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How to write a Book Report怎么写英文读书报告

How to write a book report?

Book reports may be required by teachers who want to know whether their students have read the books assigned and how well they understand those books. If they are not required, students may as well write one or two for themselves, for writing book reports helps students to improve their reading comprehension and their ability to analyze and evaluate books. Moreover, it is very good practice.

Generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: information about the author and his times, a summary of the book, and comments on it.

A brief account of the author’s life should be given together with a description of his times. The latter should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book. To make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book.

A summary should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand. Above all, it should be objective. Comments on and criticisms of the book should not be mixed with the summary; they can be left to the third part. The summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for

example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work.

Comments on and evaluation of the book form the third and most important part of a book report. In this part the writer expresses his or her own views on the book, names its merits and demerits, and discusses its relevance to the present time. The discussion should of course center on the content of the book, but the author’s style and techniques of presentation, if interesting, can also be touched upon.

How to write a summary?

A summary is a brief restatement of the essential thought of a longer composition, a novel or a play. It reproduces the theme of the original with as few words as possible. When one writes a summary, one should not interpret or comment. All one has to do is to give the gist of the author’s exact and essential meaning.

When you write a summary, you should do the following:

1. You should use fewer words.

A. Omit the details. Only the important points should be included; all the details that explain the main points can be left out.

B. Reduce the examples.

C. Simplify the descriptions. If there are ten sentences describing a person or an object, it will be enough to keep one or two in the summary.

D. Eliminate all repetitions.

E. Compress wordy sentences and change phrases to words.{bookreport范文}.

2. The summary should be all in your own words. It must not be a patchwork made up of phrases and sentences quoted from the original passage.

3. You should follow the logical order of the original passage. Ideas and facts need not be rearranged.

4. The summary should be self-contained, that is, it must convey the message of the original fully and clearly, so that your reader needs no reference to the original to understand what its main ideas are.



原文地址:如何写 book report作者:凝蝶

***There is no standard form for a book report. However, every book report should contain the following four parts:

1. Identification. Give the title and author’s name. If the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. Give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages.

2. Classification. A word or phrase early in your report helps the reader keep in mind the type of book on which you are reporting; mystery, biography, humor, adventure, and so on. Your reader can then mentally compare it with similar books he has read.

3. Description. A skillful book report gives an overall view of a book without giving away its outcome. Your description of a book may include quotations or brief sketches of scenes or action that you think are representative of the book. Take notes while reading. It will save you the time and trouble of thumbing through the book later to relocate quotations or other information.

4. Evaluation. Your opinion is the most important part of the report. It may be either your immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study. In either case, your opinion should be definite and clear. It should be supported with facts. You will want to comment on

characterizations, plot, and recurring themes. Compare or contrast it to other books you’ve read. Write a word of criticism or praise while reading. It will help you recall your impression of the material after you have finished the book.{bookreport范文}.

Writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. It also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own.

*** 题目统一为: A Book Report of Thirty-Nine Steps


英文中没有书名号, 每个词用大写就可以或再加上下划线表示,不用引号; 省略号为三点;

常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version

故事大意如下 The gist of the story is as follows

主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine

以……为背景 It is set on the eve of…/It is set on the background that…

***纸张;格式;不是要求的书;语法(write, begin, read);态度; 字数 The number of pages is 134/It has 134 pages in all/in total/There are 134 pages in all/in total;

The price of the book is/It is worth /It is sold at RMB¥7.8


book report format 读书报告格式

Report Writing format

1. Introductory Paragraph

The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.

The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name.

The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher.


The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what

company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.)

The next sentence should state the reason(s) you. Why did you choose this

particular book? Typical reasons might be:

o You like the author.

o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance,


o Someone recommended the book to you.

o It was on a required reading list.

o You liked the cover.

These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author.

An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information.

o Was the book a best seller?

o Are there X million copies in print?

o Did it win any major awards?

2. Main Character(s) Paragraph

The first sentence of this paragraph should state who the main character or characters of the book are, and why they are important. Refer to this person or

these persons as the Main Character or Main Characters.{bookreport范文}.

You will need at least a complex sentence for this, and probably more than one sentence.

3. Other Characters Paragraph

You should compose at least one sentence for each of the other prominent or

important characters in the book. State the name of each of the other important characters, and the key role that each one plays in the book

Most books have five or six prominent characters besides the main character, so simply listing each one and stating their role in the book will give you a good sized paragraph.


4. Plot Summary Paragraph

This is perhaps the hardest paragraph to write in five sentences or so. If you

have to write a bit more don't worry. Here are the main points to cover:

o State the type of book (Mystery, Western, etc.).

o What place or country was the book set in?

o What time period was the book set in? (19th century, the present, ancient





o Rome, the 23rd century). Other physical locations which are important, like: ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings. Other notable attributes of the book. (Was it violent, scary, fast paced, etc.). What is the main character trying to do? What is the outcome of the book? etc.

Make sure you cover all of the major parts of the plot. You might have to go back through the book, chapter by chapter, and make a few notes.

5. Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph

Simply talk about what you liked or did not like about the book. Use this paragraph as your conclusion. It should summarize your overall impressions of the book and bring the report to a close.

o Start with a sentence that states that you are now writing a conclusion.




o (For example: "My final thoughts on 'A Fine Balance' are that it is a fascinating book but I am not entirely sure if I completely understood the thematic message of the book." Restate your reasons why you liked and/or disliked the book using different words. Write two sentences that talk about the books good points and weak points. Write a sentence or two about what you learned from the book. Close with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book

to others.

Don't be afraid to give your own honest impressions of the book. After all, if you've read the book thoroughly, you are entitled to your own interpretation of it.

Typically, your book report should not exceed two double-spaced pages, and it should be somewhere between 600 and 800 words in length.{bookreport范文}.

Book Report Format

1 Introduction


*Introduce the overall book to the reader{bookreport范文}.

*Be sure to give the author’s name &comment about the author

*Then, introduce the topic of your paper to the reader

*Make both introductions interesting and get the reader to want to read your paper *May be one paragraph or two

2 Body of your paper

There are many possible topics: characters, themes, elements of the plot, comparison & contrast of personalities, elements of mood, elements of time, emotions, ideas, irony and so forth

Each sub topic may be in one long or two shorter paragraphs

Identify each new sub topic and connect it to the topic

Use internal introduction, transitions, connectives, conclusions and summaries

3 Conclusion

Gave an overall evaluation of the worth & importance of your ideas on the topic Gave an overall evaluation of the worth of the book


4 Bibliographical Citation

Author’s Last Name, first & middle. Name of the Book, Place where Published, Company that published the book, date of last printing

5 Length: The Paper is to be two to three pages in length, standard size paper

6 The paper should demonstrate that you have fully read the book and comprehend it. 7 The date to hand in the paper

8 Grading: This paper should be a completed final draft following several edits. Neatness, format, and content will impact the grade


双城记英文简介 bookreport专用

A Tale of Two Cities

It was the year 1757, the doctor Manette lived in Pairs. And one day he treated a young woman who was hurt by ME family. And the young woman’s husband was killed by them. The doctor felt very angry when he heard the young woman’s miserable experiences. He decided to claimed crimes of ME to the king’s court. So he wrote a letter to the court. Some days later, several men came to Manette’s house and asked him to treat a patient. Manette agreed and followed these men. But these man were ME members. They put Manette into prison. Manette’s family didn’t find him anywhere. Just several months later his wife gave birth to a baby called Lucie.

18 years had passed. It was 1775. The doctor’s daughter Lucie was 18 years old. At that time she lived in London. She just was brought up by Miss Spross, because when Lucie was 2 years old her mother was dead. One day she suddenly received a letter that said she should immediately went to Pairs for getting some information about her father. She felt shocked and went to Pairs as soon as possible. On the ways to Pairs, Lucie met other main character in this book-- Charles. He was a son of the ME’s leader. But he hated his father and relatives’ cruel actions to low class people, so he moved to

England and exchanged his name to Charles. At that time, no one knew his real identity. He fell in love with the beautiful Luciel. When Lucie arrived in the Pairs, she met her father’s old friend Mr. Lorry. Mr. Lorry brought Lucie to meet her father’s former servant-- Ernest Defarge. At that time Defarge and his wife Madame Defarge ran a bar in Pairs. Through all people’s effort, Lucie met her father at first time. Her father was weak and filthy. When Manette knew he had a daughter in the world he held his daughter and cried. Then Mr. Lorry, Lucie and her father came back to London.

Lucie and her father had a harmonious and peaceful life in London. Lucie took care of her father very well. And her father recovered, he became a doctor again. After 5 years, Charle whom I told you before Lucie met him on the way to Pairs was sued. Lucie who was a witness also joined the trial. In the trial, Charle’s lawyer Carton discovered remarkable details for proving Charle was innocent. Finally the jury announced the verdict –Charle was not guilty. During the trial, the lawyer Carton who perceived Lucie’s golden quality and beauty also fell in love with her. Some days later, Charle took courtship to Lucie and Lucie accepted. During the wedding, Charle told Lucie’s father, who is the doctor, his real identity that he came

from ME and so on. The doctor felt shocked. He stayed prison for 18 years just for ME. But doctor decided to keep this secret because he was more concerned about his daughter’s happiness. After the wedding, Carton still kept very close relationship with the young couple. In his mind, his happiness is not marrying her but knowing her happiness.

In 1789, the revolution erupted in France. When Chale got this news, he had to go back to France to help his old friends in Pairs. But when he just arrived on Pairs, he was arrested for he was an/the Emigrant. Because revolutionist hated the English Emigrant very much, he was put into the prison. In London when Lucie, Manette, Carton and Mr. Lorry heard the bad news, they rushed to Pairs. The revolutionists welcome Manette due to his suffering in Bastill. Soon, at Charle’s trial, by a unanimous vote, Charle was freed. But a few hours later, Charle was arrested again for his real identity. And he was denounced by Madame Defarge. Several days later, the court announced that Charle was one of ME, a former noble man, and an enemy of the Republic, one of family of tyrants that lived off the blood of the people! Court decided to execute Charles by guillotine in twenty-four hours.

Everyone felt painful and hopeless except Madame

Defarge. Someone can ask why Madame Defarge hated Chale so much and why she still wanted to kill him? Now, please look at block broad. Can you remember that ME hurt a young lady and killed the lady’s husband? Madame Defarge was the last survivor in this pathetic family. Until now, whole things became clear and reasonable.

When Carton saw Lucie’s pale face and hopeless eye, he felt some swords penetrated into his heart. He made a holy and brave decision. He decided to save Charles who was in prison and replaced him to die because of loving Lucie. At that time, Madame Defarge was saturated into revenge, so she brought pistol to Lucie’s apartment. She not only wanted to kill Charles, but also wanted to kill his whole family. She had been deeply indulged in the revenge. On the fight between Madame Defarge and Lucie’s servant, Defarge was killed by her pistol. Soon Carton went to the prison and bribed a prison official to let him go into the prison. Then, he drunk Charles and exchanged their clothes. Finally, the prison official brought Charles to Lucie’s apartment. The last minute came and Carton was brought to the guillotine. As his cart rumbled toward the platform, he turned his eyes toward London and said: I see them holding a special place for me in their hearts, remembering me

with love. Yes, this is a far, far better thing that I am doing than anything I have ever done in my life. END

因为爱情 简单的生长


因为爱情 怎么会有沧桑



A Book Report on Pride and Prejudice

A Book Report on Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen, born on December 16th, 1775, is a world renowned English author. She was the seventh of eight children. In 1783 she went to Southampton to be taught by a relative, but was brought home due to a local outbreak of disease. Two years later she attended the Abbey Boarding School in Reading until 1786. Her timeless works – only just six completed novels - have been turned into a lot of movies, television shows and modern adaptations at a regular pace in addition to being translated into multiple languages all over the world that help her stories surpass cultural boundaries. These six works have become the model formula for the romance stories of today, especially Pride and Prejudice.

Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. Mr. Bennet is an English gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife and 5 daughters: the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr. Bennet dies, their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met. So the family's future happiness and security is dependent on the daughters’ good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighborhood of the rich gentleman Mr. Bingley, who rents a large house in this country to spend the summer. Mr. Bingley comes with his sister and the indifferent and proud Mr. Darcy. Love affairs soon find the Bennet sisters, while Elizabeth has jumped to a hasty prejudgment on the indifferent and proud Mr. Darcy. Jane and Mr. Bingley soon fall in love. They often eat and dance together. At the same time, Mr. Darcy also begins to love Elizabeth except for her family background. While Elizabeth’s cousin also wants to marry her, but he is rejected rigidly and he marries Elizabeth’s good friend at last. After Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy go back their home, Jane depresses so much and goes to London to find Mr. Bingley at last. Then a young and handsome officer called Wickham comes into five sisters live. Even Elizabeth is attracted by his gentility. From Wickham, she knows

more about Mr. Darcy but that also accelerates misunderstanding of Mr. Darcy. After a long separation, Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy when she visits her cousin and her friend in the Mr. Darcy’s aunt’s home. There Mr. Darcy cannot restrain his love to Elizabeth and proposes to her. Because of a deep prejudice for him and the department of Mr. Bingley and Jane, Elizabeth rejects him. So Mr. Darcy writes a letter to her to explain all the things and leave for his home. From this letter, Elizabeth reduces her prejudice of Mr. Darcy and knows that Wickham is a bad guy. While Lydia escapes with Wickham, and at last they marry under the help of his uncle and Mr. Darcy. After that, the prejudice of Mr. Darcy vanishes and Elizabeth finds herself fall in love with Mr. Darcy too. Despite of Mr. Darcy’s aunt’s disagreements, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth go together. In addition, Mr. Bingley and Jane engage with each other at last.

In short, this story is based on love, prejudice and romance. Jane Austin describes the work with her unique woman’s exquisite emotion, reflecting the social life of Britain country in the beginning of 19th century. This book is like a mirror, which can reflect the virtuous and vicious humanity and picture a lively personality. According to these characteristics, Jane Austin’s works are eternal and immortal.


Bookreport on Sons And Lovers


Class 4


A Bookreport on Sons and Lovers

In Sons and Lovers by D.H.Lawrence, the protagonist Mrs. Morel, who

was born from the middle class and well educated, however, married Walter Morel who was a miner in lower class, which bothered her all the time. In addition, because of long-time work and coal mine accidents, her husband became more and more cranky. All of those leaded to a situation that they were drifting further apart. Thus, Mrs. Morel gave up all hope on her husband and devoted the whole of her emotion and expectation to her sons gradually, which finally generated an abnormal love toward her sons. And, after the elder son William died from over tiredness in work, Mrs. Morel began to expect much from her little son, Paul Morel. The first half of this novel focus on the complex love between Mrs. Morel and her son, while the last half describes two different affection, which are the love of lust and the Platonic love, of Paul and his two lovers---Clara Dawes and Miriam Leivers. In this book, under the shadow of his mother, Paul couldn’t choose his own life. And only after Mrs. Morel died did he get rid of the constriant and leave his hometown and lover to become a real grown-man.

As Lawrence describes, after William had died, Paul gradually became

Mrs. Morel’s only harbour of spirit and also a way for her to vent pointless indignation and inner pain. Actually, she loved her son and kept on encouraging Paul to become famous and rich to be a member of the upper class. Also, she tried to control Paul in spirit and poured all her passion toward her son to make up the regret in her marrige and to get the love she couldn’t obtain from her husband. This kind of intense love with possessive purpose nearly suffocated Paul so that he tried to escape as soon as he got the chance. Meanwhile, during

the transitory escape, he was always dragged by his mother’s invisible spiritual shackle and couldn’t help to be suffering. At the same time, falling in love with Miriam was also the process for Paul to go through spiritual pain. They got together for the same interests and frequent communication so, as a matter of course, they became a perfectly matched couple. Meanwhile, Miriam pursued too much on spiritual satisfaction so that she was not only lack of passion, but wanted to possess Paul in spirit as well as Mrs. Morel. Therefore, she turned out to be the contradictive rival in love with Mrs. Morel and, at last, failed to Mrs. Morel who had stronger acquisitiveness and kept the weather with the blood relationship. What was more, another woman, Clara, was a lower class freak, whose soul and body was separated, and lived apart from her crude husband. She was close with Paul and satisfied him on flesh for a period.

Actually, Mrs. Morel had regarded her son as the perfect lover deeply in

her heart at the beginning of the story. Between them, it is not only the love of families, but a reflection of romance. Thereupon, most of what she did to her son, like exeedingly taking care of him, bringing him up and so on, were far more than that she should do to her son as a mother. But, on the contrary, Mrs. Morel’s parasexuality made Paul uncomfortable and suffering. In this story, when Mrs. Morel lamented almost at the top of her lungs that she never had a husband--- a real husband, Paul couldn’t help to passionately touched his mother’s hair and kissed her neck. This kind of “oedipus complex” made him lost his mind and the balance between id and super-ego. So, as long as Mrs. Morel existed, Paul could never love other women, or, we can say that he had no ability to love others. His affection couldn’t get developed and sublimated so that his psychological character could not be completed and matured, which, as a matter of fact, leaded to his lifetime pain and tragedy.

Indeed, it is just the “oedipus complex” that drived Paul to become a

freak in both emotion and spirit. Although he loved Miriam, he could not love Miriam confidently as a real man. That trapped both himself and Miriam into dilemma and also caused great spiritual pain to them. In this novel, Paul would

be very bored once he could not see Miriam. But, they could not help to quarel if they were together. In addition of that, Paul’s soul would be controlled by his mother’s invisible spiritual shackle as long as he was with other women. As it is mentioned that during the days when Paul lived with Miriam as a couple in a relative’s home, he finally got Miriam’s body; however, he still belonged to his mother in spirit. And, Miriam just made a sacrifice for her beloved because of the strongly religious factor. In fact, in those days, they still weren’t able to enjoy the gaiety that young men and women should have. In a word, the

physical union was just a catalyst to accelerate the tragic end of their romance.

Involved in the ups and downs of complex feelings, all the major

characters in this novel had been hurt a lot and both of their body and soul had been destructed to a great extent. Paul’s father, Walter Morel, became an antipathetic “marginal person” in front of his families forever. Paul’s mother, Mrs. Morel, who had never had a “real husband” and could only try hard to get comfort, however, which was often frustrated by other women, from her son, got a fatal disease with both psychological and psysiological exhaustion and died at last. In the meantime, Miriam didn’t get Paul’s love in the end although she was struggling and bearing all the time. Even when Paul had got rid of his mother’s shackle finally and was able to be together with Miriam eternally, he, however, rejected Miriam’s propse heartlessly and kept on spiritual struggle by himself. And, Clara, who was addicted to physical desire, also left Paul and went back to her crude husband. In another word, in the collision of body and soul, we only see the despressed and pathetic losers and can hardly find even a winner.

In Sons and Lovers, through describing the life of people in lower and

middle classes in British industrial society at 19th century and the complex, abnormal psychology between mother and son, and also between the two sexes, in a certain environment, Lawrence demonstrates that reason, which is the factor of inhibiting human’s nature, should be abandoned to give full play to the nature. With reading the book, I can strongly feel that in a society where the

nature has been distorted and the harmonious relationship among human is always threatened, the fight between body and soul is supposed to be cruel and pitiless. Actually, in the end, no one would be the winner and , what was worse, no one could be a real and complete person. How a terrible society it was!


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