来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2013-06-21 点击:
1、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.
2、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.
3、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. 太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。
4、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.
5、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar. 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。
6、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away. 我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。
7、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence. 被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。
8、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
9、Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
10、A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here.” Holds you
when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you. That’s the guy I want to give my heart to.
11、Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
12、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.
13、If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead.
14、If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.
15、When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.
16、Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.
17、How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?
18、A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world. 爱情是两个人的事,与旁人无关。
19、You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday. 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。
20、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.
英文名人名言佳句 每日一句
Posted by John on 06/14/2016No comments
―I don‘t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run towards it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your foot.‖
– Nadia Comaneci, Gymnast
「我不会因害怕而逃离挑战,我反而会正面迎向它,因为避开害怕的唯一方法是把它踏在脚下。」– 纳迪娅·埃列娜·柯曼妮奇 (体操选手)
纳迪娅·埃列娜·柯曼妮奇 (1961- ) 是罗马尼亚体操选手,第一位在奥运体
操获得满分的选手,她共拿下 5 面奥运金牌,并 3 度蝉联欧洲锦标赛全能冠军,有「体操皇后」的美誉。 Abigail Adams (美国第一夫人)
Posted by John on 06/13/2016No comments
―Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised, and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities which would otherwise lay dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman.‖
– Abigail Adams, First Lady of the U.S.
「巨大的需求会引发伟大的美德,当一个人长成、被感动人心的景像所鼓舞,那些原本潜藏的特质,就会被唤起进入生活,并形成英雄及政治家的性格。」– 艾碧该·亚当斯 (美国第一夫人)
艾碧该·亚当斯 (1744-1818) 是美国第二任总统约翰·亚当斯之妻,也是美
国第六任总统约翰·昆西·亚当斯之母,她提倡妇女应有财产权和更多机会,特别是受教育,借此发展她们的智能。 Peter Diamandis (企业家)
Posted by John on 06/10/2016No comments
―If the risk is fully aligned with your purpose and mission, then it‘s worth considering.‖
– Peter Diamandis, Entrepreneur
「如果一个风险与你的目标及使命完全吻合,那它就值得考虑。」– 彼得·戴曼迪斯 (企业家)
彼得·戴曼迪斯 (1961- ) 是美国企业家,成立多家私人航太公司,包括太
空探险公司 (Space Adventures)、以开发小行星采矿为旨的行星资源公司 (Planetary Resources),著有纽约时报畅销书「富足:解决人类生存难题的重大科技创新」。
Frank Lloyd (建筑师)
Posted by John on 06/09/2016No comments
―TV is chewing gum for the eyes.‖
– Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect
「电视是眼睛的口香糖。」– 法兰克·洛伊·莱特 (建筑师)
法兰克·洛伊·莱特 (1867-1959) 是美国建筑师、室内设计师,代表作是位
于宾州,横跨瀑布之上的「落水山庄」(Fallingwater)。他著有 20 本书,也是受欢迎的演说家,被为誉为美国史上最伟大的建筑师。 Carl Sagan (宇宙学家)
Posted by John on 06/08/2016No comments
―When you make the finding yourself – even if you‘re the last person on Earth to see the light – you‘ll never forget it.‖
– Carl Sagan, Cosmologist
「当你自己找出答案 – 即便你是世上最后一个发现的人 – 你永远都不会忘记。」– 卡尔·萨根 (宇宙学家)
卡尔·萨根 (1934-1996) 是美国太空人、天文学家,也是享誉全球的科普
Harriet Martineau (作家)
Posted by John on 06/07/2016No comments
―A soul preoccupied with great ideas best performs small duties.‖
– Harriet Martineau, Writer
「心系伟大想法的人,把小事做的最好。」– 海丽叶特·马蒂诺 (作家)
海丽叶特·马蒂诺 (1802-1876) 是英国作家及社会学家,以宗教、社会、国家及女权主义等观点撰写论文,且著有多本书籍,得到维多利亚女王的赏识,是少数能靠写作维生的女性作家。 Paulo Coelho (小说家)
Posted by John on 06/06/2016No comments
―Profound commitment to a dream does not confine or constrain: it liberates. Even a difficult, winding path can lead to your goal if you follow it to the end.‖{mission谚语}.
– Paulo Coelho, Novelist
「对一个梦想的完全投入不会限制或束缚一个人,而是解脱。一条困难、曲折的路将带你抵达目标,如果你走到最后。」– 保罗‧科尔贺 (小说家)
保罗‧科尔贺 (1947- ) 是巴西著名小说家,获得多项国际知名奖项,以《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》一书而世界闻名,他所出版的书籍被翻成约 38 种语言,在全球共有约 2,000 万本的销量。
Posted by John on 05/27/2016No comments
Ivanka Trump (经理人)
Posted by John on 06/03/2016No comments
―Take nothing for granted. Know that in life, the harder you work, the luckier you‘ll get.‖
– Ivanka Trump, Businesswoman
「没有事情是理所当然,要知道在人生中你愈努力,你就会愈幸运。」– 伊凡卡·川普 (经理人)
伊凡卡·川普 (1981- ) 纽约地产大亨唐纳·川普的女儿,担任川普集团开发
有品牌,推出手提袋和鞋靴系列。 Misty Copeland (芭蕾舞者)
Posted by John on 06/02/2016No comments
―Through belief in yourself, hard work and dedication, it is possible to achieve your dreams, prove your doubters wrong and go from an underdog to a Warrior.‖
– Misty Copeland, Ballerina
「透过相信自己,努力及专心致志,你有机会完成你的梦想、证明怀疑者是错的,并由弱者转为战士。」– 米斯蒂·科普兰 (芭蕾舞者)
米斯蒂·科普兰 (1982- ) 是美国芭蕾舞剧团 (ABT) 的首席舞者,也是第一
弃,最终靠努力获得肯定,在 2015 年入选《时代》杂志百大风云人物。 Joseph Addison (文学家)
Posted by John on 06/01/2016No comments
―Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.‖
– Joseph Addison, Writer
「阅读之于心灵,犹如运动之于身体。」– 约瑟夫‧艾迪生 (文学家)
约瑟夫‧艾迪生 (1672-1719) 是英国散文家、诗人、剧作家以及政治家,
为著名杂志《闲谈者》(Tatler) 与《旁观者》(Spectator) 的共同创办人。他在 1705 年出任副国务秘书,并在 1708 年当选国会议员。 Mahatma Gandhi (政治家)
Posted by John on 05/31/2016No comments
―If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.‖
– Mahatma Gandhi, Statesman
「如果我相信自己做的到,我将一定取得所需要的能力,即便一开始我可能没有。」– 甘地 (政治家)
甘地 (1869-1948) 毕业于英国伦敦大学,回国后带领印度人民以非暴力、
不合作的抗议方式,脱离英国的殖民统治并赢得独立,他的行为鼓舞了世界各地的人权及自由运动。 Dale Carnegie (励志专家)
Posted by John on 05/30/2016No comments
―Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.‖
– Dale Carnegie, Motivational Expert
「世界上的重要事情,都是由在看似没有希望、还持续努力的人所完成。」– 戴尔‧卡内基 (励志专家)
戴尔‧卡内基 (1888-1955) 是美国励志作家及演说家,创立了一系列的行销、演讲、企业训练、人际关系、及励志成长等训练课程。他是畅销书《卡内基沟通与人际关系 – 如何赢取友谊与影响他人》的作者。
Denis Waitley (励志演说家)
Posted by John on 05/27/2016
―Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.‖
– Denis Waitley, Motivational Speaker
「失败者活在过去,胜利者从过去学习,并享受当下的工作以得到更好的未来。」– 丹尼斯‧魏特利 (励志演说家)
1. 随着经济的繁荣with the booming of the economy
2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard
3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology
4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life

5. 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that…
6. 我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.
7. 引起了广泛的公众关注 Sth. has aroused wide public concern. / Sth has drawn great public attention.
8. 不可否认 It is undeniable that…
9. 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion / debate
10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue
11. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,
12. 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons
13. 双方的论点 argument on both sides
14. 发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role in…
15. 对…必不可少 be indispensable to …
16. 正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:
17. 对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive / negative effects on…
18. 利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
19. 导致,引起 lead to / give rise to / contribute to / result in
20. 复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon
21. 责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility / achievement
22. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation
23. 开阔眼界 widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision
24. 学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills
25. 经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden
26. 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into consideration
27. 从另一个角度 from another perspective
28. 做出共同努力 make joint efforts
29. 对…有益 be beneficial to / be conducive to…
30. 为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society
31. 打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…
32. 综合素质 comprehensive quality
33. 致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…
34. 应当承认 Admittedly,
35. 不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty
36. 满足需求 satisfy / meet the needs of...
37. 可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information
38. 宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources
39. 因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)
40. 方便快捷 convenient and efficient
41. 在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life
42. 环保的材料 environmentally friendly materials
43. 社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress
44. 大大方便了人们的生活 Sth has greatly facilitated people's lives.
45. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue
46. 在一定程度上 to some extent
47. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice
48. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…
49. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly keen social competition
50. 眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest
51. 长远利益 long-tem interest
52. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons
53. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to
54. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas / emotions / information
55. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…
56. …的健康发展 the healthy development of…
57. 重视 attach great importance to…
58. 社会地位 social status
59. 把时间和精力放在…上 focus one's time and energy on…
60. 扩大知识面 expand one's scope of knowledge
61. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally
62. 有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…
63. 导致很多问题 give rise to / lead to / spell various problems
64. 可以替代think的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that
65. 缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress / burden
66. 优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.
67. 与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with
68. 可降解的/可分解的材料 degradable / decomposable material
69. 代替 replace / substitute / take the place of
70. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities
71. 反映了社会进步的 mirror the social progress/advance
72. 增进相互了解 enhance / promote mutual understanding
73. 充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of
74. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure
75. 保障社会稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society
76. 更多地强调 put more emphasis on…
77. 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the social development
78. 实现梦想 realize one's dream
79. 主要理由列举如下 The main / leading reasons are listed as follows:
80. 我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.
homogeneously 同一的,基因(前缀,词根adj adv) make a reservation 订房间: (出现两次) commitment 商业方面的约定 engagement 一般的约定(也指订婚)
gorgeous 秀色可餐,太美了 lease 签租约
mortgage 抵押,贷款 installment 分期付款
collide with 与......相冲突
deprive of 剥夺 budget 预算 compensation 弥补,补偿
eternal永恒的 intuition 直觉 penalty 惩罚,点球
potential 潜在的 in terms of在......方面 sheer完全的
trivial 琐碎的
regardless of 除了
demonstrate 演示 demonstrated beauty 倾国倾城 mingled情感、气息、气味的混合 永陪词汇(永远不成为答案):
claim有100多条解释Constrain 陪考:empirical 凭经验的,主观的
出现giant panda/species 就选死光光,绝种extinct{mission谚语}.
aspire不断地呼吸-->渴望 ers=turn (旋转) Universe 围绕地旋转-->宇宙,单一的,同样的 converse 扭转,共同地
reverse 颠倒,反转,倒带,反
diverse 不同的
vertigo 头晕,分开
cess=go (走路)
access 一再地走-->接近,一再
excess 超过-->过渡,超出
recess 走回来-->休息
process 前进,加工 scend=climb (爬)
ascend v.攀登,轻薄物体的上升,声音从远处传来 descendant n.后代(在你后面爬)
transcend v.超越,胜过

cest 跑
ancestor 在前面跑-->祖先
sophomore 大二生
PS:九三学社,上午九点起,,下午睡到3点 cur跑 precursor 在前面跑-->祖先
form 形式
reform 一再地改变形式--> 改革
conform 共同->符合
perform 演出
deform 不好的形式-->畸形 不好 sophy智慧 sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故的
philosophy 哲学,爱智慧
bankrupt 破产
interrupt 打断
exclusive interview 人物专访
corrupt r双写+co=共同
共同在断-->腐败-->破坏 excursion 跑出去-->旅游 clude=close
exclusive a.排他的,独占的,专属的
exclude v.排除在外
inclusive a. 包围住的,包括的
preclude v.预防,妨碍
ped 脚
expedition 脚出去-->探险
biped 双足的
pedal 脚蹬的地方
define 加强限定-->下定义 stat 站在那
stationary 静止的
statue 全身雕塑
scribe=write (写)
ascribe 归因于
subscribe 订阅,提交,在下面写 conscribe 征兵
circumscribe 限制,圆圈
impression 压在你心里面-->印象 express 压出来-->表达
suppress 往下压-->平息,镇压 oppress 压迫,压制
debate 争论
combat 搏斗
acrobat 杂技
deflicient 缺乏的,不够的
subfficient 足够的
proficient a.精通的;n.专家
efficient 效率的
conflict 一起打-->冲突,战争
afflict 一再地打击-->折磨
inflict 自虐,自我折磨 front 面对 confront 使面临,对抗
affront 脸一直凑过去-->冒犯,侮辱 effrontery 厚颜无耻
ingest 进入管道-->吃入,摄入 miss送 mission 送出去的-->任务
commission 共同送出去的任务 ->委托,委任,佣金,回扣
dismiss 疏散,解散,解雇,免职 omission 省略,忽略
repel 推回来-->相斥
compel共同往前推-->强迫,迫使 propel 往前推-->推进
compliments 赞美之词 sist 站立 resist 抵制
consist of 由......组成
persist (一直总)坚持
assist 帮助
decline 下降
incline 倾向 be inclined to do 喜欢做 recline 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀) ple 满,完成
implement 实施,执行
complement 相补充、相弥补
superior 优良的,卓越的
superable 可取的,可胜任的
supreme 最高的,至高无上的
superb 庄重的,极好的 fin 终点,范围 confine 限制
finish 完成
definite 明确的
infinite 无限,极大
cede 走
recede 后退 rip(撕裂)
grip v. 抓
gripping 扣人心弦的
ceed 走
proceed with=contine with
exceed 超过
exceeding 巨大的 defect n.过失,错误 affect n.影响,侵袭
effect n.效果,作用
infect v.传染,感染
pat 父亲,祖国
patrol 巡逻
expatriate 驱逐出境
compatriot 同胞(有共同的祖国) repatriate v.遣返
patriot n.爱国者 tent扩展,延展 intentionally 故意地
content 内容
patent 怕传出去-->申请专利保护 acro高
acrobat 高级的杂耍-->杂技
anonymous没名-->匿名的 tract 拖,拉 extract 拉出来-->萃取,提取
attract 一再地拉-->吸引(美好的) distract 拉走了-->分散,转移,分神 cise 切
precise 事先切好-->精确
concise 共同切-->简洁的,简明的
compact 结实的,简洁的,紧凑的(常考)hump 驼峰
plump 丰满<-->bony骨感美人 lump 肿块,疙瘩
Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission
Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. This is a proverb full of logic. In other words, learning is significant in our whole life. Indeed, we can learn many things from it. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.
There are many reasons which can explain this saying and the following are the typical ones. The first reason is that learning can light our road in the coming future. There is no denying the fact that the society is developing increasingly fast and we are often easily surpassed by the people around. The only way to avoid this is to learn to improve ourselves.
As an illustration, I’d like to take myself as an example. After graduation from college, my life has been full of working pressure, which contributes to my decision of pursuing further education. That’s why I can make my own way in such a competitive society.
The effect of learning can be boiled down to two major ones. First, with the spirit of learning, we are more capable of overcoming the difficulties in the future. More importantly, we can enrich our spare time life by learning. No matter who you are, you must remember that learning is the basic skill in our life.
__ (所给格言或谚语). This is a proverb full of logic.In other words, ___ (换言之的解释). Indeed, we can learn many things from it. Examples can easily be found to make this point clearer. ___ (例子1) is a case in point. Another case is that __ (例子2). Whatever you do, please remember the saying “______ (该格言或谚语)”. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.
第二段: 分析原因或者阐述观点
There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon and the following are the typical ones. The first reason is that ________(理由一). The second reason is that ________(理由二).The typical example is that ________
第三段: 展望未来或者解决问题
Confronted with such a problem, I think we need to take some positive measures. On the one hand, ________ (方法/建议一). On the other hand, it is necessary for us to ________(方法/建议二). Thus/Only in this way, can ________(总结自己的观点/建议/态度)
The effects can be boiled down to two major ones. First, ________(影响一). More importantly, ________(影响二). Hence, I believe that we will see a ________(提出展望). Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ________(或反面展望).
The Popularity of Self-Drive Tourism
As more and more people own private cars, self-drive tourism has gained increasingpopularity. According to a recent survey conducted by China Daily, the past five years haswitnessed a sharp increase in the percentage of self-drive tourism, from 4.5 to 25.9.It goes without saying that self-drive tourism has its advantages. To begin with, self-drivetourists can enjoy the full freedom of itinerary, being free to choose the destination instead ofhurrying after the guide from one place to another. In addition,avoiding the jostling crowd and saving the trouble of booking tickets, tourists will surely feel more comfortable and convenient.However, self-drive tourism has disadvantages, too. The driver may be unfamiliar with the routeand driving itself sometimes is a little tiring.As far as I am concerned, I prefer self-drive tourism because this way of traveling is morechallenging and gives me more pleasure of sightseeing.
Traffic Jam
Nowadays,the problem of traffic congestion has become increasingly serious in big cities.According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV, a high proportion of people as high as 74.5percent in Beijing and Shanghai admit that traffic jam wastes them more than 2 hours every day.To account for this phenomenon, people have come up with various reasons listed below. Tobegin with, more and more people buy private cars, which gives rise to more serious trafficcongestion. In addition, a rising number of people from rural areas are pouring into big cities,among whom many lack the sense of abiding by traffic rules, which will undoubtedly have a badeffect on traffic.
Everybody in the world hopes to keep healthy. Without a healthy body, one couldn’t even livea normal life, let alone a happy life.There are several ways to keep healthy. To begin with, one should do regular physical exercise.Bythis, one can not only keep himself in good physical condition but also stay in a good moodevery day. In addition, having a balanced diet is also of great importance to keep healthy.According to a recent survey conducted by WHO, taking too much fat accounts for 34.7 percent ofthe diseases that people suffered from in the year 2013. What’s more, one should pay attention toavoiding too much pressure.As to me, I play table tennis for an hour every day and take everything easy, which refreshesme and hence keeps me stay in good health.
Science and Human Life
Science and technology have brought human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to thedevelopment of science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently; we can eatfresh vegetables all the year round; we can travel long distance in a short time, etc.However, science and technology have also brought us a lot of disasters. First, with thedevelopment of medicine, people are now living much longer, which caused the increase ofpopulation. The wastes from factories caused pollution of all kinds. What’s more, some terroristsare using biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten the world peace.So, it’s urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But I don’t think we should stop the
development of science and technology. Instead, we should make some rules to regulate people’sactions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us morebenefits.
Dear parents,
This letter is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart。 Although we can keep in virtual touch every day, I still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated what you’ve done for me。
In the past 20 years, you have done a lot for me。 Firstly, thank you so much for bringing me up。 I know how hard you‘ve being working in the past。 I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles you’ve conquered。 Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me。 There is an old saying goes like this “parents are the first teachers to their children”。 Both of you are the typical ones。 The most important thing that I want to say “thank you” is for your great admiration on my own freedom。 You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation。
I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter。 The only thing I hope you can do for me is to take good care of yourselves and you will be always proud of me。
Yours beloved
Dear Mary,
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help when I was in difficulty。 You have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other。
Last week, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a week。 When I was worrying about the lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject。 With your help, I didn’t fall behind others。
Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic help。 Even though you are to about to go abroad for further education I know that I will always stay in touch with you。 I wish you every success in the future and I hope we can exchange more viewpoints on study。
Please keep in touch, and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world。 Very sincerely
I was summoned by my country ,whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love. ——乔治·华盛顿首任就职演说(1789.4.30)
Fellow Citizens:
I am again called upon by the voice of my country to execute the functions of its Chief Magistrate. When the occasion proper for it shall arrive, I shall endeavor to express the high sense I entertain of this distinguished honor, and of the confidence which has been reposed in me by the people of united America.
Previous to the execution of any official act of the President the Constitution requires an oath of office. This oath I am now about to take, and in your presence: That if it shall be found during my administration of the Government I have in any instance violated willingly or knowingly the injunctions thereof, I may (besides incurring constitutional punishment) be subject to the upbraidings of all who are now witnesses of the present solemn ceremony.
The existence of such a government as ours for any length of time is a full proof of a general dissemination of knowledge and virtue throughout the whole body of the people.
I have learnt to expect that it will rarely fall to the lot of imperfect man to retire from this station with the reputation and the favor which bring him into it.
Let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things.
Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.
No other definite line can be drawn between the inestimable liberty of the press and its demoralizing licentiousness.
If there be candor in the world, the truth of these assertions will not be questioned; posterity at least will do justice to them.
*如果我们能继续坚持目前已完成的事业,而且坚定地走已经开辟的路,我们一定会胜利。 If we persevere in the career in which we have advanced so far and in the path already traced , we can not fail.

In the adjustment of may differences that may exist or arise to exhibit the forbearance becoming a powerful nation rather the sensibility belonging to a gallant people.
The kindness of a people who never yet deserted a public servant honestly laboring in their cause. ——马丁·范布伦首任就职演说(1837.3.4)
*真正的自由精神是奉献、坚定、勇敢、不妥协,但实行自由权利必须小心、温和、宽容。 The true spirit of liberty, although devoted, persevering, bold, and uncompromising in the principle , that secured is mild and tolerant and scrupulous as to the means it employs.{mission谚语}.
Our system may be safely extended to the utmost bounds of our territorial limits.
The position which I have been called to fill, though sufficient to satisfy the loftiest ambition, is surrounded by fearful responsibilities.
If your past is limited , your future is boundless
We ought to do justice in a kindly spirit to all nations and require justice from them in return ——詹姆斯·布坎南首任就职演说(185.3.4)
Physically speaking, we can not separate. We can not remove our respective sections from each other nor build an impassable wall between them. A husband and wife may be divorced and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other, but the different parts of our country can not do this. They can not but remain face to face , and intercourse , either amicable or hostile,
must continue between them.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the might, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
I Would deal with nations as equitable law requires individuals to deal with each other.
I ask patient forbearance one toward another throughout the land, and a determined effort on the part of every citizen to do his share toward cementing a happy union.
Our superiority of strength and advantages of civilization should make us lenient toward the Indian. The wrong inflicted upon him should be taken into account and the balance placed to his credit.