来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2012-12-25 点击:
Meeting Agenda
1. In any business organization, there are various conferences, such as the annual general meeting, meetings of board of directors and a variety of committee meeting. The secretary of any organization must arrange the time and place for the meeting to be held, and in doing so, should usually ensure at least the majority of those entitled to attend could so. There preliminary arrangements are usually made by means of circulation a draft of agenda, which is the list of matters to be considered.
(Definition: A business meeting agenda is a plan for a business meeting. It includes elements such as the time, place, and title of the meeting, people who attend the meeting, and the order of the events to occur in the meeting.)
2. Creating an effective agenda is one of the most important elements for a productive meeting. Here are some reasons why the meeting agenda is so important.
The Agenda communicates important information such as:
(1) topics for discussion
(2) presenter or discussion leader for each topic
(3) time allotment(时间分配) for each topic
(4) provides an outline(纲要) for the meeting (how long to spend on which topics)
(5) can be used as a checklist(清单) to ensure that all information is covered
(6) lets participants know what will be discussed if it's distributed(分散式的) before the meeting.
This gives them an opportunity to come to the meeting prepared for the upcoming discussions or decisions.
(7) provides a focus for the meeting (the objective of the meeting must be clearly stated in the
3. The structure of a meeting agenda
(1) Organization name
(2) Name of the sponsor
(3) Time of the meeting
(4) Title of the meeting
(5) Place of the meeting
(6) People who will attend the meeting
(7) Events in time sequence:
Event 1.
Event 2.
Event N.
(When possible, use actionable words such as approve, discuss, adopt, announce to let participants know what is expected of them.)
Common sense:
The typical large conference agenda include the following:
Call to order 宣布会议开始
Roll Call 点名
Announcement of Quorum 宣布会议法定人数
Reading of Minutes from the Previous Meeting 宣读上次会议记录
Approval of Minutes from the previous Meeting 通过上次会议记录
Chairperson’s Report 会议主席发言
Subcommittee Report 与会者发言
Unfinished Business 讨论未完成事物
New Business 讨论新的事物
Announcement of the Date for next Meeting 宣布下次会议的日期
Adjournment 宣布会议结束
(1)Confirmation of the minutes of the [third] Meeting held on [date] of [month][year] at [venue]
(2) Matters arising from last meeting (if any)(前议事项)(如有)
(3) To discuss the possibility of____________________ (指态度开放的讨论)
(4) To consider the quotation received from ____________________ (指审议可能成事的项目)
(5)To review the current subscription of____________________ (指对已发生事項的检讨)
(6)To decide on a future campaign for ____________________ (决定)
(7) To report on the progress of ____________________(通常指大会主席向与会者报告)
(8) To rectify an action taken by____________________ (追认)
(9) To resolve on / select a launch date for____________________(决议)
(10) Any other business.
(11) To decide a date for the next meeting
4.We should pay attention to something when we make the agenda:
(1) Always put the title, date, time, and venue (place).
(2)Lager meetings and committee meeting may also include the following:
a) Apologies for absence;
b) Matters arising from last meeting;
c) Correspondence;
d) Date of next meeting.
(3) A.O.B (means any other business). This is for other relevant issues that are not included in the agenda.
USFA Board of Directors
September 29, 2001
Colorado Springs, CO
The board of Directors meeting is divided into three major phases:
Information: Minutes of the previous meeting; officer, director and committee; and general
Budget: Approval or disapproval of the budget, requests for major changes in it including
staff or executive actions that may involve budget changes.
Decision: Motions before the Board (excluding those directly related to the budget) are
divided into three categories.
URGENT: Motions that have not had a First Herring but must be acted upon by the
Board for time or other considerations.
SECOND HEARING: Motions that have had First Hearing at the previous Board
meeting. Second hearing motions must be voted upon as presented, with only minor
changes permitted (if a motion requires major changes or fails completely, it must be
represented as a First Hearing Motion at a subsequent Board meeting).
FIRST HEARING: Motions that are new to the Board, but for which decisions are
not Urgent category; instead, it is automatically placed in the Second Hearing
Category at the next meeting unless the sponsor withdraws it.{agenda范文}.
Every motion must have an individual sponsor identified in the agenda and in attendance at the meeting. The sponsor presents the motion, answers question, takes notes on suggested changes, and shepherds the motion if it is referred to committee. Committees that are presenting motions must assign a member to fulfill this duty.
LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting
Meeting on
Tuesday 10, October, at 12:30 p.m.
In the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
Ⅰ.Election of chairman and Deputy Chairman
Ⅱ.Schedule of meeting for the 2000-2001 session
Ⅲ.Discussion items for next meeting
List of issues to be considered
List of follow-up actions
Ⅳ.Any other business (A.O.B)
Legislative Council Secretariat
7 October 2000
Agenda and Schedule行程安排
Agenda and Schedule
日程安排 日程安排是指一项工作的开展程序、进行步骤、时间安排,也可以是这些因素的多维 组合, 还可以是一段时间内各项活动的统一安排。 日程安排是公司业务环节中非常重要的工 作,也直接体现出职员本人的组织能力、合作精神、办事是否有条理。公司里的年轻的工作 人员经常需要为即将出差的上司拟定日程表。
Part I Occasions That Call for Writing (书写场合)
√ 年度计划:当新年将近,秘书须做好下一年的工作安排,包括国家法定节日、公司日常 事务和下一年的重要事项。
√ 月工作计划: 首先要记下年历上每月的重要事项, 然后在月历上标明当月业务旅行计划 和其他事项。
√ 周工作计划:首先要记下月历上每周的重要事项,然后在周历上标明约会、会议和其他 将要进行的事项。
√ 日工作计划:它告诉你的老板每天的主要事项的时间安排。
√ 行程或活动安排 …
Part II How to Write (如何书写)
√ 标题
√ 时间及事件
√ 备注:可根据需要进行内容的添加 …
Part III Tips on Writing (注意事项)
√ 格式的编排上必须直接、清晰、明白,为此经常采用格式化的排列方式。 √ 格式化的排列不用大段的密集文字进行叙述。
√ 会议的议事日程一般要分项说明。 分项说明时可采用完整的句子, 但短语结构使用的更 为经常。
√ 在同一份时间表中最好做到前后格式统一、体例一致。
√ 时间的表达应当使用 24 小时制,以免引起混淆。 …
Part IV Useful Words and Phrases(单词和短语)
A. Words (单词)
1 agenda n. 议程{agenda范文}.
2 calendar n. 日历
3. chronologically adv. 按年代顺序排列地
4. conference n. 会议
5. feature v. 特别介绍
6. itinerary n. 旅程安排
7 reorder v. 重新排列
8 roundtable n. 圆桌会议
9 schedule n. 时间表
B. Phrases (常用短语)
1 CEO: Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官
2 charitable giving 慈善捐款
3 daily calendar 日工作计划
4 monthly calendar 月工作计划
5 make for 动身前往
6 tentative itinerary 暂定的旅行计划
7 weekly calendar 周工作计划
8 r yearly calendar 年度计划
Part IV Sample Letter (信函范文)
a. Yearly calendar
b. Conference Arrangement
Agenda 写作
1. 格式需清楚醒目,一目了然,句子分开排列。
2. 不要采取连续叙述方式,而采取单句说明。
3. 大量使用名词短语以求精炼,例如不写you have breakfast at 7:30. 而写Breakfast (at) 7:30.{agenda范文}.
4. 经常使用不完全句,略去主语,有时还略去介词、冠词等虚词,例如:Leave by coach for Hampton Court.
5. 使用分词短语代替完整句子,如Met at International House. 等。
1. Induction Program: 是为初次来访者安排的提供基本情况的日程。
2. 时间问题:
12a.m.凌晨12点 12p.m.中午
3. 日程安排过于笼统,没有说明具体的接送地点(哪个机场或是火车站)入住酒店和娱乐地址,日程安排目的就是让当地接待人员安排来宾的生活起居,所以要提前做好酒店入住和饭店用餐的预定工作。
4. 行程安排过于紧凑
Have some food and drive them to Muyu Island to have sunbath.
4:00 p.m. Shifts route to Dongbi Island and enjoy the seaside scenery无法在这么短的时间里到这两处游玩)
友好协会:Friendship Association Delegation
使命: 同各国对华友好组织、社会团体和各界人士发展友好合作关系。
天生园艺:Tiansheng Horticultural Garden
灵石国家森林公园:Lingshi national forest park
Memo samples
1 告知信息类 You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name. Write a memo of 40 - 50 words:
* informing staff of the new name
* telling them when to start using the new name
* asking staff to use only the new name after that time.
As a result of our merger with Mason&Co., the name of our company will be changed into MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2006. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.
2 布置安排类
You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.
Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:
telling her who you are going to see and when
asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation
telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.
I need to have an urgent meeting with Pierre Blanco of our Paris office tomorrow. Please book a return ticket to Paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible. During my absence, please keep me informed of the progress of the project. If there is anything urgent, give me a phone call.
比较open the door;
please open the door;
could you please open the door?
I would be grateful if you could open the door for me.
I would appreciate it if you could open the door.
3 征求意见类
You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.
Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:
informing them of the postponing and giving the reason
stating a new date and time for the meeting
requesting suggestions for the agenda.
I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team
members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.
Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?
I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.
4 求助申请类
You have lost your calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.
Write a memo to her
saying that you need a replacement
explaining what happened to the old one
asking her to approve the request
Write about 40 words.{agenda范文}.
I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?
Memo sample letters
1 告知信息类
You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a
competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name. Write a memo of 40 - 50 words:
* informing staff of the new name
* telling them when to start using the new name
* asking staff to use only the new name after that time.
收购与兼并 merger and aquisition
As a result of our merger with Mason&Co., the name of our company will be changed MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2006. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.
remind/ advise
tell notify mention express inform explain note report advise
I am writing to tell/inform you that…..
I am writing to explain…. (tell your boss why you cannot attend)
I am writing to express (my regret)
You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.
Write a memo to staff:
explaining why the courses are necessary
saying which members of staff should attend
announcing when the courses will start
Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.
To: All staff
From: the Training Manager
Date: 1 March 2005
Subject: A Foreign Language Training Course
I was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those who will deal with orders
should attend this course.
2 布置安排类
You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent
trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.
Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:
telling her who you are going to see and when
asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation
telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.
Write on your Answer Sheet.
subsidiary, parent company, holding company, affiliate, branch, headquarters, representative office
I need to have an urgent meeting with Pierre Blanco of our Paris office tomorrow. Please book a return ticket to Paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible. During my absence, please keep me informed of the progress of the project. If there is anything urgent, give me a phone call.
注意口气:比较open the door;
please open the door;
could you please open the door?
I would be grateful if you could open the door for me.
I would appreciate it if you could open the door.
3 询问信息类
4 征求意见类
You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.
Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:
informing them of the postponing and giving the reason
stating a new date and time for the meeting
requesting suggestions for the agenda.
Write on your Answer Sheet.
词汇:postpone; delay
agenda, schedule, timetable
I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.
Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?
I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.
5 求助申请类
You have lost your calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.
Write a memo to her
saying that you need a replacement
explaining what happened to the old one
asking her to approve the request
Write about 40-50 words.
I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?
Meeting Visit Agenda v2
Category CP Fittings Supplier
Date 16th September 2014 Place XiaMen, China Author
Present Attendees
Supplier Information
o o o o o o o o o o
Established in : FY 2013 Sales :
Export percentage of total sales : Major Export Markets : Total No. of Employees :
Indian Customers (if any, except Lodha) : Market position in China : Key competitors : Total Production Capacity :
Current percentage utilization of total capacity :
Order Information
Refer below table -
Date of first order : 10th June, 2011
Technical Discussion
- o o
All products made of A grade brass except Shower Arm (SS304) and shower (ABS) All products without any visible logo
- o
All drawings already submitted
- o o o o o
100% Quality checks done by Joyou team before packaging All items to with stand 200 hrs neutral salt spray test Why rusting was observed in some items supplied to What corrective measures has Joyou taken
- o
- o
Carried out by **** representatives which includes visual, dimensional checks and following tests -
Water Pressure Test Plating test -
o o
- Individual packaging for each item in one box with bubble wrap except shower arm (20 pcs in each box) Labels at each small box contains following details - - - o
- - - - - -
Item Code and description Item Photo Quantity
Item Code and description Item Photo Quantity{agenda范文}.
Supplier name and address Consignee name and address Country of origin
Outer box (5 layer corrugated sheet) for each items with following label
- o
Commercial Discussion
- o
Pricing below –
Trade Term: CIF ***
- o
45 days from the date of order
- o
To be discussed
- o o
10% advance against PI and 90% balance against BL copy, both by TT To be discussed for revision as 100% by TT within one week of delivery at site
- o
To be discussed
- o o o o
To be discussed
*** appointed agent charges very heavily for LCL shipments at destination *** appointed agent charges very heavily for LCL shipments at loading port Due to small volume of CP items, it is not feasible to order FCL every time
- o o
5 Years warranty for functional/manufacturing defects 2 Years warranty for Surface defects
- o Replacement timelines for defective products to be discussed o
Currently replacement items are sent by Joyou to **
- o
Provided using ***8 service network
Risk Mitigartion
- o
To be discussed
- o
To be discussed
Research & Development
o To be discussed
- o
To be discussed
- o
To be discussed
Follow up actions points