
来源:快速阅读法 发布时间:2011-10-27 点击:




PPP and TBL are two approaches to language teaching. PPP stands for presentation, practice and production, and TBL stands for___.

A.Task Book Language stands

B.Text Book Learning

C.Teacher-Based Learning

D.Task-Based Learning



Jane Willis holds that the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, ___ of the language to do things, motivation to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.







Methods of teaching grammar include the ___ method, the inductive method and the guided discovery method.







The idea of the audio-lingual method, which was based on the behaviorist theory of language learning, was that language is learned by constant ___, during which mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised.

A.cognitive processing

B.meaningful practice

C.repetition and reinforcement

D.imitation and communication



The guided discovery method is different from the inductive method because the process of the discovery ___ and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.

A.is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher

B.is made by the students themselves

C.takes place automatically

D.never takes place



According to Pennington (2002), useful guidelines for teaching grammar include collocational, constructive, contextual, and ___.







Vocabulary building strategies outside classrooms include reviewing regularly, ___, organizing vocabulary effectively, and using learned vocabulary.

A.neglecting the meaning

B.remembering the translation

C.reciting the spelling

D.guessing meaning from the context



According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question “Can the students achieve the goal of

acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ___.

A.ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal style

B.learner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individual ability

C.teacher factors, learner factors, and school factors

D.letters, phonetic transcripts, and sounds



According to Ur (1996), a good presentation should include both oral and written, and both ___.

A.reading and writing

B.listening and reading

C.vocabulary and grammar

D.form and meaning



The Critical Period Hypothesis is still controversial/debated, because ___.

A.both positive and negative answers have been given by researchers

B.no researches have been done

C.the hypothesis does not exit at all

D.researchers are not interested in it at all



According to Ur (1996), if the structure is not easy for the learners to discovery themselves even with a context provided, it is better to teach the rule ___.



C.in an abstract way

D.in a simple way



When teaching pronunciation, we should ___.

A.drill an individual sound for more than a few minutes a time

B.create a pleasant, relaxed, and dynamic classroom

C.ask the students to imitate for a long time

D.be authoritative in our teaching



Unintelligible speech is ___ for both the speaker and the audience.

A.useful and pleasant

B.useless and may cause unpleasant feeling





The three aspects of pronunciation are ___ each other. They are interrelated.

A.not united with

B.not isolated from

C.split with

D.irrelevant to



Pronunciation covers more than just phonetic symbols and rules. it also includes ___, and all these are not isolated from each other.

A.letters, phonetic transcripts, and sounds

B.sounds, letters, and words

C.sounds, words, and grammar

D.stress, intonation, and rhythm



According to j. willis (1996), tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve ___.

A.linguistic competence

B.communicative competence

C.an outcome




According to some scholars Task-based Language Teaching is, in fact, ___ Communicative Language Teaching.

A.exactly the same as

B.a further development of

C.opposite to

D.nothing to do with



According to Wang Qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he ____ to some extent.

A.learns a language

B.teaches a language

C.learns his mother tongue

D.obtains linguistic knowledge



According to Wang Qiang, ___ are the basis for syllabus design, teaching methods, teaching procedures, and even teaching techniques.

A.values of life

B.styles of life

C.views on language

D.views on culture



Explanation of phonetic rules should ___ at the beginning stage of teaching pronunciation.

A.always be adopted

B.take place

C.be emphasized

D.be avoided



In Hymes’s words (1979), there are ‘___ without whichthe rules of grammar would be useless’, which simply means, besides grammaticalrules, language use is governed by rules of use, which ensures that the desiredor intended functions are performed and the language used is appropriate to thecontext.

A.rules of forms

B.rules of use





Those words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech and writing are considered as one’s ___.

A.receptive or active

B.productive or passive

C.receptive or passive

D.productive or active



When teaching vocabulary it is believed that teaching ___ is a more effective way than just teaching one single word at a time, as nation(2001:318) notes that “all fluent and appropriate language use requires ___ knowledge.”

A.word collocations „ collocational

B.meaning „ meaningful

C.denotative meaning „denotative

D.connotative meaning „connotative



“Try to provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible, using ___ to show meaning” is one of the ways of presenting new words suggested in Wang Wiang’s book (2005).

A.a verbal context

B.lexical sets or hyponyms

C.pictures, photos, video clips, mime or gestures

D.word formation rules and common affixes



When teaching vocabulary, the teacher can ___ to promote high motivation.

A.apply rote learning

B.separate the words from the context

C.neglect the students’ learning process

D.relate newly learned language to students’ real life



According to Nation (2001) receptive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following except ___.

(1) being able to recognized the word when it is heard;

(2) being familiar with its written form so that it is recognized when it is met in reading

(3) recognizing that it is made up of some parts and being able to relate these parts to its meaning;

(4) being able to decide to use or not to use the word to suit the degree of formality of the situation.







[0161]《中学英语教学法》 第二次作业


4. What is a successful speaking activity?


1) Students talk a lot in English.

2) Students' participation is even. The class is not dominated by a few talkative participants.

3) Students' motivation is high. Students are interested in the topic, eager to speak and share their own information with others.

4) Language use is of an acceptable level. Students speak with appropriate accuracy and fluency, new language is comprehended and incorporated in their production.


3. How to develop your self-evaluation?


Self-evaluation is not something that can be taught. It can be gradually developed by teachers themselves as they become more aware of their own teaching and of all the different factors that affect learning. In order to evaluate themselves, teachers must learn to observe themselves. Obviously, teachers cannot normally observe themselves directly, but there are ways in which they can observe themselves indirectly:

― By careful planning before the lesson, followed by careful reflection after the lesson on what actually took place. ― By observing other teachers' lessons and comparing them with what happens in your own classes.

―By inviting other teachers to observe your classes, and discussing the lesson with them afterwards.


2. How could you write something onto the blackboard but still keep the attention of the class?


A. To talk as you write, saying the words and making any necessary


― Talk to the students as you are writing and turn round frequently to face them.

― Ask the students what to write as often as possible and get

examples from them.

― Ask them what they think this word or picture is going to


― Get them to read things as you write them.

B. To stand in a way that does not hide the board


1. What does ‘knowing a word' mean?


Knowing a word means that you know word meaning, word use, word formation and

word grammar.

[判断题]3. All new words in a lesson are equally important.


[判断题]4. If the aim of activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly, you have to correct any major errors, especially those involving the verbs you have taught, or the activity will lose its point.



[判断题]7. Students are given the structure in context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves. They are given guidance from the teacher in using evidence from the context to work out the usage of the structure. This is called the inductive method.


[判断题]1. The students' native language has no particular role in the Communicative Approach. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework.


[判断题]2. Culture is received greater attention in the Communicative Approach.


[判断题]5. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is inference.


[判断题]6. One way to teach reading is following the framework: pre-reading stage, while-reading stage and post-reading stage. Each stage has different goals and deals with different reading strategies.


[判断题]8. Reading is an active process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text.


[判断题]9. If the aim of activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly, you have to correct any major errors, especially those involving the verbs you have taught, or the activity will lose its point.


[判断题]10. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is prediction.


[判断题]11. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this active vocabulary.


[判断题]12. The typical example of functional communication activities is role play. 参考答案:错误

[判断题]13. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework.


[判断题]14. Spoken language is generally produced in informal, simple or common vocabulary. 参考答案:正确

[判断题]15. Types of mistakes are slips, errors and attempts.



[论述题]8. What are the basic principles of positive error correction?


1) As far as possible, encourage the students, focussing on what

they have got right, not on what they have got wrong.

2) Praise the students for correct answers, and even for partly

correct answers; in this way, they will feel they are making


3) Avoid humiliating students or making them feel that making a

mistake is ‘bad'.

4) Correct errors quickly; if too much time is spent over correcting

errors, it gives them too much importance and holds up the lesson.

[论述题]7. How to organize pairwork?


1) Introduce the exercise and show what questions and answers

students can give.

2) Ask a few questions round the class, to show the kind of

conversation students might have.

3) Divide the class into pairs.

4) Students work in pairs. Move quickly round the class, checking

that everyone is talking (but do not try to correct mistakes,

as this will interrupt the activity).

5) When most pairs have finished, stop the activity. Ask a few

students what their partner said.

[论述题] 6. Why are stage 1 and stage 2 interrelated by a double arrow line? Why are practice and reflection connected by a circle? (See Fihure 1.1 on Page 9 of the textbook)


Stages 1 and 2 are interrelated by a double arrow line because

neither of the two stages is really ever terminated. Teachers should

always make a point of updating their command of English because language is always changing. This can be done while they are teaching, but very often teachers take time off to have further training in English. This is especially important for teachers who do not have enough exposure to English.

Practice and reflection are connected by a circle because they are

neither independent nor separate sub-stages. Teachers do not teach one week and then reflect one week. Rather, they teach and reflect on a day to day basis.

[论述题] 5. How to present a structure?


1) Situation and example to show meaning

2) Model the structure

3) Model the example on the board

4) Other examples

[判断题]16. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this active vocabulary.


[判断题]17. In Grammar-translation method, the target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework.


[判断题]19. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an "instructor” and students as "listeners” in class.


[判断题]20. Students' errors are a sign of failure, so we must correct every mistake they make. 参考答案:错误

[判断题]18. You glance quickly through a text in order to find a specific piece of information, this skill is called scanning.


[判断题]21. Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation and meaning of it. 参考答案:错误

[判断题]22. Students' errors are a very useful way of showing what they have and have 参考答案:正确

[判断题]23. Testing implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what 参考答案:错误

[判断题]24. Classroom climate is strongly affected by the teachers' attitude and behaviour. 参考答案:正确

[判断题]25. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an "instructor” 参考答案:错误

[判断题]27. It's unnecessary for teachers to know how to evaluate, select and adapt textbooks. 参考答案:错误

[判断题]28. It is clearly whether someone can become a good language teacher solely depends on his/her command of the language.


[判断题]29. Students are given the structure in context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves. They are given guidance from the teacher in using evidence from the context to work out the usage of the structure. This is called the inductive method.


[判断题]30. There is an important difference between assessment and testing.



[论述题]12. What are four main components of a task?


A task has four main components:

1) a purpose: making sure the students have a reason for

undertaking the task

2) a context: this can be real simulated or imaginary, and

involves sociolinguistic issues such as the location,

the participants and their relationship, the time, and other

important factors.

3) a process: getting the students to use learning strategies such

as problem solving, reasoning, inquiring,

conceptualising and communicating

4) a product: there will be some form of outcome, either visible

(a written plan, a play, a letter, etc.) or invisible

(enjoying a story, learning about another country, etc.)

[论述题]11. What are the basic procedures of designing free writing tasks?


1) Getting ideas on the topic

2) Selecting and expanding one idea

3) Making an outline

4) Writing and improving a draft

5) Writing the final version

[论述题]10. Why do we use English songs in class?


1) Songs can increase motivation to learn language as students.

2) Songs give students intensive practice in selected patterns, but without boredom.

3) Songs give students pronunciation practice ― in stress and

rhythm as well as in individual sounds.

4) Songs can provide students with an insight into English






1.It is believed that the way a language teacher learned a language will to some extent influence the way he or she ____. B.teaches a language

2.In the traditional way of teaching reading, the teacher first introduces new words and structures, then goes over the text sentence by sentence, then asks some questions about the text, and then has the students read aloud the

text. In this traditional way of teaching, the teacher is following ___ in his teaching.

A.the bottom-up model

3.role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of ___. D.social interaction activities

4.The post-listening stage is where the teacher can determine how well the students have understood ___.

B.what they listened to

5.In the traditional classroom, there is often too much focus on linguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to ___. C.practising language skills

6.People have ____ understandings about languages learning. A.different

7.according to j. willis (1996), tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve ___. C.an outcome

8.In the inductive method of teaching grammar, the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules ___.

D.without any explicit explanation

9.In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to practising language skills. B.linguistic knowledge

10.One of predicting tasks in listening is to let students read the listening comprehension questions ___.

A.before they listen

11.as far as learning pronunciation is concerned, the realistic goals for the students are consistency, intelligibility, and ___. A.communicative efficiency

12.Natural language, spoken or written, uses referential word such as pronouns to refers to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Therefore, the activity ‘understanding references’ can be performed in the ___ stage when teaching reading. B.while-reading

13.when we are teaching pronunciation, ___ and intonation should be taught from the very beginning.


14.Wang Qiang quotes some characteristics of listening from Ur. These characteristics include spontaneity, ___, visual clues, listener’s response and speaker’s adjustment. A.context{0858中学英语教学理论与实践作业与答案}.

15.When an effective reader is doing silent reading, he or she may use skills such as deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items, understanding references, ___, etc.

D.using background information to help understand the text

16.in teaching grammar, substitution and ___ are examples of mechanical practice. D.transformation drills

17.in meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of ___. D.meaning

18.It is believed that the inductive method is more effective than the deductive method because students ___ while engaged in language use. D.discover the grammar rules themselves

19.Which of the following activities would BEST help to prepare students for their real life speech in English?

D.Interviewing someone, or being interviewed

20.According to Wang Qiang, “Listen and tick”, “Listen and sequence”, “Listen and act”, “Listen and draw”, and “Listen and fill” are activities in the ___ stage of teaching listening. B.while-listening

21.Suppose a teacher is teaching his students to read an interesting story about how a doctor makes a joke of a

young man. The teacher wants the students to tell part of the story with some key words from the story like “a doctor – village – annoyed; people – stop – street – advice; never paid – never – money – made up his mind – put and end”. In which stage of teaching do you think the teacher should do this?

C.At the post-reading stage.

22.Role-play, ___, and writing can be done at the post-reading stage when we are teaching reading.


23.According to Jane Willis, the components of the framework of task-based learning (tbl) include ____.

D.pre-task, task cycle and language focus

24.a teacher writes on the blackboard: “7 o’clock – got up – had breakfast – hurried to school – school closed – surprised – ?”, and asks the students to use these words to tell a story. the teacher is making the students practise grammar by using ___ for story telling. C.chained phrases

25.vocabulary building strategies outside classrooms include reviewing regularly, ___, organizing vocabulary effectively, and using a dictionary. B.guessing meaning from the context

26.Two characteristics of spoken language are spontaneity and ___. B.time-constraint


27.ppp and tbl are two approaches to language teaching. ppp stands for presentation, practice and production, and tblstands for___. D.Task-Based Learning{0858中学英语教学理论与实践作业与答案}.

28.According to Wang Qiang, information-gap activities, problem-solving, ___, “Dialogues and role-plays”, and “Find someone who „” are some types of speaking tasks.

D.“Change the story”

29.Receptive skills of language include ___. A.listening and reading

30.According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting the scene, listening for the gist, and ___. B.listening for specific information

1.It is believed that the way a language teacher learned a language will to some extent influence the way he or she ____. B.teaches a language

2.From the sentence ‘When she came into the room, the large crowd grew silent’ the students may know that here ‘she’ must be a woman of power, e.g. a boss or a teacher. In this example, the students are making ___ when reading. A.an inference

3.role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of ___. D.social interaction activities

4.According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting the scene, listening for the gist, and ___. B.listening for specific information

5.In the traditional classroom, there is often too much focus on linguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to ___. C.practising language skills

6.When an effective reader is doing silent reading, he or she may use skills such as deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items, understanding references, ___, etc.

D.using background information to help understand the text

7.According to Jane Willis, the components of the framework of task-based learning (tbl) include ____.

D.pre-task, task cycle and language focus

8.explanation of phonetic rules should ___ at the beginning stage of teaching pronunciation.

D.be avoided{0858中学英语教学理论与实践作业与答案}.

9.Two characteristics of spoken language are spontaneity and ___. B.time-constraint

10.One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students ___. C.treat vocabulary items indiscriminately

11.Suppose a teacher is teaching his students to read an interesting story about how a doctor makes a joke of a young man. The teacher wants the students to tell part of the story with some key words from the story like “a doctor – village – annoyed; people – stop – street – advice; never paid – never – money –

made up his mind – put and end”. In which stage of teaching do you think the teacher should do this?

C.At the post-reading stage.

12.communicative competence consists of knowledge and ability for___.

B.rules of grammar/form and rules of language use

13.People have ____ understandings about languages learning. A.different

14.A question that views on language learning involve is “____?”

A.What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes of language learning

15Which of the following activities would BEST help to prepare students for their real life speech in English?

D.Interviewing someone, or being interviewed

16.According to Wang Qiang, information-gap activities, problem-solving, ___, “Dialogues and role-plays”, and “Find someone who „” are some types of speaking tasks. D.“Change the story”

17.According to the ___ there are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these rules an infinite number of sentences can be produced. B.Cognitive theory

18.when we are teaching pronunciation, ___ and intonation should be taught from the very beginning.


19.when teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activities of “teacher’s presentation of an example → explanation of the rule → students’ practice with given prompts”, professor wang qiang ; would believe that the teacher is using the ___ method. B.deductive

20.according to clark, scarino and brownell, the main components of a task include ____.

C.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcome

21.as far as learning pronunciation is concerned, the realistic goals for the students are consistency, intelligibility, and ___. A.communicative efficiency

22.Natural language, spoken or written, uses referential word such as pronouns to refers to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Therefore, the activity ‘understanding references’ can be performed in the ___ stage when teaching reading. B.while-reading

23.Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___. B.using minimal pairs, and “odd one out”

24.The teacher provides a printed summary of a text with some wrong information, and asks the students to correct it. This kind of ‘false summary’ activity can be performed to check comprehension when teaching ___.


25.jane willis holds that the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, ___ of the language to do things, motivation to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language. B.use

26.According to Wang Qiang, activities such as “Listen and tick”, “___”, “Listen and act”, “Listen and draw”, “Listen and guess”, “Listen and fill” can be performed in the while-listening stage of teaching listening.

C.Listen and sequence

27.In the inductive method of teaching grammar, the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules ___.

D.without any explicit explanation

28.Suppose a teacher is teaching his students to read a passage about two earthquakes in San Francisco, one in 1906 and the other in 1989. The teacher gives the students the following table, and asks them to fill the blanks with information they have got from the text.

This is an example of using ___ in teacher reading. A.transition device

29.Pre-reading activities include ___, setting the scene, skimming, and scanning. A.predicting

30.According to Wang Qiang, “Listen and tick”, “Listen and sequence”, “Listen and act”, “Listen and draw”, and “Listen and fill” are activities in the ___ stage of teaching listening. B.while-listening

2.according to clark, scarino and brownell, the main components of a task include ____.

C.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcome

3.In the traditional way of teaching reading, the teacher first introduces new words and structures, then goes over the text sentence by sentence, then asks some questions about the text, and then has the students read aloud the text. In this traditional way of teaching, the teacher is following ___ in his teaching. A.the bottom-up model

4.From the sentence ‘When she came into the room, the large crowd grew silent’ the students may know that here ‘she’ must be a woman of power, e.g. a boss or a teacher. In this example, the students are making ___ when reading. A.an inference

5.Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___. B.using minimal pairs, and “odd one out”

6.In the traditional classroom, there is often too much focus on linguistic knowledge, with little or no attention paid to ___. C.practising language skills

7.Role-play, ___, and writing can be done at the post-reading stage when we are teaching reading. A.retelling

8.according to j. willis (1996), tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve ___. C.an outcome

9.in meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of ___. D.meaning

10.One of the reasons why the deductive method is criticized is that ___ in the method.

C.the practice is often mechanical

11.role-playing through cue dialogues, role-playing through situation and goals, and role-playing through debates or discussion are examples of ___. D.social interaction activities

12.According to Wang Qiang, pre-listening activities include predicting, setting the scene, listening for the gist, and ___. B.listening for specific information

13.When an effective reader is doing silent reading, he or she may use skills such as deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items, understanding references, ___, etc.

D.using background information to help understand the text

14. According to Jane Willis, the components of the framework of task-based learning (tbl) include ____.

D.pre-task, task cycle and language focus

15.explanation of phonetic rules should ___ at the beginning stage of teaching pronunciation. D.be avoided

16.It is believed that the inductive method is more effective than the deductive method because students ___ while engaged in language use. D.discover the grammar rules themselves

17.Which of the following activities would BEST help to prepare students for their real life speech in English?

D.Interviewing someone, or being interviewed

18.One of predicting tasks in listening is to let students read the listening comprehension questions ___.

A.before they listen

20.One of the reasons of providing the students with a variety of speaking activities is that the variety of activities helps ___. A.keep motivation high

21.According to Wang Qiang, when designing speaking tasks, we must following the principles of “Maximum ___, even participation, high motivation, and right language level”. C.foreign talk

22.look at the following activity in the classroom, and decide what kind of practice it is.

chain of events

teacher: now lets play a game. the first student starts a sentence with a second conditional clause. the next student takes the result of the sentence, reforms it into another condition and suggests a further result.

for example, the first student says, “if i had a million dollars, i would buy a yacht”. the second student says, “if i bought a yacht, i would go for a sail”. „

the students may come up with sentences like these:

s3: if i went for a sail, there might be a storm.

s4: if there were a storm, my yacht would sink.

s5: if my yacht sank, i would die.

s6: if i died, my parents would cry.

s7: „

this is an example of ___.

C.combining mechanical practice and meaningful practice together

23.Natural language, spoken or written, uses referential word such as pronouns to refers to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Therefore, the activity ‘understanding references’ can be performed in the ___ stage when teaching reading. B.while-reading

24.when we are teaching pronunciation, ___ and intonation should be taught from the very beginning.


25.If we believe that when we are reading, our brain receives visual information and at the same time interprets or reconstruct the meaning, and that the reading process does not only involve the printed page but also the reader’s knowledge of the language in general, of the world and of the text types, we would follow the ___ in our teaching.

C.Interactive Model

26.in teaching gr


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