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Natural Sciences Personal Statement 自然科学个人陈述(PS) I have chosen to study Natural Sciences because of a constant curiosity with the workings of the world around me. By doing Natural Sciences I hope to build on my existing knowledge by studying a stimulating and inspiring subject in much greater detail. I have developed my interest in science, in particular Chemistry by undertaking scientific extra-curricular activities since joining secondary school as well as participating thoroughly in lessons. I particularly enjoyed making soap and esters in Chemistry and problem solving using a pendulum in physics.

In 2000, I did some work experience at Unilever, where I analysed samples of dyed pig skin. I enjoyed this work experience as it allowed me to see a working lab in action, as well as developing communication and teamwork skills. In order to get more knowledge and understanding of


the chemical industry, I organised some work experience myself at Shell in summer 2001, where I tested Ferrari oils for traces of different metals. Both these work experience placements increased my motivation to

learn more about how scientific knowledge is applied in the real world. I continued my work at Shell in summer 2002, where I investigated two different methods of measuring biochemical oxygen demand. This project was part of a 4 week Nuffield Bursary, which meant I had to write a report and do a presentation to both Shell and the Nuffield foundation. I immensely enjoyed this project as I was allowed to expand it in the way that I wanted. I also worked independently and showed self-motivation in being responsible for the development of the project from start to finish. I gained a gold crest award for this project.

In 2000-2001 I gained a silver crest award for a Zeneca life science project on Chemiluminescence. This involved working in a team of 3 people for 1 1/2 years on the project,developing it from the initial idea to the end results and conclusions. I liked this project as it enabled us to advance our project independently and take responsibility for it. Our team got to the regional finals of a competition with this project. I also gained bronze crest awards in 98 and 99 for a project on the


bioremediation of oil, which was linked with Shell,and an able pupils


science and technology course, which focused on renewable energy resources.I am now assisting other younger pupils in the school science club in completing a Zeneca project. I also represented my school at a young analysts competition with 3 other pupils.

Out of school, I have been a member of the Guiding Association since age 7. I work as a young leader, helping to run a guide unit, and I have also gained a camp permit which means I am considered responsible enough to take a small group of girls camping without an adult. I have also shown myself to be reliable and committed to the all-round development of girls and young women. In addition, I am a Ranger within the Guiding Association, where I am working towards a leadership qualification. As a Ranger and young leader I was selected to represent the UK along with 7 other girls at an international camp in Switzerland in summer 2001. I was similarly selected to go to a World camp for guides in 1999. I immensely enjoyed these two experiences as they enabled me to meet new people from all over the world and develop teamwork and communication skills. I was also able to learn about different cultures, faiths and languages while on these 2 trips.{ps文书范文}.





Since my first reading of a science magazine, I was crazily obsessed to the mystery of life and nature, especially to a closer comprehension of physics, materials and compounds. With excellent academic records, exceptional analytical ability, vivid real-life project experience, plus dedication and industriousness, I believe I am well geared to face up to new challenges in the Material Science program and excel in the career as a researcher in the broader disciplinary engagements. I love Materials Science because it speaks to my heart with both rational simplicity and scientific intricacy. The discipline’s rigorous principles and vigorous application in reality also appeal t me immensely. I am particularly interested in learning ways of application of polymer technology for automobile or aeronautic industrial purposes. Well aware of the increasing importance in roles played by material science ranging from daily life to state-of-the-art technology, I see for myself a bright future being a professional material science researcher and scientist, chopping away thorny research issues and making gallant contribution to society through technological innovation.

With this goal in mind, I conscientiously made preparation along the way. In my undergraduate studies the major curriculum I have taken included fundamentals on Material Science, covering Polymers morphology, melt rheology, Chemistry of Polymer Materials. Of course I did not forget basic blocks of material science research such as Chemistry, Physics, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and General Physics. It’s like a challenging adventure to me learning these courses because I can sense acutely the thrill as if discovering the mystery of nature with my own eyes and my own hands. Like a happy gold miner, I enjoyed deriving equations illustrated in the lecture by myself after each class and I was mesmerized by the logical precision and utility excellence embodied in math functions that display intricate but truth-speaking mechanisms. Take the Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation as an example,GΔHTΔS. I find it explains various inter-state transitions, indicating the heading of chemical changes or erosion of iron in the most compelling but convincing simplicity. My undergraduate study in material science has built in me a solid understanding on something related to material science and brought me excellent grades and awards in most courses.

In science, practice should always come hands in hands with theoretical learning. I actively took experiment courses entitled The Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-sized Iron Oxide in the my sophomore year. This exposure to practical training re-shaped my passion and insights on material science research. We were grouped and tutored to contrive a routine of obtaining Nano-sized Iron Oxide Powder and conduct some common characterization experiments. Although some of the related research results have already been well published, this training gave me a chance to test some of my conjectures and theoretical learning in research. I witnessed the photomicrograph of polymer materials at the first time, and observed the intertwined macromolecule chains breaks away from either regular crystal or amorphous structure, however exhibits the behavior of combination of crystals and amorphous stuff. Its idiosyncratic qualities and indispensible applications allow this kind of material to have plenty applications in real life. With substantial literature reviews, numorous translations and active brainstorming, observation and experiment, I through this course stimulated my creativity and heightened my interest in the field of material science.

In recognition of my outstanding academic performance, Prof. XX invited me to join her research group on thermal and viscoelastic properties of a poly (3-hydrobutyrate-co-4-hydrobutyrate) blending system, a prospering biodegradable new material. My responsibilities mainly deal with processing the experiment data, making graphs and standardizing for the publication purpose. Although most teammates complained the overwhelmed load, I have enjoyed the countless sleepless nights as an extremely pleasant stimuli for academic advancement. I spent much time on reviewing my physics of polymer textbooks and reading related materials for a through-out understanding of the mechanism. The research went through with great success and outstanding results. The challenges and joy accompanying the daunting research project have also once again intrigued me and confirmed my pursuit for in-depth study in the field.

It is at this stage of my academic lie that I began to fine-tune and narrow down my research interest in material science to Polymer. Since XXXX, I worked in XXX Power Company, an international diesel manufacturer, where I worked with many experienced and professional experts, and gained some valuable practical knowledge about the theory of internal combustion engines and the casting and machining of carbon steel. Polymer started to surface in my agenda frequently as a regular topic of interest. I started to make my quest with help from the Polymer Research Center of Shandong University during my summer vacation of 2008. The major research interest is to locate in the industrialization of the carbon fiber the reinforced composites products, which fits my campus courses on aerospace materials. Through experiments I honed my skills in applying some testing facilities and utilizing research methodologies. I had a chance to participate this company’s trial on carbon fiber reinforced composite diesel pistons. And I found there were a lot of changes regarding the revolution of materials. Fiber reinforced polymers, usually known as polymer composite material exclusively enrich the applications of polymer materials. Boeing 787 claimed that 80% of their components are made of composites materials. For an Airbus A380 airplane, of all the materials that are used to build up the airplane, more than 50% of them are of polymer materials. In junior year, I participated in an advanced practicum held by AVIC Xi’an Aircraft Industry Company along with my classmates. There I found that a lot of high-quality raw materials were imported. I saw there were a lot of potential in polymer and composite material industry in China.{ps文书范文}.

Life is not measured in minutes, but in moments. This is the turning moment in my life-return to study in Material Science in a graduate level. My academic and practical experiences so far taught me the skill to read wisely, think critically and work diligently. I am deeply interested in the research on aeronautics materials led by Prof. XXX, and wish to conduct research under his guidance. The research areas I try to develop are composite material science, and designing and modeling of polymer. Advantaged by my strong preparations, I believe I could contribute well to your diverse research community and later on achieve the success in my career as a well-trained material scientist.


个人陈述(PS SOP)的格式要求




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When I was doing internship at the renowned XX Cosmetics Co. Ltd, I was deeply impressed by the motto from XX, the founder of the company—“Believe in Miracle and Miracle will Indeed Happen.” At one point during my undergraduate education I was very frustrated because I found that, due to the lack of effective methodology of numerical analysis, the teaching and the research of economics in China lags far behind the international standard as represented by the developed countries of the West. As a result, even though I am one of the top students from the XX University of Finance and Economics, I find it difficult for me to really enter the true realm of economics study. Instead of dealing a heavy blow on me, this discovery motivated me to maximize my efforts in the study of mathematics and to apply for an advanced degree program in statistics at your well-respected university after having completed my undergraduate program. It is my conviction that, as long as I have sufficient confidence myself and make sufficient efforts, I am bound to accomplish some form of achievements in the field of statistics and make due contributions to the development of quantitative research in economics in the Chinese academia. Miracle will indeed happen.

I specialized in accounting at the Accounting College of XX University of Finance and Economics. An undergraduate education in the specialty of accounting covers knowledge in a wide range of fields—economics, management science, mathematics, statistics, and even sociology. While providing me with a solid academic foundation, this education has enabled me to ferret out the areas that can really capture my interest. I have cherished a strong interest in mathematics since the primary school and developed my talents all the way through my middle and high school. But it is only through my undergraduate study that I have come to realize the vital importance of mathematical approaches to the study of economics. This very realization has further reinforced my determination to choose the career of an applied statistician in the future. Toward such an objective, I have devoted special efforts to the study of mathematics and statistics. Apart from intensive work in such compulsory courses as Calculus, Linear Algebra, Theory of Probability, Statistics, and Mathematical Statistics, I have also attended a series of important optional courses including Operational Research, Game Theory of Economics, Sampling Investigation and made full use of my spare time to learn the knowledge of statistics as much as possible.

My undergraduate education should be described as very rewarding and fruitful. For the past three consecutive years, I have maintained top ranking in my class and for two consecutive years I was given the “Outstanding Student” Award, winning Level-A scholarships. I have demonstrated special aptitudes in mathematics and in English. My natural talents in mathematics and my dedicated efforts to mathematics coursework have led my GPA in all the mathematics courses to reach 3.9, far exceeding the level of average students. In terms of English language, I have also been well above average. In the first semester in 1999 I won the first prize at the “Freshmen Cup” English Listen Comprehension Contest and in 2001 I won the first prize in the English Contest for College Students in China, the third prize at the Oral English Contest in XX Province. Even though I have assumed various responsibilities for extracurricular activities of several student

organizations, I have still managed to perform well academically, a fact that should be attributed to my extra diligence, productive study methods, and effective allocation of my time and energy. From the very outset of my undergraduate career, I made up my mind to fully exploit all the available resources of my university to achieve comprehensive self-development and what I have achieved adequately testifies to the rewarding undergraduate life I have been living.

As a science that tries to discover inherent quantitative relationships among different data and make rational statistical inferences by applying relevant theories and methodologies, statistics has been widely applied in the modern society, its impact penetrating into almost all fields of physical and social sciences. With China’s reform toward the market economy and its accession into the WTO, statistics is becoming increasingly important in China’s economic life. The fact that the subject I am interested in will enjoy a broad prospect of application in China makes me very excited and confident concerning my future study and career. In my proposed program, I will first try to consolidate my foundation in statistics and then narrow down my interests to focus on Time Series Analysis and Statistic Inference.


I believe that to make rational inferences is one of the major functions of statistics. In many cases, pure statistical models or_ time series models can make more precise inferences and predictions than theoretical models of economics. The dilemma faced by modern economics in making predictions is one of the important reasons for me to choose statistics over economics as the area of my concentration. As an important aspect of statistical study and research, I will try to master one or_ two advanced statistical software such as Gauss and TSP. In addition, if possible, I wish to be a member of the research group of my future advisor under whose direction I can work on a full-length research project. It is equally desirable for me to do extensive internship at a specific government organization or_ a local enterprise so that I can apply my knowledge of statistics and test its efficacy.

Apart from the sound undergraduate education that I have received, together with my special achievements in mathematics and English, my creativity, perseverance, and my good logical thinking are three major factors of my implicit confidence in my future performance, just as they have contributed to my distinguished performance in the past over most of my peers. Meanwhile, I am also very proud of my past extracurricular performance, which has considerably improved my practical abilities beyond the mere coursework, like teamwork, organization and interpersonal communication. I served as student leader in the Students Union, editor of the university student newspaper, member of Accounting Study Group and Youth Volunteer Association. In 2003, I worked part-time as beauty consultant at the renowned American XX Cosmetics Company. An important experience directly related to my specialty is the internship I did in 2003 at the Statistical Bureau of XX City during which I worked on a city-wide population sampling

investigation, collecting and analyzing data and accumulating much practical statistical experience.

I prioritize on XX University as the school for my Master’s program in statistics because a careful study of your esteemed university shows me that it is a world famous university with a long academic tradition. In terms of the teaching and research of statistics, it plays a leading role not only in American but also in international academia. Naturally it becomes my ideal choice. As a student of accounting I have built up a sufficient foundation in statistics and mathematics requisite for a graduate program in stat



Personal Statement


My aspiration for finance can be traced back to my teenage years, when my father was fascinated with stock market and I bought stocks together with him for fun. When he purchased a new one, I would ask him the bid price and expected ask price, and then brainstormed how much we may possibly get.

Earning money by investment after ups and downs was a fantastic experience for me, and I came to realize that there exist rules and principles deeply rooted in finance theories and statistics, which drove me to further explore the field.

Now, through three-year systematic studies in economics and finance, my interest and passion have been fully exploited and I made up my mind to pursue a career in the field of finance.

The more I know, the more I want to know. In order to do further study and build a successful future career, I plan to go for advanced study in the United Kingdom, where the most cutting-edged researches and practices of financial analysis are being carried out.

Luckily, I believe that I am in possession of essential qualities for undertaking both advanced training and career development in finance and economics, such as the good control of English and an always-stay-discrete attitude. I believe with those characteristics, I will surely survive through twists and turns in the world of finance.

My undergraduate studies in economics have provided me with good academic foundations. Through studying fundamental theories in economics (including Advanced Mathematics (95%), Intermediate Microeconomics (87%), Macroeconomics (80%), Monetary Banking (83%), Development Economics (89%) and Econometrics (87%) with the using of Eviews software, which enables me to establish basic mathematical models to solve problems), I have mastered a basic understanding and a clear picture of Western Economics, Risk Management & Insurance, Finance, Financial Engineering, etc.

Benefiting from my strength in mathematics and effective learning, I enjoyed an upward trend in the academic performance, preparing myself to be a capable student with diligent studying style.

Since junior year, I began to focus on securities and futures. Supervised by my financial professor named Qingyuan Zhang who taught me Monetary Banking, I researched the stock index futures in western financial markets and its performance.

Based on the research, I completed an essay (to be published in National Financial Journal in Nov. 2012) where I listed the operations of stock index futures investment in western capital markets and put forward my ideas about stock index futures investment in Chinese mainland markets.

Thanks to the research, I have mastered the methodology on how to approach a problem in a logical and analytical manner. In January 2013, I have participated in Hongkong Management Trainee Plan. I had been engaged in communication and arrangement works with Harry Ho-Director of Aviva and Andy Mak-Chief Investment Strategist of Aviva, analyzing the result of GSEC Marketing Competition Simulation Contest of each group by using relative software, participating in the discussion on fund mix choice, supervising the implementation of public projects and assisting in auditing the project last-term report and grade.

Besides academic excellence, I also tried to enhance my social communicative skills and leadership. For three years, I worked at student union of my university, in charge of organizing various campus activities such as music festival, arts gala, and cultural salon. I nurtured interpersonal communication skills, leading my team to complete the activity-launching tasks within limited time. I believe these skills are necessary for supporting my success in both the academic and social life in a new environment.

However, it is far from enough to arrive at my destination-the field of business and management. In order to gain more improvement,I looked for a precious opportunity to work as a Futures Manager Assistant in GF Securities Zhangjiakou Branch of Hebei Province. In this company, I have learnt the relative knowledge on stock markets analysis and futures business, maintaining the existing customers by collecting the feedback from the customers and reflecting to the manager and looking for the new customers by introducing the profit and risk of the futures to the potential customers.

To seek for more improvement, I work as a HR Director Assistant in Beijing Branch of Budweiser China Sales Co., LTD. I was then responsible for making the statistics of the employees’ attendance rate and drawing the weekly report. New employees’ recruitment and training, assisting HR director in arranging the meeting decoration, receiving the customers and helping the HR director coordinate the relations with other departments, are also what my responsibilities lie in.

With my ambition grows greater, I found it a mix of challenge and fun to be my own boss. Driven by the common idea, I, together with four partners, create an offline program. I was in charge of the marketing part. My work was talking over the cooperation with catering, entertainment, hotel and training institutions besides Nankai University and Tianjin University.

We designed the entity coupon for the stores and gave out them to the college student by taking advantage of societies and student union. The discount activities

submitted to the final discussion result with merchants. From the activity, we achieved the situation of “Win-win-win”. On one hand, the merchants could get more customers and popularities through our promotion. On the other hand, the customers got cheaper goods. In addition, our team gained certain monthly commission from the merchants. My interest and abilities indicates that a lifelong career in finance will be very appropriate for me because that is where my potential lies. In order to seek new heights academically, I would like to apply for admission into your prestigious program.

I participated in the “Entrepreneurship and Leadership Seminar” held by School of Business, University of Cambridge, and four-week economics courses in Oxford University during 2012 summer vacation. I really enjoyed the open communication with professors and lecturers. With this wonderful journey where I adapted quickly to the English-based academic environment, I feel confident for mastering overseas study.

Your university, with its topmost academic atmosphere, attracts me as an ideal place to pursue my master degree. The financial program has a tradition of excellence in research, education and service to the profession, which will help me to understand global capital marketing and financial investment internationally. With all the passion and belief to challenge myself, I am sure that I will be the best I can be if I am lucky enough to have the chance to study in your University.


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