
来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2013-07-08 点击:




1. Project Manager 项目经理

2. Project Stakeholders 项目干系人

3. general engineer 总监理工程师

4. vice-general engineer 副监理工程师

5. supervising engineer 监理工程师

6. supervisory staff 监理人员


1. Senior System Architect 高级系统架构师

2. Software Architect 软件架构师

3. Network Architect 网络架构师

4. system analyst 系统分析师

1. Senior Software Engineer 高级软件工程师

2. software QA engineer(software quality assurance engineer) 软件测试工程师

3. Test Engineer 测试工程师






1. system administrator(SA)系统管理员

2. network administrator 网络管理员

3. database administrator(DBA)数据库管理员{it职业规划英文范文}.

1. designer 设计师

2. developer 开发人员(开发者)

3. Programmer 程序员

4. Data Processing Specialist 信息处理员 software engineer 软件工程师 network engineer 网络工程师 database engineer 数据库工程师 Information Security Engineer 信息安全工程师


1. Telecommunications network planner 电信工程网络规划师

2. Telecommunications Engineer 通信工程师{it职业规划英文范文}.

3. Data Communication Engineer 数据通信工程师

4. Mobile Communication Engineer 动通信工程师

5. Wireless Communication Engineer 无线通信工程师

6. Senior Telecom Engineer 高级通信工程师


英文范文 IT行业求职信







精通C、C++、JAVA。熟练使用Linux、Windows等操作系统。熟练使用Office、WPS办公自动化软件。自学HTML 、Frontpage 、Dreamweaver 、Fireworks 、Flash等网页制作相关软件。对于常用软件都能熟练使用。并获得全国计算机二级,CET6等国家级证书。

收笔之际,郑重地提一个小小的要求: 无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意!


Cover letter

Dear Human Resources Manager



I am honored to be your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you

My name is Cao Fei, a Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Computer Science graduating undergraduates and technical expertise, will get a BS in Computer Science. Four years of college, laid a solid theoretical basis, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.

As a college student, I am very well aware how fierce competition of contemporary talent, a competitive talent requires not only a solid and a wealth of expertise, the knowledge and the overall quality to be consolidated and strengthened. Often participate in various sports activities, social practice, practical experience is outstanding, with good team spirit and human interpersonal communication and coordination skills. Holidays and summer vacation to do some promotion and market research; in order to constantly improve themselves, to a complex talent of a new century, to meet the challenges of society.

Proficient in C and C + +, JAVA. Familiar with Linux, Windows and other operating systems. Familiar with the Office, WPS Office automation software. Self-an HTML, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, etc. web production software. Proficiency in commonly used software can use. Computer II, CET 6 national certificate.

Received on the occasion of the pen, solemnly raised a small request: Whether or not you choose me, Dear leaders, we hope you will accept my sincere thanks!

Wish your organization business was flourishing!

Cover letter

Dear Human Resources Manager


Are honored in his busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you

My name is Cao Fei, a Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, graduating in computer science and technology professional undergraduate, graduate with BS in Computer Science. Four years of college, laid a solid theoretical basis, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.

As a college student, I am very well aware how fierce competition of contemporary talent, a competitive talent requires not only a solid and a wealth of expertise, the knowledge and the overall quality to be consolidated and strengthened. Often participate in various sports activities, social practice, practical experience is outstanding, with good team spirit and human interpersonal communication and coordination skills. Holidays and summer vacation to do some promotion and market research; in order to constantly improve themselves, to a complex talent of a new century, to meet the challenges of society.

Proficient in C and C + +, JAVA. Familiar with Linux, Windows and other operating systems. Familiar with the Office, WPS Office automation software. Taught himself HTML, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, etc. Web production software. Proficiency in commonly used software can use. Computer II, CET 6 national certificate.

Finally, I solemnly to mention one small request: Whether or not you choose me, respected leader, I hope you will accept my sincere thanks!

Wish your organization business was flourishing!








包括:A. 软件工程师

D. 系统分析师 B. 测试工程师 E. 软件设计师 C. 系统架构师

F. 数据库管理员:数据库维护、数据库开发人员、 数据库分析员/专家



A、 系统管理员:网络架设人员/硬件支持/专业咨询人员。系统管理员主要负责监管、维护以及保障当前系统能每天的正常运行,保证局域网与远程网络的不间断连接。专业级的系统管理人员还要经常解决一些跨平台和跨系统资源访问的问题,甚至涉及到大型网络的设计与实施领域,这里通常是只基于UNIX/Linux平台。


3、网络安全管理:网络安全技术人员的主要工作职责是维护网络与信息安全;安全建设人员/分析人员/安全管理员/ 工程师;网络安全管理员则主要负责监管和维护网络每天的安全以及合法运作;网络安全工程师与之有些相似但更偏重于与安全有关的网络问题解答、技术支持、设计及安全技术实施。


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