来源:管理学 发布时间:2015-10-30 点击:
假如你是TOM,打算约BEN和一些同学一起去野餐.现在要写信和BEN商量野餐事宜.根据提示写一篇60词左右的短文,要包含如下要点,可适当发挥. 要点: 提示:I want to konw,I wonder,
1.怎么样去野餐 I hope to know,
2.什么时间出发 I 'd like to know
A picnic
Dear Ben,
We are going to have a picnic this weekend. I hope to know how we will go to the park. I'd like to know when and where we will meet. I will bring some delicious things for lunch, and I want to know what you will bring. I wonder how much money we will take. Hope we will have a nice day. Your,
A Happy and Unforgettable Picnic一次快乐的野餐{一次野餐初一英语作文}.
A Happy and Unforgettable Picnic{一次野餐初一英语作文}.
In our life, we all have many beautiful and unforgettable memories. What impresses me most is an exciting picnic with my friends in the country yard in one summer holiday, which was my first time to have. The picnic was held to congratulate the coming of our holiday and our graduation from the primary school. Although met with many problems, we still felt very happy and satisfied.
At the first time, we made the assignments and each of us made full preparations. One brought some vegetables, like potatoes and tomatoes. One brought some fruits and boxes of juice. And I took a pan and several bowls with me. Also, someone brought a thick carpet which is used to eat food and sleep on. Besides, we chose a wild farm which is full of green grass and beautiful flowers as our picnic place. A river, not very long and deep, ran near the farm.{一次野餐初一英语作文}.
At the yard, we had to set the fire first, which excited us much as we are asked away from it for it is sometimes dangerous. Then I and Liu were ready to cook the meal. At first, I put the pan on the fire and sent some oil into it. When the oil getting hot enough, I threw the potatoes pieces into the pan and then cooked it. Later, Liu cooked the tomatoes. During this time, other person lay down the carpet and prepared the drinks. However, an incident happened and the fire got so big that we had to rush to the river and put off the fire. But the pan eventually got broken
so that we could not cook the meal any more. Then we had to eat some instant food and the potatoes finally. The whole process is very tiring but we felt very happy and excited and laughers never left us because this was a very amazing experience for us. We then have a good sleep on the carpet, with slightly warm winds flowing and green glasses surrounding us. Following it, we held a small party on the carpet where we were dancing and singing together till the sunset.
Not any other activities had ever been such great impression on me. This picnic in my sixth grade’s summer not only let me learn to cooperate with my partners, but also let me understand that happiness is just deprived from some common things.
今天,朱老师大发慈悲,终于带我们去野炊了,同学们可高兴了,因为老师在星期一就说带我们去野炊的。同学们盼星星,盼月亮,可把这一天盼到了!早上,同学们收拾收拾各自的东西,至操场集合,等到人都到齐了,便向目的地-----白鹤山出发了! 经过一个半小时的长途跋涉,我们可算是来到了目的地,我二话没说,立马找了一块空地倒了下来,一是为了给我们组占地盘,二是为了休息。休息了一会儿,组员都到齐了,就开始进行各自的工作。夏泾可是我们这一组的顶梁柱,他先把灶垒好,再把火生好。,最后把锅架在上边,沿着锅边洒了一点油,风风火火的炒起了韭菜。而我呢,负责煮饭。我在夏泾事先垒起的另一个灶那里,放了点木材,等夏泾把火点燃,再把多用锅放在上面后,我再来控制火的大小。你别看这活儿好做,其实,还有诀窍呢!因为煮时,要把水和米一起煮,为了把水煮干,火候要大!咱这组早有准备,万家福早就捡来一大堆木材,我不断地往灶里添柴,同时不停地向灶里吹气,等到水快煮干时,慢着,不能再用大火了,要用小火,因为大火再一煮,饭很可能下面煳了上面还没熟,所以得用小火。正因为有我这个煮饭老手,我们组的饭很快就熟了。再看看夏泾,一会儿放油盐,一会儿加火,忙得不亦乐乎。我走过去帮忙加火,这样速度又加快了很多。由于我们组的人有经验又能干,不一会儿,菜也炒完了。开饭啦!因为我们这一组做得快,而且菜最多且色香味俱全,所以朱老师决定在我们这一组吃饭,这无疑是对我们这一组的称赞,尤其是夏泾。 今天的野炊真有趣啊!尽管累,但也是值得的。
I had a picnic with my parents last week. It was a sunny day .We started at seven o'clock. We went to the park by car. This park is very big. I think there were one thousand people there. I felt hungry when we got there. We drank juice and ate delicious foods. After eating, we played on the park .At five o'clock, we went home.
It was a happy day.