
来源:热门资讯 发布时间:2012-12-16 点击:





1. I hope to share my success my family and get support them.

A. with; of B. to; from C. with; from D. to; of

2. --- Oh, I have forgotten to bring some drinks!

--- Never mind, you can have .

A. some of us B. much of him C. any of yours D. some of ours

3. In our exam, the careful we are, the mistakes we'll make.

A. more; fewer B. more; less C. less; fewer D. more; more

4. Mr Jack feels from time to time because he has friends here.

A. alone; a few B. alone; few C. lonely; few D. lonely; a few

5. --- How long have you this new MP3?

--- For three weeks. I it in XingHua Supermarket.

A. had; bought B. bought; bought C. had; had D. bought; had

6. There is no difference between the twin sisters in height.

A. instead B. besides C. without D. except

7. --- A latest magazine, please.

--- Only one left. Would you like to have ?

A. it B. one C. this D. that

8. --- I fell down from the tree. I think my leg is broken.

--- Oh! I .

A. hope not so B. do not hope C. hope not D. hope not so

9. There a small lake on the side of the mountain, didn't there?

A. would be B. would have C. used to have D. used to be

10. --- The jacket looks very nice. I'll take it.

--- But you'd better first. I think it's a little large for you.

A. pay for it B. put it on C. try it on D. put it off

11. I wonder they finished so many different jobs in such a short time.

A. how B. why C. when D. where

12. --- How about the book you are reading?

--- Good indeed. It many problems we have come across in our study.

A. says B. talks C. reports D. covers

13. --- Who that piano?

--- My sister, when she time.

A. plays, has B. is playing, has C. is playing, has had D. plays, is having

14. --- I was told to be here before 6 a. m.

--- Oh. you . I'm sorry for you that we've changed the plan.

A. can't; not tell B. needn't; not telling C. can't; not to tell D. needn't; not tell

15. It is useful dictionary. I borrowed it from teacher.

A. an; a B. a; an C. a; the D. an. the

16. --- Mum, have you seen my watch?

--- your uncle bought for you? I'm sorry I haven't seen .

A. One; it B. One; one C. The one; it D. The one; one

17. --- Which is more important, Chinese or English?

--- I think Chinese is English. I like both of them.

A. more important than B. as important as

C. not so important as D. less important than

18. The book Animal Farm is for the five-year-old children understand.

A. too difficult; to B. difficult enough; to

C. very difficult: that D. so difficult- that

19. --- I lost my earphones on my way to school this morning.

--- ! You must be careful next time.

A. What a pity B. I'm sorry C. Take care D. I'm afraid not

20. This supermarket has been since two years ago.

A. to open B. open C. opening D. opened


1. As a student, we should be (activity) when helping people to protect wild animals.

2. I think your answer to the math problem is (correct). You should work it out in another way.

3. He was worried about the safety of those mountain (climb) in this sudden bad weather.

4. The two words are spelled (difference), but they have the same meaning.

5. In my class, my home is the (far) from our school.

6. If you throw rubbish everywhere in the park, you will be (welcome).

7. Now, most schools in our country are (mix) schools.

8. The more sports you do, the (healthy) you will be.

9. Xiao Shenyang has many ways to make his performances (excite).

10. Look! How (angry) John is looking at his son!

11. I can't believe that Mrs Wang's seven-year-old daughter can make a home page (she).

12. I don't know why I can't see as (clear) as I used to be.

13. She looks much (health) than before because she takes exercise every day.

14. This kind of computer is (wide) used in our country.

15. Many (travel) come to visit the Great Wall every year.

16. Is your cousin one of the best fashion (design) in the city?

17. Don't smoke, please. It's (harm) to your health.

18. It is a (use) CD, so I have never used it on the computer.

19. Tom and Mary got (marry) in 2002 and they have lived happily since then.

20. The computer is becoming more popular and is used often in our (day) life.


1. She was (倒霉) to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday.

2. He is such a (不诚实的) person that no one likes to talk with him.

3. Thank you for (借给) me your dictionary. I will return it to you tomorrow.

4. Jim is a top student in our class and he (很少) makes mistakes in tests.

5. Our teacher always thinks of good ways to make his classes (活泼).

6. What kind of (感受) do you have when you are praised?

7. (数百万) of animals die every year because of the environment pollution.

8. Our teacher always (带着) a smile on her face when she gives us a lesson.

9. Thank you for helping look after my house when I was (离开).

10. From the (八) floor of the hotel you can have a good view o~ the town.

11. When he walked (经过) my desk, he knocked over my books.

12. The summer trip is such an exciting (经历) that I will never forget it.

13. Some cold-blooded animals can sleep (整个) the winter.

14. How long haven't you (接收) the letters from your son?

15. John's father wants to buy some (教育) books.

16. The main (人物) of this game is Itchy Feet.

17. Though you finished the work on time, you did it (错误).

18. The army(军队) has (控制) the area.

19. My daughter will ring me up as soon as she (到达) New York.

20. Where is the (文化) centre of Hong Kong?

21. I often listen to music to (放松) myself.

22. Premier Wen Jiabao's words caused great (激动) in the farmers.

23. Excuse me, how long can I (借) the book?


1. We are often told (not play) computer games all day.

2. We are thinking about what we can do (keep) animals from being killed.

3. --- I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.

--- Impossible. She (chat) with me at my home then.

4. --- What's your plan for the coming holiday?

--- I (go) Joyland by bike with my classmates.

5. --- Your watch looks very beautiful.

--- Thank you. But my uncle (send) me as a birthday present.

6. --- What should I do, doctor?

--- (keep) fit, you should take more exercise.

7. --- What a day! It's raining again. We can't go hiking tomorrow.

--- Don't worry. It (not last) long.

8. I'm sorry I missed your lecture yesterday, but I (be) busy recently.

9. He won't get there on time if he (not leave) earlier.

10. Mr. White gave Lucy a gift, but she (not take) it.

11. Will (drink) a glass of water before every meal help me lose weight?

12. The students were all tired, but none of them stopped (have) a rest.

13. --- What do you think of my plan?

--- Sorry. What's that? I (listen) to the songs.

14. The programs are used (create) a file.

15. If he (get) there tomorrow, I (meet) him.

16. The printer (use) to print words and pictures onto paper.

17. Do you mind (tell) me how to use the e-dictionary?

18. We (show) how to deal with dirty water last Monday.

19. Do you know this program can also let you (do) some exercise?


20. If the window (break), you'll have to pay for it.

21. When the boy was found, he (tie) the books in the classroom.

22. The settings (check) a moment ago.

23. I don't want to see the film because I (see) it.

24. We play this educational game (learn) English vocabulary.

25. When they finished the performance, all of us (clap) happily.


1. 这本书涉及三大话题,包括旅游和购物。

This book .

2. 你介意教我如何使用这个电脑吗?

Do you mind

3. 在英语课上我们不讲中文。


4. 看!这个男孩子正在网上查找信息。

Look! The boy

5. 这篇文章是我叔叔去年写的。

The article

6. 我们中没有一个人害怕困难。

7. 每次听到这段音乐,我就会想起它。

Every time

8. 这是一个八米宽的会议室。

This is

9. 我爷爷去世十多年了。

My grandpa

10. 全世界都教英语。


11. 你以前曾出国旅行过吗?{8上英语课堂作业本答案}.

12. 自从2008年以来汤姆就加入了这个俱乐部。


13. 那本有关科学的书还没出版。

in our English class. last year. difficulties. . . . . before? . . ? .

14. 你能向我们描述那次成功的经历吗?

Can you ?

六、作文 根据所给要点提示,用英语写一篇短文,词数在80词左右,短文的开头已给出,不计人总词数。


The students of Class Three, Grade Eight have a discussion about






一、1. I went to Shanghai by train last Sunday.

2. My father often goes to see the traditional Beijing Opera.

3. Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers.

4. My favourite animal is monkey.

5. They are going to the zoo to see animals tomorrow. 1-5: CBACB

二、 6. Do you want to see Beijing Opera? 7. How do

you usually go to school? 8. Have a good trip! 9. How long did you stay in the zoo? 10. Where do the pandas live?

6-10: CBBAC

三、A. 11. M: Hey, Lingling. Who is the tallest, Mary,

Kate or Lucy? W: Kate is the tallest. Question: Who is the tallest of the three?

12. M: How do you often go to school, Lily?

W: I often go to school by bike. But I went to

school by bus this morning.

Question: How did Lily go to school this


13. M: Hi, Betty. Did you go shopping yesterday? W: No, I went to a park to have a picnic. Question: Where did Betty go yesterday? B. 请听下面一段长对话,回答第14~15小题。 W: Did you go to the cinema last night, Tony? M: No, I didn’t. I went to Lao She Teahouse with my father. W: How was it? M: It was great! W: What did you do there? M: We drank tea and watched an opera. W: Did you like the opera? M: Yes, I did. It is very interesting. 11-15 : ABABC 四、It was Saturday yesterday. Jim didn’t go to school. He wanted to play football with his friends. After breakfast, he put on his football clothes and shoes. But it began to rain at night o’clock. The ground got wet. So he had to stay at home. He turned on the TV, but he couldn’t find any football matches on it. He turned it off again. Then he called his friend, Mike. But Mike was busy with his Chinese homework. At last, he remembered he had some English exercises to do. So he did his homework and finished them by dinner time.16-20: BABCB 笔试部分:

一、21-30: CDDBA CABBD 二、31-35: dangerous to play laugh best twentieth

三、36-40: choice common enough scientists babies

四、41-45: sitting will be to feed zoos parks 五、46-50: DCBEA 六、51-60: ADBBC CBBAD七、61-65: CCADB 八.As time goes by, We have fewer and fewer forests. People cut down too many trees, so the environment is becoming worse and worse. Many animals have less and less land to live on. And some hunters often kill animals, so some animals become rare. What shall we do to protect them? Animals are our friends! I think we must

protect some rare animals like pandas and tigers. For the common animals, we can show signs to people “Don’t kill animals!” at the foot of the hills or in the trees. If animals don’t have enough food, we should put some food somewhere to keep them full.



Unit 1


1. B C D A E

2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike


1. C A B F D E

3. on foot by bus by bike


1. on foot by bike by bus by train / by car…

2. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B


3. traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go traffic rules


2. How can I by the No.8 bus

3. 1) on foot by bus on foot 2) near the post office

6 1. 1) B 2) A 3) B

2. 1) × 2) × 3) × 4) ×

Unit 2


2. 2) zoo 3) bookstore 4) library 5) cinema 6) post office


2. 1) next to 2) behind 3) Where opposite to


1. hospital How post office hospital next to

2. 1)hospital near 2) library next to 3) on foot

3. 3)→6) →1) →8) →2) →4)


2. 1) turn right 2) turn left 3) go straight 4) Stop 5) Wait

3. north east rainy south hot west snowy plane


2. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) × 5) √

3. hospital cinema right straight left on right


2. 1) × 2) √ 3) × 4) √ 5) √ 6) ×

3. 1) B 2) C 3) B 4)A

Unit 3


1. B A A A


2. B A B B B

3. 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B

2. 1)笑脸 2)笑脸 3)哭脸 4)哭脸

3. 2 4 3 1


2. Chinese dictionary post card magazine comic book newspaper

3. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B


3. Where are you buy What are you going to buy When are you going at


1. 1) B 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A

2. read books comic books bookstore 8 o’clock

1) He likes reading.

2) He’s going to buy the books in the bookstore.

3) He’s going to buy the books at 8 o’clock in the morning.

4) He’s going to stay with John.

Recycle 1


1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) C

2. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5)A

3. 1) traffic lights stop wait at a green light

2) south go to the north gate you want to buy a magazine go to the east gate 2

2. 1) √ 2) × 3) √ 4) ×


1. 1) D 2)E 3) A 4)B 5) C

2. 1) east 2) park car 3) father magazines 4) fan bus

Challenge 1

2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) B 6) A

3. 1) √ 2) √ 3) × 4) × 5) √ 6) ×

4. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A

5. 1) How 2) Why 3) Where 4) When 5) What 6) Who

7. 1) E 2) B 3) D 4) F 5) C 6) A

8. ① ③ ⑤ ② ④

10. 1) ④ ② ⑤ ① ③ ⑥ 2) ③ ① ⑤ ⑥ ② ④ ⑦

11. 1) √ 2) × 3)× 4) √ 5) √

13. 1) library 2) He’s going to the park with his parents

3) post office 4) ② ④ ① ③

14. 1) √ 2) √ 3) × 4) √

Unit 4


2. 2) riding a bike 3) singing songs 4) playing the violin 5) making kites 6) diving

2. collecting stamps making kites likes diving likes playing the violin likes singing 3

1. 1) riding a bike playing the violin 2) likes reading books swimming


1. B A C D

2. 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B 5) E 6) F


1. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A

2. 1) she doesn’t 2) Yes he does 3) teach English she does

4) Does Wu Yifan go to school on foot he does


1. 1) No, he doesn’t. 2) He is a policeman. 3) He goes to work by car.

4) No, he doesn’t. 5) Yes, he does. 6) Yes, he does.

2. gets up goes by bike playing the violin swimming reading writing goes Unit 5


2. E D G A F C B

3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist TV reporter


1. ③ ② ④ ⑥ ① ⑤

2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A


1. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) √ 5) √


2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student

3. C D A B


1. 1) doctor 2) salesperson 3) cleaner 4) artist 5) teacher

2. 1) doctor Where How by car

2) What singer Where does she work How does she go to work by plane

3. 1) E 2) D 3) C 4) A 5)B


2. 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) C 5) C

3. 1) engineer 2) salesperson 3) Where does Mark work 4) He often goes to work on foot Unit 6


1.④ ③ ① ②

2. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A

3. 1) ai 2_ ou 3) ea 4) ar

4. 1) China 2) Where does Sarah come from 3) comes from Australia

4) Where does the rain come from It comes from


2. rain Where comes vapour water How sun


1. Rain rain come dropping dropping dropping

2. sun cloud drink wash river sea wate

3. sunny sleeps hot sky Mr Wind drops cloud heavy fall down sun warm 4

1. seed flower water sprout plant

2. 1) soil 2) sun 3) water 4) sprout 5) flower

3. 1)→6)→4)→5)→7)


1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A

2. B A D F E


1. 1) × 2) × 3) × 4) × 5) √

2. 1) He’s in the garden. 2) He looks for some water. 3) He is very thirsty.

4) Yes, he does. 5) It comes from a young girl.

Recycle 2


2. D B C A

3. playing the violin plays the violin skating skates playing football plays football watching TV watches TV flying kites flies kites


3. 1) nurse 2) She is a cleaner. 3) He is a TV reporter. 4) He is a salesperson.

5) He is a driver. 6) She is an actress.


1. ③ ① ⑤ ② ④

2. 1) seed 2) soil 3) water 4) plant 5) hobbies

3. soil sun water sprout

4. river sky cloud water drop

Challenge 2

1. 1) A 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A

2. ⑤ ③ ④ ② ①

4. 1) √ 2) × 3) × 4) × 5) √

7. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) A

8. 1) × 2) √ 3) √ 4) × 5) × 6) √

11. 1) favourite 2) leaf 3) straight 4) drink 5) foot 6) turn

12. c a b d e

13. 1) lights stop go wait 2) cleaner 3) Where 4) hospital 5) riding

15. 1) Tom is his new pen pal. 2) He comes from New York. 3) He goes to school by bus.

4) He likes playing football and watching TV. 5) No, he doesn't. 6) He is a teacher.

7) She works in a company. 8) She likes singing songs and playing the violin.

16. Japan lives has likes makes have family





1. B C D A E

2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike

1. C A B F D E

3. on foot by bus by bike


1. on foot by bike by bus by train / by car…

2. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B


3. traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go traffic rules

2. How can I by the No.8 bus

3. 1) on foot by bus on foot 2) near the post office

6 1. 1) B 2) A 3) B

2. 1) × 2) × 3) × 4) ×


2. 2) zoo 3) bookstore 4) library 5) cinema 6) post office

2. 1) next to 2) behind 3) Where opposite to


1. hospital How post office hospital next to{8上英语课堂作业本答案}.

2. 1)hospital near 2) library next to 3) on foot

3. 3)→6) →1) →8) →2) →4)


2. 1) turn right 2) turn left 3) go straight 4) Stop 5) Wait

3. north east rainy south hot west snowy plane

2. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) × 5) √

3. hospital cinema right straight left on right

2. 1) × 2) √ 3) × 4) √ 5) √ 6) ×

3. 1) B 2) C 3) B 4)A

Unit 3

1. B A A A

2. B A B B B

3. 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B


2. 1)笑脸 2)笑脸 3)哭脸 4)哭脸

3. 2 4 3


2. Chinese dictionary post card magazine comic book newspaper

3. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B

3. Where are you buy What are you going to buy When are you going at

1. 1) B 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A

2. read books comic books bookstore 8 o’clock

1) He likes reading.

2) He’s going to buy the books in the bookstore.

3) He’s going to buy the books at 8 o’clock in the morning.

4) He’s going to stay with John.


1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) C

2. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5)A

3. 1) traffic lights stop wait at a green light

2) south go to the north gate you want to buy a magazine go to the east gate

2. 1) √ 2) × 3) √ 4) ×


1. 1) D 2)E 3) A 4)B 5) C

2. 1) east 2) park car 3) father magazines 4) fan bus


2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) B 6) A

3. 1) √ 2) √ 3) × 4) × 5) √ 6) ×

4. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A

5. 1) How 2) Why 3) Where 4) When 5) What 6) Who

7. 1) E 2) B 3) D 4) F 5) C 6) A

8. ① ③ ⑤ ② ④

10. 1) ④ ② ⑤ ① ③ ⑥ 2) ③ ① ⑤ ⑥ ② ④ ⑦

11. 1) √ 2) × 3)× 4) √ 5) √

13. 1) library 2) He’s going to the park with his parents

3) post office 4) ② ④ ① ③

14. 1) √ 2) √ 3) × 4) √

Unit 4

2. 2) riding a bike 3) singing songs 4) playing the violin 5) making kites 6) diving

2. collecting stamps making kites likes diving likes playing the violin likes singing 3

1. 1) riding a bike playing the violin 2) likes reading books swimming


1. B A C D

2. 1) C 2) A 3) D 4) B 5) E 6) F

1. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A

2. 1) she doesn’t 2) Yes he does 3) teach English she does

4) Does Wu Yifan go to school on foot he does

1. 1) No, he doesn’t. 2) He is a policeman. 3) He goes to work by car.

4) No, he doesn’t. 5) Yes, he does. 6) Yes, he does.

2. gets up goes by bike playing the violin swimming reading writing goes Unit 5

2. E D G A F C B

3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist TV reporter

1. ③ ② ④ ⑥ ① ⑤

2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A


1. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) √ 5) √


2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student

3. C D A B

1. 1) doctor 2) salesperson 3) cleaner 4) artist 5) teacher

2. 1) doctor Where How by car

2) What singer Where does she work How does she go to work by plane

3. 1) E 2) D 3) C 4) A 5)B

2. 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) C 5) C

3. 1) engineer 2) salesperson 3) Where does Mark work 4) He often goes to work on foot Unit 6

1.④ ③ ① ②

2. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A

3. 1) ai 2_ ou 3) ea 4) ar

4. 1) China 2) Where does Sarah come from 3) comes from Australia

4) Where does the rain come from It comes from

2. rain Where comes vapour water How sun

1. Rain rain come dropping dropping dropping

2. sun cloud drink wash river sea wate

3. sunny sleeps hot sky Mr Wind drops cloud heavy fall down sun warm

1. seed flower water sprout plant

2. 1) soil 2) sun 3) water 4) sprout 5) flower

3. 1)→6)→4)→5)→7)

1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A

2. B A D F E

1. 1) × 2) × 3) × 4) × 5) √

2. 1) He’s in the garden. 2) He looks for some water. 3) He is very thirsty.

4) Yes, he does. 5) It comes from a young girl.


2. D B C A

3. playing the violin plays the violin skating skates playing football

plays football watching TV watches TV flying kites flies kites

3. 1) nurse 2) She is a cleaner. 3) He is a TV reporter. 4) He is a salesperson.

5) He is a driver. 6) She is an actress.


1. ③ ① ⑤ ② ④

2. 1) seed 2) soil 3) water 4) plant 5) hobbies

3. soil sun water sprout

4. river sky cloud water drop


1. 1) A 2) A 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A

2. ⑤ ③ ④ ② ①

4. 1) √ 2) × 3) × 4) × 5) √

7. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) A

8. 1) × 2) √ 3) √ 4) × 5) × 6) √

11. 1) favourite 2) leaf 3) straight 4) drink 5) foot 6) turn

12. c a b d e{8上英语课堂作业本答案}.

13. 1) lights stop go wait 2) cleaner 3) Where 4) hospital 5) riding

15. 1) Tom is his new pen pal. 2) He comes from New York. 3) He goes to school by bus.

4) He likes playing football and watching TV. 5) No, he doesn't. 6) He is a teacher.

7) She works in a company. 8) She likes singing songs and playing the violin.

16. Japan lives has likes makes have family




录音稿Unit 1


1.What do you usually do on weekends?

2.How often do you go to the movies?

3.What does your father do on weekends?

4.For how long do you do homework every day?

5.What’s your favorite sport?


6.M: How often does Cheng watch TV?

W: Oh, he doesn’t have much time. He watches TV twice a week.

7.W: Lin Tao, what do you usually do on weekends?

M: I do a lot of things. Sometimes I do my homework, read some books, watch TV. Sometimes I go to play football with my friends.

8.M: Is your father healthy, Liu Fang?

W: He smokes a lot. He often goes to the doctor.

9.W: Uncle Li, you look very healthy.

M: Yes, I sleep nine hours a day. I have a lot of vegetables and milk, and I exercise a lot.

10.W: What’s your favourite sport?

M: My favourite sport? Oh, I only like to play tennis.

Unit 2


1.What’s wrong with you?

2.Do you have a headache?

3.What’s the matter with your mom?

4.Are you tired?

5.How long have you been like this?


6.W: What’s the matter with you, young man?

M: I... I have a headache. I can’t do anything now.

7.W: How often do you have a cold?

M: Oh, let me see. Twice to three times a year.

8.W: You are late again. Why?

M: I have a fever. I can hardly get up.

W: I am sorry to hear that.

9.W: I am stressed out and angry. What should I do, doctor?

M: You might have too much yang in your life. You should eat more yin food.

10.W: Do you often go shopping?

M: Yes, I often go shopping with my wife.

Unit 3



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