
来源:小学作文 发布时间:2013-11-03 点击:






















Final Exam

一.Selection. Please Choose the ONE correct answer , Then mark the corresponding letter(a, b, c, or d) on the parentheses.(totalvalue:20)

1.Which is incorrect about the OOP?( )

a. The central idea of OOP is to build programs using software objects;

b. The OOP focuses mainly on the step-by-step procedure as procedure-oriented programming.

c. The OOP offers many advantages: simplicity, modularity, modifiability, extensibility, and so on.

d. The key concept of object orientation is the attachment of procedure to data.

2. Which is incorrect about the object?( )

a. An object can be considered as a self-contained computing entity with its own data and programming.

b. In OOP, the software objects have nothing to do with the real objects involved in the application area.

c. An object is known as instance of a given class.

d. Objects help achieve data abstraction and encapsulation.

3. Which is incorrect about the class?( )

a. A class is a blueprint to objects.

b. we use the keyword class to create a class construct.

c. Once a class is declared, the class name becomes a type name and can be used to declare variables.

d. The class is same as the struct ,and there are no different between class and struct.

4. Which is not the standard I/O channel?( )

a. std::cin b. std::cout c. std::cerr d. stream

5. If there are “int a=5,b=3;”, the values of a and b is ( ) after execute “!a&&b++;” a. 5,3 b. 0,1 c.0,3 d. 5,4

6. If p and q are pointers that point to a same array, which is incorrect operations with them?( )

a. if(p>=q); b. p=null; c. p=q+1; d. p=p+q;

7. If there are “int m=10;”,which is correct statement about reference that listed after?( )

a. int &x=m; b. int &y=10; c. int &z; d.float &t=&m;

8. If there are “int a=3,*p=a;”,then the value of “*p” is ( )

a. the address of variable a; b. nothing;

c. the address of variable of p; d. 3;

9. If a function has no return value, then its return type must be defined as ( )?

a.void; b. any type; c. int ; d. no return type;

10. which is pass by reference in the functions?( )

a. The formal parameter is pointer,and the actual argument is address ;

b. The formal parameter and the actual argument both are variables;

c. The formal parameter and the actual argument both are array name;

d. The formal parameter is reference, and the actual argument is variable.

11. In the following keywords, which is to declared a public member in a class?( )

a. private; b. public; c. protected; d. friend;

12. Which is not the character of a constructor? ( )

a. The constructor‟s name is same as the class;

b. The constructor can be ovreloaded;

c. The parameters of constructor may have defautl valueas;

d. The constructor must be specified the return type;

13. Which is character of a destructor? ( )

a. There is only one destructor in a class.

b. The destructor name is not same as the class.

c. The destructor must be defined in a class body.

d. The destructor may have one or more parameters.

14. Which is incorrect in the following descriptions about the member functions of a class?( )

a. A member function must be an inline function.

b. Member functions may be overloaded.

c. A function member must has return type excepts for constructor and destructor. d. The parameters of a member function may have default values.

15. If a variable declare in a unattached function,which scope it is?( )

a. global scope b. class scope c. local scope d. file scope

16. Which is correct in the following descriptions about functions with optional arguments?( )

a. It is not allowed to set optional arguments.

b. Optional arguments can be set only at the definition of the function.

c. Optional argument must be grouped at the end of the formal parameter list.

d. If there are any optional arguments in a function, all parameters must be

optional arguments.

17. Which is not a function‟s signature?( )

a. The number of its formal parameters.

b. The types of its formal parameters.

c. The order of its formal parameters.

d. The return type of the function.

19. Which is incorrect in the following description about the new operator?( )

a. The new operator is used to allocate storage dynamically.

b. A pointer created with new operator can be destroyed by delete operator.

c. If using new operator to create an object‟s pointer, the right construct must be


d. Initializer always can be supplied for data storage allocated by new.

20. Which is incorrect in the following descriptions about explicit type cast?( )

a. Static_cast is used to make conversion between related type.

b. Reinterpret_cast is used to conversion between unrelated type.

c. Const_cast is uesd to drop the read-only status of a type.

d. A type can be convert to any type with explicit type cast.

21. If there are “int a[]={0,2,3,4,5}”, the value of “a-&a[4]” is ( )?

a. 4 b. -4 c. 5 d. –5

22. if a class X only has one construct X(int),which declaration is correct? ( )

a. X x; b.X x[5]; c. X x(5); d. vector<X> x(5);

23.Which can not be a member of class A ?()

a. A *p; b. A a; c. A &r; d. string s;

24.The init-list of a constructor can not be used to initialize ( )?

a. const data members ;

c. static data members; b. reference data members ; d. member objects;

) 26. Which is incorrect about static data members?(

if a data member is declared with static,it is a static data member.

A static data member must be initialized outside of the class.

We can access static data members only with className::static_member.

A static data member is unique per class and exists independently of any object of the class.


27. which is to declare a const function member ?( )

a. void print() const;

c.void const print(); b.const void print(); d.void print(const);

28.Which is incorrect about header files?( )

<iostream>,<string> are native C++ headers;

<string.h> is a native C herder;

<cstring> is a C herder turned into C++ header.

When you #include <iostream>,you can use cout or cin directly.

29.if “string s1;char s2[20];”,which statement is incorrect?(


c. s1=s2; b.s1.append(s2); d.s2=s1; )

30.After execute the codes:


cout.sef(ios::hex, ios::basefield);

cout<<100<<” ”<<sqtr(2)<<endl;

the output is ( )

a. 100 1.41421 b.100 +1.41421 c. 64 1.41421 d.64 +1.41421

31.About the inheritance and class derivation,which description is incorrect?( )

Inheritance is a mechanism for building revised objects on top of existing ones.

A derived object consists of two parts ,one is the base object,the other is appendant part.

C++ supports both single and multiple inheritance.

The base-class scope is nested inside the derived-class scope.

32.About the derived class,which description is incorrect?(

Inherition from derived class is also possible.

Derived class at least has one base class.

All inherited and appendant members are considered members of the derived object.

Access to inherited members from derived class is same as base class.

33. Which members of the base class can be access by a object of derived )

class?( )

Public members by public derivation.

Public members by protect derivation.

Protect members by public derivation.

Protect members by protect derivation.

34.which description is incorrect about derived-object construction and destruction?( )

A derived-class constructor initialize the object in two stages, the first is the base objects.

If a base constructor call is not specified in the init-list, the base-class default constructor is called.

It is possible to initialize a base object by an existing object.

The destructors are called in the same order of constructor calls.

35. Consider the class BaseX and DerivedX:

class BaseX{ public :int i; protect :int j; private:int k;}; class DerivedX: public BaseX{public:fun();};

which members of the class BaseX can be accessed by fun()?(

a. i,j,k; b. i,j; c. i; d. j,k; )

36. Which members of a base class are not inherited by a derived class?( ) a. only constructor;

c. only operator=;

四. Programing.(total:20)

The following code is a definition of class Date,please fill in the blank to compliment it.(total value:6)

b. only destructor; d. constructor, destructor and operator=.




1.设有变量说明:int m=200; 下列说明引用变量的方法中,正确的是_______。

A. int &x=m; B. int &y=200; C. int &z=&200; D. int &t=&m;


A. 二语句都结束循环 B. 结束本次循环和结束循环

C. 二语句都结束本次循环 D. 结束该层的循环和结束该层的本次循环


A. friend B. Class C. auto D. ab.cpp


A. 10≤a<15 B. a=10||a=11||a=12||a=13||a=14

C. a>=10||a<15 D. !((a<10)||(a>=15))

5.若有说明语句:char s[ ]="246", *ptr=s; 执行以下语句后,输出为________。


A. 字符 '3' B. 字符 '4' C. 字符 '5' D. 字符 '6'

6.设有语句:for(e1; ; e3) s; 与该语句等同的语句是________。

A. for(e1; 0; e3) s; B. for(e1; 1; e3) s;

C. for(e1; e1; e3) s; D. for(e1; e3; e3) s;


#define SQUARE(x) x*x

int y, z=10;


A. 10 B. 121 C. 21 D. 101

8.语句y=++*px; 等价于____________。

A. y=* (++px) B. px=px+1; y=*px; C. y=*px; ++px; D. ++*px; y=*px;


A. 目标文件 B. 可执行文件 C. 纯文本文件 D. 二进制文件


A. float fun(float x); 和 void fun(float y);

B. float funa (float x); void fun(float y); 和 void funa( float y);

C. float funa(float x);和void fun(float x, float y);

D. float fun(float x, float y); 和 void fun(float y);

11.设有说明语句:float fun( int &, char *); int x; char s[200]; 则对函数fun的正确调用是___。{myclass英语作文四年级}.

A. fun(&x, s) B. fun(x, s) C. fun(x, *s) D. fun(&x, *s)

12.设有说明语句:char s[ ]="ab\0\234\\\n79",strlen(s)的值是______。

A. 2 B. 3 C. 8 D. 14

13.设有说明语句:char s[ ]="ab\0\234\\\n79",sizeof(s)的值是______。

A. 2 B. 9 C. 11 D. 15


A. 一个标准的语句 B. 预定义的类 C. 预定义的函数 D. 预定义的对象

15.执行循环语句:for(int k=1234; k=k/10; ) cout<<k%10; 其输出的结果是_______。

A. 1234 B. 4321 C. 123 D. 321


A. 析构函数可以有一个或多个参数 B. 可以重载析构函数

C. 析构函数可以定义为虚函数 D. 必须显式自定义析构函数


class MyClass{


MyClass( ){ }

MyClass( int i){ value=new int(i); }

int *value;


定义该类的对象my, 并对其成员value正确赋值的是__________。

A. MyClass my; my.value=10; B. MyClass my; *my.value=10;{myclass英语作文四年级}.

C. MyClass my; my.*value=10; D. MyClass my(10);


A. 用同一类可以定义多个不同对象 B. 同一类的构造函数只能有一个

C. 同一类的析构函数可定义多个 D. 类的构造函数可任意定义


A. 派生类对象不能赋给基类对象 B. 派生类对象的地址不能赋给其基类的指针变量

C. 基类对象不能赋给派生类对象 D. 基类的指针变量不可访问基类对象中的成员


A. 以任何方式调用一个虚函数

B. 以任何方式调用一个纯虚函数

C. 借助于指向对象的基类指针或引用调用一个虚函数

D. 借助于指向对象的基类指针或引用调用一个纯虚函数



2.设有语句:int a=10, b=20, c; c=a++ || b++;

执行以上语句后,b的值为______, c的值为______。

3.设有语句:int a=4, b=8, c=8, d, e; d=a/b*c; e=(a+=b, b+=c, b/=a);


4.设有说明:int a[3][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; int (*p)[3]; p=a;



for(int i=0, x=0, s=0; i<=9&&x!=876; i++) { cin>>x; s+=x; }









int s(int (*f)(int), int m, int n)

{ int k, sum=0;

for(k=m; k<=n; k++){




return sum;


int f1(int x){ return ++x; }

int f2(int x){ return x--; }

void main(void)

{ cout<<"result="<<(s(f1, 1, 2)+s(f2, 1, 2))<<endl; }


void f(int n)

{ if(n/10){ cout<<n%10<<'\t'; f(n/10); }

else cout<<n;


void main(void)

{ f(579); cout<<endl; }


void main(void)

{ int i=-1;

unsigned int j=i;




int x=100;

void main(void)

{ int x=10, k=20;

{ int x=20;







void main(void)

{ char c, *s="ABCDE";



case 0:

case 1: cout<<(char)(c+1);

case 2: cout<<(char)(c+2)<<'\n'; break;

case 3: cout<<(char)(c+3);

default: cout<<(char)(c+4)<<'\n'; break;





class A{

protected: int x;

public: A(int a=50){ x=a; }

virtual void print( ){ cout<<"x="<<x<<'\n'; }


class B: public A{

int y;

public: B(int b=200, int c=500): A(c){ y=b; }

void print( )

{ cout<<"y="<<y<<'\n'; A::print( ); }


class C: public A{

int z;

public: C(int m=300, int n=400): A(n){ z=300; }

void print( ){ cout<<"z="<<z<<'\n'; A::print( ); }


void main(void)

{ A a, *pa;

B b; C c;

pa=&a; pa->print();

pa=&b; pa->print();

pa=&c; pa->print();



class B0{


virtual void display( ){ cout<<"B0::display()"<<endl;


class B1: public B0{


void display( ){ cout<<"B1::display()"<<endl; }


class D1: public B1{


void display( ){ cout<<"D1::display()"<<endl; }


class E: public B0{


void display1( ){ cout<<"E::display()"<<endl; }


void fun( B0 *p1)

{ p1->display(); } }

void main(void)

{ B0 b0, *p; p=&b0; fun(p);

B1 b1; D1 d1;

p=&b1; fun(p);

p=&d1; fun(p);

E e1; p=&e1; fun(p);



1.函数findindex找值为x的数在数组arr中的序号(从1开始计数),其中n为数组中的元素个数。若数组中不存在x,则返回-1。例如:int arr[ ]={34, 5, 6, -7}; findindex(arr, 4, 34)返回1; findindex(arr, 4, -7)返回4;findindex(arr, 4, 9)返回-1。

int findindex(int arr[ ], int n, int x)

{ ; ; i++)

= =x) return return }






void Fib(int m)

{ long f1=1, f2=1, f3;


; i<=m; i++){









3.以下函数MaxMin求出数组a中的最大值和最小值,其中参数n为数组a中的元素个数,参数min带回最小值,通过return 语句返回最大值max。

int MaxMin( int a[ ], int n, int { int max;


for( int i=1; i<n; i++)

if ( a[i]>max) else if ( a[i]<min) =a[i];

return }




第一节 情景作文 (20分)


参考词汇:outward bound 拓展训练

Last Friday, my class took part in a meaningful and challenging course—Outward Bound. Early in the morning, we got to an Outward Bound centre on our school bus. Upon arrival, we were divided into several groups and our coach introduced the course to us. Shortly afterwards, we got involved in various activities. One of them was jumping across a broken bridge. I was afraid at first, but with the encouragement of the coach, I finally made it. What impressed me most was climbing over a wall to “escape.” We helped one another and all of us managed to “survive.” Before we left the centre, we had a photo taken to record the unforgettable experience, which gave us a good chance to build up courage and improve our sense of teamwork.


第一节 情景作文(20分)




Last winter, we carried out an activity themed “Helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet”. ________________________________________________________________

Last winter, we carried out an activity themed “Helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet”. In the class meeting, we watched CCTV news and learned about what the life of the children there was like and all of us were shocked. So we decided to do our bit. We put up some posters on the school notice board and gave out the handouts to the schoolmates. The next day, many students took part in the donation on the playground. Some donated their pocket money and some brought their new clothes and quilts. After that, we went to the post office to mail the donations to Tibet. We are more than glad to have such kind of activities, for we not only set up the bridge of friendship with the children in Tibet but also show our love to the children there.


第一节 情景作文(20分)




For two years my family has been supporting Xiao Ming, a boy from a poor family.



中考英语书面表达背诵范文 (二) 一、 Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just asmall , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were fewfactories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. Theyhad a hard life .

Great changes have taken place in the past twentyyears . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there aremany tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean .People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people havecell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved alot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more andmore beautiful .

二、 Save the earth

How to protect the environment has become one of thebiggest problems in the world .

It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matterwhere we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy. We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We shouldplant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste waterinto rivers, lakes and fields.

Weshouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pickthe flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best toprotect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and ourlife will be better and better .

三、 Improve our environment

Good environment can make people feel happy. Toimprove the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do toimprove our environment ?

We should plant more trees . And we should preventthose factories from pouring waste water into rivers , lakes and fields .Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into adustbin . Don’t spit in public places . Don’t draw on public walls . It’s ourduty to keep our earth clean and tidy .

四、 Pollution around us

In recent years our life isbecoming better and better. But our

environment is becoming worse and worse. It’svery bad for our life. Now many people have air-conditioners and cars, theyproduce (give off ) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. Thereare so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factoriespour waste into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven’tenough clean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It’s verynecessary and important to protect the environment well. I think if everyonetries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much morebeautiful , and our life will be better and better .

五、 Make our world more beautiful !

Protecting theenvironment is becoming more and more important to humans . It’s our duty totake care of the nature around us . Animals and plants are our best friends .,and we should share the world with them . We shouldn’t kill wild animals , andwe must protect forests because they are animals’ home . We must plant moretrees and grass , they can make the world greener . The more beautiful theworld is, the happier lives we will have . Let’s do our best to make the worldbeautiful.

六、 Keep our school clean

We are studying in this school. It is our duty to keepit clean and tidy. It is not good to spit in public places, such as in thelibrary, in the class. We shouldn’t leave rubbish here and there. Don’t drawpictures on the wall, they influence the look of our school . We should keepthe classroom clean and tidy. And we should do some cleaning often. If everyonetries his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school willbe more beautiful .

七、 My country life

I like to live in the countryside. I live in a smallvillage. There is a river near it. Lots of trees are around my house. I can seea lot of farms and birds. There is less noise. The air here is cleaner andfresher. There are fewer cars. I read aloud early in the morning. When it isgetting dark, the moon is bright in the sky. It’s very quiet . What a niceplace I live in !

八、 How to learn English well




情景作文 (20分)


参考词汇:outward bound 拓展训练

—Outward Bound. got to an Outward Bound centregot involved in various activities. One of them was jumping across a broken bridge. I was afraid at first, but with the encouragement of the coach, I finally made it. What impressed me most was climbing over a wall to “escape.” We helped one another and all of us managed to “survive.” had a photo taken to record the unforgettable experience, which gave us a good chance to build up courage and improve our sense of teamwork. comprehension about something inside such as friendship, courage and cooperation.

Last Friday we were organized to take part in an Outward Bound. With great enthusiasm, we arrived at the Outward Bound institution early in the morning by school bus. The instructor divided us into groups and gave us some instructions so that we could experience a more exciting day. No sooner had we stepped into the gate did we start to try for the first program, in which everyone was requested to jump through a break in the high place. With the help of the instructor, each of us did well, even a classmate who was afraid of high places created a miracle for himself. Having experienced the thrilling activity, it was the “escaping wall” activity that taught me how great power the cooperation had. It could be impossible for one of us to get over the wall, but with the efforts from everyone, hard as it might, we eventually got through the huge obstacle. When finishing all the activities, it was already evening. In front of the gate, we sat together with awards for courage and cooperation in our hands and then we took the meaningful scene into a photo that would be treasured by all of us forever.

There is an saying that divided, there is little we can do; united, there is little we cannot do. The experience of the Outward Bound gives us an explanation that cannot be better for these words. Needless to say, the memorable activity will flash in our minds for the friendship, courage and cooperation it contains.

—Outward Bound. got to an Outward Bound centrewe got involved in various activities. One of them was jumping across a broken bridge. I was afraid at first, but with the encouragement of the coach, I finally made it. What impressed me most was climbing over a wall to “escape.” We helped one another and all of us managed to “survive.” had a photo taken to record the unforgettable experience, which gave us a good chance to build up courage and improve our sense of teamwork.


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