来源:励志电影 发布时间:2013-06-08 点击:
Slang consists of a lexicon of non-standard words and phrases in a given language. In some contexts a speaker's selection of slang words or phrases may convey prestige, indicating group membership or distinguishing group members from those who are not a part of the group.
cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直)
cry over spilled milk 为泼了牛奶而哭(为过去的失败而懊丧)
cushion the blow 给垫着点儿(说话绵软一点,以免打击太重)
cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入)
Dosh, Brass,loot:钱 Lass:女孩
lad,bloke,guy:男孩或男人 belly ache:肚子痛
Idiom is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. An idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning.
It's raining cats and dogs.-means to rain very heavily (a downpour).
Oh no! You spilled the beans! - means to let out a secret.
Why are you feeling blue? – means to feel sad.
3. Jargon(行话,行业术语,黑话) 行话,指社会上的一些集团、群体,由于工作上、活动上或其他目的上的共同性,在相互之间交往交流时,会创造、使用一些不同于其他社会群体的词汇、用语或符号。
Jargon is a type of language that is used in a particular context and may not be well understood outside of it. The context is usually a particular occupation (that is, a certain trade, profession, or academic field), but any in group can have jargon.
CPU (Central processing unit)
DVD (Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc){dearjohnletter习语俚语谚语翻译}.
A saying is any concisely written or spoken linguistic expression that is especially memorable because of its meaning or structure.
Aphorism格言、Platitude 平常的话,陈词滥调、Platitude警句,短诗、Epitaph墓志铭、Idiom习语,土语、Mantra真言、Motto座右铭、Quip俏皮话,妙语、Epithet绰号(A descriptive word or saying already widely associated with a particular person, idea, or thing.)
There is no royal road to learning.学习没有捷径。
Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才不过是勤奋而已。
Every man has his faults.金无足赤,人无完人。
5. Proverbs(谚语)
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.
Both the Bible and medieval Latin have played a considerable role in distributing proverbs across Europe.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.一知半解是危险的
A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔
It ain't over till the fat lady sings. 人们不应该擅自假定一个正在进行中的事件的结果。在最后结束时刻到来之前,一切都有逆转的可能
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
If the shoe fits, wear it!
Honesty is the best policy
Translation of Idioms,Slangs & Proverbs
习语翻译主要有:直译法 释义法 套译法 意译法
思想库think tank 热线the hot line 纸老虎paper tiger 武装到牙齿armed to the teeth 破釜沉舟to burn one’s boats
扇风点火to fan the flame(s) 充耳不闻to turn a deaf ear to
油腔滑调to have a well-oiled tongue 君子协定a gentleman’s agreement 流下鳄鱼的眼泪shed crocodile tears 象牙之塔ivory tower
酸葡萄sour grapes 烫手的山芋hot potato
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙
Barking dogs do not bite. 吠犬不咬人。
Add fuel to the fire. 火上加油。
Run with the tail between the legs. 夹着尾巴逃跑。
Mark made signs with his hands and moved his mouth soundlessly to show that walls have ears.
Mary and John were bellowing and shouting enough to wake the dead.
The wood is already made into a boat
– what’s done is done.
Dong Shi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Xi Shi only to make herself uglier{dearjohnletter习语俚语谚语翻译}.
– blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish.
the Gordian knot
---thinking outside the box
the Heel of Achilles/ The Achilles' Heel
the Sword of Damacles
the Trojan horse[ˈtrəʊdʒən]
---a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful 幻灯片22
to go through fire and water
赴汤蹈火 to rack one’s brains 绞尽脑汁 to laugh off one’s head 笑掉牙齿 to praise to the skies 捧上天去the apple of the eye
掌上明珠Life is but an empty dream.
Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell. 得寸进尺。
[el] n. 厄尔(旧时量布的长度);
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。
He spent money like water. 他花钱如流水似的。
An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
While there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
1. 4 意译法 (Free Translation)
to break the ice 打破沉默 to dog-ear a book 折书角
to hold one’s horse 忍耐 to know the rope 内行
a fish out of water 好不自在 under the counter (table)鬼鬼祟祟
from the egg to the apple 自始至终{dearjohnletter习语俚语谚语翻译}.
Call a spade a spade. 有啥说啥;直言不讳
At breakfast, eat like a king. 早饭吃好。
At lunch, eat like a prince. 中饭吃饱。
At supper, eat like a pauper. 晚饭吃少。['pɔːpə]
Rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔(搬家不聚财)。
The trouble is you’re too good-natured and people take advantage of it. All lay load on the willing horse. You will have to learn to refuse people who ask too much.
1) as poor as the church mouse 【译】赤贫如洗;穷无立锥之地
2) in the same boat with „ 【译】与„„境遇相同
3) to have one’s heart in one’s mouth 【译】非常吃惊
4)to live a cat-and-dog life 【译】过着不和谐的生活(过着猫狗般的生活)
5)to keep one’s head above water 【译】奋力图存;勉强凑合过日
6)When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 【译】到什么山,唱什么歌。(入乡随俗)
7) Blessings do not come in pairs and calamity never comes singly. / Luck comes but once but trouble comes in droves. 【译文】福无双至,祸不单行。
droves.一群;in droves 陆陆续续
8) Two heads are better than one.【译文】三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮。
1. They that do nothing learn to do ill. 【译文】人闲生事。/无所事事的人就会学干坏事。
2. Don’t be afraid. He’s all bark and no bite.【译文】不要怕,他只动嘴不动手。
3. They that know nothing fear nothing. 【译文】无知则无畏。/初生牛犊不怕虎
4. Too wise to live long. 【译文】人太聪明寿不长。
5. Courtesy costs nothing. 【译文】礼多人不怪。
6.A bird may be known by its song.【译文】闻其言而知其人。
7. He knows most that speaks least.【译文】博学者寡言。
8. Old friends and old wine are best.【译文】姜是老的辣,酒是陈的香。/ 陈酒味醇,
1)better half 丈夫或妻子
2)blind date 相亲
3)bug doctor 精神病医生;心理学专家
4)busy-body 爱管闲事的人
5)confidence man 骗子
6)dead president 美钞
7)happy money 供零花的钱
8)goose flesh 鸡皮疙瘩
1)American Beauty 美国产四季开花的蔷薇
2)Dutch courage 酒后之勇 [dʌtʃ] 荷兰人
3)Dutch treat 各自付钱的聚餐
adv. 费用平摊地;各自付账地
4)Robinson Crusoe 孤独的人
5)Uncle Sam 美国人
6)French window 落地长窗
7)Indian meal 玉米粉
2. 3 动词词组
1)to beat a dead horse 枉费心机
2)to bring down the house 赢得满堂彩
3)to call somebody names 辱骂某人
4)to follow like a sheep 盲从
5)to give sb. a box on the ear 打耳光
6)to make a killing 发大财
7)to go fly a kite 滚开
8)to make horseplay 胡闹,搞恶作剧
9)to turn one’s coat 背叛,变节
1.busboy 餐馆勤杂工
2.cold fish 死气沉沉的人;态度冷冰冰的人
3.Dear John letter 断交信 days 三伏天 goods 新鲜货 wool 高级羊毛
7.service station 加油站
8.southpaw 左撇子
1)Beyond the mountains there are people to be found.
2)Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,富裕、聪明、身体好。
3)Even a worm will turn.{dearjohnletter习语俚语谚语翻译}.
4) Pride goes before fall.
5) Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
6) Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.
A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 【译】广交友,无深交。
2) Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.【译】 勿孤注一掷。
3) A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 【译】囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。
4)Beauty is as summer-fruits,which are easy to corrupt, and cannot last.
5)Joy put heart into a man. 【译】人逢喜事精神爽。
6)Knowledge makes humble;ignorance makes proud.
7)A leopard can’t change its spots.【译】豹子难改身上的花斑;本性难改。
8)God helps those who help themselves.【译】自助者天助。
9) It never rains but it pours. 【译】不雨则已,雨则惊人;祸不单行。
10)Like father, like son. 【译】 如父如子。(有其父必有其子)