来源:管理学 发布时间:2014-02-17 点击:
Why Essay怎么写
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不要被网站上的perspective students的链接给迷惑了。“Perspective students”里找不到的信息全在“undergraduates”里。找东西的时候核心在于把自己假象成正式学生,然后想想正式学生在学校里会有什么收获。角色代入,然后去找信息。定位成freshman主要是因为网络上会给freshman提供一些有关学校的深度介绍。如果始终把自己定位成一个visitor,那也就只能看看热闹了。
, a% ?2 \8 ?/ O# [( b
& s0 k9 ]4 B$ j学术
基本是academic-school or college-department-chemistry(你感兴趣的部门)-staff里的所有人名维基百科一下。一个很牛逼的教授,会很给力。但是这样的搜索工程量耗大,需要ctrl+c和ctrl+v的高效手速和鼠标操控,外加一个给力的浏览设备。推荐chrome,选项卡可以拖出来成为第二个浏览组,便于分类查找。
每个学校都应该会有student catalogue或者类似的东西,涵盖了包括课程等各方面的内容。但是各个学校都藏在不太一样的地方下,所以也没有什么统一的链接思路。实在找不到可以找学长,问他们要。当然如果按照department去寻找也是行的通的。很多department里点到undergraduate里面会有courses或者coursework之类的链接,点进去可能会有(12.30)。有的时候看到“advising”的按钮也能点进去找找。这里面往往侧重的是拿毕业证书的选课要求以及各种program的搭配方案,大家也可以参考一下(7.3)。
有些课程也很牛逼。比如NU有一门课叫nanotechnology。大多数学校(包括ivy)都没有这方面的涉及,即使有涉及也很少有单独开出一门课的(这里就能看出宏观认识的重要性了,大概有所了解才会有方向对吧)。但是对大多是学校来说,不可能把student catalogue里的课程一个个筛选下来,这就要吐血了。其实可以去找那个学校的中国留学生QQ群,打入敌人内部窃取情报。
我找到NU的nanotechnology,是从另一个线索过来的。我先找到了NU的一个化学教授chad mirkin,牛逼的一塌糊涂,差点进了奥巴马内阁。他搞得正好是这个nanotech。我抱着侥幸的心态去看看有没有相关的课程,然后就给我发现了这玩意儿。这在逻辑上也说得通。有个这么牛逼的教授撑着学校的门面,学校总要给点面子开一门课给他的实验室培养点未来的廉价劳动力吧。
主要是一些能选几门课,有没有distribution requirements,加速班速成班之类的。还有一些doublemajor, triple major之类的计划,也很给力,可以拿来说明自己的interdisciplinary goal。还会有像杜克那样回报社会的计划,也能拿来说说事。
会散布在学校网站的各个方面,但基本都会在academics里面。Student catalogue里会有很多,但是一条条看也很辛苦。(要是大家都研究透彻了要advisor, counselor干嘛)推荐问问学长。有些CUUS上的介绍贴也会涉及这方面的内容,比如rice大学的那篇介绍帖。
有些网站的admission也会很给力,详细介绍一二三四。当然也有伪装很给力的,比如杜克大学,连what we seek,what we want之类的页面都出来了。兴奋了老半天,点进去一看实际上全是空话套话,没什么太多实际效果。详细见下文有关spirit的介绍。
我想要提一提生活的原因在于,我研究rice的时候,竟然在生活这一块儿找到有关学术方面的极其有效的资料。Rice有residential college system,就想哈利波特那里面一样,每个college都像个大家庭一样,总要给新生提一些建议。而在Rice,新生入学还要经历一个O-week的传统活动。结果我就在某一个college给新生的O-week指导指南里找到了“老大哥们给傻小弟的几点建议”。一份50兆巨长无比的PDF文件,翻一页电脑就会停滞一下。)这个建议全面的一塌糊涂,连新生入学从哪个门进,开车到哪里下来放行李哪里去停车,路线图都给画好了。感动的泪流满面啊!有人需要的找不到的这里留个地址:(12.16)
# S- C( z+ N% |3 G我写why的时候疯狂地逛学校的网站。然后把每一页面都认认真真地读。读完了以后就觉得这大学是好啊,这个好那个好,每一页似乎都在讲学校好,可是到底好在哪里呢?
( F) M2 x0 M' a0 ~ h! w5 k以下节选Rice首页链接点进去的一段话:
2 A; k% H$ v* s7 L6 UUnconventional Wisdom
4 T1 L* |, v; ~4 w4 WAt Rice, we believe nothing is impossible.
There is no disease that cannot be cured.
There is no injustice that cannot be rectified.
3 C( \7 Q! B; B( }2 z1 O' FThere is no environment beyond saving.
There is no "what if" that cannot become "what is."
0 M5 z; K& C4 C8 u% ~It just takes radical thinking to get there and a community of brilliant, passionate dreamers and doers to lead the way. That's why we challenge convention at every turn: from the uncommon research approaches we take to the fresh solutions we find, from the way we collaborate across disciplines and in the classroom to the way we teach, and from our unparalleled student-teacher ratio to the way we insist on advancing tomorrow's thinking. It sounds like a lot from a small university, but that's what makes us special. That's what gives us unconventional wisdom.
看上去超级的有气场,绝对的震慑。再看Rice的logo,把unconventional wisdom也放在了logo里面!
, U/ h; H; I! E0 |" [我当时鸡冻的一塌糊涂,按着这个unconventional wisdom扯了半天。结果扯完了觉得写的很没有底气,纯粹是在用句式和文法在堆积情感。
我们可以发现到老外编辑网站和我们应付学校里的年级讲话是一个概念。东扯一点校训校规,西扯一点大道理,再稍稍联系一下自己。看上去很有情感,其实全是空洞无物的东西。把unconventional wisdom仔细分析一下,无非就是啥“超越自我,追求卓越”再加上“勇于创新”之类的套话空话。
7 a- Q+ P" d' C' p1 ?喊喊口号是没什么问题。如果拿这些东西来写ESSAY,就有些行不通了。因为说到这个勇于创新的问题,放在任何一所大学都是行得通的。就算是扯到了自己,说自己怎么需要创新怎么喜欢创新,也只能证明我们需要进入一所大学,但不一定需要是Rice。
( L2 l, u* J6 }3 j \拿上文的那篇气场文来说,宣扬的主题可以直接无视,然而个中细节还是可以值得琢磨的。比如他提到的师生比率,一查,有五比一。这对于一所综合性大学是很不容易的啊。把这个线索记下来,在后期翻网页的时候时刻注意,没准就发现想要找的东西了。(比如课堂质量啊,教授很方便交流很关心同学啊,一个学院60%的同学有研究机会啊之类的)
Essay 由 introduction,main body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay
全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距
1.0 Introduction (分两部分)
Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business, globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in, a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)
Firstly, this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally, and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will make some market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz group. (Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly, secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body里面介绍的每一点)
(Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗)
2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally
The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses, in exchange for a premium, thus taking on the risk of personal injury, death, and damage to property, unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance, called reinsurance, which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit, since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.
In the past 10 years, the world actual GDP increased by 2.9%, averagely, keeping a
stable increase. The GDP increased 3.4% and reached 44.4453 trillion dollars in 2005, globally. Simultaneously, the insurance industry developed rapidly and played a more and more important role in the world economy activities. The total revenue of insurance industry was only 1.406 trillion dollars, but it increased to 3.426 trillion dollars, with the annual increase rate of 5.72%.
3.0 The information of the Allianz Group
The Allianz Group is one of the world's leading insurers and financial services providers. It was founded in Berlin, in 1890. Allianz Group provides its more than 60 million customers worldwide with a comprehensive range of services in the areas of property and casualty insurance, life and health insurance, and asset management and banking. In fiscal year 2005, Allianz's total revenues amounted to some 100.9 billion Euros. At the end of 2005 Allianz Group had more than 1.26 trillion Euros in assets, under management. Of this, 743 billion Euros were assets managed for third parties.
4.0 Two feasible markets for Allianz group to enter
China and Indian, as the two biggest developing countries in the world, hold great attraction to foreign companies. Large portion of the 500 biggest companies of the world now have invested in or are preparing to develop in the two countries. Both China and India have huge population, thus possess immense potential markets. Allianz who wants to seek for further development and keep its leadership in the insurance industry must extend its business to China and India. As a matter of fact the Allianz Group has already invested in China and India, but the total investment cannot justify the large market of the two countries, so the leaders of Allianz decide to further extend its business in the two countries. Nevertheless, for the two countries, which one shall be prior? Further investigation and analysis will reveal which country is more attractive to Allianz.
4.1 Analysis of Chinese insurance market(请多使用大标题,小标题,让逻辑结构更加清晰。)
a. The cultural analysis of China
China is a nation with a glorious long history. During the splendid 5,000 thousand years, the Chinese nation has created the unprecedented culture. There are over 1.3 billion people and mandarin is the official and most widely used language. The Chinese nation is formed of 56 different nationalities and the Han nationality is the majority which has over 90% of the total population. China does not have state religion, but Buddhism is the most popular religion, next to that is the Dao religion (a religion originates in China). Some of the minorities believe in Muslin. In recent years, the education develops fast in China and the college students consist of a large part. Chinese have their special culture and it will influence the business dramatically. For example in China black represents death and red is the color of happiness. Eight is a lucky number for Chinese, while 4 is a disaster (Jin and Xiu, 2006)
b. The economic, political and legal analysis
Since Chinese government adopts the open up policy, Chinese economy boosts year by year and China is one of the countries that have the most rapid development speed. In the years between 1999 and 2004 the GDP increased by 10.8 on average. The economic environment improves a lot and the country gradually changed from government planned economy to market economy. With the population of over 1.3 billion people, China has the largest market. The fast economic growth promotes demand for production machines and consumption products. As the service line lags behind compared with the industry, there is great potential for service products.
Prior to 1979, foreign companies were not allowed to enter China. However, significant changes took place since then. Chinese government put forward a serial of policies to promote Chinese foreign trade and attract foreign investment. In 2002, the total value of import and export reached 620.79 billion US dollars and absorbs 52.74
billion US dollars. Chinese market opens step by step and it expedites its steps after joining the WTO. Before 2005 foreign companies are not allowed to handle in lots of lines, especially the service industry such as finance and insurance. Many lines have limited the shares that a foreign company can have. Nevertheless, China loosens these restrictions and many companies can operate separately.
c. Market audit and competitive market analysis.
China’s insurance market develops at a fast speed. The rapid growth of premium income stimulated the insurance asset to a rapid expansion. By the end of 2005, the total insurance asset had amounted to RMB 1522.594 billion, and the total insurance capital had exceeded RMB 100 billion. The insurance companies hold treasury bonds of RMB 358.83 billion, financial bonds of RMB 178.51 billion and corporate bonds of RMB 10.76 billion. There are 1.815 million staffs engaged in insurance, accounting for over 40% of the total number of staffs in financial enterprises in China. At present, only 4% of the 1.3 billion people have personal insurance. As more and more people will own their private cars and house property, the premium is destined to rise, so it will become more attractive.
Along with the rapid growth of economy, the insurance policies change fast, especially the market access which has improved greatly. In 1992 China began to allow limited access to foreign American International Group (AIG) is the first foreign insurer to conduct insurance business in China. Following it Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance and Winterthur Swiss Insurance entered in 1994 and 1996, respectively. In 2004, a number of insurance companies got the authorization for establishment, including the first agricultural insurance company, the first construction insurance company and the first pension insurance company. By the end of 2005, there are 93 insurance corporations altogether in China, among which six were insurance groups and 82 were insurance companies (including 40 foreign insurance companies and 5 insurance asset management companies).
1、对申请学校认知不多。有的学生在选择学校和专业的时候没有仔细考虑自身的情况,甚至有的抱着非名校不读的想法,但是也没有仔细去咨询了解对方学校的情况。因此对于大多学校都会提出的问题——why choose this school,学生不能说出学校的大致情况、特点和优势,回答时敷衍了事,只说出最表层的一些东西。回答不到位就暴露出自己的态度,很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。
Why you choose MSF at Syracuse University
My observation and curiosity has contributed to my devotion for finance as I grow up, the splendor and mystery of the finance world always urge me to understand the underlying principles and laws. Syracuse University is such a special place to let you learn and grow in Finance fields. I wish to pursue a Master Degree at this exciting university. Your program particularly attracts me and I believe it will give me the chance to study the global economic system and its function to financial market behavior. Thus help me to fulfill my will and realize my career goal.
How did I become interested in Finance?
My fascination for finance is gradually cultivated through my experience and thought of events related to reality. The new page of financial market in Chinese history was unfolded as the stock market began to prosper in China in 1990s. I was ignorant about the concrete meanings of stocks when three of my families became the first stockholders in 1990 in China. The drastic growth of Bank of Shenzhen Development’s IPO (Initial Public Offerings) in just several months deeply impressed me. Behind the fanaticism of stocks among the mass, the fluctuant price of IPO revealed the incomplete regulation and administration system of Chinese financial market.
Guangzhou, a window to the world of Chinese open policy, displayed various features and gigantic power of finance and trade during my growth. Concluding from my rich experience of traveling all around China, international business and FDI substantially benefit the development and the financial market of those developed cities. If the fascination of stock was my Muse of finance, then the International Economy & Trade pave my way to the study of finance in depth and in width. It could be revealed that as the trade and finance correlate each other more and more intimate, with solid knowledge of trade at college I am confident to pursue Finance at a higher level. Especially when the entire world face in a rapidly changing international environment that cannot be addressed through measures taken in the trade field alone. For instance, a trade pro-liberalization domestic approach have been advocated by experts as the best way to resolve financial problems in times of crises, arguing that trade liberalization offers the opportunity for — but no guarantee of —sustained economic growth, and ensures greater transparency and flexibility, as more open markets —accompanied by domestic reforms —help insure that capital inflows contribute optimally to economic development, easier debt servicing and the achievement of necessary balance of payments adjustment. Further, the Ministers established a Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance (WGDTF), open to all Members, to operate within the permanent structure of the WTO.
Why Syracuse University?
My desire is to examine financial transactions and the current attributes of financial market, to predict its future performance and then to devote all my life to the development of China’s special finance became especially strong when China acceded to the WTO. To pursue my MSF, I will apply my effort into achieving the following goals:
(1) To acquire the knowledge of the correlation between exchange rate system and financial safety.
(2) To advance my understanding and abilities of time value in Corporate Finance and Investment of financial transactions, which I have intensive interest in as Finance is referred to the study of the allocation of scarce resources through time.
Syracuse University, esteemed with well facilities, talented and devoted faculty, quality education and fine academic atmosphere in finance, has achieved high prestige and respect ever since its foundation, from which I will be equipped with the knowledge highly related to the practice, training and vision far more than anything a Chinese university could offer. The Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University offers me an interesting orientation at financial institutions and markets, the empirical analysis of asset pricing models and Capital markets, trading, and risk management. It prepares students to meet the urgent demand for superior knowledge and principled leadership in finance. The core courses such as International Finance, Investment Analysis, Securities Markets, Research Methods, Portfolio Analysis and so on, exactly suit my future needs. And the same time, I’m very appreciating your high quality professor’s research field, such as Professor Peter Koveos, how to exploring financial market behavior in different circumstances and apply it into financial system reform, and especially in China. I firmly believe that Syracuse University is my best choice. Besides, USA leads its pace in Finance and Economics in the whole world. The experience and knowledge gained during my MSF studies will allow me to play an important role in China’s finance development in the future, as I have always wished to do.
英文写作范文 model essay(全)
Description: Model Essay 1
Disaster Office{whyessay范文}.
I knew that professor Cassidy was excellent professor from the first day I attended one of his chemistry classes. He was prompt, perfectly prepared for class and delivered a lecture that was organized, clear, and interesting. In fact, I tried to emulate his behavior in my own studies. The first time I visited his office, however, I realized that these qualities of his didn’t extend outside the classroom. To my surprise, his office environment seemed to reflect the very opposite of his classroom persona: it was a disorderly mess, and I felt as if I’d stumbled upon the aftermath of a natural disaster.
When I arrived, the secretary told me to go head and wait in the office, since Professor Cassidy had stepped out for a few moments. I was soaked because there had been a downpour of rain earlier in the day, and it was still drizzling when I had arrived on campus. As I walked along the corridor, I could see a trial of muddy footprints leading down the hall, eventually stopping at Professor Cassidy’s office door.
I peeked inside at the tiny room, so small it could barely accommodate a desk and extra chair. There was a metal coat rack just inside the door, its base surrounded by a fresh grey puddle flowing form a red umbrella propped against the rack. There was also a small collection of about six sneakers and rubber boots in disarray on a rubber mat. One orphan shoe, its brown leather scuffed and wrinkled, lay on its side in the puddle. The rack itself held a wet raincoat as well as a jean jacket and mass of assorted colorful sweaters, some barely hanging on by their sleeves. The musty smell emanating from the damp wool made me feel as if I’d stumbled into a basement closet by mistake.
Suddenly I was assailed by another odor—a pungent, sour, acrid smell that wafted across the room. As I surveyed the room I noticed a coffee maker sitting on a ledge by the window-it was the smell of stale coffee that had been left on the warming element too long. The glass carafe contained a hard, black, glossy substance that had dried onto the bottom of the pot. In addition, there were doffed stains like brown polka dots all over the shelf on which the coffee make stood. I found it hard to believe that Professor Cassidy could work in this king of environment–but this was only the beginning of my enlightenment.
The rain continued to tap on the open window, which allowed some stray raindrops to enter the room through the screen at its bottom, spraying the assortment of cups and plates on the window ledge. Beside the mugs was a small potted plant, its thin neglected leaves now yellowed and brown on the edges. It appeared as if it had barely made it through a drought
Unfortunately, the desk was no better. Was this where Professor Cassidy wrote his brilliant lectures, I wondered? Its once-glossy wooden surface—except for the computer—was completely covered with stacks of books, journals, and papers, some so old that their edges were yellowed and brittle. Some were held open by other books that lay haphazardly across their spines, some were heaped in jagged piles on the desk or chair, some were pile on the floor, and others acted as coasters for cups in which
there floated fuzzy green islands atop unidentifiable liquid leftovers. There was even a half-eaten slice of pizza on a greasy, yellowed paper plate, perched precariously on top of the computer screen. In between the books and papers was an accumulation of pens and pencils lying this way and that.
When I turned my attention to the walls of the small room, I noticed a collection of photos and prints on display. Once of the photos-a youthful Professor Cassidy smiling as he handed a diploma to a graduating student-had somehow survived a fall. And the glass was cracked into two triangles over the photo. Some of the posters on the walls illustrated famous scientific figures such as John Polanyi or Marie Curie. One of these was missing a tack on one corner so that the edge had curled downward like a stray lock of hair over Avogadro’s forehead.
Just when I thought I must be in the wrong place—this was surely one of the greatest scenes of chaos I’d ever seen in my life—I heard Professor Cassidy’s booming voice behind me:― Well hello, Mr. Carter! Welcome to my home away from home!‖ All I could think was, ―How much worse could it be at home?‖{whyessay范文}.
Description: Model Essay 2
My world
As an old saying goes, ―East, west, home is the best.‖ In everyone’s heart, home is the most comfortable, inviting place in the world.
This summer vacation, I had my dream realized: to have my room resettled. If you come to my room now, you will be attracted by the ultra large window which brightens up the whole room. It takes in a beautiful view: the Theological college right across the street, the green fields in front of it and the high buildings in the distance. To the left of the window stands a bookcase. In it, my books line up like soldiers waiting to be reviewed by their commander. Next to the bookcase is a big desk. Having a big desk is at once a convenience and a nuisance. To say it is a convenience is because it can keep a lot of things; to say it is a nuisance is because it reinforces my bad habit of leaving things about. Day after day, books, dictionaries and newspapers pile up on the desk until there is hardly any room for a tea cup. Things in the drawers are in such a mess they sometimes do not shut well. To the right of the window is my bed. Its cover is always very neat and tidy. You may wonder how come a slovenly boy who never care to wash his handkerchief should keep his bed spotlessly clean. There can be only one explanation: that is, I seldom sleep on it for I spend most of my time in my dormitory. Beside the bed is the most expensive but least used piece of furniture in this room- a piano, a birthday present from my parents when I was ten. They hoped that by playing piano I would cultivate sort of interest in music. But I found, to my dismay, that I had no ear for music at all. That is why it has been sitting there idle for ten years, and is likely to be so for another ten years.
This is my room and this is my world- a comfortable place for me.
Description: Physical
In academic writing, physical description may occur in a number of disciplines or subjects. A description of people, family relationships, occupations and institutions might occur in social or physical anthropology or sociology. A description of apparatus and equipment might occur in the various sciences. For nearly all these descriptions present simple active verb forms (e.g. she wears/they wear) and present simple passive verb forms (e.g. it is described/ they are described) are commonly used. The following stages concentrate on describing countries.
The United Kingdom
Britain (or Great Britain) is an island that lies off the north-west coast of Europe. The nearest country is France, which is 20 miles away and from which Britain is separated by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east. It comprises the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland, that is, three countries. Scotland is in the north, while Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Britain together with Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom (UK). Thus, the United Kingdom is composed of four countries, the largest of which is England. The capital city is London, which is situated in south-east England.
The UK has a total area of about 244,100 square kilometers (94,248 square miles). About 70% of the land area is devoted to agriculture, about 7% is wasteland, moorland and mountains, about 13% is devoted to urban development, and 10% is forest and woodland. The northern and western regions of Britain, that is Scotland and Wales, are mainly mountainous and hilly. Parts of north-west and centre of England also consist of mountains and hills.
Britain has a generally mild and temperate climate. It is, however, subject to frequent changes. It has an average annual rainfall of about 120 centimeters (47 inches).
In 1998 the population of the United Kingdom was nearly 59 million. The density of population was approximately 240 people per square kilometer. However, in England, where 83% of the population live, the density was much higher, about 363 per square kilometer.
In the UK, English is the first language of the vast majority of people. However, in western Wales, Welsh is the first language for many of the people. In Scotland only a small number of people speak Gaelic.
In Britain about 66% of the population say that they are Christian, while fewer than 5% say that they belong to other religions.
Britain is an island that (1) the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It (2) the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland. Ireland (3) the west coast of Britain. It (4) Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The United Kingdom (5) Britain together with Northern Ireland. The capital city is London which south-east England.
In 1998 the population of the UK (7) of population (8) people per square kilometer. In the UK English (9) the first language of most people. In western Wales,
Look carefully at the map of Australia and at the table of information. Then write a description of Australia organized in a similar way to the description of the UK. Check the structure and Vocabulary Aid if necessary. Write four short paragraphs on: location
size and physical background
population, language, and religion.
Capital: Canberra, in the Australia Capital Territory.
Total area: 7,682,300 sq. km.
Land: consist largely of plains and plateaux
7% arable 14% forest
54% grassland 25% other land: desert, mountains, wasteland
Climate: ranges from alpine to tropical
Annual rainfall: two-thirds of the continent is arid or semi-arid
(having little or no rain) – over 80 cm. rain in the north
and eastern and southern highlands.
Population (1996): 18,423,000 Density: 2 per sq. km
States and territories: % of population:
New South Wales 34% South Australia 8%
Victoria 25% Tasmania 2.5%
Queensland 18% Australia Capital Territory 1.5%
Western Australia 10% Northern Territory 1%
Language: English (+some others)
Religion: mainly Christian
1. Now write a brief account of your country, divided into four paragraphs as above. If you do not know the exact figures, guess or write in general terms.{whyessay范文}.
2. Describe your hometown so that the reader, who does not know it, can get a clear picture of it.
From Giggles to Sniffles
Girls are always sentimental and change emotions quickly. Yesterday morning, when the class started, I had just finished telling an interesting joke to Jane, a girl who sat right behind me. I was always known as a very good story teller, but Jane seemed to have no reaction to my story.
She just sat there and remained indifferent, as if she had not heard even a word of my story. I left rather frustrated and then turned round.
A little while after the teacher had begun the class, a sound like the leaking of a tire was heard in the classroom. At first, it was almost unnoticeable, but soon it became louder and louder.{whyessay范文}.
As I looked around, I was so surprised to find that it was Jane who was giggling. She definitely got the humor of my story by then. She could hardly control herself and shaking with laughter. All eyes turned towards her, including the teacher’s furious ones, buy she did not notice them. Suddenly, the teacher roared, ―Jane, stop laughing! Stop laughing!‖
Finally, Jane stopped laughing and was aware of the embarrassing situation she was in. She stood up timidly with her face turning red.
―Just get out of the classroom! Understand? Get out of here!‖ The teacher was too angry to calm down.
Tears tricked down the poor girl’s cheeks, then down her lovely bright-colored dress. She stepped out of the classroom, sobbing so sadly that you could not imagine she had laughed heartily only a few minutes earlier.
Fishing with My Father
On an exciting summer day in mid-July in the middle of Sabago Lake my father helped me reel in my very first catch. At first, everything was quiet around us. There were no human voices, cars, of planes to break the silence of the still pond. It was a perfect day for fishing. The sky was a brighter blue than usual, and puffs of white clouds raced overhead. We sat hushed, and afraid to talk, thinking that the fish could hear us and would stay away. As we sat there, my father, holding his pole in one hand, passed me some lunch. I put down my brown chipped rod to take a sandwich wrapped in tin foil from him. The foil reflected the bright sunlight onto the water. With my mouth filled with peanut butter. I whined, ―When do you the fish will bite? We’ve been in this boat forever.‖ It was terribly hot, for the sun hung directly over us, and the mosquitoes had told me hours ago that they favored my blood the best. Another body dropped to the bottom of the boat. ―These things are eating me alive,‖ I
Business Economics 商业经济学essay范文
Business Economics经济学的橘色
Table of Contents
1. How Does Supply and Demand of Foreign Currency Affect Exchange Rates?
2. Understanding Various Types of Trade Barriers and the Effectiveness of Institutional Entities Which Impose Them
3. Positive Effects and Increased Economic Performance of the European Union
One of the most important aspects of business economics is international trade between various nations, who largely depend on one another while selling and buying products at the world market. Being an exchange of goods and services between the countries, international trade is the basis of world economy, giving various producers an opportunity to make profit selling goods abroad rather than being limited by the country borders. However, international trade benefits not only single producers, it does also benefit different countries as a whole. For example, a country possessing no significant natural resources like coal or gas will be able to purchase them at the world market using the money, which it earned, for example, from selling products of light industry. There are multiple reasons why countries conduct international trade. The most important reasons are lower costs of production at some regions, lack of mineral resources,
scattered location of specialized industries, differences in tastes and others. International trade has a rather long history; however, it achieved the highest rate of importance during the recent years due to the process of globalization, which resulted in the openness of the borders and free flow of goods and services. International trade affected the development of many countries in a positive way; however, undeniable leaders of world trade are United States and countries-members of the European Union. Proportion of products’ supply and demand at the world market determines the fluctuation of exchange rates of different countries, which is one of the essential indexes, showing the level of economic stability in the country. Countries, with relatively firm exchange rate (exchange rate, which fluctuates within certain borders) are usually better developed than those, whose exchange rate is constantly and chaotically changing. Despite of all positive effects of international trade, there are certain disadvantages of international trade for certain groups of countries, and in order to eliminate these negative effects countries impose certain trade barriers to eliminate the amount of imported goods or to stimulate export. With the establishment of European Union and World Trade Organization, international trade has received even more attention from governments and businesses, who are trying to do their best to derive profits from it.
The main goal of the current study is to analyze the state of the modern international trade. In the context of this topic, the following points will be analyzed: interdependence of supply and demand of the goods and exchange rates, trade barriers and increased economic performance of the European Union.
1. How Does Supply and Demand of Foreign Currency Affect Exchange Rates?
Being one of the essential characteristic features of country’s economy, exchange rate determines its level of economic stability while being influenced by money supply and demand. In its essence, exchange rate refers to the price of one currency expressed by certain amount of other currency. In other words, exchange rate of one country’s currency shows how many units of a foreign currency it is necessary to purchase one unit of the given currency. Also, exchange rate determines how much money residents of the country pay for the goods that are being imported and how much money they will get for the goods that are being exported. In case when the value of the currency decreases, people have to pay more for the imported goods, which become more expensive in relation to the value of the currency. In such a situation, a country will have to reduce the amount of the imported goods. On the contrary, foreign countries tend to purchase more of the country’s goods, because they become less expensive, which results in the increase of exports.
For many years economists have been trying to study the nature of the exchange rates in order to find out what factors influence it. However, in 1944 representatives of industrialized countries, who met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, decided to “fix the rate of exchange for all foreign currencies to the U.S. dollar” [6] and to tie dollar to the gold in order to have a fixed price of it. At that time, it was considered that fixed exchange rate of the U.S. dollar will provide international stability. However, the system did not work, and indeed, caused a faster pace of inflation in the foreign countries. According to the authors of the book “Exchange Rate Dynamics: A New Open Economy Macroeconomics Perspective”, “Exchange rate determination has been the “holy grail” of international finance and macroeconomics ever since the collapse of the Bretton Woods regime in 1971 and the ensuing period of high exchange rate volatility” [3]. Nowadays, the exchange rate of the majority of world currencies is floating, which means that there is no exact value of any currency that is fixed and it is changing due to the multiple factors. Major factors influencing the
exchange rate of any currency is the supply and demand of the given currency at the international exchange markets, which are markets where one currency is traded into another one. Besides supply and demand of currency, other factors also influence its exchange rate, which include: interest rate, inflation, investment, trade balance and others.
No government can control exchange rate of any currency; however, the prices of foreign currencies are established at the FOREX (foreign exchange) market by means of the laws of supply and demand. Price for any currency is determined by the agents’ desire who participate in FOREX to purchase or sell given currency aiming at making profit during such transactions. Fluctuation of exchange rates complies with the laws of supply and demand of money. For example, according to the law of supply, if the price for currency increases, its quantity offered to sell in the market will also increase; on the contrary, if price declines, the quantity offered will decrease. According to the law of demand, if the price for money rises, the demand for it will decline, while it will rise together with the decrease of prices for currency. These two principles determine price fluctuation at the FOREX market. However, exchange rate is not only related to supply and demand of money. It also closely interacts with the supply and demand of foreign goods and services which are traded at the international market. For example, if the price of foreign currency will be lower in U.S. dollars, it “will lower the price of foreign goods to U.S. residents and raise imports [2], and it will also “raise the price of U.S. goods to foreigners and lower exports” [2].
2. Understanding Various Types of Trade Barriers and the Effectiveness of Institutional Entities Which Impose Them
Before naming and explaining various types of trade barriers it is necessary to determine the meaning of a trade barrier. Trade barriers are known to be government laws and regulations, policies or practices which are designed to restrict the amount and variety of imported goods with the goal to protect domestic producers from foreign competitors or in order to stimulate export of certain types of domestic goods. By means of trade barriers