来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2015-10-19 点击:
1. 一钱难倒英雄汉。
2. 钱到公画办,火到猪头烂。
3. 衣是翎毛钱是胆。
4. 钢要加在刀刃上,钱要花在正路上。
5. 有钱常想无钱日,莫到无钱想有钱。
6. 杀鸡要杀在喉头上,花钱要花在刀口上。
7. 有粉擦在脸上,有钱花在眼上。
8. 张三有钱不会使,李四会使又无钱。
9. 衙门钱,一蓬烟;生意钱,六十年;种田钱,万万年。
10. 钱能通天,势能压人。
11. 钱能通神。
12. 有钱路路通。
13. 钱多那怕陌生人。
14. 有钱使得鬼推磨。
15. 钱无身,可使鬼。
16. 有钱能使鬼推磨,无钱鬼也不开门。
17. 有钱是爹,有奶是娘,有势是爷。
18. 有粉就是白,有钱就是哥。
19. 有钱的王八大三辈。
20. 有钱能买鬼推磨,有钱能买高官做有钱是爹,有奶是娘,有势是爷。
21. 有粉就是白,有钱就是哥。
22. 有钱的王八大三辈。
23. 有钱能买鬼推磨,有钱能买高官做。
24. 有钱就是诸葛亮。
25. 有钱一条龙,无钱一条虫。
26. 有钱筛酒杯杯满,无钱筛酒浅三分。
27. 有钱到处是杭州,无钱杭州凉愀愀。
28. 有了圆里方,百事好商量。
29. 有钱能说话,无钱话不灵。
30. 无钱说话如放屁,有钱说话屁也香。
31. 有钱万事圆。
32. 银子是白的,眼珠是乌的。
33. 人为财死,鸟为食亡。
34. 一文钱攥出水来。
35. 瞎子见钱眼也开。
36. 铜钱眼里翻跟斗。
37. 和尚经钱经也卖。
38. 白酒红人面,黄金黑人心。
39. 天下攘攘,皆为利往;天下熙熙,皆为利来。
40. 一兔在野,百人逐之;一金在野,百人竞之。
41. 除了割肉疼,就是出钱疼。
42. 要钱不要命,抱了元宝去跳井。
43. 得钱不拣主。
44. 见钱就下跪,有奶便是娘。
45. 说尽黄河只为水,磨破口舌尽为财。
46. 世间若要人情好,惟有钱财却是亲。
47. 非关道德合,只为钱相知。
48. 财主有良心,河水向上流。
49. 人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥。
50. 发财一家,苦死千家。
51. 不穷千家,不富一户。
52. 不毒不成财主,不饿不成骷髅。
53. 下不得毒手,成不了财主。
54. 人心吊吊高于天,越是钱多越爱钱。
55. 愚蠢的人,幸福是钱和官,聪明的人,幸福是劳动和贡献。
56. 一荷包金钱,一麻袋苦恼。(维吾尔族)
57. 钱迷眼睛发昏,官迷心窍能作恶。
58. 金子可以坠死人。
59. 来得不善,去得也易。
60. 来得不明,去得糊涂。
61. 财主再富汤浇雪,穷人虽穷硬如铁。
62. 钱字头上一把刀。
63. 金钱造不出好汉。
64. 有钱难买一身安。
65. 百万金银财宝,不以带进棺材。(佤族)
66. 钱财如粪土,仁义值千金。
67. 财主离穷人,寸步也难行。
Argent a droit partout - 金钱处处有理
Argent appelle argent - 钱召唤钱
L’argent a moins de valeur que l’or, et l’or que la vertu - 钱没金子值钱;金子没品德值钱 L’argent est le nerf de la guerre - 金钱是战争的根源
L’argent est un bon serviteur et un mauvais maitre - 钱既是良仆又是恶主
L’argent n’a pas d’odeur - 钱无香臭
L’argent n’a pas de maitre - 钱没有固定的主人
L’argent ne fait pas le bonheur - 有钱不一定就幸福
L’argent va aux riches - 钱总是走向富人
Geld macht schoen - 金钱带来美丽
Hunde haben es gut, sie haben keine Geldsorgen - 做狗很舒服因为它不必为钱操心
Geld ersetzt Argumente - 有钱就有理
Geldmangel ist aller Laster Anfang - 缺德始于缺钱
Nichts staerkt das selbstvertrauren so sehr wie Geld in der Tasche - 只有钱包满满才能自信心满满
Geduld und Geld fehlen immer dann, wenn man sie am dringendsten braucht - 耐心和金钱总是在最需
Arm sein lohnt sich nur, wenn man Geld hat - 只有有钱时才值得当穷人
Nur wer Geld hat, kann es verachten - 只有有钱才蔑视钱
Ein gesunder Mensch ist ohne Geld halb krank - 一个没钱的健康人是半个病人
A good reputation is better than money - 好名声胜过金钱
A light purse makes a heavy heart - 钱包轻则心思重
A penny saved is a penny gained - 省一点就是挣一点
All that glitters is not gold - 闪光的不都是金子
Fool and Money are soon parted - 蠢人与钱总不能相伴
Silence is golden - 沉默是金
Who holds the purse the purse rules the house - 有钱就有势
Money is the root of all evil - 钱是万恶之源
Money makes the mare go - 有钱能使鬼推磨
2. 同学们,今天有这么多老师来看我们的表现,你们有没有信心表现好? 看到同学们这么自信,我相信这节课你们一定会表现得非常出色的。
一. 故事导入
3. 现在,咱们先来听一个故事。(出示课件) 从同学们的表情中,可以看出你们对这个故事很感兴趣,谁来说一说为什么呢? 哦,原来用上这些有趣的歇后语,能让语言更生动幽默,妙趣横生。今天,就让我们一起漫游歇后
二. 认识歇后语
1. 请同学们读一读刚才故事中的歇后语,想一想,它们有什么特点?(同桌之间可以互相说一说。)
2. 同学们很善于观察,歇后语一般是由前后两部分组成,前半部分像是谜语的谜面,是形象的比喻,
3. 其实我们平常说话时就经常会用到歇后语,比如有的同学非常聪明,经常为班集体出些金点子,我
4. 看来,通过这几年的读书活动的开展,同学们已经积累了不少歇后语。谁愿意起来说说你喜欢的歇
5. 还有许多同学想要说,不如这样,咱们来个小组竞赛好不好?
6. 咱们分四个小组进行下面的竞赛,每个小组将要闯五道关,采用得到小星星的多少来决定胜负。俗
三. 第一关 看谁接得对
1. 首先咱们先进入第一关(请每个小组开火车,说出所给歇后语的后半部分,如果你们组的同学能
2. 好,咱们先从第一组开始.
(1) 恭喜一组的同学,你们全部回答正确,加上一颗星。
(2) 第二组可不要落后吆!开始。
(3) 下面看看三组的表现,准备好了吗?开始、、、、、、

四. 第二关
1. 接下来,咱们进入第二关(点课件)请每组推荐一名同学,根据所选题目的要求说歇后语,在一分钟
之内, 每说出五个歇后语就可获得一颗星,在规定的时间内,同组成员可以直接站起来抓紧补充,但不能重复。
2. 好,各组抓紧时间讨论一下,看看谁能够担当此重任。
3. 第一组推荐了谁?——你紧张吗?——看来是胸有成竹。
4. 好,请看大屏幕,这里有A B C D四组题,你选哪一组?时间到。你真是:“半天云里拍巴掌——高
5. 二组有没有信心超过他们,谁来试一试?你选哪一组?
6. 三组可不要落后呦,你选择哪一组?你们组配合得不错,可惜时间到,咱们为三组加上X颗星。
7. 第四组推荐了谁?看到前三个组的表现,你有没有信心?好,只剩下X组了,请说出带有人物的歇后{不聪明没有信心用什么谚语}.
8. 刚才同学们真是“孙悟空闹龙宫——大显身手”虽然现在四个组是不分上下,但要想获得冠军,咱们
五. 第三关 看谁猜得快
1. 请同学们根据图画猜歇后语,猜对一个获得一颗星。
2. 因为是抢答题,所以那个组同学最先站起来说出正确答案,哪个组就获得一颗星,如果同时站起来,
3. 准备,开始(点课件)
看XX组暂居第一位,其他组的同学可要“扫帚扫地——使劲朝前赶”。 六 、第四关,看看,老师为你们准备了什么?
(1) 这可是得星的大好机会,希望同学们好好把握,莫失良机,快点准备吧!
1. 咱们为一组同学的出色表演鼓掌。给一组加上三颗星。()
2. 自不量力的飞蛾就这样消失在熊熊的烈火中,只留下对后人的警示:“飞蛾扑火——自取灭亡。”
3. 三组的同学可要加油呀,(黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——没安好心)
4. 接下来咱们欣赏一下四组的表演,(竹篮打水——一场空。)
1. 请每个小组结合生活实际,选择歇后语说一句或一小段话,每用上一个歇后语就可获得一颗星。注
2. 那就打开你们的歇后语记忆库:“路标无箭头——自由选择吧”。
3. 刚才同学们是“八仙过海——各显神通”老师也没有想到同学们歇后语不但积累得多,而且运用得
4. 瞧,XX组的同学已经是“西施坐飞机——美上天了”我宣布,今天比赛的冠军得主是:第X组,
1. 同学们歇后语是中国语言文化中的瑰宝,它来源于生活,用之于生活。所以希望同学们在日常生活
2. 课下,同学们还可以把自己积累的歇后语整理成《歇后语集》和同学们交流。
rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙 as poor as Job家贫如洗
born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth 生于富贵之家shoot one’s mouth off 夸夸其谈,吹牛 the apple of one’s eyes 掌上明珠 cry one’s eyes out 痛哭流涕
feast one’s eyes on 大饱眼福 have an eye for sth. 善于鉴赏某物 go in one ear and out the other左耳进右耳出 music to one’s ears 佳音,喜讯
walls have ears 隔墙有耳 smile from ear to ear 眉开眼笑
turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻 with one’s nose in the air 非常傲慢 stick one’s nose into sth. 管闲事
greenhorn生手 give green light to 同意,准许 a red letter day 重要的日子 feel blue忧郁,烦闷 once in a blue moon 千载难逢的 black and blue 青一块紫一块 blue-eyed boy宠儿 black art 妖术
in black and white 白纸黑字 call white black 颠倒黑白 black money 黑钱 black sheep 害群之马 black Friday不吉利的星期五 black lie 用心险恶的谎言black tea 红茶 paint sb black说某人坏话 white night 不眠之夜 as white as a sheet 苍白如纸 white war 没有硝烟的战争 white sale 大减价 white feather 胆怯 white money 银币
white flag 白旗(投降)white elephant 无用而累赘的东西 white crow 罕见的事物 the white way 灯光灿烂的商业区 a white lie善意的谎言 white coffee牛奶咖啡
Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。
A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者必善其终。
A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。
A heavy snow promises a good harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。
All is not gold that glitters.闪光的东西并不都是黄金。
All is well that ends well. 结果美满都是好的。
All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。 Art is long, but lift is short. 人生有涯,而学无涯。 All time is no time when it is past. 光阴一去不复返。
An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. 游手好闲是万恶之源。{不聪明没有信心用什么谚语}.
A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻
A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞。
As the tree, so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。 Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。 Beauty will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃 Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。
Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。
Business before pleasure. 事业在先,享乐在后。
By falling we learn to go safely, 吃一堑,长一智。
By other’s faults, wise men correct their own. 他山之石,可以攻玉。
Confidence of success is almost success. 对成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。
Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。 Content is happiness. 知足常乐。 Custom is a second nature. 习惯是第二天性。 Cut the coat according to the cloth. 量布载衣。 Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手。 Diligence is near success. 勤奋近乎成功。 Diligence is the mother of good luck. 刻苦是成功之母。
Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched. 不要过早乐观。
Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。
Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自寻烦恼。
Easier said than done. 说话容易做事难。 Easy come, easy go, 易得易失。
East or west, home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自已家的草窝。
Every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。
Every bean has its black. 人人有其缺点。
Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意之日。
Every man has his weak side. 人人都有自已的弱点。
Every man is the master of his own fortune. 每个人都是他自已的命运的主宰。
Experience is the best teacher. 经验是良师。
Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知
Everything comes to him who waits. 功夫不负有心人。
Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
First things first. 凡事有轻重缓急。
Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
Good health is above wealth. 健康重于财富。
Great hopes make great man. 大希望造就大人物。
Great men are not always wise. 伟大的人物未必总是英明的。{不聪明没有信心用什么谚语}.
God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者
Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同
Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福。
Heaven helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。
He is the wise man who is the honest man. 诚实的人就是聪明的人。
He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 存最好的希望,作最坏的打算。
Hope is life and life is hope. 希望才有人生,人生要有希望。
I have no secret of success but hard work. 成功无秘诀,只是努力干。
It is good to have friends in trouble. 在患难时得到朋友是幸运的。
It is no use crying over spilt milk.. 覆水难收。
It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
It is hard to please all. 众口难调
Knowledge comes from experience alone. 知识来自经验。
Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. 知识是一座宝库,实践是打开宝库的钥匙。 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。
Labour is often the father of pleasure. 勤劳常为快乐之源。
Live to learn and learn to live. 生而学之,学而生之。
Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 Look before you leap; see before you go. 三思而行。
Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。
Like and like make good friends. 趣味相同。
Make hay while the sun shines. 趁热打铁。
Man will conquer nature. 人定胜天。
Many drops make a shower. 积少成多。
Money is something, but not everything. 金钱能买到某物,但不是万能的。
More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。
Never do things by halves. 做事情不要半途而废。
No one can call back yesterday. 往日不复返。
No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。
No smoke without some fire. 无风不起浪。
Nothing is difficult to a man who wills. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
One cannot put back the clock,. 光阴一去不复返。
One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫里,谬以千里。
Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
Pride will have a fall. 骄者必败。
Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置。
Rome was not built in a (or one ) day. 罗马不是一日建成的。
Saying and doing are two things. 说与做是两回事。
Saying is one thing, and doing another. 说是一回事,做是另一回事。
Second thoughts are best. 三思而行,再思可也。
Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
Spend money like water. 挥金如土。
Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。
Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。
The older, the wiser. 姜是老的辣。
The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。
Things of a kind come together; people of a kind fall into the same group. 物以类聚,人以群分。 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月无情。
Time is money. 时间就是金钱。
Time is money, but money is not time. 时间就是金钱,但金钱不是时间。
Union is strength. 团结就是力量。
Well begun is half done. 良好开端,功成一半。
Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
Wisdom is better than gold or silver. 智慧胜过金银。
Write it on your heart every day is the best day of the year. 要记住,每天是一年中最好的一天。
语言源于生活,源于劳动人民在生活和劳作中约定俗成的交流习惯,谚语更是从中提炼出来的精华,寓意深刻,富有哲理和智慧。谚语的主要特点是言简意赅,用日常生活中的具体事例来说明带有普遍意义的道理。不论是中文还是英文都有着数以万计的谚语,在英语写作中,正确使用谚语对提高写作水平有着很大的帮助,为所创作的文章起到画龙点精的作用。尤其是在四级英语临场考试中, 谚语的使用能够使作文语言流畅,生动活泼,处处闪现亮彩。恰到好处的谚语不仅能体现考生扎实的英语语言功底,丰富的英文知识,灵活的语言表达能力,而且更容易使作文从众多同题文章中脱颖而出,获得写作高分。
While there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
Great hopes make great man. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。
God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。
In doing we learn. 实践长才干。
Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。
Constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石。
Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。
Lifeless, faultless. 只有死人才不犯错误。
A bold attempt is half success. 勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。
Never say die. 永不言败。
Never judge from appearances. 不可以貌取人。 Promise is debt. 一诺千金。
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根。
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. 心之所愿,无所不成。
Good company on the road is the shortest cut. 行路有良伴就是捷径。
Misfortunes never come alone/single. 祸不单行。
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. 不经灾祸不知福。
It's never too late to mend. 过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. 无热情成就不了伟业。
Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更响亮。
One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天胜似两个明天。
Knowing something of everything and everything of something. 通百艺而专一长。
Good advice is beyond all price. 忠告是无价宝。
Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. 天才是一分灵感加九十九分血汗。—— Edison爱迪生
Human pride is human weakness. 骄傲乃人类之弱点。—— M. B. Eddy 艾迪
It is better to be faithful than famous. 守信用胜过有名气。—— T. Roosevelt 罗斯福 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?——P. B. Shelley 雪莱
Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。—— F. Bacon 培根
Life is like a box of chocolate. 生活就像一盒巧克力。—— 《阿甘正传》
Money is a good servant and a bad master. 金钱是善仆,也是恶主。——F. Bacon 培根 Speech is silver, but silence is gold. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。—— T. Carlyle 卡莱尔
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
(Explanation: conform to the manners and customs of those amongst whom you live.) What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts. 失之东隅,收之桑榆。(Explanation: a rough way of starting a law of average; if you have bad luck on one day you have good on another; if one venture results in loss try a fresh one---it may succeed.)
What are the odds so long as you are happy. 知足者常乐。
(Explanation: what does anything else matter if a person is happy.)
Entertain an angel unawares. 有眼不识泰山。
(Explanation: to receive a great personage as a guest without knowing his merits.)
Every dog has his day . 是人皆有出头日。
(Explanation: fortune comes to each in turn.)
Every potter praises his own pot. 王婆买瓜,自卖自夸。
(Explanation: people are loath to refer to defects in their possessions or their family members.)
连接词写中文作文时,我们想引用俗语谚语时,一般都有"所谓"; "古语有云"; "曾听过一句话" ;"有一谚语是这样说的...."等说法,以此来做自然衔接。转折词(transitional words)扮演的重要角色是:承先启后,使句子紧凑,段落相吸,对文章结构,有良性作用。如果没有采用转折词的习惯,就会使文句松散,上下文七零八乱,应试中应注意避免。
Just as the saying goes...
As the proverb goes...
As the old saying goes...
A saying goes like this...
(1) 表示“尤有进者”:again; also; then; besides; further; furthermore; moreover; next; in addition, etc.
例如:Jason teaches diligently. Besides, he writes a lot.
English is a useful language. For one thing, it is an official language in the UN. Then, it is widely used in business, science and technology.
(2) 表示“反意见”:but; however; still; yet; after all; for all that; in spite of; on the contrary; on the other hand, etc.
例如:Jim is intelligent but lazy.
Singapore is not a big country. On the contrary, it is very small.
(3) 表示“因果关系”:therefore; so; hence; thus; accordingly; consequently; as a result, etc.
例如:Some people are over-ambitious. As a result, they are usually unhappy.
Tom did not work hard; hence, he failed.
(4) 表示“比较”:likewise; similarly; in a like manner, etc.
例如:You cannot writes without a pen. Likewise, you cannot cook without rice.
No one is allowed to speak Mandarin in an English class. Similarly, no one is allowed to speak English in a Mandarin class.
(5) 表示“举例示范”:for example; in other words; for instance; that is, etc.
例如:There are some common errors in his composition. For instance, it is wrong to use "he" to replace "the queen".
(6) 表示“结束”:to sum up; in brief; in short; on the whole; to conclude, etc.
例如:Some say Singapore is a nice place to live in. Others say it is not so nice. It is too competitive. In short, some like Singapore; some do not.
in everyone’s mouth. 脍炙人口
to kick against the pricks 螳臂挡车
to give the last measure of devotion 鞠躬尽瘁
to suffer for one’s wisdom 聪明反被聪明误
to convert defeat into victory 转败为胜
beyond one’s grasp 鞭长莫及
to be severe with oneself and lenient with others 严以责己宽以待人
a heart of steel 铁石心肠
to be guided by destiny 听天由命
to harp on the same string 旧调重弹
It’s a matter of time . 这是迟早的问题。
You can count on me. 你可以信得过我。
He see things not people. 他论事不论人。
We sang the same songs. 我们志同道合。
Man proposes and god disposes. 谋事在人成事在天。
Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。
I'm trying to make ends meet. 我尽力要使收支平衡。
If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter. 吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人。
Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信心是成功的首要关键。
The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘绝在于目标坚定有恒。
1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。
3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。
4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。
7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。
9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。
11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。
12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。
13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。
14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。
15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。
16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。
17、A single flower does not make a spring.
18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。
19、A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
20、Better late than never. 不怕慢,单怕站。
21、By reading we enrich the mind.读书使人充实,
22、Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。
23、Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.
24、Custom is a second nature. 习惯是后天养成的。
25、Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。
26、Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。
27、Do nothing by halves. 凡事不可半途而废。
28、Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.
29、Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。
30、Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身体好。
31、Easier said than done. 说得容易,做得难。
32、Easy come, easy go. 来也匆匆,去也匆匆。
33、Eat to live, but not live to eat.
34、Every man has his faults. 金无足赤,人无完人。
35、Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
36、Every minute counts. 分秒必争。
37、Each coin has two sides. 任何事物都有两面性
38、Fact speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
39、Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
40、God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。
41、Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。
42、Honesty is the best policy. 做人诚信为本。
43、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
44、It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
45、Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量
46、Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。
47、No pain, no gain.(不劳无获。)
48、You never know till you have tried. 不尝试,不知晓。。
49、An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
50、Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母。
51、Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
52、Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。
53、Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your
Mind to it。 世上无难事,只怕有心人
54、Where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成。
55、Practice makes perfect .(熟能生巧。)
56、Pride goes before a fall.(骄傲必败。)
Superstar and I
It’s common that many students are crazy about those singers and actors. However, liyundi, a pianist, is the superstar in my heart. He is a man of few words and he even looks like the greatest pianist—Chopin. When listening to his music , I can get rid of everything noisy around. What’s more, I can feel his strong love for music. Rome wasn’t built in one day. He achieved the great success through huge effort. I can learn from him that we should never give up to realize our dreams.
Superstar and I
Her name first appeared as a joke then like a wonder. She is Susan Boyle, the superstar in my heart. Although she’s not beautiful, her voice and spirit moved all the audience, including me. The song ’I dreamed a dream’ that she sang touched everyone’s heart who had a dream and wanted to realize it. She taught me how to go on my dreams as well as never to give up. She is like a sunshine that gives me hope. Where there is a will, there is a way.
The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom
wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor.
口语是需要技巧的。光靠大胆自信还不够。关键是系统的方法。我是英语专业毕业的,英语八级,现在当翻译,在大学时去英语角,上课发言等都不管用,一度非常苦恼。后来发现口语练习需要系统的方法。建议你按照我的方法做。 买个口语软件,口语宝或者右脑王都不错。 1语音阶段,照软件的内容练,一天俩小时,最多一个月,语音可以过关。无论你的基础怎么样。切记一定要仔细认真模仿纠正模仿在模仿。 2篇章阶段,根据软件上的资料,句子,语音,语调,断句,停顿,高低,节奏,长短等等,越细越好,模仿,对比,模仿,纠正,再模仿。不求量只求质。同样一个月,明显可以提高。3电影阶段,看英语电影。每句话听五遍以上,看看能听懂几个单词。在看汉语五遍,看看能听懂几个词组,再看英语五遍以上。然后倒过来从英