来源:记忆力训练 发布时间:2013-07-25 点击:
TOEFL综合写作训练---OG Practice
综合写作训练 – 模拟“美国上课Scenario” Step 1: Pre-reading 阅读材料(归纳points) Step 2: criticism 批评 = weaken in the lecture
Step 3: Make summary 作总结
A, B, and C = A, B and C
1) quality of writing (good organization,
basic grammar, & right word use)
2) How well you present the point in the
lecture – 不仅是点,还包括“解释”
e.g. 总观点:恐龙可能恒温动物,而不是冷血动物。 一个分论点:stony = fossilized heart (, which warm-blooded animals have)
3) The relationship between reading and
the lecture 关系
1、3 minute – 阅读4个段落(第一个段落:总观点+观点的总结;第二个-第四个段落:分论点)
2、1.5 minute – 听一个lecture,教授也会分4段来讲(他自己的观点;他为什么会驳斥或质疑上述的论证过程)
3. 20 minutes – 写完一篇复合上述要求的作品(模板代表结构;还原听力中的重点信息)150-225
The speaker says that.... His idea is different from what the reading passage says. First of all, the reading passage shows that.... Still, the professor argues that.... Obviously, this contradicts the first point in the reading.
Second of all, the reading passage predicts that... Rather, the professor points out that.... Clearly, the second point in the reading is refuted.
Third of all, the reading passage suggests that.... Yet, the professor explains that... So the last point in the reading is questioned.
练习题:OG Practice II
听力的结果:上述的三个方面似乎都存在问题。 Fair – Good 能力
听 – points
1. They may not be invited to attend some
important conference of academic activities because they are considered not serious academic people. And they may not be given some scholarship to do more research.
托福写作官方范文综合 独立【TPO OG 真题】{og综合写作范文}.{og综合写作范文}.
摘要: 托福写作包含独立写作和综合写作两部分,所以在备考托福写作的过程中,我们要相互结合着来,小编将整理的托福写作官方范文综合+独立分享给大家,托福写作官方范文综合+独立重要是包含一些TPO、OG、新托福历年考试中遇到的托福真题题目+范文,这些内容都是对大家的托福写作提高非常有帮助的。
托福 写作官方范文综合+独立下载, 托福写作 备考中参考一定的范文对我们来说是非常有必要的,想要获得满分,我们就必须要下一定的努力,好资料当然要拿出来分享,托福写作官方范文综合+独立——分享给大家,只要吃透里面的内容,相信对大家的托福写作是非常有帮助的。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers’ performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.
With the rapid development of our educational system, a growing amount of attention is being paid on the issue of how to evaluate teachers´performance. Some individuals hold the belief that it is students who are qualified to assess their teachers´work, while others maintain that it is beneficial for teachers to appraise each other as well. From my perspective, I firmly believe that teachers´performance should be evaluated not only by their students but also by their colleagues for the following reasons.
Admittedly, evaluation of teachers´performance by their students brings a number of advantages especially when the students are pretty familiar with those teachers they evaluate. It has been noticed that this kind of evaluation is usually carried out in the form of questionnaires with a variety of questions related to different aspects of teaching, such as teaching content, methodology,degree of devotion, and also relationships with the students, to name just a few. Only when the evaluators are familiar with the objects can they provide informative and unbiased feedback which is of
crucial importance for the continuous improvement of educational quality as the evaluation results are generally used to identify existing problems and provide guidance for the development of detailed plan for further amelioration. There is no doubt that their students with whom the teachers spend the majority of their time have adequate information to perform the evaluation task.
Nonetheless, it should also be noted that it is also of tremendous benefit for teachers to appraise each other
especially for those teachers who are in the same group or deliver identical subjects.Generally speaking, teachers are specialized in their own subjects which means they have a great deal of knowledge about teaching content, methods, and also their effectiveness. Therefore, they are competent to evaluate their colleagues´ work as long as they are focused on the same subject.Through this kind of evaluation, those teachers being evaluated can have the chance to enrich their classes with the feedback they get from their peers. What´s more, the evaluators can also obtain a large amount of useful information in this process. Even for those teachers who are not from the same area, they are still qualified to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various teaching techniques, such as how to plan and control the class, etc.
To sum up, according to the analysis above, I propose that teachers´should be assessed both by their coworkers and their students as long as the two evaluations are designed separately and concentrated on different aspects of teaching.
相关字搜索: 托福写作官方范文
综合写作-OG 282
1. Human organ donors gain nothing from their action
2. The donors receive appreciation and approval from the rest of society
3. Sentinel meerkats go without food to stand guard
4. Sentinel actually eat before the other meerkats
5. Sentinel meerkats place themselves in danger from predators
6. Sentinels are actually the first to escape the predators
The lecture above completely refutes the passage. It is said in the lecture that the perceived(认知到的) acts of altruism are nothing more than sneaky methods of gaining advantage for one’s self. Contrary to the belief in the passage that sentinels risk their lives for the cause of the whole group, the professor says that the meerkat sentinels are in fact less prone to outside threats. The alarm sentinels give off causes to group to move rashly which draws the predators attention towards them, thus drawing away the attention from the sentinels.
The lecture refutes the fact that these meerkats are altruistic in the sense that they gain nothing in exchange of their services. In fact, researchers have shown that they have a full stomach as they perform this “altruistic” duty and have a better chance of escaping from danger because they witness it first. Professor also offers a different underlying motivation that causes people to believe that acts such as donating an organ or sharing food with someone in need are altruistic. She says that people gain appreciation as a result of such acts, which may be deemed by some much more important than materialistic gains.

OG全称OFFICAL GUIDE 官方指南 其权威性自不必我赘述. 可是大家在写作时往往忽视OG的重要地位, 大家时常问,我的字数不够能不能拿高分, 这个观点该同意还是反对, 我的文章逻辑有什么问题, 我该不该使用模版等等其实大家都可以在OG中找到答案., 甚至都可以利用OG尝试给自己的文章估分. 为什么你没发现, 只是你不够仔细, 那么就有鄙人带着大家重新读一下OG, 去发现你不曾发现的宝贵资源.
首先要读的便是大家最熟悉的P267页185题库, 你总能在这里发现与真题一样或及其相似的题目, 所以浏览全部题目,熟悉考题,把握出题范围,题材,内容,应该是读OG 写作部分做的第一件事.
然后,个人认为P267的一段可以用作我们语文课上常说的总说段. 我把它打在下面: 在作文中,考生是否同意某一观点并不重要,评分人员经过培训能够接受所有不同类型的观点.重要的是考生在议论过程中需具备的各种能力: 直接切中问题的能力, 明确主张的能力, 以及写出结构严谨,例证恰当,句子多样化且结构正确的文章的能力.这几个部分贯穿了整个OG的independent writing section.
P260 最后一段讲的是关于句子复杂度的问题
P260 第二段是关于文章结构的问题.
P259 ~P260 提到了如何展开论点的问题(example&detail),P259最下面一段英文给出的是没有例子和细节,只有词汇堆砌例证的例子. 上面的一段英文是关于累赘的首末段的, 可以看出网上大部分模版的首末段都和这段文字及其像,空洞,废话,凑字数痕迹明显,可是却没有切题,并提出自己的主张.
P258 最后一段说的是字数问题.回答了很多大家非常关心的问题: 字数重不重要,字数不够能不能拿高分,字数和分数有多大的联系
P261 Independent Wring Scoring Rubric.给出了每个分值的评分标准.那么我们应该怎么看.看什么.
个人认为重点看5,4,3分的部分,因为大部分考生的基础应该属于2分的水平而据统计得2~3分的考生也是最多的. 所以大家应该focus on 3~5分的标准. 3~5分每个多给了4
注意到不同的分数对 直接切中问题的能力, 明确主张的能力, 以及写出结构严谨,例证恰当,句子多样化且结构正确的文章的能力. 的标准都不同(红笔以标注)
最后我们该看范文了一共有15篇文章,以及对应的rater's comments大家要好好利用. 我觉得大家侧重点应该是看5,4的文章,3,2,1分的部分主要看rater's comments. 特别是3篇满分范文,可能是唯一的官方承认的满分范文了, 建议背下来,对积累句型,把握逻辑结构很有帮助. 其次要看rater's common, rater喜欢什么样的文章,如何取悦rater.什么样叫结构合理,什么样叫论证不充分, 什么样的语法错误是非常严重的, 都是大家看的时候要注意的.
推荐1 P287 score 5 sample 1 看看rater 是如何说他为什么是满分.
2 P265 score 2 essay 小马们经常和这篇文章范同样的错误only developed idea partly 重点看rater's comment
以上只是鄙人个人看法, 毕竟水平有限, 若有错误大家及时纠正, 以免误导大家, 有问题请留言.
写在前面: 综合写作是新托福有别于旧托福的新题型, 虽然大家都觉得他的听力, 阅读都不是很难, 考试也很模式化, 模版的威力巨大, 但是满分真的就那么容易吗? 如何备考该部分, 综合写作主要考查3个能力: take-note, summarize, paraphrase(改述). 练习时要有重点, 有目的. 所以特将此讲义(大家平时可能不是很重视的讲义)分享给大家, 该讲义全面,系统的为大家分析了综合写作, 并将OG上的精华部分提炼出来, 并教大家如何写出自己的模版. 望大家仔细拜读, 一举攻下综合写作. (注: 次讲义不包括如何take-note 关于如何记笔记参阅此贴:如何做好听力笔记和综合写作)
Integrated Writing 的基本类型
Lecture 提出Reading未提及的不良方面或问题
Lecture解释Reading 的原因和结果

Integrated Writing 的评分标准
The specific ideas, explanations, and arguments in the lecture that oppose or support points in the reading. ---Points in the listening
A clear coherent structure that enables the reader to understand what points in the lecture relate to what points in the reading. ---Structure of your response
Coherent and accurate presentations of each point you make---language you use should accurately reflect ideas in the lecture and the reading. ---Grammar and vocabulary
What is the Key Points?
In Reading
Main idea --- 核心态度
Explanation information --- 主要理由
In Listening
main idea --- 核心态度
explanation information --- 主要理由
Practice: OG-250
Key points in Reading:
Team: certain project
Advantages of team work
A wider range of knowledge, expertise, skills--work more quickly
Creative solutions---spread the responsibility
Rewarding for team members
Feel better about the work decided by themselves
Member to shine---results are far reaching
Key Points in Listening:
Some didn’t contribute + Some who worked well and provide insight can not be recognized---members shine
Contributors feel bad---feel better
Projects didn’t move quickly (agreements)---work quickly because resources
Influencers have too much influence (Never work-drop / creative-accepted) ---not included
project failed, blame all---spread responsibility{og综合写作范文}.
Practice: OG-282
Key points in Reading:
Altruism-gain nothing
Humans: sharing food, donate organs, little rewards
Animals: Meerkat
A sentinel – alarm / alerting others
Gain nothing-without food while others eat
Danger-flee alone
Key Points in Listening:
eat before stand guard---gain nothing, without food
likely to escape, near burrow, but others danger---danger/ flee alone
alarm (cause others to move-draw attention)---alerting others
appreciation, self-worth (non-material rewards)---little rewards from donating organs
其次,教授认为(观点2)。文章中显示(文章中观点2的原因或例子),然而教授认为(讲座中观点2的原因和例子),因此得不出文章中的结论。 最后,教授提出(观点3)。文章中描述(文章中观点3的原因或例子),然而教授认为(讲座中观点3的原因和例子),这一点也直接攻击了文章的论述。
证据:evidence、data、fact、proof、basis、foundation 假定:assumption、premise、presumption、supposition、postulation、hypothesis、conjecture
提议:advice、appeal、plan、scheme、recommendation 认为:think、hold、maintain、take the position that、believe
be against
反例:alternative explanation、counter example
问题:problems、issues、matter、topic、subject、concern 驳斥:rebuke、refute、question、argue、reject、refuse 缺少证据:groundless、unwarranted、incorrect、improper、inappropriate
疑问:challenges、cast doubts on、raise concern over、 转折:however、unfortunately、on the contrary、conversely
1、The speaker raises serious counterarguments against the reading passage by providing drastically different evidence regarding the advantages of group working pattern.
2、The speaker questions the effectiveness of the group working by providing evidences contrdictory to the reading.
3、The speaker refutes the reading's argument about the benefits of team working by providing the contradictory evidence

1、As opposed to the ideas of the reading, the lecture thinks/believes/mantains that the above-mentioned about its efficiency, effectiveness and members' behavior.
2、while/whereas the writer states that characteristics of team working pattern are so outstanding, the lecture opposes the claim
3、The speaker provides an alternative explanation of the effectiveness of team work.
delta test 4 556 track 16
备考策略与模拟试题 409页 Quiz 3
备考策略与模拟试题 407页 Quiz 1
A. 不要采用千篇一律的冗长段子来作开头介绍和结尾结论,这样凑出来的字数并不讨好。这其实表明的ETS的立场,不欢迎死板的模板式文章。
B. 不要言之无物。我们写这篇essay的目的是要develop一个topic,说明我们的观点,言简意赅比废话连篇要讨好得多,不要一味单纯地计较字数的多寡。
C. 不要一味只将话题集中在“这个事实的存在”上,要用比较具体的方式来阐述观点。这表明了ETS是希望作者运用适当的事例和细节描述来推出观点,而不是用不同的表达方式重复一个事实。
其实如何定义这个“散文式”真不容易,个人看法是,开头亮出观点还是必要的,尽量用一些比较贴近生活的事例(例如OG-practice中的5分范文“when young adults should leave their parents”中的首段)或者是为大众所接受的常识式标准(例如OG中的5分范文“Dishonesty kills reliability”中的首段)来引入观点,这样会自然而然吸引读者的兴趣。
相关字搜索: 托福写作