
来源:演讲 发布时间:2013-05-18 点击:


英语希望之星风采大赛演讲稿——communication is the bridge to where you go!

Communication is the bridge to where you go

Good afternoon ,Ladies and gentlemen,

Today I am happy to stand here again, sharing my speech with you. My topic is " Conmmunication is the bridge to where you go."

It is well known that whether you are popular or not is based on what you say and do. The most important thing is that how you say it and how you do it . I 've learned that people will forget what you said and did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

In our daily life, we often meet with quarrels, anger, annoyment and so on. Why such things frequantly happan? That is misuderstanding. Therefore, communication plays an important role in our daily life. And it is the bridge to where you go.

My English teacher told us a story which she had experienced. It goes like that: one day her American teacher complainted angrily that the students in the school were rude and impolite. They often said to him " sit down! What's your name? follow me !" or something like that. He thought he was nothing but a dog or a criminal. The students were dog trainers or policemen.

Obviousy, there was a misunderstanding . As we know, in our tradition, we are always taught to respect teachers. The problem is that we don't know how to express ourselves properly in English. From the story ,we should know that no matter what language we speak, we all live under the same moon and stars. We have different cultures and customs, but we have the same feelings: love and to be loved, kindness and gratefullness. Love is the second sun in nature.And our tongue is a tool to show our love. People say "The tongue is not steel, yet cuts." Meanwhile the story tells me I must learn my English well. It is not what you say but how you say it that matters.

Several years ago, there were ofen quarrels between my parents and me, which made them disappointed and upset, me annoyed. Sometimes I felt very frustrated: at home,the house was full of unhaapiness. In my class, I had few friends. What was wrong?

One weekend night, three of us had a good talk. All of us spoke out our mind. My parents also gave me some advice on how to conmmunicate with my classmates. They told me "Needs are not always obvious, but kindness always makes difference."

Through the talk, I came to understand: if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.{communication的演讲稿}.

Now I have learned how to respect my parents and get along well with my classmates. I am popular with my classmates. Attitude has changed everything. The home is filled with laughters. In the class, I find very classmate friendly and lovely. I have friends all over my class.

I know I still have a long way to go, but I am not worried about my future because I am setting up the bridge to where I go.

Thanks for your attending and listening.{communication的演讲稿}.{communication的演讲稿}.



今天我很高兴又一次站在这里与大家分享我的演讲。我演讲的题目是 “沟通是通到达你想去任何地方的桥梁。”

众所周知,你是否受人喜欢取决于你所说的和所做的。 依我看来,最重要的是你如何去说,如何去做。据我所知,人们会忘记你所说的或所做的,但人们不会忘记你带给他们的感受。

在我们日常生活中,我们经常会遇到争吵,愤怒以及生气之类的事。为什么会发生此类事情呢?那就是误会。因此,沟通很有必要的。沟通是一座通向我们目的地的桥梁。 我的英语老师给我们讲了个她亲身经历的故事。有一天,她的美国老师抱怨说班上的学生很粗鲁无礼。他们对她说话总是“坐下”“你家什么名字?”“跟我走!” 他觉得自己就像一条狗或者罪犯。学生们是训狗者或警察。

显然,老师与学生之间存在有误会。我们大家都只知道,在中国传统中,我们一直被教育要尊重老师。问题的关键是我们不知道怎样用英语来表达自己。从这个故事,我们懂得:无论我们说什么语言,我们都生活在一苍穹下。我们有文化和风俗的差异,但我们有共同的情感:爱和被爱;善良和感恩。爱是大自然中的第二个春天。而语言就是传递我们爱的工具。人们常说:“人言非剑,但可以伤人。”这个故事也同时告诉了我必须把英语学好。重要的不是你说了什么 而是你如何说才起作用。

几年前,我与我的父母之间总是有争吵,导致我父母非常失望和恼怒,而我呢也气恼。有时我感到很沮丧:在家,满屋的不和谐;在班上,又没有朋友可倾诉。到底怎么回事呀? 一个周末的晚上,我们一家三口坐下来进行交谈,大家都说出自己内心的感受。我父母也给我提出一些如何与班上同学相处的建议。他们告诉我:“ 需求不总是明显的,但善良总是很重要的”. 通过这次交谈,我渐渐懂得:如果想被人爱,你就要学会如何去爱别人,学会如何友善可爱。

现在,我学会了如何尊重我的父母,学会了如何与班上同学友好相处。态度改变一切。 现在的家中充满了笑声。在班上,我感受到每一个同学的可爱之处。全班同学都是我的朋友。





英语演讲稿 communication is wonderful

communication is wonderful

Hello, everybody! It is my great honor to be here to share my idea with you. First, I’d like to ask all of you, “What do you think is the word that has really changed our world ? ”After my serious thinking, I draw a conclusion that it is the communication that has changed the world. The world is a world of communication. Wherever and whenever we are, we communicate more or less everyday. And it has not only changed the animal world, but also changed human society.

In animal world, communication happens anytime and anywhere and, also, in different ways. For example, ants use their feelers to tell the mates whether the place ahead is worth travelling. Bees take the advantage of their dancing to show exactly what they have found and where the food is. Perhaps most surprising, even your pet dogs could wag their tails to express how happy they are. Thanks to communication, animals are able to move without being lost , could find their food and survive in their world .

Besides the great influence in animal world, communication also has changed human world and has pushed forward human civilization. We could trace back to the ancient time when our ancestor invented

characters for communication . And than , language came . At that time, people could exchange their thoughts both by writing and speaking. In modern times , computer comes to our lives and communication takes place more conveniently and frequently. It is communication that makes people never feel lonely. It is by communication that we share significant information . And it is because of communication that people from different countries or in different races could be close friends and word peace Become Possible. If it not for communication, we couldn’t imagine what world we human beings live in .

Ladies and gentlemen! because of the communication, the world of animal changes. The world of our human beings changes. Where there

{communication的演讲稿}. {communication的演讲稿}.

is communication, there is change. Without communication, we can never live until now; Without communication, the world won’t be

developed; Without communication, I even have no chance to stand here to communicate with you and to emphasize the importance of it. Ladies and gentlemen! It is time we communicated, and it is high time for us to say “thank you” to communication!


communication iswonderful英语演讲稿

Alright, ladies and gentlemen! I`m Oliver, a freshman studying Business English. Tonight, let’s find out how wonderful communication is!

At first, I’m interested in why communication is wonderful.

Theoretically, communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchangeinformation, news, ideas or feelings but also create and sharemeaning. Or in brief, it is anevery-day social activity.

Normally, we evaluate social activities through their contributions to the society. That’s the point why communication is wonderful, think about that if we live without it, the world is going to be silence. But Everyone has his own interest. conflicts would continue until the last one is in the dust.

Fortunately, we can and are more likely to communicate rather than start a chaos.

In business, communication is a key function of management. It can help company to operate efficientlybetween departments and employees.

In politics, communication is the only way to solve national conflicts peacefully. Keep the friendship between nations away from breaking up. for example, we china and the US, friend or enemy, I don’t know. But one thing is for sure, Governments keep in touch, avoid any war to happen. peace has been existing for decades.

In normal life, communication plays an important role. Enrich the understanding among people,Make the atmosphere more relaxed,make our society warmer, make our planet more lively.

That’s it, great honor to be here, thank you for listening!


英语演讲比赛稿件:communication is wonderful!

Communication is wonderful !

Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great honor to be one of the speakers today. My topic is “Communication is wonderful !”

What am I doing now? I’m using the speech to communicate with you. I’m making my voice heard. Yesterday I told my parents I was nervous to death to come to this competition. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. People throughout the world, people throughout history have used various ways to communicate, Shakespeare uses his sonnets to express emotions and communicate with millions in centuries. Without communication , we will not experience the fantastic feelings from the poetry. Director Zhang Yimou uses his movies to express thoughts and ideas with audience around the world. Without communication , he will not get the international award and the actress Gong Li won’t be a movie star. And the representatives of the six-party Talks use their wisdom to negotiate.Without communication , we will not have a peaceful and stable environment today.


Last week, I surfed on the Internet and found a very interesting survey about what frightens people most. To my great surprise, it is “communication”, but not death or earthquake, “Why is that?” I wonder. In modern society , more and more people indulge in the social media, if one person forgot his cell phone at home, he will feel anxiety. Admittedly, social media provide us with considerable convenience, but{communication的演讲稿}.

we should realize that human beings are social beings who need real interpersonal interactions ! Put down your cell phone for a while, and you will find the world without a cell phone is also wonderful. Now I am reluctant to leave the stage now. Because communication is wonderful!

Thank you for your listening.

Name: Hui Shan



Communication Makes Success

左婕 中医学(八年医)(针灸推拿)15级1班

It’s my great pleasure to stand here to give a speech — communication makes success.

John Dewey once wrote: “Of all affairs, communication is the most wonderful.” These words reveal the importance of communication. Well, communication happens every day and everywhere, between different people and different races.

Communication is a common thing in the world. It promotes the relationship between you and surrounding people. It avoids much misunderstanding when you cooperate with others. It promotes the evolution of society in every aspect. What is most important is that it can give you the courage to walk forward, encourage you to achieve your goal and help you know your potential.{communication的演讲稿}.

It occued to me that when I was a freshman in the university. I was a member of Public Relation Department that is responsible for getting sponsorship. At the beginning, I didn’t know how to communicate with possible sponsors and failed to persuade them to cooperate with us. I felt so frustrated and I decided to ask for help. When I told the whole story to a senior, his face lit up with a bright smile. He said: “You needn’t worry about it. It’s quite normal that you don’t get it at the beginning. Take your time, when you gain enough experience, you could get your own success. And all that matters is your communication with them.” Hearing this, I seemed to find a way out. I learned to be patient and polite when communicating with possible sponsors. Gradually, I got more and more sponsorship. I finally made it.

Communication really counts. By communication, we can find the solution to any problem; by communication, we can gain much experience which leads us to success; by communication, we can find our own potential that possibly inhabits ourselves.

Of all affairs, communication is the most wonderful. Let’s witness the miracle communication may create.


郭俏利 沟通在现代社会的重要性演讲稿

Significance of communication in modern life

Good morning everyone, my name is Guoqiaoli .Thank you teacher He for giving me this opportunity to be here giving us a speech about communication.I’m sure that without this chance I would never be a volunteer who stand here and say something about communication,becauseI am exactly the one who is not good at communicating. SoI hope I can improve myself afterwards,if you have similar situation with me,please listen to me carefully and I hope it will be helpful to you.

Now let’s come to the theme “significance of communication in modern life”.I divide my presentation into four partsand the first part is what’s communication in modern life; the second part is significance of communication;the third part is result of no or inefficient communication and the last part is art of communication—tips for communication.

Let’s resume the first part “ what’s communication in modern life” .We all know that every day we communicate orallywithoutthought, we greet others, we express our opinions and desires, but what’s communication in modern life at all ?

It refers to way exchange information person to person by some ways such as face to face directly; maybe many years ago we write letters to exchange ideasandnow daysI think the most popular way to communicate with people is through telephone and computer .Do you agree with me? We send message and receive message almost every day.

Communication is so important because we use it every day in our life even from the moment we were born.When we were a little baby, can’t say a word, we just cry to express our feelings of hungry or thirsty, whenmommy get the information and give us milk then we turn quiet.

When we grow up a little, we can communicate with parents to express our desires and views meanwhile we can learn many things from them like how to face life. Whenit’s time to go to school, we obtain knowledge from teachers, get friendship from classmates and even find our Mr. or MS right through communication.

After graduated it’s time to look for job we may find a perfect job

when communicate with our boss and during the work headache problem can be solved after communicated with colleges.Even in daily life for example when we are buying something or when we are sick, we need communicationall the same.

But if we have no or inefficient communication, tragedieswouldhappen such as lovers heartbroken or divorce,generation gap occurs; project fails and conflict between doctors and patients. That is enough; we need effect ways to communicate.

Communication is an art; here are some tips for communication.Firstly, be confident with yourself. During the communication you can have some eye contact with your peersand combined some decent expressions and body language, besides don’t forget smile. Secondly don’t keep talking during communication, just practice listening skill but don’t pretend to agree with all things your peer said,just be yourself. ThirdlyI think which is also important— transposition thinking, just calm down and think the position of your peer. Lastly if you want to find a common topic with others you can be updated with your mind by reading news or listening some new songs or something else. I hope these tips can help you.

This is my speech today thank you!


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