
来源:演讲 发布时间:2013-05-19 点击:


My dream 演讲稿

my dream 演讲稿

1.Hello everyone! It is my great pleasure to share my dream with

you today. My dream is to become a teacher. You know being a

teacher is valuable and interesting. It must be great fun to be

with children all the day. And if I am a teacher, I can teach my

students a lot of knowledge. They might become stronger and

cleverer. China is a developing country, so teachers in china play

an important role. They teach the students not only knowledge but also how to be a good person. Do you think that I have a good dream

become true! Thanks

2. Everyone has a dream. Now I'll talk about my dream. What is my dream? Now I am a young girl with a new dream——to be a doctor. I want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. Why I want to be a doctor? Here I will share my story with you. Well, at the age of 11 I was ill, badly ill. I was told that I had to leave both my school and my friends and go to hospital. Every day I suffered a lot. I also saw some people dying of illness. From then, I made up my mind to become a doctor, so that I can help the sick and cure them. China is a developing country. She needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I hope to see a ! ? i will work hard to make my dream

world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no diseases, no death. I'm confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, my dream will come true and our China will have a bright future.


Good afternoon every one! I feel very honored having this chance to share my dream with you. My dream of being a policewoman. My father is a policeman. He always has to work extra hours and comes home late and tired. He has to go to the police station immediately any time he is needed, no matter how late it is at night. I once asked him why he chose this hard job. He answered with a smile, “Yes I am sometimes very tired but I am happy when I help others.” As I grow up, I gradually come to understand his words. I made up my mind to be a policewoman. I want to help others. I want to see people living happily with

their families and friends. So I want to be a policewoman. Being a policewoman is my dream. I think it is simple but meaningful.{dream演讲稿90秒}.

4. Hello, everyone. Standing here to share my dream with you, I feel very honored. As we all know, everyone has a beautiful dream, so do I .My dream is to be a great translator. Because I like English very much.

If I become a great translator ,I would be able to talk with many foreigners in English freely and fluently, like Li Yang ,Yao Ming and Li Na .they are all outstanding people of China .I

really admire them ,they’re so cool ! On the other hand, if I become a good translator, I could do many things for our country .I’ll study hard from now on and learn English very well, only in this way can I make my dream come true! If so, I could also translate more Chinese books into English and spread Chinese culture throughout the world. People will know more about China. At that time, I hope more Chinese writers could win the Nobel Prize for literature, like Mo Yan.

I know that the dream is beautiful, but it’s not so easy to achieve the dream.

But I believe strongly, as long as I work hard, I will realize my dream some day ! That’s all! Thanks for listening!!


Everyone has dreams, no matter how great or humble, they are the power that push us

forward. I have a dream, I want to be a writer, so I can write down my deepest feelings at any time. I want to go to Tibet, in which I can spend all of my life. There, the nature, the sky and human beings are combined together, which is so charming that I am not willing to come back.I want to Potala Palace to enjoy the power of belief. This is my dream, I do believe, my dream can reach this place, in time, my step can reach. I do believe one day I will admire the beautiful scenery and purify my soul in the place that I am dreaming of. Please do believe me. Thank you!


My dream 参赛演讲稿

My dream

Good afternoon, everyone! I'm sure everyone has a dream Today I’d like to share my dream with you!{dream演讲稿90秒}.

Dream is a beautiful word for me. When I was a child, I often thought I would be a heroine to save the world. As the time goes by, I have known the superman and the superwoman is just a child's fairy tale. But it's unimportant for me. I also want to save our world in my own way. I know this dream hardly comes true. But I don't lose my heart, I had known there are many jobs we can do if we want to save our world. Not only to be a superman or a doctor, but also to be a volunteer.

As we all known, a peace-loving people will inserted flowers into the gunpoint; an environmentalists will advise people to protect the environment. They will try their best to

save our world by their daily behavior. They are efforts of people. I envy them, I think they are great. I want to be a member of them; I want to realize my dream.

I think my dream will come true day !

That’s all.Thank you for listening! one
















道理:现实和理想是有差距的,人不能总是沉湎与理想而不去努力实现。 前人说得好,“有志之人立长志,无志之人常立志”,那些无志之人的“志”,就是美梦,










尊敬的各位评委、亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好!首先感谢我测控二班亲友团的大力支持! 千山同一月,万户尽皆春,千江




背负着父辈大山一样的期望, 包孕着一个封存已久的理想, 你艰难地挺出了那片土壤, 抬眼眺望,绿色装饰了你的视野, 万木竟发,谁能将梦想成就辉煌, 迅速成长,才能早日成为世间栋梁! 1 众所周知,梦想是人们内心最深切的渴望,梦想能让你产生热情,而这种热情可以让你




断创造奇迹,带着梦想起飞,抒写美好的人生! 2篇三:展望未来,放飞梦想(3分钟英语演


greeting everybody!its my honor to share my topic here with you. today id like

to talk about my dream. when i was a little girl,i often thought about my future.will i be rich or will

i be successful?in fact,i never considered what job will i get.a writer?a enough.if the weather is good,i will sit on my sofa and read books or listen to

music on the balcony in the sun.if it is rainy,i’ll sit there and watch the beautiful world in the rain through the window.sometimes i will walk by the

riverside and enjoy the scenery.sometimes i won’t do anything but just lie on my


i think all of these things are tiny and beautiful moments in life because they

can give me a heart break.it seems that i live a very simple life.however,it’s the

life that i really want to live. no scenery in the world remains unchanged. as long as you keep your heart basking

in the sun,then every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the

world will always be about new hopes. yes,maybe i won’t be very rich or successful,but

i believe that i will live a happy and healthy life.and,that is my dream,my own dream. that’all.thanks for listening!篇四:新3分钟演讲稿 最初的梦想

最初的梦想就握在自己手上。最想要去的地方就别在半路返航。 如果梦想不曾坠落悬崖,千钧一发,又怎么会懂得,执着的人,有双梦的翅膀。不顾一



才气,太多的热情,才能点燃青春的高潮。 是成为笑傲天穹的精灵,还是成为陆地上平庸的小丑,这一切都由你自己决定。当奥运


傲。可这自豪的背后又有多少不为人知的艰辛与汗水,要实现梦想就必须为之奋斗。 战国时期的政治家苏秦。年轻时,学问不深,曾到好多地方做事, 都不受重视。家人也

瞧不起他。这对他的刺激很大。所以,他下决心发奋读书。 常常读书到深夜,很疲倦,他便

想出了一个方法,一打瞌睡, 就用锥子往自己的大腿上刺一下。这样,猛然间感到疼痛,使

自己清醒起来,再坚持读书。 才有了“苏秦刺骨”的佳话。 在几千年前,年轻的苏秦都懂得克制,更何况现在的我们呢,青春的日子请好好把握,

不要等到对梦里都麻木的一天,才懂得懊悔,不要等到青春散尽的一天,才懂得珍惜。 让我们去回想我们最初的梦想,燃起我们的激情,洒一路汗水,饮一路风尘,咀嚼一路





梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动,梦想是梦与想的结晶。 梦想是一个目标,是让自己活下去的原动力,是让自己开心的原因。人生,因梦想而精

彩;人生,因奋斗而快乐。 大家还记得儿时的梦想吗?每当老师问起你的梦想是什么,总能听到丰富多彩的答案



极其现实的社会中时,许多人的梦想早已渐渐地失去了原来的光彩。 面对现实,梦想为何会如此不堪一击?在困难面前,梦想该何去何从?你是否也愿意用




纵观古今中外,成功人士都有一个共同的特点,那就是坚守他们的梦想。 司马迁曾因


强不屈的意志铸就了千古绝唱,铸就了终生的梦想! 伟大领袖毛泽东也十分重视梦想。他认为人不但要有梦想,而且应该有远大的梦想。当



是个人的安身立命,又何来之后的宏图伟业呢? 你也许听说过在英国的一个选秀节目上,有一位其貌不扬的大妈用行云流水般的歌声震




光叹息其生命的悲哀,他依然固执地为梦想插上翅膀,用双脚在琴键上写下:相信自己。 我们难以想象海伦·凯勒的世界,那是怎样漫长的黑夜;我们难以窥探贝多芬失聪时的

心境,有多么的低沉!病魔束缚了霍金的躯体,宇宙中却弥漫着他那 睿智的思维;智障阻碍了舟舟的发育,而音乐王国里却飘洒着他那灵动的音符。正是因

为他们心怀梦想,顽强拼搏,才到达了成功的彼岸。 一个个鲜活的事例激励着我们,要坚守自己的梦想,用努力和汗水去实现它。回首自己{dream演讲稿90秒}.




相信自己一定会一直坚守着最初的教师梦,踏踏实实走好每一步! 如果现实是一道高墙,为了梦想,我们要有翻越的勇气; 如果现实是一座雄山,为了梦想,我们要有攀登的决心; 如果现实是浩瀚的海洋,为了梦想,我们要有搏击的魄力。



Good afternoon,everyone !

I’m very glad to stand here to share my ideas with you. My name is humeiyuan , the subject of my presentation is dream.

At first.what is dream ?as chengdongqing that “Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy!”

Different people have different dreams, no matter dream dreams are big or small,they keep us going and happy . Martin Luther King has a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. Wrightbrothers dream to fly in the sky.

Xijinping, Dream is To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.the Chinese dream is a dream of national strength prosperity and people, happiness.

Steve Jobs dreams to create something that can change the world. The Migrant workers dreams to make more money ,and Give the family a better life Xubenyu dreams Every poor child can receive education.

Everyone has his own dream about life. Northeastern University_ the place to start your dream. Do you have a dream.have you forgeten or lose your dream? Anybody who can share your dreams with us.

Dream is a forever smile that make your soul pure. Dream will give us much more of confidence and courage whenever we are in the breaking point .Dream give us a direction ,dirtecting us to the road which is full of sunlight.

Dreams are like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles(障碍物)on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. we need dreams to chart our course. We need dreams to support us. With a dream, we have a direction. With a direction, we will never be confused. With a dream, we have hope. With hope, we have the strength to fight.

You got a dream, you gotta protect it.

In the movie The Pursuit of Happiness, Chris Ghana(Will Smith) is a clever salesman, his hard work hard work, but overall no way to make a better life at home. No income, nowhere to go, Chris sole owner, is the sensible son of unconditional trust and love.

They are homeless at night, sleep in shelters, subway stations, public bathrooms, and all you can for the time being housed in open spaces; day meal money on the line and get relief, eating barely wrapped belly food. Extremely frustrating to live in poverty, but to his son's future, in order to their own dream, Chris teeth, and always believe: Just today, work hard enough, happiness will come tomorrow! Heaven rewards those who are righteously, Chris eventually become a successful investment professionals.

Life is tough. There are always ups and downs. Maybe we fail on the way to our dreams. The more you stumble and fall, the more you get right back up and get going again!there is nothing like a dream to build up our body and create the future. So stick to your dream and never give up your dream easily. Nothing is impossible for a strong willing heart !If you want to do something ,you will find a way ,just do it !

today I hope you will remember that no matter whether it is happiness or suffering we will experience now, our future is always here, waiting for us to paint beautiful pictures. What you need to do is just to believe yourself and stick to your dream. Because only if we hold our dreams, can we brighten our future.



姓名:沈娟 班级:08级英语师范2班 学号20084033041

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen:

Today, I’d like to share some opinions with you. The topic is: waken up your dream.

“I have a dream that at this time, I really have a dream”, we often hear such a word. Most of people, especially college students, feel uncertainty about future. Such complains often occurs to us that when we enter the university, we lose our goals and our dreams.

But is it the real case? No, definitely not. As far as I concerned, few, if any, students lose their dreams. Everyone surely keeps the dreams deeply in the heart. Some want to be a scientist, some businessman, some actress and some just long for being a housewife.

While for some reasons, we tend to hide them inside and are unwilling to speak it out. These reasons are as follows:

To start with, I believe many students want to be a successful scientist or a businessman or a scholar and other famous people. But we may be told that our dreams are too great to achieve and are far beyond your ability to get. “Dream” is a long-term topic. When we are a little child, we can dream whatever we want to get or to be. Because we are young and you haven’t gone through enough, so we don’t know the reality. Therefore, it seems that it is forgivable to dream whatever. While when we grow up, enter the university, our dreams may be deeply affected by the reality and people around you. At this time, if we also insist on your so called “great dream” which seems far beyond our ability, we are considered as a student who separates from the reality and the society. Consequently, our dreams become a kind of fantasy in other’s eyes which obliges us to hide it, ignore it, or even give it up to behave coincident with the majority and the reality.

Secondly, as far as I have known that some of students want to be a housewife. They prefer to look after their husband and children and make their family very happy and harmony. Rather than achieve a big success in the society. From my perspective, it’s OK. If they really enjoy such a kind of life, it’s also an excellent dream. But most people believe that how can this be regarded as a dream. It’s so easy to get, if they like. Little should be done to make such a dream come true. So for this reason, people even dare not speak their dream out, because they will feel shamed to have such a low-degree dream.

Thirdly, students ourselves also should be responsible for losing our dreams. Nowadays, more and more people have appetite for following the fashion. Taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools and attending the exams for becoming government employee are two big hot ways of getting a better job, live a better life. They are two popular and hot dreams to pursue. Most of students have the tendency to join in this trend, although they may not be their dreams. There is no denying that their dreams have been ignored and becomes the prey of pursuing the fashion.

At last, the expectation of parents is another big factor affecting our dreams. Admittedly, parents always look forward to seeing their children have a better life, but

this is one of the killers of dreams. To let us make more money in the future, they will choose the most sufficient ways for us to make us follow. While seldom do they take our dreams into consideration. And they always hold that making enough money and having many materials is the sign of happiness. So many students’ dreams are given up eventually out of pressure and burden.

When dreams are too high, they will be considered as a fantasy; when dreams are too low, they will not be considered as dreams at all. And far more reasons can cause for killing our dreams. It seems that keeping our dreams is not an easy work.

But no matter how many reasons exist, I don’t think that we should give up our dreams. Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean; dreams are the lights for us to advance on the dark roads; dreams are the protections for our fragile hearts. So important are dreams that they can’t and shouldn’t be ignored or given up. Without dreams, we will lose our directions; without dreams, we will ignore the meaning of life.

As a college student, keeping our dreams become more and more important and necessary.

We always have much spare time and don’t know what we should do. If we have no dreams, we will let all the time pass by without doing anything and we will waste our time and our life. Only when we have clear and precise dreams, can we spare no effort to work for them.

What’s more, two years later, we will graduate. If we have no dream, we will never know where should we go and what should we do. So when we graduate, we can do nothing. If we really have dreams, we can know clearly whether we should further our study or to find a job. So we can find our direction and try our best to make them come true.

And I’m sure everyone has dreams. Martin Luther King had a dream — it was to have justice for all people. Lincoln had a dream — it was to set the slaves free. Surely, I have dreams that are to become a teacher and have a happy family. So my dear friends, what are your dreams? If you really have dreams, do not let any reason to cover them. No matter they are great or just ordinary, please waken them up and work hard for them.



My dream

Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.

Everyone has a dream. Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams. I have a great dream,too. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me .

I never thought of my dream when I was a kid. Later,my dream always changed. At that time, I don't know what my dream is. I haven't studied English at all when I was in primary school. So you can imagine how awful my English is. I think it is impossible for me to study English well. Because I never read English words and English articles. I don't like English ,either. And I can't read the English well. But one day something changed , I have

already changed my mind . I fall in love with English. I never give up ,although I'm not good at it. Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day. I want to stand on the top of the world. I know it's not easy for me, but I'll study hard in the next two years. There is an old saying "where is a will,there is a way." I believe "Nothing is impossible" So I think my dream can come true.

That’s all.Thanks for listening !


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