来源:管理学 发布时间:2011-12-21 点击:
考试时间:150分钟 物理满分:120分 化学满分:80分
第一部分 客观题(请用2B铅笔将正确答案涂在答题卡相应位置上)
1.估测在实际生活中的应用十分广泛,下列所估测的数据中最接近实际的是( ) A.一个鸡蛋的质量约为500g.
2.在严寒的冬季,小满到滑雪场滑雪,恰逢有一块空地正在人工造雪。他发现造雪机在工作过程中,不断将水吸入,并持续从造雪机的前方喷出“白雾”,而在“白雾”下方,已经积了厚厚的一层“白雪”.对于造雪机在造雪过程中,水这种物质发生的最主要的物态变化,下列说法中正确的是( )
A.凝固 . B.凝华 . C.升华 . D.液化. 3.下列不属于光的折射现象的是( )
A.夜空中星星眨眼睛 . B.池水中央的一轮明月. C.海市蜃楼 . D.池水变浅. 4.关于家庭电路,下列说法正确的是( ) A.空气开关“跳闸”一定是出现了短路. B.工作的用电器越多,总电阻越大. C.电能表是测量总电功率的.
D.安在卧室的吊灯有三个灯泡,同时亮同时灭,这三个灯泡一定是并联. 5近期全国各地多次出现雾霾天气,下列关于雾霾的说法错误的是( ) A.雾霾的形成主要是由于汽车尾气排放、煤炭燃烧等污染物不易扩散造成的. B.PM 2.5是形成雾霾的“元凶”.
C.雾霾会引起空气质量恶化,影响人体健康. D.雾和霾是同一个概念的两种不同说法. 6.将规格都是“220V 100W”的一台电风扇、一台电视机和一把电烙铁,分别接入220V的电路中,通电时间相同,电流通过它们产生的热量最多的是
A.电烙铁. B.电视. C.电风扇. D.一样多. 7.下列说法中正确的是 ( )
A.用手击打排球时,手对排球的作用力与排球对手的作用力一定大小相等. B.苹果从树上落向地面的过程中,重力对苹果做功,苹果的重力势能减少. C.水平路面上行驶的汽车,关闭发动机后会停下来,是由于汽车具有惯性.
8.某元件(阻值不变)标有“6V 6W”字样,将该元件与灯L接入电路中,如图甲所示。通过
灯L的电流随电压变化的图像如图乙所示,电流表量程为“0-0.6A”,电压表量程为“0-3V”,闭合开关,在保证电路各元件都安全的情况下,下列说法正确的是: A.该元件正常工作时电阻是6Ω. B.该元件正常工作时电流是1A. C.小灯泡最大功率是1.8W . D.小灯泡最大功率是1W.
9.如图所示,三个相同的容器内水面高度相同,甲容器内只有水,乙容器内有木块漂浮在水面上,丙容器中悬浮着一个小球,则下列四种说法正确的是( ) A.三个容器对水平桌面的压力相等.
B.三个容器中,丙容器对水平桌面的压力最大. C.如果向乙容器中加人盐水,木块受到的浮力不变. D.如果向丙容器中加人酒精,小球受到的浮力不变.
可能用到的相对原子质量 : H:1 O:16
S:32 Na:23
A.纯碱溶液中滴加酚酞溶液 B.铁丝放入稀盐酸中 C.二氧化碳通入石蕊溶液中 D.稀硫酸中滴加火碱溶液
11、近年来汽车轮胎中常以空气中含量最多的气体作为填充气。这种气体是( ) A、氧气 B、氮气 C、二氧化碳 D、稀有气体 12、人类生存需要清新的空气。下列情况不会造成空气污染的是( ) A、绿色植物的光合作用 B、汽车排放的大量尾气 C、大量燃烧化石燃料 D、工厂的废气直接排放
13、把氯化氢、生石灰、食盐分别溶于水,往它们的溶液中分别滴入紫色石蕊试液,溶液呈现的颜色依次是( )
A、红色、蓝色、无色 B、红色、蓝色、紫色 C、蓝色、红色、无色 D、蓝色、红色、紫色
A、氢氧化镁能中和胃酸过多 B、干冰可作制冷剂
3200则5min25.一支长度为20cm的试管装满了水,用橡皮塞将管口塞紧且管口朝上处于竖直状态,并保持静止.已知ρ水=1.0×10kg/m,g=10N/kg.则由于水受到重力而对试管底部产生的压强为 Pa.现将试管由竖直状态倾斜为与水平方向成45°角,则试管底部受到水的压强会 (选填:“增大“、“减小”或“不变”)
26.日本福岛第一核电站曾因冷却系统的故障,导致严重的核泄漏事故,引起了全世界的关注。核电站是利用原子核发生 (选填“裂变”或“聚变”)释放能量来发电的。核能属于 (选填“可再生”或“不可再生”)能源。由于能量在转移和转化过程中具有 ,所以我们要节约能源.
27.如图所示,B'是人眼在A处透过水面看见的河底一白色鹅卵石的虚像,这虚像是由光的 能”)照射到河底的白色鹅卵石上。
27题) (28
题) (29题图)
29.如图装置,它的外部并联了两个发光二极管,二极管是用 材料制成的.当转动该装置手柄时,二极管发光,则该装置是一台 选填“发电机”或“电动机”),它的工作原理是 .
(32题) (33题)
34.6月5日是世界环境日,同学们进行大扫除.大威端着一盆水 在水平地面上匀速行走,他不小心将水盆撞到站在门口的小平身上(如图所示),水洒了出来.请回答;
(1)大威在水平地面行走过程中对这盆水是否做功? (2)水会洒向大威还是小平?为什么?
(1)1.2kg的汽油完全燃烧放出的热量为多少?(已知汽油的热值为4.5×l0J/kg) (2)汽车在平直公路上匀速行驶时,受到的阻力为多少? (3)汽车从坡底向坡顶运送砂石的机械效率是多少? 36.如图是家庭常用的电热水壶,其铭牌数据如表所示.若加热电阻的阻值不随温度变化而改变,且此时的大气压为1标准大气压.则:{2017丹东中考语文作文}.
(3)若已在光屏上成清晰的像,此时用遮光布遮住凸透镜的下小半部分,则所成的烛焰的像 为 (选填“不完整的像”、“亮度相同的完整像”或“亮度稍暗的完整像”). (4)晓红在早上9:00利用太阳光进行观察凸透镜焦点的活动.她将凸透镜与水平地面平行放 置,调节凸透镜到地面的距离,直至地面上出现一个最小的亮点,她认为此点就是凸透镜的焦点.你认为该活动过程存在的问题是: .
A.“10Ω 0.5A”的滑动变阻器 B.“20Ω 0.5A”的滑动变阻器 (2)(2)用笔画线代替导线,将图甲所示的实物电路连接完整.
(1)实验过程中,弹簧测力计 (选填“必须”或“不必”)沿水平方向
(选填“大于”、“等(6)通过小灯泡的电流随它两端电压变化的关系如图丙所示.分析图象可知: 于”或“小于”)弹簧测力计的示数。
(2)在四次实验中,滑动摩擦力最小的是 (选填“甲”、“乙” 、“丙”或“丁”) (3)比较甲、乙实验,是为了研究滑动摩擦力大小与 有关;比较乙、丙 实验,是为了研究滑动摩擦力大小与
(4)比较甲、丁实验,发现甲实验弹簧测力计的示数大于 丁实验弹簧测力计的示数,小明得出结论:滑动摩擦力的 大小与接触面积的大小有关。你认为他的结论
41.(5分)为研究不同物质的吸热能力,某同学用两个完全相同的酒精灯,分别给质量和初温都相同的甲、乙两种液体同时加热,分别记录加热时间和升高的温度,根据记录的数据作出了两种液体的温度随时间变化的图像,如图所示. (1) 根据图像,某同学认为:“加热相同的时间,甲升高的温 度高一些,这说明甲吸收的热量多一些.”这名同学的判断 是否正确?____________ 请说明理由
(2) 要使甲、乙升高相同的温度,应给___________加热更长的时间。
(3) 如果已知甲的比热容是1.8×10 J/(kg·℃),则乙的比热容是__________J/(kg·℃).
(2)第1次实验测得的机械效率为______。(结果保留两位有效数字) 填“a”、“b”或“c”)
(1)属于阴离子的是 (2)属于稳定结构的原子是 (3)属于同种元素的是 (4)某元素R形成的氧化物为R2O3,则R的原子结构示意图可能是 47、(4分)右图所示是甲、乙、丙三种物质的溶解度曲线,请回答下列问题: (1)t1℃时,甲、乙、丙三种物质的溶解度由大到小的顺序是:
(1)在实验中,测绳端拉力F 时,应尽量竖直向上______拉动弹簧测力计且在拉动过程中时,所得溶液溶质的质量分数由大到小的顺序是:
九、简答题(本大题包括 4道小题,共20分)
。 轮总重越重),滑轮组的机械效率______。 (2)一次性鉴别氢氧化钙溶液、稀盐酸、氯化钠溶液,可选用的一种试剂 。 (5)分析第3、4次实验数据可知,滑轮组的机械效率与物体被提升的高度______.
化学部分 八、填空题(本大题包括 5道小题,共18分)
(3)氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙等碱溶液具有相似的化学性质,是因为溶液中都含有 。(用符号表示)
含 (填数字)种元素,上述产物中能使紫色石蕊试液变红的刺激性气味的气体是(1)气泡的产生说明氢氧化钠已经变质,理由是(用化学方程式表示) 44.(4分)写出符合下列要求的物质(或主要成分)的化学式。 ...{2017丹东中考语文作文}.
(1)天然气的主要成分 ; (2)人体胃液中含有的酸 ; (3)常用于改良酸性土壤的物质 ; (4)烘焙糕点的发酵粉成分之一的是 ; 45、(4分)用化学符号表示:
(1)2个氮原子 (2)三个氢氧根离子 (3)四个二氧化硫分子 (4)一个乙醇分子
(2)氢氧化钠变质的原因是(用化学方程式表示) (3)利用指示剂的变色来确定氢氧化钠已变质方法是否可行,为什么? ,———————— 50.(8分)周末,小荣全家到风景秀丽的山区踏青
(1)临行前妈妈准备了豆腐干、火腿肠、面包、鸡翅,从营养均衡角度小荣建议妈妈还应该带 ,其中主要为人体提供能量的是 。
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
一、选择题(下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个是正确的,每小题3分,共24分) 1.实数-π,-3.14,0,2四个数中,最小的是( ▲ ) A. -π B. -3.14 C. 2.下列运算正确的是( ▲ ) A.(ab)
2 D. 0
ab B.3a3aa C.(x)=x
2 3
3.下列图形中,是中心对称图形,但不是轴对称图形的是( ▲ )
4.小明因流感在医院观察,要掌握他在一周内的体温是否稳定,则医生需了解小明7天体温的( ▲ )
A. 众数 B. 方差 C. 平均数 D. 频数 5.如图是婴儿车的平面示意图,其中AB∥CD,∠1=120°, ∠3=40°,那么∠2的度数为( ▲ ) A.80° B.90° C.100° D.102°
6.已知点A(-1,0)和点B(1,2),将线段AB平移至A′B′,点A′与点A对应.若 点A′的坐标为(1,-3),则点B′的坐标为( ▲ )
A.(3,0) B.(3,-3) C. (3,-1) D.(-1,3) 7.几个棱长为1的正方体组成几何体的三视图如图所示, 则这个几何体的体积是( ▲ )
A.4 B.5
C.6 D.7
8.某服装厂准备加工400套运动装,在加工完160套后,采用了新技术,使得工作效率比 原计划提高了20%,结果共用了18天完成任务. 问原计划每天加工服装多少套?在这个 问题中,设原计划每天加工x套,则根据题意可得方程为( ▲ ) A.
18 18 B. x20%xx(120%)x
18 D. 18 x(120%)xx(120%)x
二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) 9.分解因式 a3-4a2b+4ab2= ▲ .
千米. 360万平方千米用科学计数法可表示为 ▲ 平方千米. 11.如图,△ABC内接于⊙O,若∠OAB=28°,则∠C的大小为
12.在一个不透明的口袋中装有若干个只有颜色不同的球,如果口袋中 装有3个红球,且摸出红球的概率为
,那么袋中共有 ▲ 个球. 3
的解集为 ▲ .
14. 如图,等腰三角形ABC中,已知AB=AC,∠A=30°,AB的垂
直平分线交AC于D,则∠CBD的度数为 ▲ . 15.如图,一把打开的雨伞可近似的看成一个圆锥,伞骨(面料下方能够把面料撑起来的 支架)末端各点所在圆的直径AC长为12分米,伞 骨AB长为9分米,那么制作这样的一把雨伞至少需 要绸布面料为 ▲ 平方分米.
2k 满足:当x<0时,y随x的 (k0)
增大而减小. 若该反比例函数的图像与直线yx都经过点P,且OP
实数k= ▲ .
18.如图,在方格纸中,△ABC的三个顶点及D、E、F、G、H五个点都在小方格的顶点上.现 以点D、E、F、G、H中的三个点为顶点画三角形. (1)在图甲中画出一个三角
20. 钓鱼岛自古就是中国的领土,
测.一日,中国一艘海监船从A点沿正北方向巡航, C 其航线距钓鱼岛(设M,N为该岛的东西两端点) 最近距离为14.4km(即MC=14.4km).在A点测 得岛屿的西端点M在点A的北偏东42°方向;航行 4km后到达B点,测得岛屿的东端点N在点B的 北偏东56°方向,(其中N,M,C在同一条直线上),
求钓鱼岛东西两端点MN之间的距离(结果精确到0.1km).(参考数据:sin42°≈0.67, cos42°≈0.74,tan42°≈0.90,sin56°≈0.83,cos56°≈0.56,tan56°≈1.48) 五.(每题10分,共20分)
21. 在复习《反比例函数》一课时,同桌的小峰和小轩有一个问题观点不一致:
第一枚骰子上的点数作为点P(m,n)的横坐标,第二枚骰子上的点数作为点P(m, n)的纵坐标.
和y=图象上的概率相同. xx
22.某林场计划购买甲、乙两种树苗共800株,甲种树苗每株24元,乙种树苗每株30元.相 关资料表明:甲、乙两种树苗的成活率分别为85%、90%.
(1)若购买这两种树苗共用去21000元,则甲、乙两种树苗各购买多少株? (2)若要使这批树苗的总成活率不低于88%,则甲种树苗至多购买多少株?
23.如图,⊙O的弦AD∥BC,过点D的切线交BC的 延长线于点E,AC∥DE交BD于点H,DO及延长 线分别交AC、BC于点G、F. (1)求证:DF垂直平分AC;
24.小聪和小明沿同一条路同时从学校出发到图书馆查阅资料,学校与图书馆的路程是4千 米,小聪骑自行车,小明步行,当小聪从原路回到学校时,小明刚好到达图书馆,图中 折线O—A—B—C和线段OD分别表示两人离学校的路程s(千米)与所经过的时间t(分 钟)之间的函数关系,请根据图象回答下列问题:
(1)小聪在图书馆查阅资料的时间为 分钟,小聪返回学校的速度为 千米
(2)请你求出小明离开学校的路程s(千米)与所经过的时间t(分钟)之间的函数关系; (3)当小聪与小明迎面相遇时,他们离学校的路程是多少千米?
25. 在正方形ABCD中,对角线AC,BD交于点O,点P在线段BC上(不含点B),
∠ACB,PE交BO于点E,过点B作BF⊥PE,垂足为F,交AC于点G. 2
,并结合图②证明你的猜想; PE
的值. PE
(1) 当点P与点
C重合时(如图①).求证:△BOG≌△POE; (2)通过观察、测量、猜想:
D 图③
A: school B: supermarket C: airport 英 语 学 科 试 题
满分:150分 时间:120分钟 出题人:
第一部分:客观题 (75分) 一.听力测试(20分){2017丹东中考语文作文}.
第一节:根据你所听到的句子,从A B C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语 ( )1. A: At the school gate. B: Sounds great. C: In the afternoon. ( ) 2. A: Not at all. B: That’s right. C: It doesn’t matter.
( ) 3. A: This is Linda speaking. B: Yes, I’m Linda. C:I’ll call back again. ( ) 4. A: See you later. B: Excuse me. C: Yes, please. ( ) 5. A: I’m sure. B: I agree. C: I hope not. ( ) 6. A: Have fun. B: Good luck. C: Well done.
第二节:根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A B C 三个选项中选出正确答案 ( ) 7. A: He has no friends here. B: He has no money. C: He has no time. ( ) 8. A: By taxi. B: By bus. C: By subway. ( ) 9. A: Nobody. B: Jack.. C: Mr. Zhang.
( )10. A: Call the TV station. B: Call the police. C: Ask his friends for help. ( )11. A: Fine. B: Rainy. C: Cloudy.
( )12. A: To the restaurant. B: To the zoo. C: To the store.
第三节:根据你所听到的长对话,从A B C 三个选项中选出正确答案 ( )13. How many people are there in Alex’s family? A: 3 B: 4 C: 5
( )14. What was Linda’s father doing this time last night ?
A: He was talking with the Smiths. B: He was watching video tapes. C: He was writing his new book. 听下面一段材料,回答第15和16 小题: ( )15. What size does the woman want ?
A: Size 10. B: Size 11. C: Size 12. ( )16. How much does the woman pay at last ?
A: 288 yuan. B: 258 yuan. C: 220 yuan.
第四节根据你所听到的短文内容,从A B C 三个选项中选出正确答案 ( )17. Lawrence Wood is a businessman who works in _______ . A: London. B: Sydney. C: Paris.
( )18. Lawrence Wood flies back to Malta on _______ .
A: Monday mornings B: Thursday mornings C: Thursday evenings ( )19. Lawrence Wood has got _____ child(ren). A: one B: two C: three
( )20. It’s seven kilometers from Lawrence Wood’s new place to the ______ .
( )21.Peter returned the wallet to the police. He was ___ honest boy. A: a B: an C: the D: \ ( )22.-- Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge? -- Yes. She _____ it two years ago.
A:visits B:visited C:has visited D:was visiting
( )23.When you __ a difficult task, try to continue with it and finish it. A: give B: are giving C: gave D: are given ( )24.-- Mm...Your pizza ____ so nice.
-- Thanks! Would you like to try some?
A: smells B: feels C: sounds D: tastes ( )25.-- Tom, is this _____ dictionary?
-- No, it may be Betty’s. She is looking for ____.
A:your, her B: yours, hers C: your, hers D: yours, her ( )26.Bob and Jim can’t play tennis with us because ___ of them has Finished homework.
A: neither B: both C: either D: none
( )27.Jack thinks math is ____ English because it’s so difficult. A: as interesting as B: more interesting than C: much interesting D: less interesting than
( )28.You can’t do anything successfully ___ you put your heart into it.
A:if B: unless C: when D: since ( )29.-- Do you often swim there?
-- No. I ____ go there because the tickets are too expensive. A: seldom B: always C: usually D: almost ( )30. -- Please tell me _____.
-- She bought it in that store.
A: if Mary returned the book B: when Mary bought the book
C: where Mary bought the dress D: how much Mary paid for the dress ( )31.Mr. Yang always explains the difficult points many times ____ his Students understand.
A: to make B:make C: making D: makes
( )32.The number of families ____ have cars is increasing quickly nowadays.
A: what B: who C whom D: that ( )33.-- I’ll go to Qingdao for the summer vacation. -- Sounds like fun. ______.
A: Sorry to hear that B: I don’t think so C: I don’t mind it D: Have a good time ( )34.-- Whose dictionary is this ?
-- It ____ be Jack’s. Here’s his name.
A: must B: mustn’t C: can D: can’t ( )35. We should do what we can ____ our English.
A: improve B: improved C: to improve D: improving ( )36. _____ excellent news reporter he is! All of us are proud of him. A: What B: How C: What an D: What a ( )37.-- Do you know Lily and Lucy?
-- Yes, but the twins look so similar that I always mistake the one for _____.
A: the other B: the others C: another D: other ( )38.-- Lisa, why are you still here? School is over.
-- I ____ my classroom yet. I need fifteen more minutes. A: don’t clean B: haven’t cleaned C: didn’t clean D: won’t clean
( )39.-- Tommy, do you know if Frank ____ to the theater with us this Sunday if the weather ____. -- Sorry, I have no idea.
A: will go, is fine B:goes, is fine C: will go, will be fine D: goes, will be fine ( )40.-- Bob, _____ is it from your home to school ? -- It’s about ten minutes’ walk.
A: how long B: how far C: how often D: how soon
根据短文内容,从A B C D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案
Spring, summer, autumn and winter make a year. We clearly know _41_ season is important. If I _42_ which season is the most beautiful, I’d like to say all of them are beautiful.
Spring shows a wonderful picture with the blue sky and white clouds, green trees and clear _43_ , shining sun and warm wind. Nature has woken up. Where is spring ? It shines _44_ the eyes of children, it dances among people’s gestures(姿态)and expressions. The sunshine is _45_ everything wake up. People will have a new beginning in spring _46_ is the best time to start the whole year’s work.
Summer is _47_ active season. We can go boating and have fun in the water. What I like best in this season is the lotus(莲花).Whenever I am _48_ , it encourages me to try my best to make my dream come true.
I was born in autumn. It has seen my growth, happiness and sadness. Though the past months are sometimes bad, I own a new beginning. It _49_ love, hope and joy into my life.
I love winter because I have fun with friends playing in the snow, making a snowman, enjoying the white world with the song Edelweiss(雪绒花). Winter is a season with hope. If winter comes, can _50_ be far behind? I love seasons. All seasons are great.
( )41. A: each B: some C: either D: all ( )42. A: ask B: am asking C: am asked D: asked ( )43. A: air B: water C: earth D: sand
( )44. A: in B: on C: under D: after ( )45. A: keeping B: inviting C: telling D: making ( )46. A: which B: who C: where D: why ( )47. A: / B: a C: an D: the ( )48. A: happy B: sad C: angry D: excited ( )49. A: finishes B: tells C: waits D: brings ( )50. A: spring B: summer C: autumn D: winter
四:阅读理解(20分) (根据短文内容,从每个题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项填在前面的括号里)
Passage 1
Many students feel much pressure from their math study.They think their teachers teach too hard knowledge in class and it can’t wake up their interest.
But things are different in an American math teacher’s class.The students seem to be happy and active.Sarah Hagan gets the kids in her class out of the seats.She teaches math without textbooks.At first,the school had prepared new textbooks for her,but Hagan decided that she wasn’t going to use the textbooks.To her,the math book was a problem to be solved.So she decided to make her own textbooks.The textbooks start as blank notebooks.
Each day,Hagan prints her lesson on colorful paper and the students also do a lot of hand-on work instead of doing plenty of math exercises in class.And the students put the hand-on work and the lessons in the notebooks.
Besides,the students draw and color the pictures about math.Sometimes they even doodle on the wall of the classroom.The students seem to be free in their math study.They even don’t have to do math homework.Hagan’s test is quite strict and hard.To people’s surprise,many of her students can pass the test.If students are allowed to be creative,it’s easier for them to remember what they have learned.
Now do you still think studying math is difficult?If you learn in a right way or you find a creative teacher,you will enjoy it! ( )51.Hagan works in______.
A.America B.England C.China D.Canada ( )52.Hagan gives up______in her class. A.colorful paper B.the notebooks C.school textbooks D.hand-on work ( )53.Which is NOT Hagan’s way of teaching? A.Getting the kids out of the seats. B.Doodling on the wall.
C.Drawing pictures. D.Doing many math exercises. ( )54.Hagan’s test is strict and hard, but_____students can pass the test.
A.all B.many C.few D.no ( )55.The passage mainly tells us______. A.math is too difficult to teach well.
B.students can’t learn math well.
C.a right way helps students learn better. D.we shouldn’t sit on the seat in class.
Passage 2
A jaywalker is a person who usually walks across the road without paying attention to the traffic.
“I don’t like to be a taxi driver,not only because of its hard work,but also for the reason of too many jaywalkers on the road,and that may cause dangerous accidents.”Drivers always complain(抱怨) like that.These day,a new way is used to solve the problem in Shijiazhuang,and the jaywalkers are now facing another danger of having their pictures shown on screen.
A new system(系统) using two cameras and a 30 cm-by -20 cm screen is put next to some crossings in the city.People who cross the road on a red light will be caught by the camera,and their pictures will be shown on the screen.At the same time,the system will make a warning sound for people not to continue. A primary school students was caught by the camera.He stopped back onto the pavement(人行道)after hearing the sound.”I was in a rush to get to school and saw myself smiling shyly on the screen,”he said. The system has been in use for about two weeks.Many people think it’s a good way to stop jaywalking.But there are also different voices.Some think that walkers are now given less time than drivers to cross the road,and time should be adjusted(调整).
Anyway,it is a good way to solve the problem on the road.And maybe it will spread to more cities soon.
( )56.Jaywalkers often______. A.drive a car carefully
B.solve the traffic problems C.follow the traffic rules D.run the red light
( )57.The new system is put______.
A.at the crossing B.in the tree C.on the building D.at the park
( )58.The______ of the jaywalker is shown on the screen in order to warn People.
A.name B.sound C.picture D.address
( )59.The sound will warn the people when they cross the road on______. A.a yellow light B.a red light C.a green light D.the pavement
( )60.Because of the system, walkers in Shijiazhuang may_______. A.have more time to cross the road B.hear the warning more often C.follow the traffic rules better D.like the pictures on the screen
Passage 3
Once upon a time,a boy was walking through a forest when he found a big blackboard hanging on an old tree.There was also a box of chalk beside the blackboard.The boy took a piece of chalk and started to draw on the board:first a tree,then a rabbit,then a flower...
To his surprise,whenever he finished drawing a picture,it came to life(活了)and jumped out of the blackboard.Very soon,the place became a wonderful green forest,full of animals playing happily.
The boy also drew his parents,brothers and sisters who were enjoying a picnic,with their sandwiches and cold meat.He also drew the paper plates and the empty bottles that he and his family threw on the ground when they had a picnic before.But when the rubbish came to life,something awful happened:around every paper plate and every empty bottle,the forest turned grey,and the greyness started spreading everywhere quickly--to the grass,to the flowers,to the animals...then the boy realized it was all because of the rubbish,so he ran through the forest and cleaned the blackboard.The forest turned green again,and the animals played together for the rest of the day.
The boy never saw that blackboard again.But now,every time he goes for picnic with his family,he is the first to pick up the rubbish.
( )61.The boy found _____ hanging on an old tree while he was walking through a forest.
A.a rabbit B.a picture C.a flower D.a blackboard ( )62.When the boy began to draw, he______.
A.forest where he was B.remembered his picnic C.noticed it was a magic blackboard
D.didn’t know the pictures could come to life ( )63.What did the boy do when having a picnic before?
A.he ate too much. B.He played with animals. C.He threw the rubbish around. D.He caught some animals. ( )64.The forest turned grey because______.
A.it was autumn