
来源:管理学 发布时间:2013-08-09 点击:



写一份成功的PERSONAL STATEMENT 教程! 来源: 金平果的日志



说到PS首先总得知道什么是PS,它的功能是什么,应该包含什么内容,质量衡量标准是什么,对吧?其次,咱再来看怎么样才能把它写好,千万不要把顺序弄混了。写PS的准备工作中最首要的任务是明确一个思路和框架,这是最重要也是最困难的工作,千万不要一开始就想我怎么把语言写的多么的深不可测、妙笔连珠,不是说语言好不是PS所需要的,而是开始的时候重点不在这里。好了,言归正传。PS的全称是Personal Statement,意为个人陈述,另称SoP, Statement of Purpose,虽然不同学校对于PS内容的描述和要求确实有微妙的区别,但是大体上可以这么理解:PS,即个人陈述,是一份陈述个人申请原因和解释为什么认为自己适合所申请课程的信。PS的主要功能是向学校解释自己的学术兴趣、教育经历、实践活动、职业规划等成绩单不能体现的方面;这么形象的来说,如果说成绩单和语言能力证明等文件在学校面前搭建了一个申请人的骨架的话,那么PS的主要目的就是为这个骨架增添血和肉,这样才能构建一个鲜活的、独一无二的申请人形象。当然了,这既然是个比喻,它就只是个比喻,只可意会不可细琢。





















简单:简单有两层含义,一是尽量多用简单句,避免用长句导致意思不能被国际友人理解的风险;二是对于要表达的意思直白、简单的表达出来,尽量避免含蓄和绕弯子。 简洁:整篇文章的总体风格应该保持简洁明了,不要为了增加语言美和情绪的饱满而让文章显得冗长和难以理解。事实证明,在人过度审美疲劳的情况下,简单清楚的东西才会让眼前一亮,毕竟Admissions Tutor也是人。


一步步教你怎么写PS 来源: 马志勇的日志


PS是Personal Statement的简称,是我们申请美国研究生院的重要材料之一。一份完美的PS有可能使你申请成功的机会大大增加,同时PS也是很好的认识你自己的过程。通过写PS,你将更了解你自己,清楚自己想要什么样的生活,理清自己为什么要去美国,以后将要成为什么样的人。这对申请者来说至关重要,对admission officer来说,PS是你唯一有机会向他们展示一个鲜活的你的材料。成绩单是死的,GRE和TOEFL分数是死的,而他们要找的是一个活生生的人,是一个有血有肉有思想的人,他们在众多的申请者中寻找最适合他们的那一位,你如何认识你自己?你的motivation来自哪里?你将来如何打算?这些东西都可以帮助他们走进你,了解你,认识你,然后决定是不是接受你。U of Washington的admission officer指出,他们会把申请者分成四等: "Admit with guaranteed funding, Admit with potential funding, Tabled (a sort of admissions purgatory), and Reject." It is in the case of "Tabled" and "Admit with potential funding" applications, the admissions officer reports, that the personal statement can make a

real difference: "If there is a good match between the applicant's research interests and the particular strengths of the school, this can bump them up a level or two in the hierarchy of admission."



PS的精髓在于将自己的motivation和Objective充分展现出来,它应该是personaland analytical, 任何generalization都需要避免,PS的关键在于用specific, personal details来展现你的个人魅力和强烈的motivation。

写PS时,要尽量完全的真诚。这是诉说一个你自己的故事,你不是在设法创造一个理想的申请者,而是just be yourself。任何的伪造都是很容易被识破的,只有完全敞开的真诚,才能真正打动admission officer,也才能真正的认识你自己,才能真正让你选择最适合你的graduate program。

用specific details来展现你的motivation很重要。这些specific details可以包括研究和工作经历、课程、你跟你所感兴趣的领域的人的交流、你读的书、你参加的学术报告会,以及任何可以展现你为何选择并适合这个研究领域的原因。

你需要明确你未来的方向,至少为自己未来5~10年的事业做一个规划,而这个规划应该很适合你所申请的这个graduate program,那也正是你选择这个领域的原因。

描述为什么这个graduate program适合你,不要用一些空洞的赞美性的语言,一定要be specific, be analytical。



修改前:In the first project Imanaged, I learned many valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork.

修改后:In the first project Imanaged, I made an effort to incorporate all my colleagues as equal members ofa team, soliciting their feedback and deferring to their expertise as needed.

修改前的这句话很空洞的讲team work,没有任何details;修改后的话就展开讲了我是怎么展现teamwork的。在写PS的时候一定要注意展开这些细节。最好的方法就是以自己的亲身经历开始,让那些展现你的quality和personality的东西自然流露出来,你的那些品质不需要总结性的generalities, 人们会从你对自己经历的specific details的描述判断出你有哪些quality。


注意避免敏感话题,因为你不知道admission officer的个人偏见。

不要用冗余的长句。短句更加有力,因为他们更加direct和to the point。举例:

修改前:"My recognitionof the fact that the project was finally over was a deeply satisfying momentthat will forever linger in my memory."

修改后:"Completing theproject at last gave me an enduring sense of fulfillment."

像the fact that这种词就是完全冗余的。


1. Performa self-inventory of Your Unique Experiences, Major Influences, and Abilities. Long and short term goals

1. 这所学校为什么吸引你

2. 你对哪个faculty的研究最感兴趣?你最想跟谁一起工作?

3. 你具体想从你所申请的program中获得什么?

4. 你的事业抱负是什么?这个graduate program对你实现事业理想有什么帮助?

5. 你理想的工作的是什么?未来的5~10年甚至20、30年,你想成为一个什么样的人?

Skills and Characteristics

6. 你有哪些品质有助于你在该领域获得成功?You need to make strong connections between your experiences and the qualities you wish to convey.

这里列举一些admission officer认为很重要的qualities:

Seriousness of Purpose (to pursue graduate education)

• Intellectual Ability (to handle graduate study)

• Intellectual Curiosity (about the field you wish to enter)

• Creativity (as reflected in the way your mind addresses issues in the field of your choice) • Open-Mindedness (to ideas, people, and circumstances different from your own) • Maturity (as demonstrated by being responsible and trustworthy)

• Concern for Others (either by devoting time to social service activities such as tutoring or by being considerate and empathetic to others' feelings; the latter is more difficult to pull off in an application essay)

Initiative (as in the ability to start a project or take on a responsibility on your own) • Enthusiasm (as demonstrated by your eagerness to engage in activities)

• Confidence (in your ability to handle difficult situations and novel challenges)

• Being Organized (as in the ability to stay on top of multiple tasks)

• Sense of Humor (as in your ability to find humor in difficult situations; in many ways this is an index of maturity)

• Diligence/Persistence (as demonstrated by your ability to stay with a task until you complete it; this is particularly relevant for programs requiring a dissertation)

• Leadership (as shown in your ability to inspire others to work together to reach a mutual goal)

• Risk Taking (as shown in your ability to deal with uncertainty in order to reach your goal) • Insight (as reflected in your ability to use introspection to understand aspects of yourself, such as your preferences and your motivations)

• Optimism (as reflected in your ability to find positive aspects in seemingly negative situations)


Personal Statement个人陈述

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life, but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything, but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability, but so does nature...probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free to do as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would never profess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, but trust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religion is among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it is perhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their morals from religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead of morality. I respect the intimate

connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study the law just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law and economics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that either one can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize there is more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize the importance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law and

philosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation about the two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passion makes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed by economics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track of which beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about the practical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me two undergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarily entail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feel most like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at a college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incredibly passionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only one passion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hate the accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper starting from the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I will always be politically active, but will never be a political

activist. I think everything through completely, but I am never through thinking about anything.

I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people without whom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point of forgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry about the next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance,

but realize that it is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person, but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more than just a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

I am a study in contradiction, but there is not an inconsistency to be found.


PERSONAL STATEMENT,如有的学校让你写出动机(Motivation)兴趣,经历等。由于在中国的升学体制中,基本上是唯分数论的,因此中国的申请人对这类文件的写作和思维方式不熟悉。而欧美大学录取学生,发放奖学金,是通过全面综合考察申请者的条件来决定的。所谓留学文书,如PS,推荐 信,RP(Research proposal),CV等是一套文件系统,用以向录取院校从各个角度展现您的求学动机,学术学习能力,工作和研究经历,结合一系列更“客观”,可量化的指标:如 GRE,TOEFL,IELTS,GPA等构成您的全貌。留学文书在西方的文化背景下是申请入学(奖学金)的极为重要的组成部分。其中PS往往对您的申请是否成功起到很大的作用。笔者在为数百计的申请人进行留学文书的咨询和写作过程中发现,由于中西方教育体制的差异和网上各种良莠不齐的“范文“的误导,许多申请人的PS写作理念非常混乱,本文结合中国申请人文书写作的常见弊端,简述PS的写作要领。

个人陈述是每个人个性和独特经历的体现,并没有统一的语言要求和写作格式。但是在留学文书的准备中,个人陈述属于正规的书面文体,用语最好符合书面语的规定。版面的安排应该整洁有序。同时在个人陈述的准备过程中应该仔细阅读申请学校的网页,寻找学校是否对于语言和格式有明确的要求。 在个人陈述的写作中切忌不要堆砌辞藻,不要过多使用长句和难懂的单词。否则会使阅读者头疼,可读性降低。写作要真实、诚恳、具体,语言要流畅,逻辑要清晰,内容要有血有肉,富有感染力和说服力。一般以1-2页600-800字为佳,太长则令人没有耐心仔细读完。另外,不要把文章写成炫耀你词汇量和句法的“GRE阅读文章”。


你坐下来写之前,做一些准备,为了避免实际写作过程中找不到材料带来的无所适从。建议把Personal statement申请相关的文件副本全部打印放在手边随时参考,虽然计算机也可以随时查阅,但是毕竟屏幕大小有限,很难让你在多个文件之间查找内容,还 不会因为找信息而打断你宝贵的思路. 这些文件包括:所有草稿、相关资料如奖状/成绩单以及申请表,"磨刀不费砍柴功",将这些材料准备的越详细,越能让你后面的写作更顺畅容易.

然后草拟一份"VIP信息表"即<<重要信息表>>,用特定的名字和精确的标题把最重要的信息标记出来,以便给自己一个清晰 的思路,比如作为工作申请,你应该标记学校和专业,专门的实习工作,组织过的活动,以及你的工作经验,或适当的志愿者所涉工作等。用这种方法,你可以在写 作时即快又准的参考这些材料。


你有收集了这些材料之后,,是时候开始写Personal Statement了。对于以下列出的问题,申请人在写Personal Statement/Application Letter初稿时必须时刻牢记:


Personal Statement回答一个"大问题",这个问题会让所有申请者都回答,所以这个问题的答案是整个Personal Statement的核心。例如,一个申请要求可能要你来讨论"为什么到我们这个公司或者申请我校的某个学位?"。如果你用整个文章详述你的学历或根本没 有提到过是什么吸引你进行申请,你肯定将一败涂地,这篇Personal Statement一定是不过关的。为了避免这个风险,仔细阅读申请要求,并且用笔或者计算机记录下具体问题的书目,把他们隔行分开,自己加上注释,这样 方便你将问题以及你在Personal Statement里的问题答案描述一一对比,不要漏掉任何一个问题。记住:在做一个好申请人之前,先做一个好读者!。

关注“I”(我)的问题:这是一个针对"你"的个人陈述,即Personal Statement,使用第一人称代词“我”是可接受的。申请人往往感到很不自在,因为使用第一人称用多了会让人觉得很狂妄,不够谦虚,而"他"/"她" 或者你自己名字的使用会让人感觉比较谦逊,很多文章也是如此教导申请者尽量用第三人称,所以我发现很多人会避免第一和第二人(“你”),但是根据我20年 的专业写作经验,在任何类型的正式写作中,第一人称是很必要的,因为它让你的散文更生动。而使用第三人称可能导致模糊不清,让文章读起来冗长而且死气沉 沉。当然要避免在每个句子都用“我”,这是不可取的,总之你记住:句子的主体不仅仅是你一个人,还有你的经验,你的上市,你的下级,你的朋友,你的家长, 让他们把"我"烘托出来,但是又不要完全不写"我",避免死气沉沉过于谦虚,这是东亚人共有的问题,美国人并不会过分谦虚。

避免不必要的重复:有时候一个申请人倾向于把信息重复写,反复写,试图轰炸阅读者来起到突出某种信息的作用,比如在他或她的Personal Statement大量抄袭申请要求需要包括的附件内容,如中英文简历,成绩,申请表格等。比如我看到最多的,反复在Personal Statement提到成绩单,一次次表明自己成绩的优秀,拿分数"轰炸"审阅者,这是没有必要的,而且很可能起到反作用!简单提一下学术奖项以及奖项的 情况即可,而整个学术经验或者工作经验也需要简明扼要的说明,更详细的讨论会在后续的面试中进行,没有必要在personal statement里把所有细节写出来。

用文字让自己独特:许多申请人想让他们的Personal Statement通过独一无二的格式或者某种比较少见的写作方式从其他竞争者当中脱颖而出。我认为这种方式是可取的,但是你必须言之有物而不是花架子, 比如把小段文章写得惊心动魄让人好奇,或者以一种传记体的方式描述家庭成员或者推荐人对你个人的影响,而这种影响又是如何奇妙的让你去追求需要申请的学位 或者工作的。总之这个策略确实会人你的Personal Statement令人难忘,新颖独特。

保持简单:通常Personal Statement限于500-1000单词或1张A4打印页,很少会抄过2页A4,所以写简洁是重中之重。确保每一段被紧紧地集中在一个单一的思路上 (你的优势,你的项目研究经验,你的课外活动等),不要使文章变得太长了。同样,找一本韦氏大辞典,或者用网上的同义词查询工具,好好研究一下选择词汇, 同义词,尽量不要用一个词汇超过2次,尤其是形容词,这样会让你的Personal Statement看起来重复较少,更加精炼准确。


如上所述,Personal Statement的要求不同,但一般Personal Statement都包括固定信息,可以遵循这种格式(见下面)模型。

• 自我介绍

许多Personal Statement都是开始于一段类似邮件的开头,阅读者也习惯了这种方法,而且作为一种获取读者的注意力的方式,你可以采用很多方式增加阅读者对你的关 注,比如你从何处了解这个申请的,有何人推荐,有什么人曾经是成功申请成功给你这个信息的,你认识哪位审阅委员会成员等,你所处的地位,你的职位或者学 位,你在寻找什么职位或者学位,都要在第一段一目了然的写清楚。

• 详细的支撑段落

后续段落应该直接回答任何申请要求的具体问题,结合你自己的长处,你自己的资格/位置,你的团队精神和认证,你的长远目标和过去经验等。每一个段落应 该集中有一个主题句,只需要展示重点。你要记住,每段都需要案例,每个案例都必须和你本人/申请要求有密切关系,无时无刻支持你有资格通过这个申请。

• 结论

在各种主题归集在一起,再强调一遍,并重申你对申请目标的兴趣,以及为什么有兴趣。你可以表明这个学位或者职位和长期目标有密切关系。 Application Letter可能格式上类似,但是因为格式是申请单位给定的,所以不如Personal Statement灵活,通常篇幅也会收到限

制.Application也不会有自我介绍段,看上去比较生硬,都是详细信息直来直去,让人一目了然,如果 你写得是固定格式的Application Letter,不要自作聪明的写很多自我介绍,因为审阅者


总之不要把personal statement或者application letter写得太详细,很多内容你可以心里打底,放在面试再说,如果因为你写得太冗长失去面试机会,写100页也是无济于事!

3)修改Personal Statement/Application Letter

因为这篇文章旨在让你通过写Personal Statement获得学位/职位面试,而非让你成为一个专职写手,对我们专职写手来说,除了优秀的写作能力和教育背景,还需要具备很多专门的润色/修改 /编辑经验,这是至关重要的,并不是每个高学历者都能帮人写好Personal Statement.{personalstatement范文}.

如果你要帮助别人或者自己修改Personal Statement,首先你必须有足够的时间,修改一篇Personal Statement需要花费5-10个小时,这不比从头写一篇personal statement更容易;其次你必须具备足够的素材(申请要求的主要问题?是否有足够的细节?);第三就是你的英文水平必须足够高,你必须对常用的 200多个形容词以及同义词烂熟于胸,必须有较好的写作能力,比如标点符号的用法,不要小看标点符号,很多审阅者都是"严重洁癖者",他们容不下错误的标 点!。

精 心安排PS和其它文件的关系,如上所述,PS,推荐信,简历等文件构成一整套申请文件系统,既需要相互应证,也需要这些文件各有侧重点。因此在写作这些文件之前必须总体构思安排文章的布局和每个文件突出的重点。许多申请人将本该由简历或推荐信突出的内容

语言表达层面上一定要用地道的英语,中国人自己读得很顺的英语往往是按中文的语言逻辑写成的“中式英语”,不但会大大削弱您想表达的意思,产生误解,而且会让招生人员看起来很枯燥无味 (DULL).有些申请人,特别是考过GRE的申请人,用词句式过于夸张,古怪,不符合英语的思维习惯和文风。这种中国学院英语,其实经常让外国教授难以理解或是看后笑得前仰后合。完成的文件最好由母语人士进行修改。


Personal Statement范文{personalstatement范文}.

Personal Statement

As a senior majoring in Economics at XXX, one of the top four universities in Shanghai, the more relevant courses I take, the more I am certain about my future career as an Economist.

However, I realize that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my dream to pursue a graduate program in Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be microeconomics or Finance.

My interest in Economics was ignited in high school, where I was first introduced to the fundamental economic theories in our politics class. I was so fascinated by the concepts of ‘invisible hand’, ‘Giffen’s Paradox’ and others that I chose the major of Economics as my first choice before the University Entrance Examination. Unlike my classmates, whose major is usually decided by their parents, I followed the voice of my heart and I am determined to persist in the end.

With my education at XXX, I was not only solidly grounded in the fundamentals, but also found a very supportive environment. Luckily, my classmates are all very capable and self-motivated; we have our study groups and do research together. During my junior year, teaming up with four students, I did research on the topic of how to effectively stimulate China’s economy by increasing the demand of residents. My responsibility included collecting data, reviewing relevant magazines and assisting in the establishment of the economic model. The paper of our co-effort got approved by XXX Fund — a fund offered by XXX to potential research programs.

I also read a lot of classical economic works, including Professor Larry H.P. Lang’s books like ‘Who is saving China’s economy’. Through extensive reading and group research, they not only help me develop good study habits and perform well enough to get the scholarship, but also broaden my perspective and give me new insights into the depth of my field.

I did not limit myself to academic studies at the university. For example, I did home tutoring for a student from other university for microeconomics and helped her pass the exam. She said somehow learning from me, it is easier for her to understand all the complicated graphs and formulas. I volunteered to serve at the seventh Academy of Social Sciences academic annual meeting with the theme of Economic Performance. That was a great opportunity for me to learn the unique research topics from many economists and professors, varying from international finance to local real estate price control. I made plenty of notes and even got the chance to ask questions, which was absolutely enriching.

Encouraged by my parents and teachers, I successfully passed the interviews for exchange program to XXX University and XXX International College. During the six months in the United States, I quickly adapted to the new life and had no problem communicating with the locals. I have to say I prefer the interactive class atmosphere at XXX, as well as the teaching methods of American teachers, for they enlighten the students rather than merely teach them. In addition, the overseas living and working experience allowed me to have a more vivid comparison of different aspects of China and US economies. The price of luxurious goods in China is definitely much higher whereas that of labor and services is just the opposite. According to Professor Lang’s opinion, the reasons behind this phenomenon are that too many taxes are imposed on goods and China lacks innovative talent to create national wealth, thus the services sector is not able to make a lot of money from supporting the technical sector. I could not have agreed more, as I witnessed so many creative ideas and designs in Disney World, with the monotonous manufacturing process always outsourced and the final product tagged with the label ‘Made in China’. It is urgent for China to upgrade and optimize its industrial chain in order to be more competitive in the globalized world, improve per capita GDP and finally to minimize the wealth gap.

Thanks to my academic and leadership reputation, I was offered an internship in XXX, the biggest XXX company in North America. Because the company has just opened its office in China, my job duties covered a lot, which is very beneficial for me to apply what I learned into practice. In the company’s XXX contest, I designed a questionnaire and made an analysis in order to support our product. Both marketing and statistics knowledge were involved to publicize to potential customers. The final presentation left a deep impression on all the judges. At the end of my internship, a research report based on the internal data and my analysis of on-line recruitment industry was generated. My manager Nick, responsible for the Greater China market, hoped for me to become a full-time employee after my graduation.

This semester I am taking Econometrics, International Finance and other economics courses. In order to be well prepared for the graduate program, I am also taking two optional courses: Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis. Moreover, I plan to take some other courses with research students at XXX during the next semester.

As Thomas Friedman has said: ‘The world is flat’. Though people are not born in equal conditions in today’s world, they are more likely to have access to educational resources and compete on the level field.

While the GDP of China surpassed Japan’s, ranking No.2 in the world in 2011, the real GDP per capita is still far behind that of developed countries, reflecting the

deficiency of the economic growth. I am eager to be an economist like Professor Larry H.P. Lang, who dares to point out the problems in the process of development and unreasonable economic structure in China with his unique and critical perspective.

To be qualified for that, I need to further refine my expertise in economics. Your institution, known for rigorous scholarship research and a highly qualified faculty, is the university I would like to further my study at. I am confident that under your seasoned guidance, my potential will develop into knowledge and experience beneficial to both China and Canada.


英国留学 personal statement





1 流水帐式。将自己从大一到现今的情况按照时间顺序阐述一遍;

2 散文式。这里所指的“散文”可是形散神也散。申请者将自己能够想起来的认为值得一写的事情都一股脑儿的堆砌在PS上。没有逻辑,思维混乱;

3 第三种就是前两种的综合。按照时间顺序把自己认为值得一写的事情写了一遍。嗯,的确,这样一来,既解决了流水帐式的没有重点,也解决了散文式的没有逻辑。可是我们看看这样的结果是什么呢?结果是全套材料的平淡无奇!因为除了你知道这样去写申请材料外,大家都知道这样写。都这样写了,那么你的申请材料特色在什么地方呢?这岂不是又陷入了八股文的悲惨境地呢?




根据自己的发展方向,我们可以划分成:全面型、社会公益型、学术型; 根据自己对学科的认识历程可以划分为:一直深爱型、感兴趣-迷茫-深刻认识-深爱型、不懂-感兴趣-深爱型;




1、 顺利型





“你是非常幸运的”父亲对我说道, “Why?” 我问父亲, 父亲微笑着拿起手中的圆规在白纸上画了一个圆,在圆周上点下一点,问我道:”在同一个圆上的一点到达与之相对称的另一点,什么样的方式是最快的呢” “直径”,当答案从我的嘴中脱口而出之时,我猛然间也明白了我的幸运就在于我的直径人生,从我进入物理的领域到今日希望成为一名杰出研究者的理想,上帝让我幸运的获得了走这条直径的机会,没有浪费时间和生命.

( “You are very lucky,” my father said to me. “Why?” I questioned in puzzlement. He smiled and drew a circle on a piece of paper, then made a dot in its circumference and asked me, “Which way is the shortest to reach the symmetrical dot in the circumference from this point?” “Diameter,” I responded, and with this answer I suddenly realized that I was lucky enough to live a diametrical life, namely, a very smooth life. Since I exposed myself to the research in materials, I have been aspiring to become a scientist, and God has blessed me with a diametrical life without any waste of time or life.)



首次体会作为一名研究者的快乐: 具体事例 大学第一次在这个领域的实践




大学的生活即将结束, 就像父亲说的那样我前面21年的生活是直径的人生,没有遇到过任何的曲折,这是我的幸运,但是人的一生不可能永远是直径的,我应该做的是好好珍惜上天给予我的这样的机遇,继续在我所深爱的物理领域进行深造。

(My college life will be over soon. Just as my father said, I was lucky enough as my former 21-year life was a diametrical life. But no one will be so lucky in his or her whole lifetime, and what I should do is to cherish this opportunity God has given me and further my education in materials science.)


从这段文字可以看出,这位申请者面对自己非常顺利的人生,不是去浪费,而是在清楚认识之后的万分珍惜,全身心的投入到研究中去,没有浪费大学四年的任何光阴。并且在庆幸的同时做好了充分的思想准备去面对今后人生道路上的曲折。所以作为顺利型的申请者在写作时可以从以下两点去写:1 突出自己对这个学科的热爱,这种学习的过程让你感到了无比的快乐 2 突出你对这份顺利的珍惜,真心求知的心情和行动 。例子中的框架就突出了第二个特色。







( “Life is like a hyperbola: its bottlenecks appear in the position which witnesses the shortest distance between the two curves. In fact, anyone has to go through several bottleneck periods in his lifetime. If he makes one breakthrough after another, however, he will certainly have his horizons increasingly expanded.”

They were told by my teacher when he helped me overcome the timidity I suffered as a freshman at ××university. These words guided me to change my character, stimulated me to pursue overseas studies in communication, and will surely continue to make a far-reaching impact on my life. )

The first breakthrough:from timid to sociable:(choose communication as my major )


The second breakthrough:from dependent to independent:study communication systematically

正文 写自己在国外学习传播学的过程中通过克服自己依赖性的弱点来写自己的专业进展


The third breakthrough:from ego self to a grand self 确立职业目标,在传播学领域继续深造:写自己的职业目标和继续深造的原因、研究的方向以及为什么选择学校的原因。




1) 在众多克服中寻找出对自己的发展有决定意义的克服经历;

2) 每次的克服都使你向学术更高的领域的去行进。




Hold on, I will win(坚持,我一定会赢!)

Hold on I will win,当我进入高手云集的××大学时,我高考成绩在全年级是后20%,但是我对自己说hold on,I will win!


Hold on I will win,当我作为全系少有的几个本科生进入××实验室的时候,我面临是一大群优秀的研究生和经验丰富的工程师,我对自己说:hold on, I will in!


Hold on,I will in! 靠着这种精神我获得了×××、×××、×××写自己在非学术上的一些成绩

Hold on, I will in!正是靠着这种精神,在一次次的challenge中实现了自我的超越,确立了自己的职业目标……

Hold on, I will in!在大学毕业之际我选择了贵校继续我学业的深造,因为…… 只要我坚持,我一定会make my dream to become true!


1、 层次性——选择具有代表意义的挑战;

2、 学术性——选择对你的学术生涯会产生影响的挑战。




1、 全面型





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