
来源:励志语录 发布时间:2013-04-27 点击:


Charlotte's web剧本

《Charlotte's Web》

Act 1 (Actors: Fern, Dad, pigs, Charlotte, Wilbur, animals)

Narrator: There was nothing special about Somerset County. It was a deeply ordinary place. But, one spring, on a small farm, a little girl did something, something that would change everything.

(上场:Fern, Dad, Wilbur)

Fern: What are you doing?

Dad: Fern, go back to bed.

Fern: You're not going to kill it, are you?

Dad: It's a runt. Now, go back to bed.

Fern: No, it's not fair! How could you be so heartless?

Dad: Mother pig can't feed it, honey.

Fern: Then I will. I'll feed you and take care of you...Wilbur.


(上场:Fern. Wilbur, Charlotte, animals)

Narrator: Wilbur was growing quickly. Fern could not feed it any more. She had to send it to her uncle’s farm. (小女孩抱着猪走去农场;其他动物都在睡觉)

Fern: You'll be okay. I'll come see you every day. See you tomorrow!

Narrator: However, the other animals did not play with Wilbur. He was very lonely.


Wilbur: Fern! Fern! Good night! Good night!

Charlotte: Good night.

Wilbur: Huh? Who said that? Who are you? Where are you? Are you invisible?

Charlotte: No. I work at night and I need to concentrate, so, good night.

Wilbur: But I can't sleep now! Please, tell me who you are. I'm just really lonely.

Charlotte: I see. Look, you seem like a very nice pig. So, if you go to sleep right now and let me work, we can talk tomorrow.

Wilbur: Oh. Great! All right. Good night. Good night. Good night.

Charlotte: Good night.

Act 2 (Actors: Wilbur, animals, Charlotte, boy)

(上场: Wilbur, animals, Charlotte)

Wilbur: Okay, it's morning!

Animals: Yeah, loud things. (动物们此时被吵醒了,都在打哈欠;埋怨Wilbur把它们吵醒了) Wilbur: I'm speaking to whoever spoke to me last night. (Wilbur摆出无辜的样子说话,然后做寻找的样子,寻找昨晚跟它说话的动物)

Charlotte: I suppose that would be me. (淡定)

Wilbur: Okay. I can't see you. (激动的回应,但又有点着急)

Charlotte: Up here, in the corner. (Wilbur看着错的那个角落,有点迷茫的样子)The other corner. (跑


Wilbur: Hi. You're a...

Horse: Spider! Spider! (马做非常惊恐的样子和语调,边说边退后,其他动物也要跟着往后退一两步)Get it away from me! Get it away! Get it away! (越说越大声,然后向后跑掉了,盲目的跑又不小心跑到Charlotte跟前,吓了一大跳,然后Charlotte瞪大眼睛看Horse一眼,Horse吓晕了,直直地倒在地上)

Ducks: That thing is creepy. (做出恶心、讨厌的样子)

Sheep: Disgusting! (羊1、2、3一个接一个地说出这个词,说的时候做出恶心的样子)


Charlotte: Well? Still want to talk or are you going to join them? (Charlotte做出毫不在意其他动物的样子)

Wilbur: I've never met a spider before. (Wibur在说的时候往前一步,瞪大眼睛看着Charlotte,一副对Charlotte很感兴趣的表情)Did you make that? (Wilbur要指着蜘蛛网说)Is that what you were concentrating on last night? (Wilbur 的语调要很可爱)

Charlotte: Yes.

Wilbur: It's amazing.(样子和声音是很崇拜Charlotte的)

Charlotte: Thank you! I think now is the time for me to say hi, Wilbur.

Wilbur: Hey, you know my name! What's yours? (Wilbur是很惊喜的声音和样子)

Charlotte: My name? My name is Charlotte.

Wilbur: Charlotte. Great name!

Charlotte: Thank you. I think so.

Wilbur: Hey, you’ve said hi, so are we friends? (friends 要重读)

Charlotte: I think so.

Wilbur: Yeah! (非常非常开心的样子,边跳边说)


Boy: Saw a big old spider in the doorway! Let me go catch it! (动物做出非常害怕的样子,有的尖叫,有的原地走来走去) get it!


Animals: Wow! (惊叹的样子)


Charlotte: You saved me. Thank you!

Horse: Yes, he's saving you, and they're saving him for Christmas. (胆怯地说,边说边走回动物的身边) Wilbur: What's Christmas?

Horse: The day you'll be killed. (躲在动物们的身后说)

Wilbur: No! They wouldn't. Humans love pigs.

Horse: Well, they love pork.

Wilbur: Charlotte, is it true? (慌张的样子)

Charlotte: Wilbur, few spring pigs get to see the snows of winter.

Wilbur: No!

Charlotte: Oh, Wilbur.

Wilbur: It isn't fair! I want to live! I want to see the snow!

Charlotte: And you will. I promise. I am not going to let them kill you.

Wilbur: You're a spider. You're little. They're huge! How can you stop them?

Charlotte: I have no idea. But it's a promise. Just don't you worry about it, Wilbur.

Wilbur: Okay, Charlotte. If you say so.


Act 3 (Actors: uncle, farmer, ducks, Fern,Wilbur, Charlotte)





Farmer:Oh! (手上提着的食物掉地上,做出惊吓的样子,愣了1秒钟,匆忙跑去叫人;Farmer跑走后,动物们把食物捡起来吃,一副淡定的样子)


Narrator: The words on the web attracted many people. The farm became popular.

After a few weeks, the web wore off. (此时人群渐渐散开) Nobody cared anymore, and what was amazing yesterday was suddenly ordinary again today. It looked like Wilbur might not see snow after all. (此时Wilbur看着蜘蛛网,一脸失望的样子)


Uncle: Still no web, huh?

Farmer: Nope.

Uncle: And Christmas is coming…

Farmer: Perhaps we need some pork.(鄙视地瞥向猪) Such an ordinary pig. (uncle 和farmer退场) (Fern 和动物做出惊讶状,Wilbur吓得晕倒了,直直的倒下了; Horse,Ducks 和Sheep 同时说话 ---- Horse说Oh, my god! Ducks 说 Poor Wilbur!Sheep 一个接一个的说Dear me! )

(Fern 在动物们说话的时候还在惊讶当中,反应不过来,愣住了;等动物们说完后,Fern才反应过来,然后伤心地摸摸Wilbur的头,再伤心地离开了,在回家的途中看到动物比赛的海报,Fern在看海报时要慢慢的变得开心的样子,然后才跑去跟uncle讨论)

Fern: Uncle, look at this. Wilbur can take part in the county fair. (Fern做出开心的样子)

Uncle: What? Are you sure? It is so small. (怀疑、不敢相信的样子)

Fern: Of course it can. It is a miracle. If it wins, can you keep it?

Uncle: If the pig wins, sure I’ll keep it.

(Fern 高兴地跑回农场)

Fern: Wilbur, you can take part in the fair! If you win, my uncle will keep you and we will be together forever. (Fern说话的时候要很开心,刚刚Wilbur是吓晕了的,听到Fern说话的时候就高兴地站起来了)


Duck 1: Ah ha! Go to the fair?

Sheep & horse: Wow ho!

Duck 2: Wilbur may see the Christmas after all. (Ducks说话的时候要很嚣张的样子)

Act 4 (Actors: animals, Charlotte, Wilbur, judges)

Narrator: All the animals came to the fair to support Wilbur.


Horse: Dear me! What a fat pig!{charlotte夏洛特语录}.

Sheep: How can Wilbur win?

Charlotte: We must help him. We need another word. Something that makes Wilbur so special.

Ducks: Then he can win the fair.

Horse: You need something snappy, like "pig supreme."

Wilbur: That sounds like a dessert.

Charlotte: Please, all of you! What's the perfect word for Wilbur?

Sheep: How about "delicious"?

Ducks: How about "excellent, excellent, excellent "?

Charlotte: Good. Just too long…… but… one " excellent " might work..

(蜘蛛很虚弱地织网, 配音此时要有一点气喘吁吁的声音,以显示蜘蛛的虚弱){charlotte夏洛特语录}.

Charlotte: Come on, Charlotte. You can do it. Don’t slow down. (说话时声音要很虚弱)


Horse: Well done! Never had a doubt!

Ducks: That spider did a heck of a job.

Sheep: She's a hard worker.


Judge 1: Wow! This pig is the biggest pig I’ve ever seen. He must be the winner!


Judge 2: Look! Something is on the web!

Judge 1: ‘Excellent’? Oh, this is a miracle. (群众围观)

Judge 2: I think this is the real winner. (Judge 1点头,贴上冠军标志)


Ducks: Now Wilbur can see the Christmas for sure.

Wilbur: See, Charlotte, I win. Isn't that great?

Charlotte: Yes, it's wonderful.


Wilbur: Hey, what's that?

Charlotte: These are my eggs.

Wilbur: Wow! It's going to be really excellent in the farm!{charlotte夏洛特语录}.

Charlotte: Wilbur, I'm afraid they're not going to make it back to the farm.

Wilbur: What? You're not going to leave them here alone, are you?

Charlotte: I have no choice. I'm dying.

Wilbur: What? You can't die! Just climb down. I'll take care of you.

Charlotte: No, Wilbur. I don't even have the strength.

Wilbur: You have to. You've done so much for me!

Charlotte: No, Wilbur. You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that farm. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur. The miracle is you.

Wilbur: Charlotte…

Charlotte: Wilbur, I need you to help me take my eggs home. Can you promise?

Wilbur: I promise, Charlotte.

(Charlotte 渐渐死去,Wilbur很伤心, 动物们都默哀)

Narrator: Now, that isn't to say Charlotte was gone forever. She lived on in the hearts of those that knew her, and even those that didn't.

Something had changed in the farm.

The animals became closer. (动物们围着抚摸蛋)

The warmth of their friendship carried them through the long, cold months. They showed it in little gestures of kindness, unusual patience, and promises kept.


夏洛特的网 十分钟配音台词

韦伯儿:Charlotte, look how happy she is! Isn't that great?

夏洛特:Yes, it's wonderful.

韦伯儿:Hey, what's that?

夏洛特:This, is my magnum opus.

韦伯儿:What's a magnet opus?

夏洛特:Magnum opus. It means "great work." It's a nutrient-filled, waterproof egg sac.

韦伯儿:Really? There's eggs in there?

夏洛特:My babies, 514 of them.

韦伯儿:Wow! With 514 baby spiders all over the place, it's going to be really radiant in the barn!

夏洛特:Wilbur, I'm afraid they're not going to make it back to the barn. 韦伯儿:What?What are you talking about? You're not going to leave them here alone, are you?

I have no choice. I'm languishing.

What does that mean?

It means I'm dying.

韦伯儿:What? You can't die!

夏洛特:Wilbur, we're born, we live,and, when our time comes, we die. It’s just the natural cycle of life.

韦伯儿:No! No, just climb down. I'll carry you the rest of the way. We'll go back to the barn, and I'll take care of you.

夏洛特:No, Wilbur. I don't even have the strength to climb down. 韦伯儿:You have to. You've done so much for me!

And it was my great pleasure.

Please come down, Charlotte. Please. There must be something l can do. 夏洛特:No, Wilbur. Don't you know what you've already done? You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.


韦伯儿:I didn't do anything, Charlotte. You did it all.

夏洛特:No. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what l saw. The miracle is you.

韦伯儿:Templeton! Charlotte is very sick.

邓普顿:Yeah, and twisted.

韦伯儿:She's dying! She can't go home with us. So, l need you to help me take her egg sac with us.

Did you say eggs?

韦伯儿:It's an egg sac. And it's right up there, and it has her children in it. And l can't just leave it here. What if something happened to them? Now, l can't reach it, so l need you to get it for me. And l need you to do it now.

邓普顿:I don't think l like your tone.

韦伯儿:Can't you just once in your life think of someone other than yourself?

邓普顿:Once? Once? A little further. Keep coming.

韦伯儿:Come on.

邓普顿:No, you come on! Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you "radiant," huh? Templeton, that's who. And who interrupted the gorging of a lifetime so you could be "humble"? Why, l think it was Templeton! Templeton! Templeton! Templeton! And do l get thanked? No! Well, has it ever occurred to you that even a rat might like a little appreciation? A little, dare l say, love?

韦伯儿:Do it and you'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my life. 邓普顿:Done.

韦伯儿:Hurry! Up in the corner on the ledge. Templeton! Come on! 夏洛特:Thank you, Templeton, for everything.

韦伯儿:It's okay, just drop it. Hurry!

Here you go. Here's your medal. In you go. Time to go home, Wilbur. All right. Close her up, Lurvy. Okay, easy now.

夏洛特:Goodbye, my sweet, sweet Wilbur.

韦伯儿:Goodbye, Charlotte. I love you.

Is that our lovely-ovely-ovely little Wilbur?

And he's got a medal! Strong work, kid. He looks so grown up. I always knew he could do it. Never had a doubt. Welcome home, Wilbur. Wilbur? Where's Charlotte?

I got a bad feeling, Bits. Me, too. 旁白:Now, that isn't to say Charlotte was gone forever. She lived on in the hearts of those that knew her, and even those that didn't. Something had changed in Somerset County. It was as if people knew they lived in a special place now. And, in small ways, they started being special people, a little bit kinder, a bit more understanding. And the animals felt different, too. Closer. The warmth of their friendship carried them through the long, cold months. They showed it in little gestures of kindness, unusual patience, and promises kept. Even the hardest of hearts found themselves rising to the occasion. And, finally, the greatest promise of all, a spring pig saw his first snowfall. It was as though Charlotte herself had shaken it out of the sky. The stillness of winter continued to the first thaw, like it always does. And then, the first buds of spring. And, before you knew it, life had come full circle.

韦伯儿:They're here! They're here! They're here, everybody! Hey, there. I'm Wilbur. I'm a friend of your mom's. Boy, are we glad to see you! So creepy! And cute! Just like their mother. They're so, so beautiful. Oh, I just want to scoop them up and hug them all.

韦伯儿:Wow, you can fly! Look at you go!

Now that, is something to follow.

Go, little spiders! Be free! I wish l could. I'm kidding, honey. I think{charlotte夏洛特语录}.

l got one inside my beak. Thanks, baby.

That's my Golly-olly-olly.

韦伯儿:Wow! I can't believe they're really here.

So pretty. Yeah, Bits.

You doing okay over there, eh?

I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it, Bets. I'm okay with it. Spiders are nice. Spiders are my friend. Spiders won't hurt me.

韦伯儿:Wait! What's happening? What are you doing?

Bye! --Bye!

韦伯儿:Please don't go.

Goodbye! Bye!

韦伯儿:Wait! Wait!

Goodbye! --Bye~

韦伯儿:Where are you going?

We're setting forth.

We take to the breeze. We go as we please. We take to the breeze! Bye!

韦伯儿:But you can't go! I had so much l wanted to tell you! And someone l wanted to tell you about.



Charlotte's Web, telling a story about the pig Wilbur and spider Charlotte, when the owner planed to kill the pig ,a little girl Fern saved it, from the beginning of its unusual life, also get a lifetime partner called Charlotte. For a promise, I promise you, Charlotte try all her best to help Wilbur and weave out "some pig", "Terrific", "humble" words in the sty gate. Finally Wilbur won the special prize at the fair, and became the only one to see the spring pig. And Charlotte was left on its own market, due to the words ,she can not give their children more network weaving. I think Charlotte treat friends and things they promised to do on a certain attitude is worth learning. We often say that the more grew more lonely, in fact, change our mindset, thinking the problem more complicated, and How much do I have to do that to me, first and foremost consider the things from their own point, if we are able to Charlotte especially as standing on each other's perspective to consider the problem, all for the sake of each other, keep on our promise, as we can also gain an perpetual friendship. To understand that true friendship is based on mutual trust, understanding and care, among friends do not mess suspicion, do not blame each other, both sides are sincere, unselfish, and we will have more friends, more eternal friendship.

夏洛特的网,讲了小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛特的故事,主人计划杀掉小猪时被一个小女孩芬恩救下,从此开始它不同寻常的一生,也结识了一生的好伙伴夏洛特。对于小猪的一句承诺,我答应你(I promise),夏洛特用尽自己的力量,在谷仓门口织出了“some pig”,“Terrific”,“humble”字样,小猪最后在集市上赢得了特别奖,得救,成为了唯一一个见到春天的小猪。而夏洛特自己却留在了集市上,由于织字无法给自己的孩子织更多的网。我觉得夏洛特对待朋友和对自己承诺的事情就一定做到的态度是值得我们学习的。我们常说越长大越孤单,其实我们心态转变了,想问题变得复杂,更多的是在想我这样做对我有什么好处,考虑问题首先是从自己出发,如果我们可以向夏洛特那样站在对方的角度想问题,处处为对方着想,坚守承诺,同样我们也可以收获一份永恒的友谊。要明白,真正的友谊是建立在互相信任、理解和关心基础之上的,朋友之间不要乱猜疑、不要埋怨对方,双方都真诚,不自私,这样我们就会拥有更多的朋友、更永恒的友谊。



夏洛特,夏洛蒂·勃朗特之女,爱尔兰人。从1820年到1861年一直在霍沃思约克郡当一名助理牧师。她的母亲于1821年过世,留下她们五姐妹和一个兄弟,一同由她们的阿姨伊丽莎白照顾。其中她们间四个女儿被送到了科思桥的一所克里克女校读书。(这个曾经被她在简爱中描叙成洛伍德的学校)。夏洛特相信被送到这所学校就读是最不幸的一步。她认为这加速了她的两个姐姐的死亡,而且还永远的伤害了自己的健康。其它的孩子则在家里完成了他们的学业。他们广泛的阅读,逐渐的陷入了幻想的生活去,像是天方夜谭,源氏物语中的生活。他们开始写故事,模仿他们最爱的布莱克伍德杂志出版一些精致的杂志。夏洛特和勃兰威尔一起写作一本构思在脑海且非常复杂小说《安格里亚》,艾米丽和安妮一起撰写《冈德尔岛》.1831年到1832年,夏洛特在Roe Head 的Miss Wooler’s 学校,1835到1838年她又以教师的身份回到这里,在这里,她遇见了她的两个好友,艾伦和玛丽。1839年,她在斯基普顿的一个Sidewick的家里面当家庭女教师,1841年又在罗顿这个城市的白家任教。1842年,她和艾米丽来到布鲁塞尔的黑格尔寄宿学校学习语言。1842年末,由于她们的阿姨过世,他们俩又回到了家乡。1843年,比她妹妹更渴望丰富经验的夏洛特独自一人来到布鲁塞尔又学习了一年。在这期间,她深深的爱着黑格尔,但黑格尔在她回家乡后一直没有给她回信,另外在这期间夏洛特和她妹妹一起建立一个她自己的学校也失败了。在1845年,他无意间看到了艾米丽的诗,此刻她更加确信她们自己的能力。提议集体创作,共同出版一册诗集名为Currer,Ellis,and Action Bell 诗集,并于1846年出版,但销量不佳,作品鲜为人知。此刻,她们各自也已经写完了一部小说。《教授》,夏洛特所写,但在她一生中也未能出版。Wuthering Heights and Annes*Agnes Grey ,艾米丽所写,并由托马斯纽顿出版社在1847年接受于1847年出版。小说被退并没有打击到夏洛特。他紧接着又开始写另一部小说《简爱》,在这个他父亲做过白内障手术的地方开始写作。这部小说由史密斯出版社于1847年出版,片刻便后的成功,同时也激起了许多人对作品来源的思索,为了平息那些疑论夏洛特没有使用Bell这个笔名,而是以一个作者的名字。夏洛特和安妮在1848年7月拜访了史密斯,并从此出名。夏洛特还未能够享受自己的成功,接踵而来的是诸多的邀请。勃兰威尔由于过度酗酒而引发多种疾病,于1848年9月过世,艾米丽于同年11月过世,安妮也于1849年夏离开人世。在这段悲伤地时间里,夏洛特用Shirly 这部作品来寄托对他们的思念,此书也于1849年面世。随后的日子里,夏洛特非常孤独,但因遇见了加斯克尔先生而有所缓解,加斯克尔先生是夏洛特于1850年相识,且后来为夏洛特写了一部自传(1857年出版)。同年,夏洛特开始撰写并出版了一篇回忆录小说《呼啸山庄》和《阿格尼斯·格雷》,且在卷前写了一个引语艾米丽和安妮的点滴。且又选择了一部从未出版过的记录着她在布鲁塞尔的回忆诗篇Vilette,一起于1853年出版。夏洛特在文学界为人所知也鉴于这次的出版。但她还是一如既往的写书出版,如《柯勒贝尔》.1854年,在犹豫纠结很久后,夏洛特与她父亲的助理牧师尼科尔斯结婚,但她在婚后几个月便过世了,死因可能是怀孕所致。《艾玛》 是夏洛特写的一个小片段诗篇,于1860年有萨克莱介绍,在康希尔杂志出版。



The impression of “Charlotte’s Web” The film tells a touching story: a dysplastic pig was born in a farm at Somerset county, and had to be a risk of killing. Because of love, a little girl, Finn, promised to take care of it, and named it as Wilbur. Later, she put it in his uncle's farm. It was there, Wilbur and a spider, Charlotte, became friends. One day, Wilbur known that a spring pig can't see the snow in winter, he was so terrified. Charlotte promised that : “ She don't let people kill him”. After then , she began to practiced his promise: she “wrote” words on her web time and time again, in order to attracting the attention of people. Finally, before death, she insisted on weaving the last word , “humble”. She was so attention to friendship and eventually helped Wilbur escaping the fade of being killed. Wilbur also bring her off-spring back to the farm.

Charlotte exhausted her life to do these, only because Wilbur took her as a friend. How a great feeling friendship is! I deeply admire her spirit of promise. The film reminds me of a famous saying:

“The true friendship seeks to give, not take; to help, not to be helped; to minister, not to be ministered.”




美国的夏洛特市位于里士满和亚特兰大之间.在过去的11年里,该市人口快速增长,已从10年前的779285人增长到现在的1091000人,增幅近14096:夏洛特市正发展成为一个新兴的商业中心城市,并且已有两家美国主要银行在此设立了总部。与此同时,该市的面积也不断扩大,已占梅克伦县的将近70%。城市的规划部门和开发商们仍在积极筹划和急切盼望着建造更多的高楼大厦以充实这座城市。 在这样一个高速发展的城市中,公共交通也得到了快速发展;1998年,该市从财政收入中拿出近一半用于综合交通系统研究和土地开发的研究,目前,该市的区域交通系统为全市提供着完善的公交服务,另外,政府每年还将拨出1970万美元用于该市传统的有轨电车的改建。 在从华盛顿特区到新奥尔良这段路上,运营着多家公交公司。这些公司中的大多数都把经营重心放在了市郊运输上.巫特兰大市和夏洛特市却不然,他们采取了汽车、火车平衡发展的策略。在夏洛特。其全市范围内的快速公交系统和高质量的服务,每年吸引着1350万乘客,并将使更多的人把自己的车留在家里。今日,美国银行已出资,在夏洛特住宅区新建了一个可容纳26辆公交车的换乘中心;该中心就像以前用以遮蔽火车的棚子一样,使公交车可以停靠其中。中心内设立厂完善的通风装置,可将汽车尾气很快排走。该中心除了有公文没拖外,还设有众多的私营商业机构和警察局等、在夏洛特市,城市交通委员会负责规划和管理资金,并监控市内的交通情况,住宅区的公交建设遵循以五条已建成的公交走廊为中心的原则实施。在每条公交道上都设立于不同形式的快速交通系统。如轻轨、市郊铁路和快速巴士等。(BRT在夏洛特市就代表着在高速公路中间开辟的快速公交专用道、)在住宅区以内,普通的巴士线路将把那些远离主要公交走廊的商业区和公司连结起来,不久前,夏洛特市还对一个投资项目进行了沦证。该项目将在夏市南部地区铺设一条轻轨。轻轨建成以后将把南部的住宅区与公交走廊连结起来。现在.夏洛特市正在进行一条长3英里的有轨电车线路的铺设工作,该工程包括轨道的铺没、架线以及建没一座新的桥梁和开挖一条新的隧道:该工程完工后使用权属于夏市政府,但当2006年轻轨建成后,该线路将与新铺没的9英里轻轨连结,共同为市民服务。届时将有效缓解通往诺福克市公路的交通压力。 根据夏洛特市政当局的规划,未来将把通往戴维森的南部走廊延伸20英里.一直通向邻市艾尔德尔的穆尔斯维尔地区。到那时,在这两个城市之间将有两种交通方式可供选择:一种是I—77号公路上的高速巴士。另一种则是在轻轨线路上运行的市郊铁路;将来,当I—77公路的扩建工程完成后,市郊铁路将被取消。 在夏洛特市,还有另外三条主要的交通走廊。他们是东北部大学区的I—85公交走廊;东南部独立运行的通往马修斯的公交走廊和西部通往机场的公交走廊:这条通往机场的公交走廊可直接延伸到邻县加斯顿的加斯拉尼市:现在,高速巴士正在其上运营。 虽然现阶段,在这三条主要公交走廊上运营的都是快速巴士。但是,将来在东北公交走廊上将新建轻轨与南部走廊相接;与此同时,一条三英里长的快速巴士专用路的试验工程正在东南部的独立公交走廊上修建工程完工后,在车流高峰朝,可节省时间15分钟;夏洛特市在发展公共交通的同时,也考虑了长远规划问题。他们已就5条公交走廊制定了2025年远景目标,并汁划在2015年使其初见成效;夏洛特市公交总公司经理特博说:“这是一个富有挑战性的计划,而且。我们一定会把它做到底;” 快速交通系统并不是形成夏洛特市通畅、快速、便捷的交通状况的唯一原因,现代化的配套设施也起到了很大的使甲、在189辆公交车中,有近一半是新型低底盘NONA客车。夏洛特市还拥有140辆豪华客车和货车。在这些车辆中有一部分已被改装,用于特种服务。在夏洛特市的六个城区中、迷你巴士也为居民提供了方便的随叫随到服务,在大型商业区亭车场,则采用了点到点的服务。即在高峰期免费停车,而在非高峰期的停车费却略高一层,50美分/小时。公交优先的快速公交线网,现代化的交通配套设施和管理办法,促使夏洛特市形成了自己特色的交通系统。被人戏称为“公交的天堂”。


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