most employers are busy people who normally just glance at a resume for only 10 to 20 seconds. They have got no time to read your resume. In other words, your resume is scanned, not read. So one’s resume must sufficiently catch their attention to pass the 10 to 20 second evaluation test. A resume must

follow four basic principles for effectiveness

1. Catch the reader’s (employer’s) attention

2. Persuade the reader of your benefits or value

3. Convince the reader with evidence

4. Move the reader to acquire the product

To follow these principles, a good resume should be effective in three aspects:

1) Content (内容)

a. Clearly communicate your competence in relation to the employer’s needs

The information offered in the resume should be closely related to the objective. Try to

convince the employer that you are the right person for the job and you can solve their problems

b. Make statements with facts and figures

Applicants should keep in mind that facts and figures are more convincing than lots of

statements of accomplishments. Try not to make statements you can’t document.

c. Avoid exaggeration

The Chinese way of modesty will not be necessary, but honesty and integrity will still be

adhered to. Exaggeration on a resume cannot be a lifelong tactic in job hunting. Be honest. That is the best policy.

d. Exclude the irrelevant data and negative information

All the information offered by a resume should be related to the work objective and

communicate a positive image of the applicant.

2) Language (语言)

a. Easy to understand

Language should be direct, concise, and expressive. Do not use lengthy sentences and

wordy descriptions. Jargons should be avoided. Phrases and incomplete sentences are

preferable to long complex sentences.

b. Keep consistent

Do not change verb tense. Try to use the same kind of phrases and structures.

c. Positively toned rather than negatively toned

Instead of saying “never failed”, say “always did well”, or “always managed to”.

d. Do not refer to oneself as “I”

Too many “I’s” will leave an impression of being ego-centered. In today’s business world,

the quality of team workmanship is very much valued as that means cooperation,

communicativeness and coordination. Instead of saying “I am very communicative and

performed well”, one would better use a phrase “communicative and with good

performance”. Now you can see why phrases are preferable in resume writing now—not

only because of the briefness but also the efficiency.

e. Do check spelling, grammar, and punctuation carefully

3) Layout (编排设计)

a. Strongest point first

b. Maintain an eye-pleasing balance

c. Do not make the resume cramped and crowded

Use ample spaces and highlights for achieving a neat appearance and an impression of

being well organized and professional.{resume范文}.

d. Get it properly sized

One page is the ideal length for a resume. If you produce a two-page resume, one of the

best formats is to attach a single supplemental page to a self-contained one-page resume.

IV. Component sections of a resume

1) Contact information and work objective

2) Education (degrees majors, schools, dates, highlights, major courses, special training)

3) Work experience (including job titles, employers, dates, skills, accomplishments, duties and responsibilities)

4) Skills/Qualifications

5) Honors and awards

6) Other information

7) References (two to three references: their names, positions, addresses, telephone numbers and E-mails)

8) Personal data (gender, age, marital status, place of birth, height, weight, health)

9) Personal strength (positive personality, willingness to relocate/travel. Other information supporting the work objective)


Zhang Yang

Room 430, 563 Xu Dong Avenue, Wuhan 430000


EDUCATION: B. A. degree, Hubei Technical College, 1999-2003

Wuhan 15th High School,1996-1999

Major: Marketing

Main courses: Marketing Theory and Practice

Marketing Department Management

Marketing Statistics

Business Communications

First-class college scholarship (2001-2002)

Third-price in college English Speech Contest (June, 2002)

First price in College’s “Visual Art Competition” (Brush Painting) (2000)

Certifications: CET 6 (Excellent)

BEC Level 2 (achieved EXECELLENCE in Spoken English Exam)

National Computer Rank Examination Certificate Grade 2

SKILLS: Excellent written and spoken English skills

Skillful in operating Words, Excel

Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook

Knowledge of and experience with Photoshop, Freeland

WORK EXPERIENCE: Summer 2001: Sales Representative, Kuanta Food Company

Duties: Sold food to retail customers. Conducted customer survey to obtain

feedback and identify potential customer needs. Achieved good sales record

through effective marketing.

CHARACTER PROFILE: Outgoing, hardworking and team-oriented

PERSONAL DATA: Age: 21 Sex: Male Health: Excellent


John Smith{resume范文}.

Professor of Tianjin University of Commerce

Mobile phone: 139xxxx5566

Email: John smith @

Wang Qian

Professor of the School of Foreign Languages of Tianjin University of


Tel. 2372xxxx

Email: Wang Qian @


NAME: Zhang Yang

EDUCATION: B. A. degree, Hubei Technical College, 1999-2003

Wuhan 15th High School.1996-1999

Major: Marketing

Main courses: Marketing Theory and Practice

Marketing Department Management

Marketing Statistics

Business Communications

Honors and Awards : First-class college scholarship (2001-2002)

Third-price in college English Speech Contest (June, 2002)

First price in College’s “Visual Art Competition” (Brush Painting) (2000) Certifications: CET 6 (Excellent) Honors and Awards :

BEC Level 2 (achieved EXECELLENCE in Spoken English Exam) National Computer Rank Examination Certificate Grade 2

SKILLS: Excellent written and spoken English skills

Skillful in operating Words, Excel

Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook

Knowledge of and experience with Photoshop, Freeland

WORK EXPERIENCE: Summer 2001: Sales Representative, Kuanta Food Company

Duties: Sold food to retail customers. Conducted customer survey to

obtain feedback and identify potential customer needs. Achieved good sales

record through effective marketing.

CHARACTER PROFILE: Outgoing, hardworking and team-oriented

PERSONAL DATA: Age: 21 Sex: Male Health: Excellent


Address: Room 430,563 Xu Dong Avenue, Wuhan 430000

Telephone: (027) xxxx3322



Dr Wang Wenhua Dr Li Youlan

Professor of English, Professor of computer science, Nankai University Hebei Technical College tty@ (027) xxxx2269


英语作文A Resume


A Resume


For this part,your are required to write a resume. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

假设你是李明—— 一名应届毕业生,在报纸上看到一则招聘广告,你想要到登广告的公司供职,请给该公司写一封求职信,内容应简要介绍自己的情况及自己的经历等。 备注:



字数要求: 150

A Resume

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for a position in your company.when I saw your advertisement in the newspaper,I know it would be a great opportunity for me to start my career.

As a fresh graduate,I sure I lack of something.However,I have prepared for your position adequately.During the university,I had worked a part-time job just like your needed,through which I gained wide experience. What's more,fortunately,I found a former graduate working in your company and it's a good channel to learning the operation and specific.Finally, I have attended various contests and won top prizes several times in my major, which greatly enriched my knowledge. As the old saying goes,"the chance is in the hand of prepared man".As I see it,I'm confident to go after your position and I can control it.

I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours

Li Ming.




Stan Beltzman

572 First Street • Brooklyn, NY 11215 • • 718-555-4328

Education: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Degree Expected: M.S. in Communications, June 2005

Class Rank: Top 10 percent

Editor of Communications Journal

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

B.A. in Political Science, May 2003

Dean’s List

Marching Band Section Leader{resume范文}.

Work History: Boston Theatre Co., Boston, MA

P.R. Internship, June 2004 to September 2004

Composed press releases and public service

announcements publicizing theatre events. Oversaw

production of posters, flyers, and programs. Sold subscriptions and advertising space.

Other Experience: Citizens Action Group, New York, NY

Field Manager, June 2003 to September 2003

Promoted public awareness of state legislative process

and issues of toxic waste, utility control, and consumer

legislation. Demonstrated effective fund-raising skills.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Resident Assistant, Office of Residential Life

September 2002 to June 2003

Administered all aspects of student affairs and university

residence halls, including program planning, discipline,

and individual group counseling. Directed

achievement of student goals through guidance of

the residence hall council. Implemented all university


University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Staff Training Lecturer, August 2002 to December 2002 Conducted workshops for residence hall staff on counseling, effective communication, and conflict resolution.

Special Skills: • Knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel,

and PowerPoint

• Knowledge of Spanish and French

•CPR certified


• Margaret Weidlin •

333 Market Street, Apt. 608

San Francisco, CA 94123


• Job Sought •

Designer of cutting-edge women’s fashion

• Education •

Parkwood College of Design, San Francisco, CA

M.A. in Fashion Design, June 2004

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

B.A. in Art History, 1999

• Employer •

Davie Wear, Inc., San Francisco, CA

Assistant Fashion Coordinator, 2002-Present

• Skills and Accomplishments •

• Prepare clothing for display

• Evaluate and select fabrics

• Design patterns for fabric

• Coordinate window displays

• References •

Susan DeGeorge, Owner

Davie Wear, Inc.

415-555-5958, ext. 332

Alex Rosenthal, Instructor

Parkwood College of Design

415-555-4900, ext. 839

Design portfolio available upon request


Bridgett Terry

4444 24th Street Los Angeles, CA 90061 213-555-3411


A position in personnel administration.


Human Resources Administration


Lorminon College, Dallas, TX

Certificate of Completion, Summer 2004

University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA{resume范文}.

Bachelor's Degree in Economics, 1999


Personnel Management Institute Dean's Award, 2004

Student Government Secretary, 1998

Gamma Kappa Phi Honorary Society, 1998-1999

Work Experience

Woodbine & Co., Los Angeles, CA

Human Resources Assistant, 2000-Present

• Greet current and prospective employees in the main office.

• Research and evaluate applications.

• Maintain employee referrals.

• File performance appraisals.

• Help write job descriptions.

• Record data on vacations, sick time, and leaves of absence.

Computer Experience

• Entire Microsoft Office Suite, including Work, PowerPoint, Access,

and Excel.

• Numerous customized databases, including ACT, GELCO, and ADMARC. • Knowledge of a variety of online research resources


Mark E. Ruczinski

Career Goal

Attorney for a mid- to large-sized business law firm.


Pace University

White Plains, NY

J.D., June 2003

Iona College

New Rochelle, NY

M.B.A., June 1998

B.A., June 1994

Professional Qualifications

• Admission to New York Bar, 2003

• Certified Public Accountant, New York, 2000

• Member of the American Institute of CPAs

• Member of the New York Society of CPAs

Business Experience

Greyhound Bus Lines, New York, NY

Assistant General Counsel and Assistant to Treasurer, 2001 to Present • Handle tax research and planning for the corporation and its subsidiaries.• Conduct legal research.

City of Washington, Department of Finance

Assistant to Financial Analyst, 2000 to 2001

• Assisted with financial analysis and preparation of financial reports, 4330 Chesapeake NW Washington, DC 20010 202-555-1331

including the annual financial report and financial schedules for bond prospectuses.

References submitted upon request.



 : 35 Mowbray Street

XXXXXX Date of Birth: Nationality: XXXXX (eligible to work in XXXX) Coventry CV2 4FZ  : 00 44 0 ..................... @ :

Profile/Careers Objective

A highly-motivated (1. personal attribute), second-/final- year student in XXX (e.g. Business Studies) (2. academic background), with substantial relevant work experience in XXXX (e.g. marketing/manufacturing) (3. experience) through which I acquired solid team-working, communication and problem solving skills (4. skills), seeking a position as a XXX (e.g. trainee), etc in the company XXXX (5. goal)

2005 / 2006 BEng in European Engineering Studies

University of Coventry

& Protocols, English for Engineers, Management, Communication Networks &

Transmission, Principles of Computers Networks

working and leadership skills (leader on various team projects), good

communication skills (produced a number of oral and written reports).

2003 / 2005 BTEC Higher National Diploma (Telecoms & Networks)

University Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1

Networks, Programming, Mathematics, Electronics,

Telecoms, English, Management, Laws of economy


(June 2003 A-Level in Electronics

College of Gresivaudan France)

April -

May 2005 Placement at research center : CEA Commissariat Energies Atomiques at Grenoble

Placement for an end of Year Project Network supervision, setting

up of server with MRTG software, worked on router CISCO for manage VLAN

and analytical skills, Communication within a company

July - Retail Experience : Cash Converter’s

August 2004 Duration: 2 Months with additional shifts through the year

Communication skills were improved, gained experience in how a

store operates and functions

July 2003 Worked in Research Centre : ILL

Institut Laue Langevin at Grenoble , Active Directory

o o TCP-IP, all network layers, Routing protocols, DHCP, VLAN,

Switch/Router CISCO, Network supervision, Service POP3/SMTP, PABX VOIP, Samba, NIS/NFS, Firewall, Web Server (Apache)

o Microsoft Office Pack: Excel, Word, PowerPoint.

o o Electronics

o Languages C & JAVA

o French : Mother tongue

o English : Advanced level

o Spanish : Basic communication

 o Sports : Skiing, Badminton, Sail, Mountains Bikes

o Setting up of PCs and customer service to repair faults, at a software as well as

at a hardware and this for private customers

o I am interested in everything related to business and selling.

o Driving licence

Academic Dr xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Lecturer in XXXX

Coventry University, School of Engineering

Priority Street Coventry CV1 5FB

Tel : ……………. / E-Mail : …………


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, CEA, 17 Avenue des XXXX 87 000 Limoges, France Tel : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / E-Mail : ..................


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