
来源:文章阅读 发布时间:2013-05-19 点击:















大作文:vehicle-free day无车日是否利大于弊



大作文:is it neither possible nor useful to a country provide university places for a high proportion of young people, you agree or disagree?

回忆1 北京语言大学 room08

part1: name house

part2: 描述一个游泳池

part3: 户外运动比过去多了吗?科技会影响小孩去外面活动吗?支持哪个球队?还是某个队员

回忆2 首都经济贸易大学IELTS考试中心 room10

part1: live in apartment or house ,celebrities part2: 一个busy time part3: young children 压力大吗?他们如何释放压力,工作多会对人有什么影响 回忆3 广州雅思考试中心(仲恺农业工程学院主考场) room502 part1: work or study ,mirror ,dream part2: good service part3: 服务相关延展,不好的服务对顾客有什么影响,在中国服务好还是不好 回忆4 江苏师范大学 roomA605 part1: 工作学习,家庭

part2: 广告

part3: 广告利弊,在哪里看到的广告,广告对孩子影响

回忆5 浙江教育考试服务中心(杭州) room203

part1: where you live ,is it interesting ?why ,what do you do ,what do you take

part2: wait for someting special to happen

part3: 哪些情况需要耐心,现在的人比过去耐心吗,为什么,成年人和孩子谁更有耐心,怎样教会孩子耐心。

回忆6 湖南大众传媒学院(南院) room09

part1: home ,TV program ,未来想住在hometown吗?

part2: 外国食物 part3: 国外食物相关 回忆7 华东师范大学 room304 part1: house or flat color, handwriting

part2: 家用设备

part3: other equipment at home ,the purpose and is it successful ,equipment at business ,unemployment ,will robert capable for everything come soon.

回忆8 云南财经大学 room04

part1: describe the city you live in ,shoes

part2: a well-paid job you will be good at

part3: motivation of working

回忆9 重庆大学 room05

part1: study ,miorr ,transport

part2: 你去的哪里比较安静

part3: 你觉得在图书馆里听歌学习怎么样

回忆10 东南大学(九龙湖校区) room408

part1: 住所,窗外能能到什么

part2: desctibe a bicycle or motorcycle or car trip you want ,to where .with who ,why

part3: 公共交通方式,城乡交通方式区别

回忆11 云南财经大学 room04 part1: describe the city you live in ,shoes part2: a well-paid job you will be good at part3: motivation of working 回忆12 四川大学 room06 part1: aprtment house ,invited friend tio home ,usually do with part2: interesting flat part3: hose flat ,urban rural , waste energy of home

回忆13 西北工业大学IELTS考试中心 room07 part1: student or work/major part2: describe a well paid job part3: 在中国什么工作的工资高,足球运动员应该有这么高的工资吗? 回忆14 大连教育学院雅思考试中心 room6 part1: 对所在地方的评价,shoes,robot part2: 一个游泳地方 part3: 游泳的好处,谁应该教导小孩游泳 回忆15 电子科技大学 room07 part1: study , visit ,hometown part2: building part3: 人们为什么住高楼,高楼的坏处 回忆16 澳大利亚考场 uc part1: hometown ,dream ,fav subjects in high school part2: place which is quiet part3: 你喜不喜欢噪音,安静对于不同的年龄人的benefits,没有噪音会不会感觉不舒服



some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. what is your opinion? give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.



example writing:

the present is where everything begins and there is no time like the present. without being prisoners of the past, winners prefer working in the changing present toward the unpredictable future. the trouble with some people is that they are planning only for the unforeseeable time to nete and not facing the reality now.

paradoxically, the future is now. it is more realistic to regard life as an awareness of the present rather than a prediction beyond knowledge. since the future is anybody's guess, "one today is worth two tomorrows," to quote benjamin franklin. therefore, the way we live and the way we work ought to keep in step with the present leading to the future. the logic may be that we can only learn from the past, and on the other hand the future does not affect us now as much as does the present. it also makes sense that the way to plan tomorrow is to enjoy living and working as wisely and beautifully today as possible.


our argument for focusing on today may as well be based on the fact that the present does not sit still for a portrait, but is changing constantly. change being the law of life, concentrating our mind on what is happening in the present is probably more true to life than dreaming of the future. it means that life for us today is always beneting and never being. obviously, today has its own problems to be solved, so there is no need to be over troubled about the future. accordingly, it is better not to foresee the future but be concerned about taking care of the present. it is one thing to prefer planning for the future, but it is quite another to control the change that follows soon enough.

focusing on the present is more important than merely planning for the future because right now is one of the moments we are influencing our future. practically, we should see the future in the present which carries more weight in real life. it stands to reason that the future actually begins now.



task 1:给一个depart store写信应聘工作,说明你为什么写这封信,你的资历,应聘什么职位。

write a letter to apply a position in a local department store; include: what position? your experience and related ability?

task 2:在21世纪奥林匹克运动存在没有意义,2004年以后应该停止举行奥林匹克运动会。task2 题目有点怪。有人说oylmpic game 不再有什么地位,2004年将是最后一次,同意与否。

someone think that olympic games will not play a role in 21st century, and think the 2004 game should be the last one. agree or disagree?

task 3 you took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. write a letter to the newsper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit.

task 5 因为没能去旅游所以索要旅行保险。explain类型

task 6 中学生17岁前应该先学尽量多的general subjects然后再学习special subject。agree or disagree?


you live in a house opposite to a small park. every evening a young man bring 2 large dogs and let them free. write a letter to the city council and describe the situation, tell them it is dangerous and reason. then tell them what action should be done. 第二个是说青年如何选择自己得职业,应该听谁的意见,从那里寻找信息?谈谈你的看法、 how to decide future career

what is the important

young people choose career, whose opinion and what kind of information do you think important?

give reasons and examples.

task 7: the flat u rent caught a small fire. 让你跟房东说明当时情况,你有什么东西损坏了,需要房东做什么。阐述过程;列you lost 详细物品;

task 8: some family sent their children to foreign country for education purpose. 请谈一下:优缺点,何时是留学最佳年龄。

task 9

1、when and where you hired it

2、describe how the accident happened

3、what kind of action did you have after the accident

you do not to use your own address

write about 150 words

task 10

大致意思为fashion is difficult to follow, some people say fashion is just for selling clothes,

agree or disagree?

use any relevant example to support your idea.

write 250 words.



task 11

happiness is considered important to people. why are the definitions of happiness different?(大概是这样,意思就是问为什么幸福的定义如此不同和难下这个定义)

what is the factors in achieving happiness. give some examples and relavent evidence. happiness

1)happiness is important in life

2)why it is difficult to define ?

3)what factors are important in achieving happiness

task 12:某公司offer you一份工作,但你不能去,写封信,告诉该公司人事主管你拒绝接受,并表示感谢说明理由以及你如何喜欢你现在的工作。

task 13

to what extend do you agree or disagree??

task 14:1是讲你买了财产保险,现在度假过程中丢失了东西丢了东西,要写封信给保险公司,要求是描述丢失情况,告诉他们你要他们怎么做等.

task 15:是现在一些人希望学生多学点general subjects,另一些人希望学生不满17岁就开始学习special subjects.问你agree or disagree. give some reason and give your relevant experience about it.

high school students should study general subjects before they are 17 years old, to study specialist subjects before that age is too early for them. agree or disagree task 16

应该给小孩子适当的惩罚,你多大程度上同意.这么老的题目还考,真不知道他们是怎么想的 写作1

you and your future wife/hasband will hold a wedding

you plan visit a english speaking friend to join

1. describe your future wife

2. tell detail activities to him

3. why you will visit him


some people think that children’s lives will be different from their own. what is your poinions?

explain the resions by your experience and examples{2017雅思写作真题范文}.

task 17

你现在有一个walking holiday,要你邀请你的一个朋友和你一起去。把时间,地点,过程说清楚。

task 18

today some person have to work away fron his family,what is the advantages and disadvantages ?give your opinion and some

exaples of your experience.


task 19:

give the details of the course.

wxplain the reason why you need to attend the course.


tell him how much time you need to take off from your work.

task 20:

hat is positive and negative effects of these developments

i think, if you practice more writing before the test, especial those topics that are given by jiahua, writing will not be a big problem.{2017雅思写作真题范文}.

task 22 in most part of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate.

in the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions. this one is among the 15 topics that jiahua has laid emphasis on (no 31)

task 23

task 24

today’s parents spend too little time staying with their children and use television to make their children keep quiet.explain the reason and results by using ur relevant expierence.

task 25:你收到了暑期打工的报酬,但是比答应的报酬少。请你给单位的经理写一封信,写明:

l 说明你的工作内容和工作了多长时间。

2 解释所发生的问题。


task 27:在一些国家父母可以体罚孩子;而在另一些国家,这样的行为是违法的。结合实际情况谈谈你的看法。结论:属于很普通的题,没有问题。

task 28:去一个地方旅游回来,向一个英国朋友介绍情况,建议他带什么东西。

task 29:不同工作的人,应该有相同的假期吗?

task 30: you have been to a place and your friend also will go to the same place, write a letter to your friend, discribe that place, give some advice.

task 31: do you think people do different jobs they should have different time holiday, are you agree or disagree, give your reason and explain. 公司里做不同工作的人有不同的假期,是不是所有的雇员应该有同样的假期,不管他们做什么工作。你的观念,给出原因,举例子

task 33: some say that it is good for children to stay away from their families and go to boarding school. others say that children had better live with their families and attend a day school. what do you think about it?

task 34:你发现电话帐单错了,写信给电话公司{2017雅思写作真题范文}.

1. 解释问题

2. 抱怨

3. 希望他们做什么{2017雅思写作真题范文}.

task 35:现在有很多二十岁以下的青年去上学或工作,你怎么看待这种sudden independence,同意不同意?

task 36:写信给restaurant要求一房间给朋友办birthday party,时间,有什么其他要求。


task 37:teengers spending too much time on watching tv affect thrie human relationship,your opinion。每周花40小时在television and video上,而只有8小时在与家人交流上。有人说这影响了他们能力。




there is no doubt that modern technology has caused a variety of environmental issues, both in cities and towns. ironically, i feel that technology can address some of these problems but at the same time, personal effort is a must.

theoretically, addressing some environmental issues by adopting simple lifestyles is sensible. according to the statistics, during the last 100 years, the earth's surface temperature has risen dramatically because of human activities. therefore, some people feel that the changes in our lifestyles can reverse this worrying trend. for example, the growing number of vehicles on the road emits a large quantity of green house gases, such as carbon dioxide, which will worsen the air quality. if residents chose other modes of transport, like buses or subways, this serious condition would be alleviated to a large extent. however, in my opinion, this policy would be very unpopular with some people, especially those living in the suburb, who do need to travel on roads.

while it is undeniable that an individual's behaviour has a profound effect on the environment, other people argue that the improvement in technology can tackle some problems in turn. for example, the technology today is available to produce electric cars that would be both quieter and cleaner to use. persuading manufacturers and travellers to adopt this new technology would be a more effective strategy for improving air quality fundamentally.



雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天这里为大家整理1月雅思口语part1 中关于weather话题的答案。希望同学们有所学习。

1.Do you like raining?

Oh, absolutely not. I hate raining days. I have to admit that weather is able to exert dramatic impacts on how I feel. If it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy. Sometimes my shoes and socks get wetted by the rain and it is very likely for to catch a cold in this way.

2.What kind of weather do you like the most?

Sunny and warm, without doubt, and that is the reason for me to favor summer above all the other seasons. Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. Lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away, and I guess that’s why people living in rainy places suffer more depression than those who live in sunny regions.

3.Does weather have any influence on you?

Oh, weather can have dramatics impacts on how I feel. Walking under the sun in the morning gives me hope and energy for a whole’s work. Also, lying in the sun and watching the clouds in the sky will cheer me up and drive all the troubles away. On the contrary, if it is raining cats and dogs, I have to take an umbrella with an already quite heavy handbag, which really annoys me and drives me crazy.

4.Which season do you like best, why?

Summer's warm sun, ripe fruit and beautiful blooms hold a very special place in my heart. I fondly look back to summer throughout all the other months of the year. I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. More importantly, drinking coca cola, eating ice-cream and swimming for hours are all perfectly justifiable thanks to summer.

5.Which one do you prefer, a place with changeable seasons or a place with unaltered seasons?

As I have mentioned, I love summer, so I wish I could live at the Equator where there is only this one characteristic climate. Unaltered season means that I do not have to worry about a wide range of clothes that best suit different temperatures. All what I need to worry about is fashion and style. Besides, living with only one season doesn’t require a person to adjust him or herself frequently, so the chance of catching a cold will be relatively low.





昨天刚刚结束了1月12日的雅思考试,想要提高雅思写作成绩,考生们可以多多参考每一次的考题回顾 。1月14日考试的同学们也要尽快来看一下,如此近距离的考试,试题的变化可能不会太大哦。英培教育推荐。


Section 1:一次搭乘飞机的抱怨

1. Hillerest

2. PG149BU

3. 0209853677

4. C. Temperature

5. A. Not enough to eat

6. C. He was kept waiting

7. security

8. Entertainment

9. Hotel

10. Phone

Section 2:澳大利亚电台讲选购蔬菜水果

11. Crop - best value for money

12. Potato - top quality

13. Tomato - the imported is better

14. Carrots - ugly appearance

15. Orange - easy to peel

16. Apple - bad quality, not good

17. Banana - ripe and ready to eat

18. Mixed

19. 12.00

20. colours

Section 3:一个女学生讨论drama课

Section 4:关于一个回收物品的公司

Cycle, logo, melting, plates



1-7. Matching

A. Photographic way B. Knot recorders C. Notches D. Others

1. D (courtship, romantic interest/story)

2. A (record for calendar)

3. D (music)

4. B (a group of trained workers)

5. C (family relationship)

6. A (correspondence)

7. D (image of cave naturally, nature wind)

8. Inca Qsadhi knots的东西是用在做生意 --- TRUE

9. Americans’ Qsadhi壁画之类的发现受到普遍关注,别的专业的人也来研究 ---NOT GIVEN

10. Photographic way can be kept long记载可以长久保留 --- FALSE

11. Ancient recorders in Inca Qsadhi was more easily recognized than Chilean --- NOT GIVEN

12. Notches need specialist decipher --- TRUE

13. Experts differ at when and where human began to record words --- TRUE passage2:婴儿的语言

passage3:marketing information system (MIS)



作文:It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a high proportion of young people. To what extend do you agree or disagree?


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