来源:写作指导 发布时间:2015-08-19 点击:
Published in The Florida Bar Journal, Nov. 2000 Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.
Welcome to the 21st Century. Where practicing law requires us to don the garb of computers and the Internet. And where litigation is as costly as ever. Lawyer bills running $10,000 a month are not unusual in a hotly contested breach of contract lawsuit. With every word, phrase and sentence carrying the potential for winning or losing, the stakes are high. Simple logic, therefore, directs us to cautious and thoughtful drafting. Drafting contracts is actually one of the simple pleasures of practicing law. Just 3 years ago at this Convention I presented 50 tips for contract writing. This article updates those tips in the context of our new tools and abilities. Following these tips could result in your writing a contract so clear no one will want to litigate it, saving your client from the trials and tribulations of litigation, truly a good reason to write the contract that stays out of court.
These tips apply to writing all kinds of agreements: office leases, real estate contracts, sales agreements, employment contracts, equipment leases, prenuptial agreements. They even apply to stipulations and
settlements in litigation, where you want an agreement so clear that it avoids future litigation. Wherever clarity and simplicity are important, these tips will guide you there. The Appendix provides a few sample forms to illustrate these tips.
Before You Write the First Word
1. Ask your client to list the deal points. This can be in the form of a list, outline or narration. Doing this will help the client focus on the terms of the agreement.
2. Engage your client in "what if" scenarios. A good contract will anticipate many possible factual situations and express the parties' understanding in case those facts arise. Talking to your client about this will generate many issues you may not otherwise consider.
3. Ask your client for a similar contract. Frequently, clients have had similar transactions in the past or they have access to contracts for similar transactions.
4. Search your office computer or the Internet for a similar form. Many times you can find a similar form on your computer. It may be one you prepared for another client or one you negotiated with another lawyer. Just remember to find and replace the old client's name. Starting with an existing form saves time and avoids the errors of typing. Here are some Web sites where you can find forms: /
5. Obtain forms in books or CD-ROM. Typical forms of contracts can be found in form books, such as West's Legal Forms (a nationwide set) and Florida Jur Forms, as well as in treatises and Florida Bar CLE publications. These can be used as the starting point for drafting the contract or as checklists of typical
provisions and wording to include in the contract. Many treatises and form books now come with forms on disk or CD-ROM.
6. Don't let your client sign a letter of intent without this wording. Sometimes clients are anxious to sign something to show good faith before the contract is prepared. A properly worded letter of intent is useful at such times. Just be sure that the letter of intent clearly states that it is not a contract, but that it is merely an outline of possible terms for discussion purposes. See Appendix C
Writing that First Word
7. Start with a simple, generic contract form. The form in Appendix A is such a form. It provides a solid starting point for the structure of the contract. Like a house, a contract must have a good, solid foundation.
8. State the correct legal names of the parties in the first paragraph. As obvious as this is, it is one of the most common problems in contracts. For individuals, include full first and last name, and middle initials if available, and other identifying information, if appropriate, such as Jr., M.D., etc. For corporations, check with the Secretary of State where incorporated.
9. Identify the parties by nicknames. Giving each party a nickname in the first paragraph will make the contract easier to read. For example, James W. Martin would be nicknamed "Martin."
10. Be careful when using legal terms for nicknames. Do not use "Contractor" as a nickname unless that party is legally a contractor. Do not use "Agent" unless you intend for that party to be an agent, and if you do, then you better specify the scope of authority and other agency issues to avoid future disagreements.
11. Include a blank for the date in the first paragraph. Putting the date in the first paragraph makes it easy to find after the contract is signed. It also makes it easy to describe the contract in other documents in a precise way, such as the "December 20, 2000, Contract for Sale of Real Estate."
12. Include to provide background. Recitals are the "whereas" clauses that precede the body of a contract. They provide a simple way to bring the contract's reader (party, judge or jury) up to speed on what the contract is about, who the parties are, why they are signing a contract, etc. The first paragraph in the body of the contract can incorporate the recitals by reference and state that they are true and correct. This will avoid a later argument as to whether or not the recitals are a legally binding part of the contract.
13. Outline the contract by writing out and underlining paragraph headings in their logical
order. The paragraphs should flow in logical, organized fashion. It is not necessary to write them all at once; you can write them as you think of them. Try to group related concepts in the same paragraphs or in adjacent paragraphs. For example, write an employment contract's initial paragraph headings like this:Recitals. Employment. Duties. Term. Compensation.
14. Complete each paragraph by writing the contract terms that apply to that paragraph. This is simple. You learned this in elementary school. Just explain in words what the parties agree to do or not do
paragraph by paragraph.
15. Keep a pad at hand to remember clauses to add. It is normal to think of additional clauses, wording and issues while writing a contract. Jot these down on a pad as you write; they are easily
forgotten. Also keep your client's outline and other forms in front of you as you write, and check off items as you write them.
16. Repeat yourself only when repetition is necessary to improve clarity. Ambiguity is created by saying the same thing more than once; it is almost impossible to say it twice without creating ambiguity. Only if the concept is a difficult one should you write it in more than one way. In addition, if you use an
example to clarify a difficult concept or formula, be sure that all possible meanings are considered and that the example is accurate and consistent with the concept as worded.
What to Watch Out for When Writing
17. Title it "Contract." Do not leave this one to chance. If your client wants a contract, call it a contract. A judge now sitting on the federal bench once ruled that a document entitled "Proposal" was not a contract even though signed by both parties. The lesson learned is, "Say what you mean." If you intend the document to be a legally binding contract, use the word "Contract" in the title.
18. Write in short sentences. Short sentences are easier to understand than long ones.
19. Write in active tense, rather than passive. Active tense sentences are shorter and use words more efficiently, and their meaning is more apparent. Example of active: "Sellers shall sell the Property to Buyer." Example of passive: "The Property shall be sold to Buyer by Seller."
20. Don't use the word "biweekly." It has two meanings: twice a week and every other week. The same applies to "bimonthly." Instead, write "every other week" or "twice a week."
21. Don't say things like "active termites and organisms". Avoid ambiguity by writing either "active termites and active organisms" or "organisms and active termites." When adding a modifier like "active"
before a compound of nouns like "termites and organisms", be sure to clarify whether you intend the modifier to apply to both nouns or just the first one. If you intend it to apply to both, use parallel construction and write the modifier in front of each noun. If you intend it to apply to just one noun, place that one noun at the end of the list and the modifier directly in front of it.
22. Don't say "Lessor" and "Lessee." These are bad nicknames for a lease because they are easily reversed or mistyped. Use "Landlord" and "Tenant" instead. The same applies to lienor and lienee, mortgagor and mortgagee, grantor and grantee, licensor and licensee, party A and party B. This is where you can use your creativity to come up with a different nickname for a party, as long as you use it consistently throughout the contract.
23. Watch out when using "herein." Does "wherever used herein" mean anywhere in the contract or
anywhere in the paragraph? Clarify this ambiguity if it matters.
24. Write numbers as both words and numerals: ten (10). This will reduce the chance for errors.
25. When you write "including" consider adding "but not limited to." Unless you intend the list to be all-inclusive, you had better clarify your intent that it is merely an example.
26. Don't rely on the rules of grammar. The rules of grammar that you learned in school are not universal. The judge or jury interpreting the meaning of your contract may have learned different rules. Write the contract so that no matter what rules they learned, the contract is clear and unambiguous. Follow this test for clear writing: Remove all periods and commas, then read it. Choosing the right words and placing them in the right place makes the writing clear without punctuation.
27. Don't be creative with words. Contract writing is not creative writing and is not meant to provoke reflective thoughts or controversies about nuances of meaning. Contract writing is clear, direct and precise. Therefore, use common words and common meanings. Write for the common man and the common woman.
28. Be consistent in using words. If you refer to the subject matter of a sales contract as "goods" use that term throughout the contract; do not alternately call them "goods" and "items." Maintaining consistency is more important than avoiding repetition. Don't worry about putting the reader to sleep; worry about the opposing lawyer a year from now hunting for ambiguities to get your contract into court.
29. Be consistent in grammar and punctuation. The rules of grammar and punctuation you learned may differ from others, but you had better be consistent in your use of them. Be aware of such things as where you put ending quote marks, whether you place commas after years and states, and similar variations in style.
30. Consider including choice of law, venue selection, and attorneys fee clauses. If your contract gets litigated, you might as well give your client some "ammunition" for the fight. Examples of these clauses appear in Appendices A and C.
Write for the Judge and Jury
31. Assume the reader is a knowledgeable layman. If your writing is so clear that a layman could understand it, then it is less likely it will end up in court.
32. Define a word by capitalizing it and putting it in quotes. Capitalizing a word indicates that you intend it to have a special meaning. The following are two sample clauses for defining terms:
Wherever used in this contract, the word "Goods" shall mean the goods that Buyer has agreed to purchase from Seller under this contract.
Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from Seller ten (10) frying pans, hereinafter called the "Goods."
33. Define words when first used. Instead of writing a section of definitions at the beginning or end of a contract, consider defining terms and concepts as they first appear in the contract. This will make it easier for
the reader to follow.
34. Explain technical terms and concepts. Remember that the parties might understand technical jargon, but the judge and jury who interpret and apply the contract do not. Therefore, explain the contract's terms and concepts within the contract itself. Let the contract speak for itself from within its four corners. Keep Your Client Informed While You Write
35. All contracts should come with a cover letter. This gives you a place to instruct your client on how to use and sign the contract.
36. Tell your client the ideas that come as you write. Many ideas will occur to you as you write: things that could go wrong with the deal, things that might happen in the future, things that happened in the past, ways to structure things better. Write these in your letter to the client.
37. Inform your client of the risks. Writing a letter to the client as you write the contract is the perfect way to inform the client of the risks and rewards of entering into the contract. Frequently, problems do not become apparent until time is spent trying to word a contract.
What To Do After the First Draft Is Written
38. Check spelling, paragraph numbering, and cross references both manually and with your word processor's spelling and grammar checker. This almost goes without saying today, especially since Microsoft Word now checks your spelling and grammar as you type. (Unfortunately it also changes "per stirps" to "per stupid" if you fail to watch it closely.) And now there are even computer programs that check contract documents for undefined terms. DealProof is packaged with Corel WordPerfect for law offices, and DocProofReader is available for download for MS Word 97 and 2000.
39. Let your secretary or paralegal read it. Not only will your staff frequently find spelling and grammar errors missed by your word processor's spell checker, but they will find inconsistencies and confusing areas that you missed when drafting.
40. Stamp "Draft #1 6/22/2000" on it. This may be the first of many drafts, so avoid confusion early by numbering and dating all drafts at the top of the first page. It is also a good idea to write "DRAFT" across the face of each page to preclude the possibility of an impatient client signing a draft rather than waiting for the final version.
41. Let your client read it. Letting the client in on reading the first draft assures that your drafting will stay in tune with the client's wishes.
42. Save the drafts as multiple files on your computer. If you save the first draft on your computer as two files, you will have one file identified as the first draft and the other identified as the current version. This can be done by naming the current version "contract" and the first draft as "contract.d1." Then, subsequent versions can be named "contract.d2", "contract.d3," etc., where the "d" in the extension indicates draft. (Of
This Contract is entered into the 5th day of August, 2008 between ABC Trading Co., Ltd.,(hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell; and XYZ Trading Co.,(.,(hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and conditions:
ABC 贸易有限公司(以下简称卖方)与XYZ贸易有限公司(以下简称买方)于2008年8月5日签订本合同。双方同意按下列条款出售、购买下列货物:
3. In processing transactions, the manufactures
never have title either to the materials or to the
finished products.
4. The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed (被
认为) to be construed (理解)as part of this Contract.
1. The Parties may, through consultation, make amendments to and revisions of the contract as and when the need arises.
3. The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employee’s obligations and responsibilities under Clause 20, insure the Works, together with materials and plant for incorporation therein, to the full replacement cost.
例一:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including Sundays and holidays (if required by the carrier), supply and take delivery of the goods. Provided that the owner of the goods shall be liable for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof.
例2“Technical Documents” means the data and the information specified in Appendix 1 hereto, such as engineering, manufacturing and original information relating to the manufacture and maintenance of the Contract Products, including drawings, blueprints, design sheets, material
specifications, photographs, photostats and general data, and design and their specifications relating to manufacturing equipment, tools and facilities. Provided that the above-mentioned information shall be such information as is only available to Party B and applicable to the business operation of Party A under this Contract.
This Law is hereby formulated and prepared in order to develop the foreign trade, maintain the foreign trade order and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.
Foreign trade mentioned herein shall cover the import and export of goods, technology and the international trade in services.
When existing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign cooperative joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises with foreign investment”) apply to reorganize themselves into a company, the enterprises with foreign investment shall have a record of making profits for the recent three consecutive years. 参考译文:
“Tests on Completion” means such tests specified in the Contract or otherwise agreed by and between the Engineer and the Contractor as shall be made by the Contractor before the Employer takes over the Works or any section or part thereof.
The Borrower shall pay for the account of the Banks a commitment fee of one half of one percent (0.5%) per annum on the Total Loan Commitment. The commitment fee shall be paid from the date of the conclusion of the Contract (inclusive) to the earlier day of the Disbursement Date and the Termination Date (but excluding the day in question). The commitment fee shall quarterly be paid from the date in the third month thereafter to the earlier day of the Disbursement Date and the Termination Date.
The Defects Liability Certificate for the Works shall, within 28 days after the expiration of the
Defects Liability Period, be issued by the Engineer, or, if different defects liability periods become applicable to different Section or parts of the Permanent Works, the expiration of the latest such period, or if, pursuant to Clause 82, any works instructed are completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Defects Liability Certificate therefor shall be issued by the Engineer as soon as possible.
A contract for supply and use of electricity refers to a contract whereby the supplier of electricity supplies electricity to the user of electricity, and the user of electricity pays the electric fee. 供用电合同是供电人向用电人供电,用电人支付电费的合同
The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the Chairman be absent, the vice-Chairmen shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting. 董事会应由董事长召集并主持,若董事长缺席,原则上应由副董事长召集主持
Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein, contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
IN THE PRESENCE OF the parties hereto have hereunder set their respective hands and seals: 作为协议事项的证据,订约双方各自签名盖章如下{专业英语合同作文范文}.
Unless otherwise expressly specified in the Contract, the Engineer shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.
In Testimony Whereof, this Contract shall come into effect after the Contract in question is made and signed by the Parties hereto in duplicate, and either Party will hold one copy.

The Engineer shall have authority to issue to the Contractor, from time to time, such supplementary Drawings and instructions as shall be necessary for the purpose of the proper and adequate execution and completion of the works and the remedying of any defects therein.
The seller shall guarantee all shipments to conform to samples submitted with regard to quality 卖方必须保证交货质量同其所提供的样品一样。

Said sample shall be treated as an inter part of this contract. The quality of the goods delivered shall not be lower than the sample.
For details, see the specification and Design attached hereto, which shall constitute and integral and equally authentic part of this contract.{专业英语合同作文范文}.
2. 型号PMC9-71323, 颜色兰,黄,白平均搭配为每打小
/ 3,中/6,,大/3
PMC9-71323,Blue, Yellow and White equally assorted .S/3, M/6, L/3 per dozen.
5. In case any dispute and /or claim arise in connection with the patent, utility model, trade mark, design or copyright, seller reserves every and all rights to cancel, make null and void this contract at his discretion, and to hold himself free from any liability arising therefrom; buyer shall be responsible for every loss and or damage caused thereby.
制造商必须保证所交货物的质量完全符合同规定,若发现品质不符,应予免费调换。 Maker shall guarantee that material supplied are strictly in accordance with the contract and that in the event of any material not in accordance with the contract, replacement shall be made free of charge
4. 如在买方国家或其他别的地方有侵犯他人专利、新型、商标、设计或版权事宜,卖方不负任何责任。
The seller shall not be responsible for any infringement ,with regard to patent .utility model ,trade mark ,design or copyright ,whether in the Buyers country or in other places.
The seller has the option of delivering 5% more or less of the contracted quantity.
Should the weight ascertained as a result of reweighting the goods at the port of destination differ from the bill of Lading weight by up to one percent more or less, the bill of Lading weight shall be deemed final for the settlement of accounts between the parties.
Net shipping weight; loss in weight exceeding (or over) 5% to be for Seller’s account. 以装运净重为准,如重量损耗超过5%,超过部分由卖方负担。
When the Seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods larger than he contracted to sell, the buyer may accept the goods included in the contract and reject the rest, or he may reject the whole. If the buyer accepts the whole of the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate. 卖方交付买方的数据,如多于契约所订出售所数量,卖方可接受契约所定数量而拒绝其余部分,也可拒绝全部货物。如买方接受所交全部货物,则必须按契约所定价格交付货款。
Goods to be packed in wooden cases each of 15kg net,with double wax-paper, 4 packets to one case.
Goods shall be packed in craft paper bags of 50kg net each ,wrapped with gunny bags.
例1 :双方同意以装运港中国进出口商品检验局签发的品质及数量检验证书为最后依据对双方具有约束力
It is mutually agreed that the goods are subject to the Inspection certificate of Quality and Inspection certificate of Quantity issued by China Import and Export at the port of shipment. The certificate shall be binding on both parter.
The certificate of quantity issued by China Entry--Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau at the port of shipment is to be find.
Cotton is to be weighted in Shanghai before sampling under the supervision of the Cotton controller appointed by seller, weighing shall take place not later than 21 days after completion of landing on wharf at the port of destination.
We certify that we have inspected the goods and equipment covered by the warrant and that it conforms to accepted standards of quality, including any specifications forming a part of the descriptions
We certify that the following materials have been inspected and are in accordance with our opinion based upon that the report of our inspectors and experience and judgement has been accepted under the instructions provided.
Inspection on quality quantity , packing and weight of the contracted cargo shall be performed
Insurance:To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per the relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China.If other coverage or an additional insurance amount is required, the Buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before shipment,and the additional premium is to be borne by the Boyers.
Terms of Payment:The Buyers shall open with a bank acceptable to the Sellers an Irrevocable Sight Letter of Credit to reach the Sellers 30 days before the month of shipment,valid for negotiation in China until the 15 day after the monthe of shipment.
3.不可抗力:如由于不可抗力的原因,致使卖方不能全部或部分装运或延迟装运合同货物时,卖方对于这种不能装运或延迟装运不负有责任。但卖方须用传真或电传通知买方,并须在15天内以航空挂号信件向买方提交事故发生地权威机构出具的证明此类事故的证明书。 th
Force Majeure:If shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part due to Force Majeure, the Sellers shall not be liable for non-shipment or late shipment of the goods under this Contract. However,the Sellers shall notify the Buyers by fax or telex and furnish the latter within 15 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the competent authourities at the place of occurrence attesting such event or events.
Arbitration: All disputes arising out of the performance of , or relating to this Contract, shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon
both parties.
5.Payment: The Buyers shall open through the Bank of China, Beijing, an irrevocable letter of credit in favour of the Sellers in US Dollars covering the FOB stowed and trimmed value of each shipment payable against receipt by the issuing Bank of the following shipping documents:
(1) A full set (including three copies each of the negotiable and non-negotiable ) of clean on board Bill of Lading or Charter Party Bill of Lading in accordance with the charter party , made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.
(2) Provisional invoice covering an amount corresponding to the full value of each shipment,weight 1% less than that in B/L. And quality based on 72% Tribasic Phosphate of Lime.
(3)Certificate of quality and weight determination issued by the Sellers at the port of loading.
The Buyers shall open the relative letter of credit latest 20 days before the arrival of the carrying vessel at the port of loading with validity for 90 days from the date of opening.
5.We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts/documents drawn under and in compliance with the terms and conditions of this credit that such drafts/documents will be duly honoured on due presentation. 我们特此同意出票人、背书人和善意持有人和下的汇票/单据符合信用证的条款和条件,这种将承兑汇票/文档表示。
6.According to the ICC Model International Sales Contract (Manufactured Goods for resale),the liquidated damages to be claimed by the Buyer against the seller shall be 0.5% per week with a maximum amount of 5% of the price of the delayed goods in case of delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods.
7.claim ( 索赔)的用法
(1) 用作可数名词,表示索赔。写作时,要注意动词的搭配:提出索赔用file,lodge,make, put forward,put in 等,拒绝索赔用reject,放弃索赔用 give up,waive,撤回索赔用withdraw,解决索赔用settle。介词的搭配:向某人提出索赔用against,对某物提出索赔用on,索赔的原因和索赔的金额用for等。例如:
Buyers have lodged a claim against Sellers on this shipment for US$10,000 for short weight 由于短重,买方向卖方对这批船货提出索赔一万美元。
(2) 用作及物动词,表示索赔。例如: Buyers claim US$900 against Sellers for inferiority of quality.买方因品质低劣向卖方索赔900美元。
8.Privity 共同利益关系 The relationship hereby established between Supplier and Distributor, during the effective period of this Agreement, shall be solely that of Seller and Buyer, and Distributor shall under no circumstances be considered to the agent or legal representative of Supplier for any purpose whatsoever and shall have no right or authority to create or assume any obligation or responsibility of any kind,expressed or implied, in the name of or on behalf of Supplier{专业英语合同作文范文}.
9.Prohibition of Re-export 禁止出口
Distributor shall sell Products only in Territory and shall not, directly or indirectly, resell or re-export Products to any place or country outside Territory, nor shall resell Products to any other person, firm or corporation in Territory, whom Distributor, to the best of his knowledge and belief, knows and has reason to believe to have the intent to resell or re-export Products to any place or country outside Territory.
10.Bid Bond A bond in the amount of US$50,000 is required when the bid is submitted. The bond shall be handed in the form of a Bank Surety transmitted through an Ethiopian Bank. The amount covered by the Surety is refundable to those bidders who are not the winner, as soon as the bids are opened and the winner is made known. In the case of the winner, the amount is refunded after a contract has been signed and the necessary performance bond is provided.
11.Performance Bond
Performance bond amounting to 10% of the total value of the works bid upon is required when signing the contract.
12.The Employer shall make a prepayment of 20% of the contract value to the Contract within 10 days after signing this Contract. The Contractor shall furnish the Employer with a bank’s Letter of Guarantee to be valid till the date of full reimbursement of the amount of prepayment. The reimbursement of the prepayment shall be effected by deducting the monthly payments made by the Employer to the Contractor for the completed portion of the Works in the same percentage as the prepayment bears to the total contract value.
13.The term of the lease shall be ten years commencing from the date of the Bill of Lading referred to in Article 4. The total rent shall be Japanese Yen to be paid in twenty equal instalments by telegraphic transfer to Party B’s account with the bank designated by Party B. Each instalment shall be paid by PartyA within every six months after the date of the Bill of Lading. If Party A delays in paying any of the instalments, it shall pay Party B interest for the delayed time at the rate of one percent over and above the long-term prime rate of the said Japanese bank. 十年租赁期限应当自提单之日起4条。总租金应当在20日元支付同等的分期付款电汇到乙方的账户与银行指定的党B .每个分期付款应当在每六个月后未经甲方支付的日期的提单。如果甲方延迟支付的分期付款,应支付乙方对延迟时间的速度百分之一以上的长期优惠利率说日本银行。 14.Registered Capital of the Company, Investment Contributed by the Parties,Proportion of Investment and Form of Investment of the Parties 4.1 The registered capital of the Company shall be Renminbi....yuan
4.2 Party A shall contribute 30% of the registered capital of the Company in the sum of Renminbi... Yuan ,and Party B shall contribute 70% of the registered capital of the Company in the sum of Renminbi...yuan
The investment to be contributed by Party B shall be in Hong Kong dollars calculated in Renminbi at the median of the selling and buying exchange rates announced by the State General Administration of Exchange Control on the date of contribution.