来源:管理学 发布时间:2015-04-22 点击:
系列一2017届人教版 历史上重大改革回眸 作业
选修专项检测(一) 历史上重大改革回眸
(时间:40分钟 满分:90分)
材料一 令民为什伍而相牧司连坐。不告奸者腰斩,告奸者与斩敌首同重,匿奸者与降敌同罚。行之十年,秦民大悦,道不拾遗,山无盗贼,家给人足。民勇於公战怯於私斗,乡邑大治。
材料二 战国的风气从根本上说是由于制度原因造成的全社会的“免而耻”。虽然容易在短期内奏效,但国家政令的贯彻执行如果仅能仰仗于予富予贫、予贵予贱以及施用严刑峻法的权力,人民的守法就只能是出于恐惧和贪欲。
材料一 魏孝文断北语而改姓元,是亡其祖也,不惟失德,实非吉兆。
材料二 鲜卑族“尚勇、纯朴,好射猎”的性格,造就了他们团结、积极进取的民族精神。正是由于这种优秀的民族精神和品质,造就了强盛的北魏王朝。孝文帝迁都洛阳后的汉化改革的断胡语、改胡姓、禁胡服,不仅是对鲜卑民族文化的摒弃,更是对其民族精神的摧残。孝文帝不顾民族差异想通过改说汉语、穿汉服、用汉姓来“中夏正音”,是对鲜卑民族文化的践踏和否定。
材料一 “凡商旅所有必卖于市易,或(非)市肆所无必买于市易”,真正达到了“尽收天下之货,自作经营”的目的。其时,市易司甚至连果实之类都自作经营。
材料二 用限制商人获利、控制市场流通的手段,使税收物资的调拨与运输体现最大的经济效益——就近与低价,这叫徙贵就贱,用近求远。
材料三 (苏)辙曰:“以钱贷民,使出息二分,本以救民,非为利也。然出纳之际,吏缘为奸,法不能禁。钱入民手„„及其纳钱,虽富民不免逾限,恐鞭捶必用,州县之事不胜烦矣。”
解析:第(1)问第一小问,据材料一“市肆所无必买于市易”,材料二“使税收物资的调拨与运输体现最大的经济效益”,材料三“以钱贷民,使出息二分,本以救民”三方面总结;第二小问,要结合所学回答。 第(2)问,要从市场经营、经济政策、关注民生几个方面去分析。
材料 明初,漕运方式是水陆兼挽,参用海运。„„永乐十三年,运河全线畅通,明王朝行“支运”之法,以运河漕运取代“海(河)陆”兼运。具体为:各地漕粮先由当地民户运至指定的粮仓,再由各地卫所军官分段递运至京。此法每年四次,运粮达三百余万石。宣德六年,明廷„„始行“兑运”,实行军民联运。先由农户运粮至粮仓附近各府州县水次(码头),交兑给官军领运,再由官军全力负责运往京师,粮户只需按道里远近,给官军以一定数量的耗米和轻资银作为酬劳。至成化七年才被“长运”法取代。„„“长运”又名“改兑”,是直达法。它是让运军直接赴江南各州县水次交兑,然后径直运往京师,免除农民长途运粮,只是在原有的加耗之外,每石加米一斗,充作渡江费。长运法是明代漕运方式不断变革的产物,在当时的历史条件下,可谓比较完善的一种漕运方式。
材料一 克里米亚战争的失败对俄罗斯的民族主义者和斯拉夫派来说是一个严重打击,因为与许多事先就警告俄罗斯会因其没能跟上西方的脚步而即将遭到失败的西欧派人不同,斯拉夫派人则很有信心地预言俄罗斯专制制度的优越性将会导致一场可与1812年对拿破仑的胜利相媲美的胜利。实际上,这场失败暴露了旧制度的腐败和落后。
材料二 在明治维新期间,我们发现了一个奇特的现象。一方面日本全面学习西方,从军事、技术、政治体制一直到生活习惯,日本的精英阶层善于学习,全力促进日本的现代化和西化;另外一方面明治政府在改革过程中出现了许多矛盾和不符合西方现代化模式的改革措施,其改革过程中融入了大量日本本身的传统和文化的因素。
(2)根据材料二和所学知识,指出你对日本明治维新期间“一个奇特现象”的理解。 解析:第(1)问,克里米亚战争是俄国农奴制改革的背景,结合所学分析即可。第(2)问,“一个奇特现象”是指:日本在明治维新期间全面学习西方,如废藩臵县、殖产兴业,直到生活习惯的西化;但同时也要保留本国的传统文化,如天皇制、武士道精神;结合所学分析这一现象。
材料一 戊戌维新运动,在湖南成功,在北京失败。在湖南之所以成功,因陈宝箴、黄公度(黄遵宪)等都是政治家,资望才学,为旧派所钦重,凡所措施,有条不紊,成效卓著,反对者虽叫嚣咒骂,而事实俱在,不容抹杀。在北京所以失败,因康有为、梁任公(梁启超)等都是言论家,资望不足,口出大言,而无实际,轻举妄动,弱点毕呈,一百日间,竟为光绪下变法特旨三四百道。及光绪觉悟康有为之不足恃,以驻日本钦差大臣之职予以公度,而不予有为,三诏严催公度攒程赴京,以图挽救,而时机已失,京变作矣。
材料二 近来仰窥皇太后圣意,不愿将法尽变,并不欲将此辈老谬昏庸之大臣罢黜,而用通达英勇之人,令其议政,以为恐失人心„„朕岂不知中国积弱不振,至于阽危,皆由此辈所误。但必欲朕一旦痛切降旨,将旧法尽变,而尽黜此辈昏庸之人,则朕之权力实有未足。果使如此,则朕位且不能保,何况其他?今朕问汝,可有何良策,俾旧法可以全变,将老谬昏庸之大臣尽行罢黜,而登进通达英勇之人,令其议政,使中国转危为安,化弱为强,而又不致有拂圣意。尔其与林旭、谭嗣同、刘光第及诸同志等妥速筹商,密缮封套,由军机大臣代递,候朕熟思,再行办理。朕实不胜十分焦急翘盼之至。
Unit 1
姓名________ 学号________ 班级________ 得分________
二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)
( )31. — What’s this?
— It’s ______ telephone. It is my ____ telephone.
A. a; / B. an; /
C. a; an D. the; an
( )32. — What’s Amy Smith’s last name? — __________.
A. Amy B. Smith
C. Amy Smith D. Smith Amy
( )33. — What’s _______ telephone number?
— ____________ telephone number is 6933-2501.
A. his; He B. your; Your
C. her; Her D. Your; I
( )34. — _______ it, please. — P-H-O-N-E.
A. Say B. Spell
C. Meet D. See
( )35. — What’s her name? — ______.
A. It’s a ruler
B. My name is Simon
C. Her name is Linda
D. She is fine
( )36. — _________ you Mike? — Yes, I ________.
A. Is; is B. Is; am
C. Are; is D. Are; am
( )37. — What color is it? — It’s _______.
A. W B. black
C. nice D. number
( )38. My number is 84739. It reads (读作) _______.
A. eight seven nine four three
B. eight four nine three seven
C. four three nine seven eight
D. eight four seven three nine
( )39. He is Alan Green. Alan is his _____ and Green is his _________.
A. first name; last name
B. first name; first name
C. last name; first name
D. last name; last name
( )40. — Is Dale your friend? — __________.
A. Yes, I am
B. Yes, he is
C. No, she isn’t
D. No, I’m not
( )41. — __________ your name?— Sally Miller.
A. What B. How
C. How’s D. What’s
( )42. — What’s five and _______?— It’s seven.
A. one B. two
C. three D. four
( )43. — How is Kate? — ____________.
A. She is in China
B. She is fine
C. She is my friend
D. Her pen is purple
( )44. — I am David. Nice to meet you! — __________
A. Hello, David!
B. I am OK.
C. Good evening, David!
D. Nice to meet you, too!{七年上册历史作业本答案2017年版}.
( )45. — ___________?— It’s a cup.
A. What’s your last name
B. What’s this
C. How are you
D. What color is it
三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)
(D = David G = Gina)
D: Good morning! Are you Gina?
G: Yes, I am. What’s name?
name is David and my last name is Smith.
G: So (那么.
Mark your friend?
D: What’s his ?
this in English?
G: It’s a jacket.
it, please?
G: OK, J-A-C-K-E-T.
is it?
G: It is red and white.
D: Thanks.
( )46. A. my B. his C. her D. your
( )47. A. one B. first C. last D. two
( )48. A. Gina Smith B. Smith Gina C. David Smith D. Smith David{七年上册历史作业本答案2017年版}.
( )49. A. Be B. Is C. Am D. Are
( )50. A. he isn’t B. he is C. she is D. she isn’t
( )51. A. friend B. jacketC. phone number D. middle school
( )52. A. It B. It is C. This D. This is
( )53. A. How B. What C. How’s D. What’s
( )54. A. spell B. say C. see D. meet
( )55. A. name B. numberC. color D. school
四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共20分)
Good afternoon! I’m Alice. My last name is Smith. I’m in a red jacket. I’m in Xingfu Middle School. My phone number is 569-2679. This is Cindy Brown. She is my good friend. She is in a yellow jacket. She is in Xingfu Middle School, too. What’s her phone number? It’s 865-2397.
( )56. What color is Alice’s jacket?
A. Green. B. Blue.
C. Red. D. Yellow.
( )57. What’s Cindy’s last name?
A. Smith. B. Brown.
C. Alice. D. Cindy.
( )58. Cindy is _______ good friend.
A. Alice’s B. Bob’s
C. Grace’s D. Helen’s
( )59. What’s Cindy’s phone number?
A. 856-2679. B. 586-3279.
C. 569-2679. D. 865-2397.
( )60. Which of the following is TRUE (下列选项中哪一项是正确的)?
A. Alice’s phone number is 568-2679.
B. Cindy’s jacket is purple.
C. The writer’s (作者的) first name is Cindy.
D. Alice and Cindy are in the same school.
I’m Alan Brown. Tom Miller is my good friend. Tom and I are in Xinghua Middle School in
China now. Today (今天
“Good morning, Tom.”
“Good morning, Alan. This is my friend Mike Smith. He is in Xinghua Middle School, too. Mike, this is my good friend Alan,” Tom says.
“Hi, Alan. Nice to meet you,” the boy says.
“Nice to meet you, too, Mike. Your blue jacket is nice,” I say.
“Thanks!” the boy says.
“Hi, Tom. What’s this?” I say.
“It’s a telephone. It’s red. And my telephone number is 652-3586,” Tom says.
( )61. What’s Tom’s last name?
A. Brown. B. Smith.
C. Miller. D. Green.
( )62. What does the underlined words “a boy” refer to (指代)?
A. Alan. B. Mike.
C. Tom. D. Jack.
( )63. What’s Tom’s telephone number?
A. 652-3568. B. 652-3856.
C. 652-5386. D. 652-3586.
( )64. ____________ are not friends.
A. Alan and Mike
B. Tom and Mike
C. Tom and Alan
D. Alan and Jack
( )65. Which of the following is NOT true (下列选项中哪个是错误的)?
A. Alan meets Mike in the morning.
B. Alan, Tom and Mike are in China now.
C. Mike is in a red jacket.
D. Alan, Tom and Mike are middle school students.
66. — Is she Cindy?
— N________, she isn’t.
67. 913257623 is my QQ n_________.
68. He is Paul. This is h________ map.
69. Three and five is e________.
70. My name is John. A__________ what’s your name?
71. Tina’s friend is a ________ (令人愉快的) girl.
72. Helen is my good _______ (朋友).
73. Eric studies (学习) in No. 6 Middle _______ (学校).
74. This is a red ______ (电话).
75. I _______ (遇见) Ms. Zhang in the morning.
Good morning! My 76. __________ is Anna. What’s this? It’s 77. __________ telephone. It’s a white telephone. White is my favorite (最喜爱的) color. That is my good friend. She is an English girl. She is in No. 16 78. __________ School. Her 79. __________ name is Jane. And Green is 80. __________ last name. Her telephone number is 659-1651. “Five” is her favorite number.
七、句型转换 (每小题2分,共10分)
按要求完成下列句子 (每空一词,含缩写)。
81. My name’s Simon. (写出完全形式)
_________ _________ _______ Simon.
82. — Is he Jim? (作否定回答)
— No, _______ _________.
83. I am John. (改为一般疑问句)
________ _________ John?
________ _________ telephone number?
85. name, his, Brown, last, is (连词成句)
_______ _________ ________ _______ ________.
八、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分)
Good morning. I’m Mike. John is my good friend. John is his first name and his last name is Smith. His favorite number is “eight”. You can see the number “8” on his blue jacket. What is his telephone number? It’s 6155-7328. His favorite color is green. His quilt and cup are green. He likes black, too. His pen is black.
86. What’s John’s full name (全名)?{七年上册历史作业本答案2017年版}.
87. What color is John’s jacket?
88. What’s John’s telephone number?
( ) 1.---Boys and girls, please sit down . ----____________________.
A. That‟s OK B. NO. Stand up C. Thank you D. That‟s all right
( )2. Mum, _________ my friend Jane.
A. this‟s B. it is C. this is D. he is
( )3.--What‟s this ? --It‟s _______. ---What color is it? ---It‟s __________.
A. orange, an orange B. an orange, an orange
C. orange, orange D. an orange, orange
( ) 4. — Where ________ Millie and Lucy ________? — England.
A. is; come from B. do; from C. does; come from
( )5. _______are in the same class.
A. You, he and I B. I, you and he C. You, I and he D. He, you and I
( ) 6. There _______ a pen and two rubbers in the pencil box.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )7.What does she look like? She has ________________.
A. a long hair B. many long hairs C. long hair D. long hairs
( ) 8. ---_______ is your father? --- He‟s fine
A. How old B.How C. What D.Wh
( ) 9.Jim, ________ play ________ in the street. It‟s dangerous.
A. doesn‟t, football B. doesn‟t, the football
C. don‟t, football D. don‟t, the football
( )10. —Do you want to play basketball with us? — ________.
A. You‟re welcome B. Thank you very much
C. No, I don‟t think so D. Yes, I‟d love to.
Sally and Tom are from England but now they live in Nanjing. They study at No.1 Middle School. They are
in the same grade, but in different Their classes begin eight a.m. They have Chinese, Maths and English lessons in the morning. In the
afternoon they have some lessons like Art, Music and P.E. They can English very well, but they aren‟t at Chinese. Miss Yang, their Chinese teacher often helps them their Chinese. They study hard at their lessons.
They both like Chinese culture (文化). Sally likes Chinese drawing and Tom enjoys Chinese Music.
After school they often their classmates. Their classmates are friendly to them. They say they learn
from their teachers and classmates at school. They love their teachers and classmates. They also love their
( )1.
( )2.
( )3.
( )4.
( )5. A. classes A. in A. others A. speak A. bad B. schools B. at B. else B. talk B. well C. lessons C. on C. other C. say C. good D. subjects D. of D. other‟s D. tell D. nice D. are; from
( )6.
( )7.
( )8.
( )9.
( )10.
三、阅读理解 A. in A. listening A. play A. a lot A. home B. with B. hearing B. chat B. a lot of B. family
A C. about C. listening to C. talk C. many C. school D. on D. hearing from D. play with D. lots of D. clothes
My favourite sport is basketball because it is very exciting. I like basketball because the NBA stars play very well. Basketball is very cheap and it is a good sport for our health. We can grow taller if we play basketball often. Also it keeps me fit. I play basketball three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I often play it with my friends or I may play it myself. I feel very happy when I play basketball at school with my classmates. Sometimes I play basketball in the playground near my home. Basketball is very easy to play. If you play basketball very well, you can form a basketball team to take part in the competition. If you win the basketball competition, you will have the prize. You may become a famous basketball star.
( )1. I like basketball best because it‟s _______.
A. cheap B. good C. exciting D. famous
( )2. How many times do I play basketball every week?
A. five B. three C. four D. six
( )3. I often play basketball _________.
A. with my parents B. with my friends C. with my cousins D. myself
( )4. Why do I like basketball?
A. Because it‟s cheap B. Because it‟s good for health
C. Because the NBA stars play very well D. A, B and C
( )5. The beat title for the passage is _________.
A. Basketball player B. My favourite sport
C. Basketball star D. My favourite basketball star
Li Ping gets up early on weekdays, because he must go to school before 7:30. On Saturday and Sunday, he doesn‟t go to school, so he doesn‟t get up early.
He goes to the Drawing Club at 9:00 on Saturday mornings. He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until (直到) midnight.
He doesn‟t get up early on Sundays. Li Ping‟s parents both work on Sundays. Li Ping always watches TV after he gets up. Then he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and some juice for lunch. After that, he goes back home and starts to play football until his parents come back. He does his homework after supper. He usually has lots of weekend homework, so he must do it for three hours. He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. on Sundays. He often complains (抱怨) he has too much homework to do.
( )6. How often does Li Ping need to get up early?
A. Every day. B. Five days a week.
C. Only at the weekend. D. Every day except on Sundays.
( )7. What does Li Ping do on Sunday mornings?
A. He goes to have lessons. B. He watches TV.
C. He goes to the bookshop. D. He goes to a club.
( )8. When does Li Ping do his weekend homework?
A. On Sunday evenings. B. On Sunday mornings.
C. On Saturday evenings. D. On Sunday afternoons.
( )9. Why does Li Ping have lunch in KFC on Sundays?
A. Because he‟s too busy. B. Because his parents aren‟t at home.
C. Because he gets up too late. D. Because his parents have lunch in KFC.
( )10. Which of these is not right?
A. Li Ping doesn‟t exercise on Sundays.
B. Li Ping watches TV after supper on Saturdays.
C. Li Ping watches too much TV on Saturdays and Sundays.
D. Li Ping goes to bed late on Saturday and Sunday evenings.
四、任务型阅读 (共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)
Hi! Do you know the three children? They are in a happy family. Xiao Xue is a
helpful girl. She is beautiful. She likes study. She studies very hard. She gets up early
and finishes her breakfast quickly. Then she goes to school by bike. Liu Xing is a
little lazy. He gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry. Then
he goes to the bus stop without breakfast. He usually plays basketball after school. In
the evening, he seldom does homework. He goes to bed late. Xiao Yu is a lovely boy.
He gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower before breakfast. He goes to school in his father‟s car. He
五、词汇 根据句意和所给提示,填写正确的单词。
1. Kitty loves___________(dance). She practices it every day.
2. Jimmy wears ___________(glass). He looks cool.
3. The girl dances very (good).
(shop) with you?
5. He is good at ____________ (swim).
6. What colour ____________ (be) her new trousers?
7. Would you like ___________ (have) something to drink?
8. Lisa (go) to school with her sister every day
9. Let him (meet) my teacher, Mr. Wang.
10. I am __________(高兴的) to meet my new friend, Jim.
11. My mother is very (苗条) and beautiful.
12. ___________(每一个人) likes Mr. Zhou‟s English lessons.
13. My (梦想) is to be a good teacher in the future
14. The little girl looks very (讨人喜欢的).
15. Andy wants to join the Football ).
David is eight. One day his friend Rose to him, "This Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my es".
mother says, "Yes, you can go, but you food. They will give you some." "All right, Mum." David answers and he his bike.
for some time, and then Rose's mother gives them she forgets David. He waits and waits and then he takes his plate up and asks, "Do you want a plate?"
七、书面表达根据以下提示,以“My best friend ”为题,写一篇60 字左右的短文。
(1)我的好朋友Lucy,15岁, 来自美国,在7年级3班。
(2)个子高且苗条,黑色短发。 (3)爱好打排球。
(4)擅长游泳和绘画等;在学校有许多新朋友。 (5)老师和同学们都很喜爱她。
命题:张梦秋 审核:孙 飞
( ) 1. --_______ do they go to see their teachers? --Every year.{七年上册历史作业本答案2017年版}.
A. How long B. When C. How often D. How much time
( ) 2. The boy, _______ his father, _______ fishing.
A. like; likes B. likes; likes C. likes; like D. like; like
( ) 3. He never_______ a hat even if (即使) it is in winter.
A. wears
A. and
A. OK B. be in C. in D. puts on ( ) 4. The bike is very old, _______ he likes it very much. B. but C. so C. no D. because D. really
D. /; /
D. about; to
D. are win ( ) 5. --Good news! We will have a party this Friday afternoon. --Oh, _______? B. all right ( )6. My friend Bob likes to play_______ football after_______ lunch. A. the; the B. /; the A. to; to C. the; / ( ) 7. --Who does Millie talk_______ animals_______?--Her classmates. B. about; about C. to; about B. wins C. can win ( ) 8. I hope you_______ the game. A. will to win
A. do ( ) 9. You are so busy. What do you want me_______ for you? B. does C. to do D. doing
( )10.--_______ the girls enjoy_______ this film?--Yes, they______.
A. Does; watching; does B. Do; watching; do C. Do; watch; do D. Does; watch; does
( )11. My father_______ free. He can't play_______ me now.
A. doesn't; to B. isn't; to C. doesn't; with D. isn't; with
( )12. The boy draws very_______, so the picture looks very_______.
A. good; beautiful B. good; beautifully C. well; beautifully D. well; beautiful
( )13. Playing computer games_______ a lot of_______.
A. are; funs B. is; fun C. are; fun D. is; funs
( )14. Everyone_______ here. Let's_______ our class.
A. is; begin B. are; to begin C. is; to begin D. are; begin
( )15. He is_______ the Music Club. He_______ music.
A. on; enjoy listening B. on; enjoys listenning to C. in; enjoies D. in; enjoys listening to
( )16. --What_______ does he have in his schoolbag? --_______ money.
A. other; Many B. others; Lots C. else; Lot of D. else; A lot of
( )17. Her classmates_______ her. And she_______ likes them.
A. like all; too B. all like; also C. like all; also D. all like; too
( )18. Linda with her parents_______ Shandong.
A. live in B. lives in C. to live D. are living
( )19. He doesn't look_______ today. We must_______ him.
A. well; look after
A. Yes, we do
B. good; looks for C. well; looks at D. good; look like B. Sorry, we don't C. No, I don't D. Good idea ( )20. --Let's fly kites! -- _______.
2017人教版英语七年上册短语归纳 (3)
Starter Unit 1-3
1. Good morning/afternoon/evening(to sb)!早上好,下午好,晚上好!
2. –How are you? –I’m fine, thanks.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。
3. –Hello! –Hi !你好!
4. –What’s this/that in English ? 这个/那个用英语怎么说?
It’它是一件夹克/一个橘子。 5. Spell it, please. 请拼写。
6. --What color is it ? – It’s yellow. 它是什么颜色?它是黄色的。
Unit1 My name is Gina. 1. -What’s your name?
- My name's Gina. = I’m Gina. 你的名字是什么?
2.-What’s his/her name? 他/她的名字是什么?
- His /Her name’s Tom/ Gina. 他/她的名字是汤姆/吉娜。
= He’s /She’s Tom/ Gina. 他/她叫汤姆/吉娜。 3.- Is she Mary? –Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. 她是玛丽吗?是的,她是。不,她不是。 4.-Are you Helen? –Yes, I am。/ No, I’m not. 你是海伦吗?是的,我是。不,我不是。 5. A: What's your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?
B: My phone number is 281-9176. 我的电话号码是281-9176。
见到你很高兴。见到你也很高兴. 7. last name=family name=last name姓氏
first name = given name名字
7. telephone number=phone number电话号码
Unit2 This is my sister.
1. This/That is my friend Jane. 这是/那是我的朋友简。 这些/哪些是我的哥哥。 3. Have a good day! 玩得开心。
这儿有一张我的全家福。5.in the next picture.在下一张照片里 6.in the first photo 在第一张照片里 7.a photo of your family 你家人的照片
Unit3 Is this your pencil?
1.-Is this/that your pencil? 这/那时你的铅笔吗? -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.