来源:小学作文 发布时间:2012-12-05 点击:
Mrs. P Mirza
Lahore Textiles
6 Ocean Road
Dear Parveen
It was good to you again last week and we are delighted that your silk blouses will be included in our
1. 2. You will grant us exclusive import rights for the blouses in the UK.
3. 4. The price per piece will be $ 5.65 for the first 5,000. 5.
6. 1999.
I trust you will find this in order. I look forward to your written confirmation in due course.
Dear Stephanie,
Thank you for your letter of 1 March. We are so delighted and honored that the Sheba range will be in your catalogue. There are, however, some small points which need clarifying/confirming.
The Sheba range comes in six colors. Please
look at the samples and confirm which three colors you would like.
You referred to the further option of 3,000
pieces,but I thought we had agreed on 4,000. Please confirm the correct figure.
I can confirm the optional pieces will cost
$ 5.25 each.
Unfortunately, due to a full order book, we are unable to deliver by 1 August,1999. The earliest date would be 15 August, 1999. I hope this will be acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Parveen Mirza
Financial help available for many companies
Excellent road and rail links with all parts of the country.
service sector business.
Rosemary Brown
Waterside Industrial Park
Phone (11) 8008866
Fax (11) 323 6644
Dear Mrs. Brown,
With reference to your advertisement in the local newspaper, I would like to have more information about the above.
Could you tell us which other firms are in the area, and what are the sizes of the units available for rental?
Regarding the financial help mentioned, could you inform us who would qualify for it and how to apply.
Another point to clarify is the skilled labor costs compared with other areas.
Finally, we would be grateful if you could send us the information pack to our address. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Alya Maideen
样 题 BEC中级写作PartOne样题实例解析(上)
You are the Managing Director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this.
BEC中级写作考试总时长为45分钟,根据词数要求和分值,通常小作文写作不超过15 Write a memo to all staff: Thanking them for their contribution Explaining why profits increased Telling them what their reward will be. Write 40~50 words
应试创作可分成以下三步:1.审题构思Read & Plan (3 mins);2.写作Write (10 mins); 分钟。
3.检查Check (2 mins)。 Part One的题目背景通常是一事、两人、三要点。本题中,最近公司利润增长,"你"作
备忘录的内容需包 为公司的董事总经理(Managing Director)将对全体员工(all staff)进行奖励,
括三个要点:感谢员工的贡献,解释利润增长原因,并告之奖励内容。正文词数要求为40~ 50个词,因为商务英语要求简洁,词数要求有上限,这和四、六级以及考研写作只规定词数
(一)内容 下限有所区别,但实际考试时允许少量超标,比如接近60词。 BEC中级写作PartOne样题实例解析(上) 内容、结构、语言和形式
首先可根据各要点的逻辑关系调整写作顺序,比如在本题中,先解释利润增长的原因, 再感谢员工,最后宣布奖励。其次应针对要点简要展开论述,比如利润增长的原因可能是销
售量增加(the increase of sales)、成本降低(the reduction of cost)或推出新产品(the 资(an increase of salary)或发放奖金(bonus)。要点扩展应注意两点:其一,商务交流 要求具体,比如利润的增长比去年同时段增加10%;其二,扩展内容应符合商务实际,如全体员工工资上浮50%、增加带薪假期(paid leave)、开派对(a party)或唱卡拉launch of the new product);而奖励的内容经常是集体旅行(a company trip)、涨工 OK(Karaoke)等奖励都是不符合商务实际的。如果确实对商务实务不熟悉,可用简单的理 work and long working hours)。
因为文章内容很少,总词数只有50个词左右,写作时应写成一个整体,不应出现每句一段的散文诗文章,而且不要刻意使用first和second之类的过渡词语。 由以避免出错,比如公司业绩增长的原因可以宽泛地写成是员工的努力工作和加班(hard
Part One题目中的要点通常以三个现在分词形式给出,写作时通常是三句话,即针对每个现在分词写一句话,平均句长在15个词左右。备考时应针对题目中常见的分词动词准 备相应的表达方式,尽量避免重复使用题目中的词句即可。比如,
连词:because, since, for, so;短语:because of, due to, owing to 表示感谢: Thank you very much for...; I would like to thank you for...; I am very grateful for...; It was very kind of you to ... 奖励: A rise in salary of X%; A bonus of X% of your monthly salary; A trip to Hawaii/Athens/Maldives
正式 非正式
Headquarters, September (不简写) H.Q. Sept. (缩写) schedule, discuss (精确动词) set, talk about (宽泛动词或词组) A copy has been sent. (被动语态) I sent you a copy. (主动语态)
最后需要考虑的就是备忘录的形式。正式考试时,文字题目下方会模拟商务实际,附上备忘录开头片段,包括To, From, Date, Subject等细节,但是考生不必直接在片段后书 写,应该在试题纸背面写作,写作时不要求必须有From, To等内容,但若能准确而符合商 事项。
务习惯地写出备忘录细节,无疑会增加文章的印象分,这里简单介绍一下备忘录细节的注意 To: 备忘录对象 如果具体到人,最好写出全名,不要写自己的真实姓名,有作弊嫌疑,尤其不能"重名",如Bill Tom,Bill和Tom都是名(Given name),而不是姓(Family name),一个简单的处理方法就是use others?name,比如男名Bill Gates, Michael Scofield, Jay Chou 或女名
From: 备忘录作者 要点同上,一般不用尊称,只有对方不知道自己身份的时候才后缀职位名称。 Date: 日期 BEC属于英联邦国家的考试,日期的写法一般为日、月、年,比如7 December 2002,
注意月份用英文而不是数字,以免和日期混淆,可以缩写,比如将一月写作Jan(也可以用 开放标点)。
Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston等;若显示关系亲密,还可以把名字缩写,比如 B. Gates, M. Scofield, J. Chou, B. Spears, J. Aniston等;如果写给上级,还应该加 上尊称甚至职位,比如Mr. Bill Gates - Managing Director, Mr. Jay Chou - Art Director等;现代商务写作中流行开放标点(Open Punctuation),即标点不影响理解的时候可以不
Mr./Ms./Mrs.后面的省略点也可以省去,简单写成Mr/Ms/Mrs;最好不要省去 用,所以
To: All Staff From: Bill Gates Date: 7 December 2002 Subject: Staff Reward The profits of our company this month went up 10% compared with the same period last year, due to your hard work and long working hours. I would like to thank you for your long devoted service. A trip to Hawaii has been
BEC 2和BEC3的写作部分里所要求写的文章,从体裁(Genre)上来讲都是说明文(Expository)。而在一篇说明文里,通常一个典型段落一般只能表达一个独立完整的观点。所谓独立完整的含义是指段落里所提出的观点应该是有逻辑判断的,并且是有细节支持的。所以在BEC写作中,或者在一般的英文的说明文写作中,段落是我们表达一个独立完整观点的最小单位。 arranged next month as a prize. Enjoy! BEC写作段落表达四大基本要点
为了使得我们的段落在表达思想方面有效,通常对段落有四个方面的要求:第一,如上所述,一个段落只能讲述一个主题,即统一性;第二,段落应该讲述作者关于此主题所要讲述的全部内容;第三,段落应该有一个易于被读者所读懂的展开顺序;第四,段落中的句子应该是紧密地衔接在一起的。这就是著名英语语言专家James M.McCrimmon(Florida State University 1976)对于段落的写作所提出的基本要求,即"unity(统一性),completeness(完整性),order(条理性),and coherence(连贯性)。" 连贯性即语篇的衔接问题,这是写商务文章最基本要求,不要思维跳跃,想到哪写到哪,在此不再赘述。 统一性的含义是显而易见的。它要求我们写出的段落要紧紧的围绕一个主题来进行写作。应该注意的是,我们在写一个段落并试图通过这个段落来表达我们的某个观点的过程,永远是一个自问自答的过程。我们首先提出一个逻辑命题,然后用为人们所了解的细节来支持这个命题。我们可以想像,在读者刚刚读到我们的这个逻辑判断时,不禁要问"为什么"。一个优秀的作者,永远是在读者们问到"为什么"之前,就回答了自己提出的命题。有时候,我们的段落写得莫名其妙,就是因为我们自己提出了一个命题而自己没有回答。而另一个方面,一个段落只可以也最多只能表达一个命题。否则,阅卷的老师会认为作者有逻辑问题,思路不清晰。会认为我们在说明一个观点时,加入了一些不相关联的东西,从而干扰了读者对该观点的理解,于是该段落在表达观点时是没有效率的。 完整性的要求是相对的。一个观点到底需要多少阐述是视读者的需要而定的,这从很大程度上取决于作者的主观判断。而作者的主观判断又是取决于作者对该观点的理解以及对读者需要的理解。阐述过少当然会妨碍读者的理解,过多则会显得罗嗦。而且前者肯定会比后者问题更大。我们来看一段落。 As is known to all, in our routine work we are very often exposed to new technology. For instance, we need to use new computer software, such as Oracle and statistical tools; manipulate the latest multimedia player to demonstrate information and apply different and effective measures by which we communicate. On all these occasions, a good command of new technology
You have been informed that next Wednesday your company's computer system will be closed down so that improvements can be made.
Write an email to all staff in your department:
♦ saying what time on Wednesday the system will be closed down
♦ suggesting how staff should prepare for this
♦ saying how the system will be better after the improvements
Write 40--50 words
From: Jenny Xu
To: All Staff
Date: 5 April 2009
Subject: Computer System
I want to tell you that our Intranet based on Linux will be closed next Wednesday at 10 o’clock.. I want to suggesting that you should save all your important documents. The computer system will be faster because we will use a newer SAP system. The new system is according to ISO900 and we will benefit from that.
1. 漏掉题中给出的已知条件。
2. 给出的已知条件没有表达清楚,用词过于口语化,没有条理,暴露出语言功底薄弱。
3. 切忌过于花哨的发挥,多说多错。
以这篇习文为例,作者在具体语言的表达的雕琢上可圈可点,比如说第一个句子中based on引导的过去分词做后置定语,但是显而忘记了这篇文章的主要目的,那就是通知同事公司电脑系统要升级,但update这个词始终没有在文章中出现,因此读下来以后,可能同事还不是非常清楚,为什么computer system will be closed down, 尽管后面提到了improvement,总让人觉得有些如鲠在咽,言之不尽;因此,思路不清晰是这篇习文最大的问题。
1. 有些用词过于口语化,比如说,文章开头, I want to tell you, 文中you should save这样的用语;
2. 建议Linux, 将SAP, ISO900等唬人术语统统除去,诚然BEC涉及到基本的商务知识,但是真正考核的还是语言功底,语用能力;商务知识好比是盖浇饭里面的小炒而已。
3.里面还有一个明显的语法错误,I want to suggesting„.,当然阅卷者不会刻意去搜寻语法错误,而是综合考量语法得分,但由于小作文篇幅较短,那么这个错误就显得非常明显。
Please be informed that our computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock for system upgrade. The closure will last for at least two hours. Make sure that you have saved all your documents before that time. The whole system will run on a new server, much faster than the current one.
You work for PJT Ltd, a manufacturing company. You need more staff in your department and your line manager has asked you to write a report explaining why.
Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.
Write 120-140 words.
The purpose of this report is to explain why we need more staff in our department.
We compare the number of staff in our department between 2001 and 2003, it only increased five staff. But the average number of ordered units grow up from 200000 to 400000 between 2001 and 2003.
Our sales department has announced a big new order from an international company recently. It will bring us much more workload. And the annual holiday increased to 5 weeks per year. That means that we have more workload and less working days.
If we had more staff the order should be on time. We should save our company’s reputation. And the workflow will be improved.
BEC中级的大作文题型一般以写报告、书信为主,因此,这些必考问题的具体格式必须掌握。英文商务报告的格式有五个部分组成,其中包括报告的Subject, Introduction (This report aims/sets out to„„),Findings (it was found that), Conclusions(It was decided/agreed/felt that„„), Recommendations (It is suggested that„..) 括号中是每段开头固定的表达方式,考生不宜自己去创造。同样写信也有格式化的表达方式,再此恕不展开。 和第一部分一样,大作文的写作审题是第一步,所有给出的已知条件必须用足。
2.在审题上还有一些欠缺,比如 Another reason for more staff is that we will have fewer delays. 在题目中给出的已知条件中,有一份客户的投诉信件,应当作为佐证被引用,否则order should be on time无从谈起。
3.除了没有按照报告的固定格式外,考生语言太随意。比如说,our sales department has announced a big new order,没有出处,而根据文章中给出的已知条件,这是公司Newsletter
4.中国学生还普遍特别敏感的就是企业的信誉,因此经常会看到学生动辄就是喊口号的语言,比如说文中We should save our company’s reputation. 这样空洞无物的话应该避免。
5.还有就是细节处理,句子和段落之间连接忽略了。比如说,It will bring us much more workload. And the annual holiday increased to 5 weeks per year. 以及最后一句话And the workflow will be improved.其中的and 这个词用在这里显随意了些,可以考虑用Meanwhile 有“祸不单行”的意思。后面的And 应该删除。That means that we have more workload 这里两个that离的太近,可以考虑把后面一个去掉,同时时态应该是we will have。
Report on: More staff in our department
Date: 27.03.2004
This report aims to explain why our department needs more staff.
Statistics show that there exists a big gap between the number of staff in our department and staff workload. While the number of ordered units grew up from only 200000 to 400000 in 2 years, the number of staff grew only by 5 people. According to the Staff Newsletter dated February 2004, we have won a big new order from an international company. That will bring us more work. At the same time, annual holiday has been increased to 5 weeks per year, meaning there won’t be enough staff for all the work. Our customer service department recently received a complaint from one of our clients about a tremendous delay in our delivery.
There are many reasons which explain the need of more staff. It is especially important for reducing the number of delays in delivery and to optimize the workflow.
More staff does not only mean more costs, it also means improved customer satisfaction.
典型数据/区间:there are some fluctuations to this general trend;
Within this general trend, there are some fluctuations, for
(4)注意数据的内部逻辑关系,确定描写线索。即确定以某个数据的变化来贯彻全文。 图表作文句型总结:
1. 基本功: 叙述表格/图表(重点)
(1)组成: consist of.., be made up of.., be composed of..,
(2)比例: account for%, represent%, make/take up %.., 或者直接说 % of….
a. 普通:increase, grow, rise, expand
b. 渐渐上升:climb, edge up, ascend, trend up.
c. 猛增,激增:jump, surge, soar, proliferate (数量), leap, shot up
d. 词组: achieve an increase in….by…to…
Continue its upwards trend; trend up
On the rise, on the increase.
On consecutive rise: 保持连续增长
n. 名词: increase, rise, growth, expansion,
slight increase, rise, growth in..
bump-up(突然增加), proliferation(激增),jump, leap, surge, boom
a. 普通:decrease, fall, drop, reduce, shrink, (shrinkage){bec中级真题范文}.
b. 逐渐变少:slide, dwindle, decline, edge down
c. 骤减:collapse, slump, plummet, plunge
d. 经济衰退,停顿:slump, collapse, stagnate, stagnant, stagnation,
sluggish, sluggishness, slack,
crisis, recession, slowdown, downturn,
e. 词组: fall off, drop off, go down, continue its downward trend, trend down,
on the decline, on the downturn.
(5) 保持平稳,不变:
Remain stable,/steady,/unchanged
Level off vi 上升,或减退至平稳水平
Subside vi 减退至平稳水平 standstill n/adj 停滞不前
(6) 起伏波动:
Rise and fall,
fluctuate slightly/dramatically,
fluctuate between….and…, a minor fluctuation,
small rises and falls/fluctuations.
a. 剧烈,显著,明显
Dramatically, sharply, considerably, rapidly, suddenly, greatly, alarmingly,
significantly, enormously, steeply, massively, incredibly, hugely, amazingly,
substantially; at an alarming rate; by a wide margin.
b. 缓慢/逐渐
Gradually, steadily, slightly, gently, marginally, slowly, moderately, in a
moderate way, by the least amount.
a. (使)增几倍于: double, triple, quadruple【'kwɔdrupl】,{bec中级真题范文}.
b. adv.adj 几倍的,几倍地:fivefold, sixfold, sevenfold….
c. ad. 几倍: twice, three/four/five times….
e. 几分之几: 2/3: two-thirds, etc. (at a fraction of…)
(9) 比较数据as…as…
a. three/four times as many. 做主语或定语成分
Eg. approx.20% more people preferred the diet cherry version and nearly three
times as many preferred the diet strawberry version.
b.―A + be + XX times + as +adj + as + B‖。
eg. This tree is three times as tall as that one.
Eg. His father is twice as old as he.
c.―A + be + XXtimes + 计量形容词比较级 + than + B ‖
eg. The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River.
=The Yangtze River is almost three times as long as Pearl River.
Eg. The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one.
d. .―A + be + 倍数 + the + 计量名词 + of + B ‖
eg. The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one. 新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。
e.―The + 计量名词 + of + A + be + 倍数 + that + of + B ‖
eg. The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous
(10) 从不同方面分析数据; in view of the turnover…., In terms of growth,…就营业额
2. 描述时间点或时间段
(1)时期泛指 :over the period XXX to XXX, over the years XXX to XXX, from XX to xx; over/during the past XX years; in the last XX years(最近X年), over the last 15 to 20 years. in the next XX years, during a XX-year/month/week period, throughout.., all the way through, for the year..XXX.
(2) 时期特指:during the same period, over the period in question, over/during the period studied, for the rest of the periods studied, in the two subsequent periods, in the following period, all the way through,
(3)连续下降/上升的某个时期:it is the second/third/fourth consecutive quarter/year/month/week that XXX has fallen
(4) 时间点: until, by the year XXX, since, from the year XXX, up to now, at a
given moment, over the period ended on xx/ended in XX
(5)年代:during the 1980s; during the 70s and 80s.,
3. 开头: this graph/report describes/outlines/shows/compare… with…/suggests,
4. 总趋势句型
(1)If we look at the growth in…, we can see there is a steady increase in XX from.. to…/a rise in XX of XXX…
(2)from the graph, we can see there is…./ if we taking the XX first, we can see that there is …
(3)XX was on consecutive growth on the whole over the period in question (except… )
(4)XX shows a relatively steady/upward/downward trend in the last XX years.
(5)XX shows a trajectory of growth/fall….
(6)xx, on the other hand, shows a different trend.
(7)XXX has been growing consistently with XX in the past XX years.
(8)XXX witnessed/saw some rise and fall/fluctuations over the period…
(9)during the same period, XX also rose, but fluctuated greatly.

(10)XX didn‘t vary much and remained just over/below xx Or between..and..
(11)XX shows the same performance/trend although at level 4bn higher than imports.
5. 增长幅度、增长额
(1).., there is a rise in XX of XX/by xx%/…
(2)The figure shows a rise of XX within the whole period and no fluctuations are
to be remarked.
(3)XX rose from…to…, suffering minor fluctuations all the way through.
(4)XX increased slightly/rose steadily. etc , ending the period around XX over
their starting level.{bec中级真题范文}.
6. 最大涨/跌幅,最高点,最低点
(1) XXX with the biggest increase/decrease coming between…and…,
(2) It went up to the (7-year etc.) peak at….in…. /
(3) The XXX peaked at.. in…./reached/hit a peak in …./peaking at…
(4) The XX rose to the highest, climbed to a seven-month high, (price etc.)advanced to a record $1000 on….,
(5)the XX rose/surge/climb to XXX, the highest since….
(6)骤升shot-up, surge, rocket, upsurge, uplift, proliferation soar, boom 骤降:slump, plunge, plummet(vi), nose-dive vi
5. 起始点

(1)starting off at…./from, sales will increase to.. during…, and remain stable at
during…, only to decrease to… during.
(2)During XXX, it started around XX in the first quarter…
6. 典型数据/区间
(1)Profits will shop up dramatically to 2,000 in 2004, from which it will go up steadily from year to year…
(2)It will go down to the lowest at …in … where it will begin to pick up/rebound/
(3)From 1985 to 1997, XXX were between XX and XXX.
(4)After… the XX increased/decreased significantly.
(5)the xxx rose up steadily until….
(6)however, there are some fluctuations to this general/within this general trend, for example….
7. 描写fluctuations
(1)from/starting off at…, XXX increased to.. during.. and remain stable at.. during.., only to decrease to.. during…
(2)XXX increased/soared from xx to XXX in… followed by a sharp drop to…in…
(3)soar again, fall back to, drop back to…and then maintained this position throughout ….
(4)it started around XX in xx, increased slowly to XX in.., and then fell to XXat the end of the year.
(5)It stayed stable at around XX during xxx and xxx, then decreased to XXX in…,before recovering at/to XXX at the end of …
8. 对比,比例的描写
(2)分数关系:one/a fifth of, 8 out of 10, at a fraction of…
(3)组成:consist of, be made up of…, be composed of…
(4)比例: account for.., represent, take up..,
(5)对比:compared to, in comparison with…, relative to…, the ratio is….
Eg. Female executives dominate in the age group between 24 and 39, where the ratio is 42 to 10. (The first representing the number of women and latter, men ). Eg. It decreases half in group 60 to 69 where 10 women hold top position in comparison to/with 21 men.
Eg. The graphs shows the number of cars per 100 people over the period 1980 to 2020 relative to the growth of the world‘s population.
9. 大小的比较
(1)差:spread(差价), margin, split, difference,
差额为正/负:xxx remained positive/negative
(2)占多数,a. XXX dominate in the XX group/amongst….
b. In the age range above…, XXX are in /sliding / majority.
(3)超过: a. XXX exceeded/outstrippedXXX but not by the same margin, b. XXX exceeded XX by XX percent, outnumber xxx by XXX.
c. exceed XX-level. With the earnings exceeding XXX.
(4) 比例相等:a. an equal number of both…and…
b. XXX take an equal proportion in ….
(5) 从小到大描述数据:followed by
Eg. 44% of our sales income came from US, followed by Europe(26%), and
south America(19%)
(6)排序的描写: ranked No.1/2; The second /third largest…; be in the
first/second/third place.
10. 表示预测的句子; be likely to…/is expected to…./is supposed to…/is estimated
to../is projected to…/will/will be
11. 叙述受访者态度
(1)XXX received XX positive responses and XX negative responses..
(2) XX people gave a positive response/comment on..
(3)Asked about…., XX people responded positively/negatively whereas XX
people say sth negative about it.
(4) XX of xx respondents complained about….while XX though it positively,
/thought it to be satisfactory
12. Distribution
(1) xx%, more than half XX, XX out of XX…
(2) the respondents are almost equally divided between XXX and XX(different stances)
(3)XX and xxx take a similar proportion in XX group/range
13. data and compare的中心句
(1)The company employs almost an equal number of executives of both sexes. However, there are remarkable differences depending on the age range considered.
(2)The overall result of this international survey on planned IT expenditure for the next year shows significant differences between Europe and Aisa.
(3)The situation in XX, however, is quite different.
(4)however, the XX vary greatly on the XX…